Public Auction 55 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992

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196716 - 1951 Pof.L34TL, Spa 10Kčs purple-red, complete perf undetac
1951 Pof.L34TL, Spa 10Kčs purple-red, complete perf undetached printing sheet (2x 10 zn.); luxury quality, c.v.. 18.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
192200 - 1951 Pof.PL L34, Spa 10Kčs, 3 pcs of, from that 2 pcs of wi
1951 Pof.PL L34, Spa 10Kčs, 3 pcs of, from that 2 pcs of with CDS PRAGUE 1, 1x significant oblique cut, both original gum + 1 pcs of unused (minor faults - folds and 1x permit in perforation); c.v.. 4.300Kč
Starting price: CZK
196781 - 1951 Pof.PLL35, Spa 15Kčs blue, PB with registry dagger on/
1951 Pof.PLL35, Spa 15Kčs blue, PB with registry dagger on/for R and L side with "závorkou"; luxury quality, on sheet with description, interesting, cat. min. 7.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
196576 - 1951 Pof.PL L36, Spa 20Kčs, hand-made CDS PRAGUE 1/ 17.V.53
1951 Pof.PL L36, Spa 20Kčs, hand-made CDS PRAGUE 1/ 17.V.53; without gum
Starting price: CZK
196784 - 1951 [COLLECTIONS]  Pof.PLL33-L35, Spa 6Kčs - 20Kčs, compl
1951 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.PLL33-L35, Spa 6Kčs - 20Kčs, complete set blk-of-10 with identified TD: value 6Kčs 4ks: plate A1 and A2 + A1 and B with rarer inverted frame perf inverted harrow perforation, value 10Kčs plate A1, 15Kčs B and 20Kčs A1; overall very fine, on pages with descriptions single plate, cat. min. 33.500Kč
Starting price: CZK
196779 - 1951 Pof.PLL33  inverted harrow perforation, Spa 10Kčs purp
1951 Pof.PLL33 inverted harrow perforation, Spa 10Kčs purple-red, PB with rare inverted frame perf inverted harrow perforation; luxury quality, on sheet with description, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
194712 - 1962 Pof.PL L50-L53, PRAGA 1962; complete set; very nice qua
1962 Pof.PL L50-L53, PRAGA 1962; complete set; very nice quality
Starting price: CZK
194713 - 1968-1973 Pof.PLL69-L71 + PLL74-L79, PRAGA 68 + 50 years Cze
1968-1973 Pof.PLL69-L71 + PLL74-L79, PRAGA 68 + 50 years Czechosl. aerolinií; comp. of 2 complete sets, Pof.PLL69 plate A + B, excellent quality
Starting price: CZK
187051 - 1973 Pof.PL L74-L79, 50 years Czechoslovak Airlines; complet
1973 Pof.PL L74-L79, 50 years Czechoslovak Airlines; complete set
Starting price: CZK
193434 - 1973 Pof.PL L74-L79, 50 years Czechoslovak Airlines; complet
1973 Pof.PL L74-L79, 50 years Czechoslovak Airlines; complete set, very fine
Starting price: CZK
195957 - 1973 Pof.PLL74-L79, 50 years Czechoslovak Airlines; complete
1973 Pof.PLL74-L79, 50 years Czechoslovak Airlines; complete set, good quality
Starting price: CZK
190136 - 1957-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  remaining selection 66 pcs of blk-o
1957-1970 [COLLECTIONS] remaining selection 66 pcs of blk-of-10 (!) various sets, all with hand-made CDS PRAGUE, various quality, part minor faults (folds, spots apod.): i.a. Pof.PL759, 771, 774, 913-915, 1018-1022, 1080, 1148-1153 (2x), 1377-1382 (2x), 1394-1399, 1351 (2x); part with gum, viewing of quality recommended, we advice viewings, cat. over 20.000CZK, profitable offer!
Starting price: CZK
197174 - 1951-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of blk-of-10, contains i.
1951-1990 [COLLECTIONS] selection of blk-of-10, contains i.a. used TESTER and Vojan, Pof.PL757, PL759, hinged II. Costumes 30h, Pof.913, III. Costumes, Mushrooms (mint never hinged with yellowy gum in margins - excluded from sum), Summer Olympic Games Tokio Pof.PL1395B, 1397B, 1398A (mint never hinged very fine), UNICEF Pof.PL1927 I.+II.-1932 (set mint never hinged, very fine), Flora Olomouc PL2038, 2039, 2041, UNESCO Pof.PL2383-2386 (set mint never hinged), Flora Olomouc and Bratislava Pof.PL2445-2448 (very fine), Poison Mushrooms Pof.PL2909-2913 (very fine), Spa 20Kčs, Pof.PL L36 (mint never hinged folded - excluded from sum), air-mail PRAGA 68 Pof.PL L69-L71 (mint never hinged, very fine), TESTER Czechoslovak Airlines Pof.PL L74-L77 (incomplete, mint never hinged); cat. only quality blk-of-10 6.390Kč
Starting price: CZK
194635 - 1978 ZS12, PRAGA 1978, stamp booklets 9Kčs brown; partially
1978 ZS12, PRAGA 1978, stamp booklets 9Kčs brown; partially used, contains 4 pcs of Pof.2165ya and 4 pcs of Pof.2166ya, for complete c.v.. 2.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
197471 - 1985-1992 selection of 29 pcs of stamp booklets from daného
1985-1992 selection of 29 pcs of stamp booklets from daného period, i.a. stamp-booklet 33, 58, 59, 90, 93-94, 100 etc.., 3x Itália 90 etc..
