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1954 Mi.896 production flaw, 10 years of People's republic 2.10Zl, significant shift of printing - part of face value outside of stamp; highest value of this set U:A5
1918 set of 4 complete Austrian forerunner money dispatch-notes (3x triple language variety), supplemented with 7 larger parts of various dispatch-notes, all franked with forerunner Austrian stamps issue Crown, Coat of arms and Charles, complete dispatch-note with CDS BIALA 5.XI.18, SWIATNIKI GÓRNE 2.11.18, BOCHNIA 6.XI.18 and 1x without franking with CDS DZIEDZICE 14.11.18, from larger parts i.a. single circle cancel. PRUCHNA 3/11 18 etc.; good condition U:A5
1919 MISION FRANCAISE DE POLOGNE/ GARE REGULATRICE DE LODTZ comp. of 4 Ppc sent to Italy, from that 3x with blue cancel. French military mission in Poland, 3x franked with mailing CDS WARSAW/ 12.5.19, 1x without franking with Italian surtax U:A5
1936-1938 selection of 5 letters franked with overprint stamps Mi.299, 300, PILSUDSKI, i.a. Reg letter the first flight to Athens with violet CDS PIERWSZY LOT DO ATEN 3.X.36; airmail letter to London, letter to Czechoslovakia with multiple franking of 2x Mi.300 and oths.; nice selection! U:A5
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] well represented collectio, mainly used on sheets Stiburek in spring folder, from town provisional, overprint issues, part of Cracovia issue, various interwar issues, used suvenir sheets Mi.Bl.2-4, postage-due etc.; overprints and provisionals without guarantee, offered as is U:Z
1956-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 200 used entires and FDC addressed to Czechoslovakia, larger part as Registered, addition several entires of Rumania; good condition, all in one box U:K