Public Auction 55 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Philatelic Domains / Prisons, Work Camps

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191959 - 1942 LAGER GMÜND III. (České Velenice)  uprated Rumanian
1942 LAGER GMÜND III. (České Velenice) uprated Rumanian PC sent to member of assembly camp, who was set up in occupied České Veleníce (Czechland) as transit camp for Hungarian Jews, posting MC BUCHAREST 8.Apr.42, Romanian also German censorship; good condition, rare!
Starting price: CZK
191928 - 1943 I.C. SVATOBOŘICE /K. comp. 2 pcs of PC A. Hitler 60h s
1943 I.C. SVATOBOŘICE /K. comp. 2 pcs of PC A. Hitler 60h sent from internment camp to Bohemia, CDS SVATOBOŘICE/ 30.III.43 and 3.IV.43; 1x torn off upper corner PC
Starting price: CZK
197386 - 1942? C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT  part víka from box food
1942? C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT part víka from box food aid with address label International committee of Red Cross in/at Geneva with pre-printed address Jewish council/court older in/at Terezín, supplemented with label Swiss customs office and label confirming freedom from fees and duty for internované persons; lid is 2x broken and address label damaged, additional hinge / label good condition; mounted on carton, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
194622 - 1944 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT  PC addressed to to Berlin
1944 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT PC addressed to to Berlin franked with. German stamp. 5Pf A. Hitler. as local porto (!), MC BERLIN CHARLOTTENBURG/ 31.8.44 (hand-made dated 4.7.44), supplemented with additional cancel. Rückantwort nur auf / Postkarten ....; sender: Frau A. F., Theresienstadt, Westgasse 6, obsáhlý German text, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
196503 - 1944-1945 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT  selection of 21 piece
1944-1945 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT selection of 21 pieces by hand written contents sent parcels to Terezin (Theresienstadt) and other C.C., 1x franked with. certificate of mailing for parcel to Terezín with CDS PRAGUE 11/ 3.IV.45, to same addressee - prisoner Certificate about/by odhlášení from supply, 1x tajně vynesený in Czech written letter from prisoner with description zážitků from C.C. Dachau and other C.C.; well preserved
Starting price: CZK
194623 - 1944 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT  comp. 4 pcs of pre-printed
1944 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT comp. 4 pcs of pre-printed PC with thank for parcel, various variants blank forms, all addressed to to Berlin, franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. 30h (2 pcs of), resp. 60h A. Hitler., 2x MC PRAG 2, 1x CDS PRAG 2 and 1x CDS BAUSCHOWITZ a.d.ELBE, hand-made datované 11.1., 18.3., 9.8. and 7.11., same sender (Frau A. F., Westgasse 6; Parkstr. 12/90; Postgasse 8 - 2x) also recipient; 3 pcs of 1x vertical folded, good condition
Starting price: CZK
1945 SPECIAL CAMP HAGIBOR / WORK CAMP OSLAVANY / TRANSPORT ZASTAVENA PC CDV16 sent on/for sklonku war from camp for shromažďování Jews from mixed manželství (Prague - Hagibor, Schwerinstrasse 1201), MC PRAG 25/ 18.IV.45, addressed to to work camp in Oslavany (Bergarbeitergruppe), where pracovala group prisoners from Terezín ghetto, in text thanks for parcel, supplemented with bilingual postmark POSTVERKEHR EINGESTELLT/ TRANSPORT ZASTAVENA, in text red cancel. ZENSIERT; good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
196541 - 1940-1944 [COLLECTIONS]  TESTER POVINNOST V ŘÍŠI  selecti
1940-1944 [COLLECTIONS] TESTER POVINNOST V ŘÍŠI selection of 50 pcs of entires sent from or on/for totally on a mission Czech pracovníky in Germany, several mailing from units OT, parcel and money dispatch-note, postcard, PC etc..; various quality, unusually large set this correspondence, definitely it is worth seeing, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK