1945-1946 ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE / 5-řádkový black Opt PEOPLE'S COMMITTEE BUDÉJOVICEOPĚTČESKÉ...na stamp. A. Hitler. 1,20 Koruna - design overprint, supplemented with about/by official letter "printed only 4 pieces"; very interesting
1945 BEROUN, PLZEŇ, RYCHNOV N. K., LIBČICE N. V. comp. 4 pcs of entires franked with. overprint stamp., 1x Reg letter with 4 stamp. with nationalized CDS BEROUN/ 5.V.45 in red color, Bohemian and Moravian PC CDV16 with overprint and nationalized CDS LIBČICE N. V./ 9.V.45, postcard with with overprint and nationalized CDS RYCHNOV N. K./ 5.V.45, letter sent to NV in Plzen with overprint on/for mounted stamp., supplemented with 5 pcs of Ppc from liberated Plzeň all with overprint stamp.; all good condition
1945 HORAŽĎOVICE / comp. of 3 entires with A. Hitler., i.a. 1x Reg letter, all with revolutionary overprint "Lion", special postmark OSVOBOZENÉ HORAŽĎOVICE/ 5.V.45, 1x red
1945 KRÁSNO N. B. / 2 pcs of R-KL with A. Hitler. with jednořádkovým overprint Č.S.R, 1x pair 1.50K and 1x 1K+2K, nationalized CDS KRÁSNO N. B. 19.V.45
1945 MILEVSKO, PLZEŇ selection of nálepního sheet and postcard with 6 pcs of stmp with overprint with nationalized CDS MILEVSKO/ 11.V.45 + 4 pcs of special Ppc to liberation of Plzeň US army with mounted overprint stamp.
1945 PÍSEK / comp. of 4 entires and one envelope/-s, from that 1x Reg letter and 1x postcard, various franking stamp. A. Hitler., 3x revolutionary overprint "lipové sheets 1945" + 2x Lion, nationalized CDS PÍSEK
1945 PRAGUE / comp. of 10 entires, i.a. 2x Reg letter with A. Hitler., 9x overprint "Lion", 1x USA LIBERATIONCZECHOSLOVAKIA 5.5.1945; 2 pcs of large format
1945 SADSKÁ, SVATÝ KOPEČEK, SUŠICE, KOSTELEC U HOLEŠOVA, KRÁSNO N. B., FALKNOV comp. 6 pcs of entires franked with. overprint stamp., from that 2x as Registered Sadská and Svatý Kopeček , other common letters, Falknov green overprint on/for German stamp. A. Hitler 20Pf /Un, without address/; undamaged
1945 SELECTION of / very interesting selection 20 pcs of letters with revolutionary overprints, i.a. CHOCEŇ, KOSTELEC N. V., SKUPINA Czechoslovak. ODBOJECARBON, RAILWAYS, STAŇKOV, SUDICE, SEDMIHORKY etc..
1945 comp. 6 pcs of commemorative sheets with stamp. with overprints NOVÉ MĚSTO N. M., SUŠICE, VIZOVICE, KOSTELEC N. O., one envelope/-s for the benefit of "BudujemeJavoříčko" in/at which/what was/were distribuována set stmp with overprint KONICE, supplemented with R-dopisem with complete sets (21 pcs of) with black Prague overprint POŠTA ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ// 1945 with nationalized CDS PRAGUE 54/ 9.V.45 incl. certificate of mailing and 1 pcs of exile London miniature sheet **
1945 [COLLECTIONS] ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE extraordinary collection of stamps with three-line black overprint "We thank the Allies for Liberation 5.V.1945" in quite full 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains mainly multiblocks and parts of sheets, i.a. A. Hitler. 10K-50K with coupons, complete 50 pcs of sheet A. Hitler. 4,20K(2x) and 4 Koruna etc.., in addition official letter businessman J. Straky about/by issue this overprint with souhlasem People's Committee, major part stamp. with mark Straka, total over 2.000Ks stamps, quite extraordinary offer!
1945[COLLECTIONS] extraordinary collection revolutionary overprints on/for ca. 80 old pages (ex. A. Novotný) in spring folder, contains mainly complete set with overprints on light labels, from ca. 70 various lokací as: BRNO, KOJETÍN, FRENŠTÁT, PROSTĚJOV, BÍLÁ LHOTA, POLICE, FRÝDEK, HOLEŠOVICE, HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ, DOMAŽLICE, SVATÝ KOPEČEK, ROŽMITÁL, RUMBURK, TELČ, TÁBOR etc.., part specialties as inverted overprints, plate proofs Olomouckého overprint etc.., supplemented with about/by ca. 70 entires with revolutionary overprints, for example. 20 pcs of Olomouc issue (eagle); nice and rare collection revolutionary overprints!
