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1910 Mi.175-177, highest value of Jubilee Franz Joseph, 2 Kreuzer, 5 Kreuzer, 10Kr; very fine, only lightly hinged, cat. * 540€ U:A5
1908 PLATE PROOF 60h blue, block of four, perf 12½;; VF, cat. 600€ ++ U:A5
1908 Postage due stamp Mi.D33-D44, 3 complete postage-due sets of 1h-100h on ordinary, thin and chalky paper; cat. 350€ U:A5
1918 BRITISH WAR FORGERIES (De la Rue), Mi.186Pfä, 188Pfä, 223Pfä, block of four 5h Crown, block of four 10h Crown, and single stamp 25h Charles; very fine, cat. Michel for ** 3.200€, stamp 25h is rare and in catalogue undervalued U:A5
1860 REPRINTS / NEUDRUCKE selection of 52 reprints of stamps of various issues, newspaper stamps and stamps of Danubian steam company (mainly lightly hinged), supplemented with 6 St. Andrew's crosses of stamps of The 2nd issue (various quality) U:A5
1880 LEITMERITZ Town Post Litoměřice, comp. of 6 various values 4Kr - 20Kr for express mailing in town U:A5
1893 larger part of parcel card with fiscal revenue 3 Kreuzer 1888, i.a. franked with stamp 1G, Mi.61, CDS MERAN 13/1 93, addressed to Přerov; good condition U:A5
1899-1918 set of 10 entires with Postage Due, several various issues as issues 1899 - 1917, from that 1x PC sent from Poland to Prague with forerunner Postage Due 10h Small numeral and CDS PRAGUE 29.XI.18, several interesting topographical Ppc as Kladno, Křivosudov; good condition U:A5
1900 mixed franking of stamps of Kreuzer and Hallers, 3x PC Franz Joseph 2 Kr uprated with 1h stamp and 1x Ppc with mixed franking of 2 Kreuzer and 1h, CDS ORLÍK, POLNA, VELKÉ PETROVICE U NECHANIC, KRÁL. VINOHRADY, lithography Ppc Ober Heizendorf; good condition U:A5
1908 comp. of 4 letters to Switzerland with stamps Jubilee issue, 25h, 2x 25 with perfins PK and JA and money letter with 2+5+6+10+60; interesting 5-coloured franking and as Wertbrief abroad is rare U:A5
1918 CRACOW - WIEN, airmail letter franked with airmail overprint issue FLUGPOST, Mi.225x-227x and postage stamp Crown 3h + 12h, Mi.185, 189, CDS CRACOW/ 11.IV.18 and flight CDS FLUGPOST CRACOW/ 12.IV.1-30, on reverse arrival postmark FLUGPOST WIEN/ 13.IV. -VIII15; only fold out of stamps, good condition U:A5
1895-1902 POSTAGE-DUE comp. of 2 mailing from abroad burdened by postage-due, insufficiently paid lithography Ppc from Italy, mounted postage due stamps in picture side 10Kr+1Kr+1Kr, Mi.P7, P1, cancell. red CDS PRAGUE 2/10 95, supplemented with letter from USA, on back side with Postage due stamp issue 1900, 40h+2x 20h+3x 10h, Mi.P32, P31, P28, cancelled by red CDS PRAGUE 25/12 02; good condition, decorative frankings U:A5
1897-1917 POSTAGE-DUE selection of 18 entires with usage of postage-due stamps issues 1894-1916, contains letters, Ppc, PC, various frankings, mainly used through Czech post offices, good condition, interesting set U:A4