1951 Pof.PL L34, Spa 10Kčs, 3 pcs of, from that 2 pcs of with CDS PRAGUE 1, 1x significant oblique cut, both original gum + 1 pcs of unused (minor faults - folds and 1x permit in perforation); c.v.. 4.300Kč
1951 Pof.PLL35, Spa 15Kčs blue, PB with registry dagger on/for R and L side with "závorkou"; luxury quality, on sheet with description, interesting, cat. min. 7.000CZK
1951 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.PLL33-L35, Spa 6Kčs - 20Kčs, complete set blk-of-10 with identified TD: value 6Kčs 4ks: plate A1 and A2 + A1 and B with rarer inverted frame perf inverted harrow perforation, value 10Kčs plate A1, 15Kčs B and 20Kčs A1; overall very fine, on pages with descriptions single plate, cat. min. 33.500Kč
1957-1970 [COLLECTIONS] remaining selection 66 pcs of blk-of-10 (!) various sets, all with hand-made CDS PRAGUE, various quality, part minor faults (folds, spots apod.): i.a. Pof.PL759, 771, 774, 913-915, 1018-1022, 1080, 1148-1153 (2x), 1377-1382 (2x), 1394-1399, 1351 (2x); part with gum, viewing of quality recommended, we advice viewings, cat. over 20.000CZK, profitable offer!
1951-1990 [COLLECTIONS] selection of blk-of-10, contains i.a. used TESTER and Vojan, Pof.PL757, PL759, hinged II. Costumes 30h, Pof.913, III. Costumes, Mushrooms (mint never hinged with yellowy gum in margins - excluded from sum), Summer Olympic Games Tokio Pof.PL1395B, 1397B, 1398A (mint never hinged very fine), UNICEF Pof.PL1927 I.+II.-1932 (set mint never hinged, very fine), Flora Olomouc PL2038, 2039, 2041, UNESCO Pof.PL2383-2386 (set mint never hinged), Flora Olomouc and Bratislava Pof.PL2445-2448 (very fine), Poison Mushrooms Pof.PL2909-2913 (very fine), Spa 20Kčs, Pof.PL L36 (mint never hinged folded - excluded from sum), air-mail PRAGA 68 Pof.PL L69-L71 (mint never hinged, very fine), TESTER Czechoslovak Airlines Pof.PL L74-L77 (incomplete, mint never hinged); cat. only quality blk-of-10 6.390Kč
1949 Pof.L32ST, overprint provisory 30/50Kčs, UL corner blk-of-4 with joined types ST II + I; on reverse smudge blue printing color through/over 2 stamp.
1967 Pof.L56, L57, L60, Airmail PRAGA 68, LL corner blocks of four with dates of print, always pair from every values with and without přesahu perf to lower margins
1946-49 [COLLECTIONS] Airmail Pof.L16-32, collection on 9 album pages, it contains e.g. Pof.L20-24 blank fields below and above, L32 T II. (2x), L29-32 blank fields below and above, the bottom corner pieces L29-32KD, L29-32 vertical blk-of-10 with 2 KH etc..
1946 Pof.D74, Postage due stmp 3Kčs, block of 6 with inverted comb perf (inverted comb perforation) L to R (including corner blk-of-4 with common comb perforation from R L-wards), from reprint (ca. 1952); very distinct (significant odskoky), dark color shade, find PeteraMalíka, still unpublished, very rare, on request exp. by Arbeit
1954-1963 Pof.D86A + D88A, Postage due stmp 1,20Kčs with plate variety 25 - double upper part pos. + 1,60CZK with plate variety 47 - double and ztrojená the bottom part stamps + UL corner blk-of-4 with plate variety 22 - double name state + LL corner blk-of-4 with SO 181 - double transfer name/-s engraver; c.v.. 1.400CZK
1945 Pof.NV23-32, selection of shades in blocks of four, 3 distinctive shades (various editions) by/on/at every values, at value 10h pět (4x block of four), průsvitné also stronger papers; very unusual selection of
1945 Pof.NV24 + NV25, L marginal bnd-of-20, 10h red with plate number 11-46 and 15h green with plate number 4-46; cat. only blocks of four with plate number 2.600CZK
1972PTX, 50. anniv of Soviet Union, 3-piece invitation-card, 2x daleko rarer black (!) special postmark, in addition with signatures of authors stmp: M. Hegar, J. Mráček and M. Ondráček; interesting, sound condition
1962-1992 [COLLECTIONS] selection various commemorative prints from PT1, incl. Hradčany, Pigeon-issue, Indian etc.., then various suvenýrové prints, some c.v.. doesn't report; cat. min. 9.600Kč
1959 TRANSPORT ZASTAVENA Flight sent card on/for Taivan, with Mushrooms 1,40Kčs with mailing CDS PRAGUE 25.IX.59, sent back with mounted sheetlet RETURN POSTAL STAKZASTAVEN with CDS PRAGUE 120/ 26.IX.59; vertical fold
1951-1965 PROHIBITED comp. 3 pcs of mailing with mounted label "Non admis / Prohibited", 1x card sent from Germany and with to 20. Anniv vyhnání German mluvícího population, 2x from customs reasons - jelikož mailing obsahovaly post. stamps; good condition
1948-1985 comp. of 3 special envelopes to election prezidenta: V A/73 1973, V A/75 1975, V B/85 1985 + postcard K. Gottwald with special postmark to election president + newspaper wrapper to election from y 1980
1951-55 comp. 3 pcs of FDC with different order mounted stamps, issue Prague Spring 1951, Year Czechosl. music 1954 and Congress Labour Unions 1955; nice
1952-78 comp. 4 pcs of FDC with stamp. II. type, issue Defenders of Peace 1952, Costumes I. - 1x 1,60Kčs and 1x 2Kčs, Prague castle 1978 (vada+retuš); nice
1961 unofficial FDC, unannounced envelope franked with. miniature sheet Pof.A1216, plate A, 2x special postmark PRAGUE/ 18.XII.1961/ FIRST DAY ISSUE/ PRAGA 1962, postally Un, format envelope/-s 227x162mm, blue and red additional printing on envelope, very sound condition
1971-82 comp. 4 pcs of ministerial FDC: M A/71 and M B/71, 50 years Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, with odlišnou combinations mounted stamp. + M 24/78, Day of Stamp + M 7/82, Labour Unions; nice
1972-1982 comp. 3 pcs of ministerial FDC M A/72 Czechoslovakia world champion + M 6/81 XVI. Congress of Communists + M 7/82 X. Trade-union Congress; nice quality
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] FDC / accumulation in/at filled middle box, incl. part/-s better year 50. and 60. years, often more times same, supplemented with i.a. first day sheets etc..; good condition, through/over 14Kg of material
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] FDC / accumulation in middle box, incl. better year 50. and 60. years, often more times; standard quality, through/over 7.5kg of material