1952 Pof.649 plate mark, Agriculture 2Kčs, block of four with R margin with plate mark - asterisk next to right registry křížku; mint never hinged, c.v.. 4.700Kč italic
1952 OMITTED PERFORAČNÍOTVORY: Pof.651, May Day 3Kčs, vertical marginal Pr with plate variety 40/1 "desetinná dot" + 2x omitted perforation hole + corner Pr with 2x omitted perforation hole + block of four without margins, UPROSTŘED 2x omitted perforation hole (c.v.. doesn't report) + value 4Kčs, corner blk-of-4 with 2x omitted perforation hole + Pof.653 omitted perforation hole, 9. May, 2x corner Pr +1x block of four, all with omitted perforation hole, 1x with plate variety 46/1; interesting selection of
1952 Pof.A691/692 production flaw, miniature sheet BRATISLAVA 1952 with significant oblique shift red color, combination CD; interesting, mint never hinged
1953 Pof.701, II. congress obránců peace 4Kčs, 2 pcs of, both type II., 1x zesílený frame below "ČES", 1x ditto below "ČESKOS" (different shade color); catalogue for the present nerozlišuje, interesting
1953 Pof.702, Museum 1,50Kčs, str-of-10 with date of print 12.II.53 and sheet number, surplus print in dark brown, place violet brown color (common piece for comparison including); very rare, from same zdroje as item 1457 in/at Aukci 54
1953DESKOVÉVADY: Pof.716, Stalin 1,50Kčs with plate variety 20/1, marginal piece + Pof.729, Buildings of Socialism 3Kčs with plate variety 43/1 + corner blk-of-4 with plate variety 44/1 + Pof.730, Agriculture 1,50CZK, block of four with plate variety 21/1
1952 letter with Agriculture 3Kčs, Pof.650 with plate variety 40/1 - white stain below cooler tractor, CDS KARLOVY VARY/ 30.IX.52; sought plate variety, on letter rare, envelope on reverse unprofessionally open
1945 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.381-386, Moscow, specialized selection of on 4 cards A4, catalogue plate variety, plate variety according to article in Philately also own discoveries, some very significant (all described with určením fields), color shades, plate mark etc.., in addition card A4 with plate variety mainly issues London-issue, Bratislava's, Linden Leaves; very interesting selection of, only catalogue defects 3.000 CZK, other excluded from sum
1945 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / Pof.381-386, Moscow-issue, specialized collection in 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains 82 catalogued plate variety, 33 guide marks, 178 plate flaws according to přiložené trial, then for example. omitted perforation hole, shifts perf, shades etc..; total 191ks bloks of four and multiblocks (!), all described
1945 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.387-402 VV+DV, War Heroes, specialized selection of on 8 album pages, with podrobným description single production flaw and plate variety on/for single stamp. also multiblocks, i.a. lower bnd-of-20 with plate variety "spring on/for kloubouku" etc..
1945 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.381-386 VV+DV, Moscow 5h - 2 Koruna, specialized collection on 30 album pages, contains all values, with podrobným description single production flaw and plate variety on stmp also multiblocks; cat. according to owner 5.800CZK
1946 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.A435, miniature sheet May, selection of 45 pcs of (2 pcs of raz.), all with identified plate, i.a. plate A light and dark gum, plate D, P, 2x O (type II.), N, X cancel. etc..; on pages with descriptions and 1x card A4, from important specialized collection
1950 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.558/561, Prague 1950, selection of 18 pcs of 4-stamps. joined printings various combinations; all on pages with descriptions single plate and combinations, from important collection, sought by specialists, c.v.. without distinction combinations min. 1.800CZK, like that markedly more
1950[COLLECTIONS] Pof.A564, miniature sheet PRAGA 1950, quite extraordinary specialized collection 74 pcs of (!) miniature sheets (from that only 6 pcs of raz.), identified types and folder, any other one, i.a. type IV. K1/1; V. G/4; VIII. L/32; IX.G/13; IX. L/13; XIII. G/23, XIII. C1/21, C1/22, K1/22, K2/22 etc..; identified according to I. part Die-stamping from flat plates; overall very fine, on pages with descriptions, result dlouholetého collector's úsilí, we advice viewings, extraordinary offer!
1952[COLLECTIONS] Pof.A691/692, extraordinary comp. 10 pcs of miniature sheets BRATISLAVA 1952 various combinations, contains combination AA, AC, AE, then one of most precious combinations B-C(!), also BD (used), CD, DB, DC, EC and EE; 3 pcs in addition with various shifted prints colors, sought by specialists, overall very fine, c.v.. 30.550Kč, on pages with descriptions, quite rare offer!