Starting price: CZK
197069 - 1977-1981 unofficial ISSUE  comp. 4 pcs of unofficial bookle
1977-1981 unofficial ISSUE comp. 4 pcs of unofficial booklets, 1 pcs of Mladá production, Bratislava 1981, paste-in stamp. Pof.2459 + 3 pcs of TESTER Októbra, Bratislava 1977 with stamp. Pof.2165, 2166, 2231, publisher Smena, low edition
Starting price: CZK
197453 - 1946 Pof.L22N, unissued Air Motifs 20Kčs brown; very fine,
1946 Pof.L22N, unissued Air Motifs 20Kčs brown; very fine, c.v.. 3.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
195740 - 1949 Pof.L32ST, overprint provisory 30/50Kčs, UL corner blk
1949 Pof.L32ST, overprint provisory 30/50Kčs, UL corner blk-of-4 with joined types ST II + I; on reverse smudge blue printing color through/over 2 stamp.
Starting price: CZK
196172 - 1949 Pof.L32ST, Overprint issue provisional 30/50Kčs, horiz
1949 Pof.L32ST, Overprint issue provisional 30/50Kčs, horizontal pair with ST II + I; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
196305 - 1951 Pof.L36N, Spa 20CZK brown, imperforated; minor gum faul
1951 Pof.L36N, Spa 20CZK brown, imperforated; minor gum fault, c.v.. 2.800CZK
Starting price: CZK
197068 - 1967 Pof.L56, L57, L60, Airmail PRAGA 68, LL corner blocks o
1967 Pof.L56, L57, L60, Airmail PRAGA 68, LL corner blocks of four with dates of print, always pair from every values with and without přesahu perf to lower margins
Starting price: CZK
195024 - 1964 Pof.L58 production flaw, Praga 1968 1Kčs, marginal ver
1964 Pof.L58 production flaw, Praga 1968 1Kčs, marginal vertical pair with coupons, at top through/over upper stamp NASTAVOVANÝ paper; rare
Starting price: CZK
195251 - 1946-49 [COLLECTIONS]  Airmail Pof.L16-32, collection on 9 a
1946-49 [COLLECTIONS] Airmail Pof.L16-32, collection on 9 album pages, it contains e.g. Pof.L20-24 blank fields below and above, L32 T II. (2x), L29-32 blank fields below and above, the bottom corner pieces L29-32KD, L29-32 vertical blk-of-10 with 2 KH etc..
Starting price: CZK
197058 - 1946 Pof.D74, Postage due stmp 3Kčs, block of 6 with invert
1946 Pof.D74, Postage due stmp 3Kčs, block of 6 with inverted comb perf (inverted comb perforation) L to R (including corner blk-of-4 with common comb perforation from R L-wards), from reprint (ca. 1952); very distinct (significant odskoky), dark color shade, find Petera Malíka, still unpublished, very rare, on request exp. by Arbeit
Starting price: CZK
194962 - 1954-1963 Pof.D86A + D88A, Postage due stmp 1,20Kčs with pl
1954-1963 Pof.D86A + D88A, Postage due stmp 1,20Kčs with plate variety 25 - double upper part pos. + 1,60CZK with plate variety 47 - double and ztrojená the bottom part stamps + UL corner blk-of-4 with plate variety 22 - double name state + LL corner blk-of-4 with SO 181 - double transfer name/-s engraver; c.v.. 1.400CZK
Starting price: CZK
196707 - 1945 Pof.NV23-32, selection of shades in blocks of four, 3 d
1945 Pof.NV23-32, selection of shades in blocks of four, 3 distinctive shades (various editions) by/on/at every values, at value 10h pět (4x block of four), průsvitné also stronger papers; very unusual selection of
Starting price: CZK
197146 - 1945 Pof.NV24 + NV25, L marginal bnd-of-20, 10h red with pla
1945 Pof.NV24 + NV25, L marginal bnd-of-20, 10h red with plate number 11-46 and 15h green with plate number 4-46; cat. only blocks of four with plate number 2.600CZK
Starting price: CZK
195335 - 1945 Pof.NV24, 10h red, corner vertical blk-of-30 with plate
1945 Pof.NV24, 10h red, corner vertical blk-of-30 with plate mark 7/47; only plate mark c.v.. 500CZK, in big whole unusual
Starting price: CZK
188935 - 1962 PT1, PRAGA '62, 2 pcs of, 1x with print exhibition spec
1962 PT1, PRAGA '62, 2 pcs of, 1x with print exhibition special postmark; both pieces on/for width smaller size about/by 2-4mm
