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1935 Mi.Bl.3, miniature sheet OSTROPA; right size 148x105mm, without gum, in corners thin places, stamps very fine, viewing of quality recommended, cat. for (*) 1.100€, low starting price U:A5
1936 Mi.Bl.4X(7x), miniature sheet Brown Ribbon, comp. of 7 sheets; fine quality, cat. 224€ U:A5
1936 Olympic Games 1936 / set of 3 entires: a) Reg letter sent to Czechoslovakia, franked with Mi.618 and 617-620, redirected, on reverse arrival KRÁLÍKY/ 4.8.36; b) philatelically influenced letter in the same place franked with complete set Mi.609-616 (from that 2x pair from stamp booklets), minor faults - missing back lapel and left with brown spots; c) Ppc to Czechoslovakia with MI.609 and 610; all with Olympic special postmark, ex Justýn U:A5
1912 SEMIOFFICIAL airmail stamp Mi.4b, 50Pfg ultramarine; VF, certificate Brettl, cat. 300€ U:A5
1923 INFLATION Reg letter addressed to Czechoslovakia, with rich multicolor franking, total of 34 millions Mark (!) in stamps + bank-note 5.000M with handwriting transcription "Ungültig" (rare!), CDS MAGDEBURG 3/ 26.1023, censorship label and 2x censorship mark Post-Überwachungsstelle/ DRESDEN, on reverse transit pmk DRESDEN/26.10.23; fine, interesting entire U:A5