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1896 PLATE PROOF for SG.29-37, issue Coat of arms 1P-4Sh (printed from two plates); from Perkins, Bacon & Co from experimental plate for print of corner numerals 2C-6C and inscription "PENCE" and on trial print SARAWAKU(!), 9 stamps, originally ex. Milo D. Rowell Collection U:A4
1910 SG.166, "Double Head" £1 rose-scarlet / bluish black, perf 14, fiscal cancel; short tooth, otherwise fine, cat. £375 U:A5
1910 SG.166a, "Double Head" £1 crimson / slate-black, perf 14; fiscal cancel. and date perfin 26.5.11, perfect quality and rare color shade, cat. £2.000 U:A5
1910-1913 SG.179, "Double Head" £1, red and black, PERF 15; thin place, POSTAL CDS SALISBURY 18. DEZ 12, cat. £3.250, rare stamp U:A5
1913-1919 SG.208, 211, 212, 217, 218, George V. 2½P, 4P, 5P, 6P, 2Sh; set of 5 values U:A5
1954-1959 SG.1-15, Elizabeth II. ½P-£1; and SG.18-31, Elizabeth II. - Landscape, 1/2P-£1 (Coat of arms); 2 complete sets, cat. £230 U:A5
1933 SG.11-20, George V. 1/2P - 10Sh; complete set in perfect quality, cat. £180 U:A5
1933 SG.11s-20s, George V., perf "SPECIMEN"; very nice and complete set with original gum, cat. £325 U:A5
1935 SG.24b, Silver Jubilee, pair 6P, on bottom stamp SHORT EXTRA FLAGSTAFF; cat. as * £170 U:A5
1938-1954 SG.28-38, George VI. 1/2P - 10Sh; complete set in perfect quality, in addition types- 3x 5Sh etc., cat. £220 U:A5
1956 SG.53-64, Elizabeth II. "Landscape" 1/2P - 1£; VF, cat. £100 U:A5
1961 SG.65-77, Elizabeth II. "Landscape" 1/2P - 1£; incl. II. overprint types; VF, cat. £108 U:A5
1961 SG.66a, Elizabeth II. 1C/1P black / emerald, certificate BPA 1966 (originally with margin), signature Holcombe and R. Lowe, cat. £2.100; important rarity U:DR
1961 SG.74b, Elizabeth II. - Landscape 2Sh6P with overprint 25C type II, OVERPRINT AT BOTTOM instead in the middle; cat. £650, very fine and rare printing error U:A5
1961 SG.78-89, Elizabeth II. "Landscape" 1/2C - 2Rp; VF U:A5
1968 SG.142a, QEII, Independence 1/2C., OMITTED BROWN COLOR; luxury quality, cat. £425 U:A5