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1940-1941 GENERAL GOVERNMENT/ set of 8 mostly Reg letters to Germany and to Bohemia-Moravia, with frankings "Overprint" - Viennese issue", mixed franking with solid stamps, i.a. Mi.26, 27, 28, 37 (cat. 100€); simple franking Mi.32 and others.; very interesting set! U:A5
1941-1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT comp. of 6 printing sheets, 3x Cracow 10Zl, Mi.Kl65 with plate number 1, 2, 3 (minor gum faults) + 3x Koperník, Mi.Kl104 with plate number I/4, II/3, II/4 (very fine) U:A3v–
1940-1941 LUXEMBOURG Mi.1-16, complete set Hindenburg, all corner pieces + ditto in outer blocks of four (!) + Mi.17-32 + Mi.33-41 in pairs (except values 8+4Pf); perfect quality, interesting selection of, cat. 230€+ U:A4
1942-1943 SERBIA comp. of 3 Reg letters addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, 1x franked with overprint stamps Mi.7, 8, (fold and patina in envelope), 1x Reg letter with Mi.78, 80, 1x with Mi.75, 78 2x, all CDS BELGRADE, passed through German censorship; good condition U:A5