1954 Pof.783, Profession 1,20Kčs, two the bottom corner blk-of-20 from 100 pcs of sheet (so L and LR corner with close margin; right/genuine column contains wider stamps with regard to odskoku vertical perf transport), surplus print with glossy glrilled gum jdoucím to to margins counter sheet, very sought surplus print from year 1959 (for comparison corner piece basic print with dull gum, which/what nejde to to end margins counter sheet); unrepeatable offer
1954 Pof.786b, Profession 2,40Kčs grey-blue, marginal block-of-4 with glrilled gum!, rare printing from year 1959, exp. by Arbeit + Pof.780, Profession 75h, block of four - significantly zbarvený paper; c.v.. 1.080Kč
1954DESKOVÉVADY: Pof.790, Sport 1Kčs, corner blk-of-4 with plate variety 39/2 + Pof.792, Year Czechosl. music 40h, single stamp. with plate variety 16/2 and 36/2 + block of four with plate variety 31/1 + Pof.793, 60h with plate variety 7/1 + Pof.796, 10. anniv of Slovak National Uprising 30h, marginal block-of-9 with plate variety 28/1 + 1,20Kčs, block of 6 with plate variety 19/1 + Pof.801, block of four with plate variety 50/1 and Pof.803, block of four with plate variety 42/2; interesting set, c.v.. 1.980Kč
1954 PLATE PROOF Pof.811, A. Zápotocký 30h, plate proof - print complete gravure in/at definitive grey-brown color, on thin white paper without gum; marked and exp. by Karasek
1956 Pof.868, Pětiletka 5h, comp. of stamps from five various editions, various distinctive shades color, gum, various size paper (1x blk-of-10 with date, 1x corner blk-of-4, 1x corner str-of-5 and 2 single pieces), interesting
1956 Pof.887, Prague Spring 30h, vertical pair from reprint (lighter yellow, darker black, significantly stronger print ornamentů and inscription W. A. Mozart) with shift yellow up (yellow límec), as ** with stamp. from reprint at all are rare, last pieces from same zdroje as ticket 1060 from Aukce 53 and ticket 1467 from Aukce 54; also with Pof.890, 1Kčs, corner Pr from reprint (lighter black), for comparison normal piece
1957-1958DESKOVÉVADY: Pof.921, Kolín 30h with plate variety 26/1; Pof.948, Pardubice 1957, corner blk-of-4 with plate variety 17/1; Pof.959, Bezruč 60h with plate variety 43/1; Pof.964, 40. Anniv October Revolution 60h, block of four with production flaw; Pof.975, Sport 30h with plate variety 8/1 + block of four with plate variety 20/1 + Pof.979VV; Pof.983, 10. Anniv of February 60h with plate variety 11/2, 14/2 and block of four with plate variety 9/2 + Pof.992 with plate variety 10/2
1958 PLATE PROOF Pof.981, 80. birthday Z. Nejedlého 60h, plate proof - print original gravure in/at definitive making, in black color on/for thin/light white paper without gum
1958 Pof.999B perforation error, Novotný 30h, pair with omitted 2 perf holes in/at middle vertical line + Pof.1000A production flaw, Novotný 60h, marginal block-of-4, significant smudge printing color over both stamp. in/at L column; sought
1959DESKOVÉVADY: comp. 8 pcs of various DV: and) 4x Pof.1069 with plate variety 21/1, 22/1, 29/1 and 30/1, complete set all plate variety; b) 4x Pof.1075, with plate variety 28/1, 23/2, 33/2 and 50/2; all mint never hinged
1959-1964DESKOVÉVADY: comp. of 3 various DV: Pof.1069, Raketa on the Moon 60h with plate variety 22/1; Pof.1117, Congress Czechosl. Red Cross 30h with plate variety 11/1 „šikmá smudge from trupuptáka“ (very sought, lightly hinged); Pof.1360, Cizinecký activity 60h, marginal Pr with plate variety 17/2 „červená guideline above autem“
1951-1966DESKOVÉVADY: comp. of 3 chosen DV: Pof.580 with plate variety 1/1, Pof.1084 with plate variety 3/1, Pof.1474 with plate variety - white stain, then Fauna 60h, Pof.1569 with plate variety 32/1 and 1,20Kčs, Pof.1572, vertical pair with plate variety 40/1