Public Auction 55 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Official Stamps

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196411 - 1941 Pof.SL7, Official the first issue 1,20 Koruna red, L th
1941 Pof.SL7, Official the first issue 1,20 Koruna red, L the bottom corner piece with plate number 3-41 and with protective frame; sought by specialists, c.v.. Pofis this variety doesn't report!
Starting price: CZK
196815 - 1941 Pof.SL12, Official the first issue 5 Koruna yellow, L a
1941 Pof.SL12, Official the first issue 5 Koruna yellow, L and R corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1-41; superb
Starting price: CZK
186624 - 1941 service letter franked with. service stmp 1,20 Koruna r
1941 service letter franked with. service stmp 1,20 Koruna red, Pof.SL7 with L margin and print protective frame; small toned, rare occurrence
Starting price: CZK
186625 - 1941-1943 comp. 9 pcs of entires franked with. service stmp
1941-1943 comp. 9 pcs of entires franked with. service stmp the first issue., contains 1x Reg letter with mixed franked. service stmp I. and issue II (!), Pof.SL10 + SL19, 5 pcs of entires franked with. corner kusem with plate number - from that 1x value 1,20 Koruna with plate number 3-41, 1x with postal agency pmk KOŽLANY (BOHDALICE), supplemented with cut dispatch-note franked with. block of four (!) service stmp 5 Koruna, Pof.SL12 and paper slip with complete row used stamp. with plate number 1-41 right; good condition, valuable selection of
Starting price: CZK
186626 - 1943 comp. 4 pcs of entires franked with. service stmp issue
1943 comp. 4 pcs of entires franked with. service stmp issue II., from that 2x Reg letter franked with. mixed franked. official and postage stmp A. Hitler., 1x with values 1,20 Koruna with plate number 1-43, 1x Reg letter franked with. i.a. koncovou value 5 Koruna, Pof.SL24; good condition
Starting price: CZK
196817 - 1941 [COLLECTIONS] Official the first issue Pof.SL1-SL12, co
1941 [COLLECTIONS] Official the first issue Pof.SL1-SL12, complete collection in/at miniaturách with plate number 1-41, contains L + R upper block of four, L + R the bottom block of four and basic blocks of four + duplication, i.a. 2x block of four values 5 Koruna with plate number 1-41, varieties, defects, supplemented with several pieces used plate number etc.., in 16-sheet stockbook Pofis; c.v.. ca. 5.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
196823 - 1941 [COLLECTIONS] Official the first issue Pof.SL1-SL12 + D
1941 [COLLECTIONS] Official the first issue Pof.SL1-SL12 + Delivery stmp Pof.DR1-DR2, complete collection in/at miniaturách with plate number 2-41, at value 1,20 Koruna incl. plate number 3-41, contains L + R upper block of four, L + R the bottom block of four and basic blocks of four (c.v.. 3.540Kč) + duplication (c.v.. ca. 4.400CZK), i.a. lot of duplicitních plate number in blocks of four, varieties, defects, supplemented with several pieces used plate number etc.., in addition supplemented with issues Delivery stmp, contains blocks of 8, pairs, corner and marginal strips etc.. (c.v.. 1.500CZK) , in 16-sheet stockbook Pofis; c.v.. total ca. 9.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
196831 - 1943 [COLLECTIONS]  collection Official stamp. issue II., Po
1943 [COLLECTIONS] collection Official stamp. issue II., Pof.SL13-SL24, complete collection in/at miniaturách with plate number 1-43 and 2-43, contains L + R upper block of four, L + R the bottom block of four with plate number and basic blocks of four (c.v.. 2.800CZK) + duplication incl. II. editions (c.v.. ca. 6.000CZK), i.a. lot of duplicitních plate number in blocks of four and bnd-of-20, i.a. value 1,50 Koruna brown L + R block of four II. printing with plate number 1-43, varieties, defects, supplemented with several pieces used plate number etc.., in 12-sheet stockbook Pofis; c.v.. total ca. 9.000CZK, collection with interesting accumulation duplication
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 55 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Official Stamps - Information

Služební poštovní známky

1. 1. 1941  Služební známky  I.vydání

První emise služebních poštovních známek byla vydána ve 12 hodnotách 30h až 5K s nápisem Böhmen und Mähren. Návrh obrazu známky s dubovým věncem A. Erhardt. Tištěno knihtiskem KT. Přepážkové archy 10x10 známkových polí. Perforováno hřebenovým zoubkováním HZ 14 postupujícím shora dolů.

Platnost do 31. 3. 1943, poštovní úřady přijímaly zásilky vyplacené I. emisí služebních poštovních známek do 30. 6. 1943.


15. 2. 1943 Služební známky  II. vydání

Druhá emise služebních poštovních známek byla vydána ve stejných barvách i 12 hodnotách 30h až 5K s nápisem Deutsches Reich. Návrh obrazu známky s říšskou orlicí A. Erhardt. Tištěno knihtiskem KT. Přepážkové archy 10x10 známkových polí. Perforováno hřebenovým zoubkováním HZ 14 postupujícím shora dolů.

Platnost do 31. 12. 1944, formálně až do 16. 5. 1945