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1840 PLATE PROOF PENNY BLACK "Rainbow Colour Trial", SG.Spec.DP20/3d; without characters in corners and with "voided corner", dark olive on laid paper; very fine marginal piece, cat. £5.000++, rare U:DR
1840 PLATE PROOF PENNY BLACK "Rainbow Colour Trial", SG. Spec.DP20/2c; without characters in corners and with "voided corner", dark red-brown; very fine piece with plate variety - tiny dash, rare speciality, cat. £4.500++, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1840 PLATE PROOF PENNY BLACK "Rainbow Colour Trial", SG. Spec.DP20/3a; without characters in corners and with "voided corner", dark blue on white paper with prussiate of potash; very fine piece, cat. £4.750, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1840 SG.2, Penny Black black, plate 1b, letters D-B, red Maltese cross; very fine, cat. £375 U:A5
1840 SG.2, Penny Black black, plate 5, letters E-B, red Maltese cross; full margins, heavier pmk, cat. £375 U:A5
1840 SG.1, horizontal strip of 6 (!) PENNY BLACK, plate 5, letters MA-MF, black Maltese cross; in the middle original paper crease, right stamp cut to the margin, otherwise full margins and also fine quality; rare multiple! U:DR
1840 SG.1; strip of 4 (!) PENNY BLACK, plate 1a, letters SG-SJ, red Maltese cross; right stamp small fold, full margins and nice rich color, cat. Gibbons Spec. "Queen Victoria" (2011) for this plate min. £9.200; rare multiple! U:DR
1841 SG.13, TWO PENCE BLUE, pale blue, BLOK OF 12, letters QD-RI, cancel. 186 - DUBLIN; irregular margins, otherwise very fine, cat. only as 3 separate blocks of four £5.100, as multiple rare U:DR
1841 SG.14, Penny Blue 2P blue, INVERTED WMK, in addition with "Ivory head"; cat. £875++ U:A5
1855 SG.29a, SG.Spec.C8, 1P red-brown, plate 25, wmk Large Crown; imperforated "trial printing" from so-called. Neal´s Steam Press - issued on paper without gum; at top light horiz. fold, wide margins, cat. £4.000 U:A5
1882 SG.128, 10Sh greenish grey with light well centered cancel. POPLAR B:C JY.3.82; minor faults and reperforated, cat. £3.200++ U:A5
1882 SG.129, £1 hnědo - violet, letters B-H, wmk "Maltese cross", CDS LOMBARD ST. with perfin H.S.B.; right lower minor faults, otherwise fine, cat. £4.500 U:A5
1873 SG.138, 2½P red-purple, BLUED PAPER, plate 1; very nice piece, original gum, cat. £875 U:A5
1884 SG.185, £1 purple brown, wmk "3 crown", with overprint SPECIMEN type 11, overprint double and inverted; light vertical fold, overall nice piece, signed, cat. £2.800 ++ U:A5
1884 SG.185, £1 brown-purple, wmk "Three Crowns", 2x light CDS LONDON; at top short tooth, 2x small vertical bend, cat. £2.800 U:A5
1891 SG.212, £1 green, letters L-A, 2x CDS LOMBARD ST.; cat. £800 U:A5
1892 SG.O16, Official £1 green, overprint I. R. OFFICIAL, letters E-B, 2x small oval CDS ACCOUNT BRANCH PO GLASGOW 22.SP.94; fine piece, exp. Richter, rare stamp, cat. £2.500++ U:A5
1840 letter with SG.1, PENNY BLACK, intense black plate 1b, letters M-K, irregular margins; sent within London 29.10.1840, with red pre-philatelic T.P. (Two Penny) CORNHILL and so-called. "LONDON EXPERIMENTAL BLACK MALTESE CROSS" - very early usage black Maltese cross, black color introduced in 1841; rare letter, according to SG.Spec. cat. ca. £3.000 U:A5
1840 letter with SG.2, Penny Black black, letters M-A, with red cancel. Malt. cross; sent from MILNTHORPE FE 3 / 1841 to Leyton in London; good condition, stamp with wide margins, cat. £800++ U:A5
1840 letter with pair of SG.6, TWO PENCE BLUE, with cancel. type 1844, to Aberdeen; complete margins, part of lapel on reverse missing; cat. for cover min. £9.400, cat. only as pair on cut square £6.000, rare entire! U:A5
1841 folded letter from London to Cornwall, with PENNY RED 1841, SG.8 red-brown, letters A-H, plate 36, from 3 sides wide margins, rare cancel. black Maltese cross "8" and red "FLEET St.W.O.", on reverse arrival postmark; nice quality, cat. min. £160 U:A5