1945 [COLLECTIONS] ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE / selection of 24 pcs of Reg letters big formats with revolutionary overprints OSVOBOZENÍČes. Budějovice rudou army 9./5. 1945, CDS BUDWEIS, i.a. franking A. Hitler. 10K-50K, St. Vitus., Smetana etc..; interesting
1945 comp. 10 pcs of letters with various provisory cancel. from region Sudetenland /Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia/, for example. Bohosudov, bottom Grunt, Podmokly, Windows, Příbor etc., franked/paid cash; standard quality
1945 comp. 14 pcs of Reg mailings with various provisory cancel., for example. Krnov, Kopřivnice, Plesná, Prachatice, Rašpach, Řetenice, Šumbark, Vejprty etc., in addition to/at 2 R-dopisům provisional certificate of mailing; philatelic correspondence, good quality
1945 selection of 20 pcs of various entires with provisory cancel. from region Sudetenland /Bohemia/, for example. Běhánky, Bojkovice, Brniště, Brumov, Český Jiřetín , Polevsko, Soběsuky, Vedryně, Žalany; mainly philatelic correspondence, good quality
Pof.353, 357 and 359, comp. of 3 various values with significantly shifted průsekem: and) 1,50 Koruna the bottom corner Pr with plate mark and marginal piece; b) 9K 2 pcs of, from that 1x marginal; c) 13 Koruna as Pr; mint never hinged, c.v.. 4.100Kč+
Pof.353, 357-359, interesting study selection of 50 pcs of stamps with identified plate errors/flaws on/for single pos., varieties in/at printings marked; contains 14 pcs of Pof.353, 14 pcs of Pof.357, 12 pcs of Pof.358 and 10 pcs of Pof.359, very fine
Pof.354-356, interesting study selection of 50 pcs of stamps with identified plate errors/flaws on/for single pos., varieties in/at printings marked; contains 20 pcs of Pof.354, 15 pcs of Pof.355 and 15 pcs of Pof.356, very fine
Pof.354-356Ms(4) + Mv(4), Košice-issue 2 Koruna - 5 Koruna, selection of horiz. 4-stamp gutters + 4-stamps. vertical gutter - vertical always 2 shades every values; all mint never hinged, very nice quality, cat. min. 2.750Kč
Pof.354Mx-356Mx(16), Velké cross 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna; unfolded, at value 2 Koruna minor faults in/at right corner, otherwise very nice quality, all exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 30.000CZK
Pof.359, 20K blue, vertical marginal block-of-6, mixed pin hole, pin hole 9 in 2 horiz. line from above; minor faults - in 3 horiz. line from above povolená perf, vertical pairs very fine, mint never hinged
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS with zdánlivým shift red also blue (!) color stamps 2 Koruna and 6 Koruna outside perf incurred shift color grey-green values 5 Koruna, emblem / symbol and "perf" in the direction of downward; mint never hinged gum, only small vertical bend in/at right corner, combination shifts two colors on/for this miniature sheet is exceedingly rare, quite rare offer!
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS with rare combinations two expressive production flaws - strong shift red color - (stmp 2 Koruna outside perf) + wide paper crease in LL corner with incomplete printing red inscription; original gum, small spots, quite minimum usage, single square known piece with gum!
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS, MS pos. 11, combination 222 according to Čtvrtečka, significant shifted print red color L - value 2 Koruna to almost to frame; mint never hinged
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS, MS pos. 12, combination 222 according to Čtvrtečka, double impression blue color (!); here for the first time in auction, c.v.. doesn't report, quite rare occurrence
1945-46 comp. 3 pcs of dopisů: and) Reg and Express letter with Pof.357, nationalized CDS KOŠICE 1/ 2.V.45, censorship; b) Reg and Express letter with Pof.358, CDS ŽILINA 2/ 2.X.45, on reverse arrival TLG. and TLF. STATION/ BRATISLAVA/ 10.X.45; c) philatelically influenced Reg letter with Pof.354-356, CDS KOŠICE 1/ 12.II.46, addressed to to Prague, arrival postmark on reverse; usual quality
1945[COLLECTIONS] Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, selection of 74 from 75 basic fields according to Čtvrtečka, so full group of 15 fields combinations 222, 111, 112 and 211 and 14 fields combination 221 (every miniature sheet this combination very rare), missing only 5/221, in addition miniature sheet from field 2, combination 112, with plate variety part of edition, „tlapa“ 2/112 with production flaw significant circle between legs lion in middle emblem / symbol, other circle in stamp 5 Koruna; on pages Grande, all described, first-time in/at any auction, kompletováno more than 30 years, above-standard quality, quite exceptional offer!
[COLLECTIONS] Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, selection of 34 pcs of miniature sheets 23 combinations, from that 29 miniature sheets with significant rings (někdy also more on one miniature sheet), incl. sought combinations 3/221, 3/211, 6/211 and 13/211 (according to Čtvrtečka); 2 souvenir sheets with mild shift olivového background print up and downward; 3 souvenir sheets with TESTER lines; on pages Grande, exceptional selection of in above-standard quality, all podrobně described
1945 Pof.371ST, Bratislava-issue 10K black, vertical bnd-of-20 with joined types ST I + II (3. line stamp.) + UL blk-of-40, type I., L upper corner stamp. with plate variety 7 - rozlitý cross in emblem incl. hřívy lion; nice quality, cat. min. 1.900CZK
1945 Pof.373N, 374N, Linden Leaves 30h brown and 50h green, both with R margin, imperforated; mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek., rare usage, c.v.. 3.000Kč+