Starting price: CZK
195959 - 1962-1992 PT1-24, selection of basic commemorative prints, i
1962-1992 PT1-24, selection of basic commemorative prints, i.a. PT1, Hradčany, Pigeon-issue, Indian etc..; c.v.. 8.130Kč
Starting price: CZK
194769 - 1962-1992 comp. 13 pcs of commemorative prints, i.a. Pof.PT1
1962-1992 comp. 13 pcs of commemorative prints, i.a. Pof.PT1, 5A+B, 9, 10, 12, 13, 24 etc..; very fine, c.v.. 5.300Kč
Starting price: CZK
196118 - 1966-89 comp. 12 pcs of commemorative prints, contains PT2 (
1966-89 comp. 12 pcs of commemorative prints, contains PT2 (2x), 7a, 8a, 9a, 12a+b+c, 13a, 14a, 15a, 22; very fine
Starting price: CZK
187053 - 1968 PT5Aa + 5Ba, Hradčany 10h, black and red, both numbere
1968 PT5Aa + 5Ba, Hradčany 10h, black and red, both numbered
Starting price: CZK
196117 - 1968 PT5Aa + PT5Ba, Hradčany 10h, black and red, both numbe
1968 PT5Aa + PT5Ba, Hradčany 10h, black and red, both numbered
Starting price: CZK
196116 - 1972 PTX, 50. anniv of Soviet Union, 3-piece invitation-card
1972 PTX, 50. anniv of Soviet Union, 3-piece invitation-card, 2x daleko rarer black (!) special postmark, in addition with signatures of authors stmp: M. Hegar, J. Mráček and M. Ondráček; interesting, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
195751 - 1988 PT19Ab + 19B, PRAGA ´88, 1x blue and 1x light brown, b
1988 PT19Ab + 19B, PRAGA ´88, 1x blue and 1x light brown, both unnumbered!; very fine, c.v.. 5.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
195650 - 1988 PT19Ab, exhibition PRAGA 88, blue unnumbered; very fine
1988 PT19Ab, exhibition PRAGA 88, blue unnumbered; very fine, c.v.. 1.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
195958 - 1989 PT22, Indian; very fine, c.v.. 1.100CZK
1989 PT22, Indian; very fine, c.v.. 1.100CZK
Starting price: CZK
192194 - 1989 PT22, Indian; c.v.. 1.100CZK
1989 PT22, Indian; c.v.. 1.100CZK
Starting price: CZK
195649 - 1989 PT22, Indian; c.v.. 1.100CZK
1989 PT22, Indian; c.v.. 1.100CZK
Starting price: CZK
188934 - 1989 PT22, Indian; c.v.. 1.100CZK, 2 pcs of - 1x with specia
1989 PT22, Indian; c.v.. 1.100CZK, 2 pcs of - 1x with special cancel. UPU CONGRESS NOV/16.1989
Starting price: CZK
195084 - 1992 PT25, 500th Anniv of Discovery of America.; c.v.. 3.500
1992 PT25, 500th Anniv of Discovery of America.; c.v.. 3.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
196115 - 1981 VT11d, Picasso, incl. added-print Ondrejka with signatu
1981 VT11d, Picasso, incl. added-print Ondrejka with signature!; very fine
Starting price: CZK
195645 - 1962-1992 [COLLECTIONS] selection various commemorative prin
1962-1992 [COLLECTIONS] selection various commemorative prints from PT1, incl. Hradčany, Pigeon-issue, Indian etc.., then various suvenýrové prints, some c.v.. doesn't report; cat. min. 9.600Kč
Starting price: CZK
197090 - 1946-1947 comp. 11 pcs of cards with print cancel. various p
1946-1947 comp. 11 pcs of cards with print cancel. various postal-agencies, contains i.a. CTIDRUŽICE, HLADOV, DOLNÍ HEŘMANICE, BĚLKOVICE, HARTINKOV, DRAŽOVICE, DOMANÍN, HÁJOV etc..; mainly quality print, from specialized collection postal-agencies
Starting price: CZK
197210 - 1959 TRANSPORT ZASTAVENA  Flight sent card on/for Taivan, wi
1959 TRANSPORT ZASTAVENA Flight sent card on/for Taivan, with Mushrooms 1,40Kčs with mailing CDS PRAGUE 25.IX.59, sent back with mounted sheetlet RETURN POSTAL STAK ZASTAVEN with CDS PRAGUE 120/ 26.IX.59; vertical fold
Starting price: CZK
197212 - 1951-1965 PROHIBITED  comp. 3 pcs of mailing with mounted la
1951-1965 PROHIBITED comp. 3 pcs of mailing with mounted label "Non admis / Prohibited", 1x card sent from Germany and with to 20. Anniv vyhnání German mluvícího population, 2x from customs reasons - jelikož mailing obsahovaly post. stamps; good condition
Starting price: CZK
188962 - 1950 larger part parcel of dispatch-note, fee paid airmail s
1950 larger part parcel of dispatch-note, fee paid airmail stamp 15/24Kčs, Pof.L31a, light blue + postage stmp Gottwald 3Kčs type II., Pof.487, CDS HNÚŠŤA/ 21.XII.50, on reverse arrival postmark PEZINOK/ 27.XII.50
Starting price: CZK
196113 - 1946 ministerial FDC M A/46, Hradčany - black-violet, on re
1946 ministerial FDC M A/46, Hradčany - black-violet, on reverse with number 342, sent as Registered, mounted stamp. Pof.443-446, red special postmark PRAGUE 29 NS/ 29.X.46, Reg label PRAGUE 29/ NS/ No. 494, incl. content, on reverse arrival postmark PRAGUE 7 FOREIGN COUNTRIES/ 29.X.46; nice quality
Starting price: CZK
197491 - 1948-1985 comp. of 3 special envelopes to election prezident
1948-1985 comp. of 3 special envelopes to election prezidenta: V A/73 1973, V A/75 1975, V B/85 1985 + postcard K. Gottwald with special postmark to election president + newspaper wrapper to election from y 1980
Starting price: CZK
196933 - 1948-49 comp. 2 pcs of FDC with issues Festival 1948 - alleg
1948-49 comp. 2 pcs of FDC with issues Festival 1948 - allegory and Congress Students' union 1949, both with odlišnými date special cancel.; nice
Starting price: CZK
196931 - 1948-52 comp. 2 pcs of FDC, 1B/48 + 26/52, both with differe
1948-52 comp. 2 pcs of FDC, 1B/48 + 26/52, both with different počtem postmarks; nice
Starting price: CZK
196927 - 1951-55 comp. 3 pcs of FDC with different order mounted stam
1951-55 comp. 3 pcs of FDC with different order mounted stamps, issue Prague Spring 1951, Year Czechosl. music 1954 and Congress Labour Unions 1955; nice
Starting price: CZK
196929 - 1952-78 comp. 4 pcs of FDC with stamp. II. type, issue Defen
1952-78 comp. 4 pcs of FDC with stamp. II. type, issue Defenders of Peace 1952, Costumes I. - 1x 1,60Kčs and 1x 2Kčs, Prague castle 1978 (vada+retuš); nice
Starting price: CZK
195486 - 1961 unofficial FDC, unannounced envelope franked with. mini
1961 unofficial FDC, unannounced envelope franked with. miniature sheet Pof.A1216, plate A, 2x special postmark PRAGUE/ 18.XII.1961/ FIRST DAY ISSUE/ PRAGA 1962, postally Un, format envelope/-s 227x162mm, blue and red additional printing on envelope, very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
196935 - 1971-82 comp. 4 pcs of ministerial FDC: M A/71 and M B/71, 5
1971-82 comp. 4 pcs of ministerial FDC: M A/71 and M B/71, 50 years Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, with odlišnou combinations mounted stamp. + M 24/78, Day of Stamp + M 7/82, Labour Unions; nice
Starting price: CZK
197484 - 1972-1982 comp. 3 pcs of ministerial FDC M A/72 Czechoslovak
1972-1982 comp. 3 pcs of ministerial FDC M A/72 Czechoslovakia world champion + M 6/81 XVI. Congress of Communists + M 7/82 X. Trade-union Congress; nice quality
Starting price: CZK
196937 - 197384 comp. 7 pcs of special obálek: P A/73, P A/81, P 1/8
197384 comp. 7 pcs of special obálek: P A/73, P A/81, P 1/82, P 8/82, P A/83, P 2/84 and P 11/84; nice
Starting price: CZK
196014 - 1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  FDC /  accumulation in/at filled mi
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] FDC / accumulation in/at filled middle box, incl. part/-s better year 50. and 60. years, often more times same, supplemented with i.a. first day sheets etc..; good condition, through/over 14Kg of material
Starting price: CZK
196222 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  FDC / accumulation in middle box, i
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] FDC / accumulation in middle box, incl. better year 50. and 60. years, often more times; standard quality, through/over 7.5kg of material
Starting price: CZK