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1865-1866 SHANGHAI - Local issue Mi.11xb, 14x, LArge Dragon 6Ca red-brown and 16Ca bricky red, "old numerals"; very nice quality, cat. 620€ U:A5
1865-1866 SHANGHAI - Local issue Mi.20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, Large Dragon 1Ca-4Ca,8Ca,12Ca "new numerals"; very nice set, cat. 1.930€ U:A5
1950 Mi.20, 10.000$ brown, complete sheet of 200; very nice quality, issued without gum, rare offer U:A3v–
1963 Mi.744-759, Country Huangshan; complete set, cat. 350€ U:A5
1965 Mi.859-860, 30. Anniv of conference in Cun-i; cat. 400€ U:A5
1966 Mi.952-954, Lu Xun; complete set, cheap Mi.954 minor faults, cat. 400€ U:A5
1967 Mi.979-981, Mao theses, set of 3 vertical pairs (!); very fine, cat. 1.100€, rare U:A5
cca 1920-2002 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation in larger box, contains i.a. old China, PR of China and Taiwan, thousand of stamps, sets (some better) and miniature sheets, in 9 stockbooks and in envelopes, lot of MNH material, in addition 3 annual volumes of Taiwan; from important estate, 12kg of material! U:K
1891 SG.51a, Victoria 2C, JUBILEE 1891, plate variety of overprint SHORT "J" IN JUBILEE, very fine, cat. £800 U:A5
1891 SG.51c, Victoria 2C, JUBILEE 1891, plate variety of overprint BROKEN "1" IN 1891, VF, cat. £950 U:A5
1898 SG.55c, Victoria 30C grey-green with overprint 10 CENTS and additional "Large Chinese character", rare type, very nice piece with certificate RPSL, cat. £900 U:A5
1994-1997 [COLLECTIONS] MINIATURE SHEETS / collection of ca. 700 especially exhibition miniature sheets, i.a. Bangkok 93 and Hongkong 97; high catalogue value, face-value H$ 8.700! U:K
1909 Mi.288-303, Lion 1c - 10Kr, complete set, hinged; cat. 650€ U:A5
1943 set of 5 entires addressed to Europe and USA, from that 2x as Registered, various frankings, lot of censor's postmarks etc.; various quality U:A5
1880-1960 [COLLECTIONS] small collection / accumulation in stockbook A4, from issue 1882, various values, mainly used incomplete sets, small part unused U:Z
1876-1938 specialized selection of more than 130 postage stamps, issue KIBAN, KIKU, TAZAWA and SHOWA, various types of perf, wmks, types and color shades + in addition forgeries (7, marked) and revenues (7) excluded from sum; on 3 pages A4, cat. Michel 440€++, included to sum as cheapest types U:A4
1894-1936 selection of 41 special stamps, for example. Mi.69-70, 91A, 91C, 126, 156, 216 (2x) 228; cat. min. 270€, in addition 5 pcs of the 2nd quality for free U:A4
1896-1934 set of 12 unused postage and special stamps, it contains e.g. Mi.74 (120€), 75, 82 (minor faults), 91 with line perforation 12 (180€), 96 (85€), 116 I., 89A with line perforation 12 (50€); Mi.113 without gum excluded from sum, cat. over 610€ U:A5
1936-1973 NATIONAL PARKS and LANDSCAPE selection of 140 special stamps, for example. Mi.218-19 (2x), 299, 526-533 and others; good quality, cat. 280€, on 3 pages A4 U:A4
1948-85 SPORT selection of 88 stamps with this motive, complete issue, it contains e.g. Mi.404, 433, 459, 623-24, 629, 631 (2x - shades), pairs Mi.546-47, 606-607, 634-354, 646-47 (2x) etc.; vertical pair Mi.546-47 fold - excluded from sum, all mint never hinged, only set Mi.807-09 with red special postmark, cat. min. 186€ U:A5
1949 Mi.475, Week of Philately 8Y violet; VF, cat. 160€ U:A5
1880-1980 [COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION / ACCUMULATION in 3 large folders on sheets + 5 stockbooks A4, mainly used after 1945, part, especially souvenir sheets however also unused, small part of classic period to 1945, mainly cheaper values, duplicates, also various interesting motives etc., in addition supplemented with Vietnam 1950-1980 and small comp. if China before 1960; placed in IKEA box, over 20kg, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:IK
1960-1990 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation in larger box, thousands of sets, miniature sheets, blocks and sheets; in 3 stockbooks in envelopes, mainly DPRK i.a. with sought motives of 1960´s (sets, sheets), supplemented with South Korea with many souvenir sheets and PB; 9.5kg of material! U:K
1941 Mi.123-127, Motives 5 kop - 30kop; complete and rare issue; cat. 1.800€ U:A5
1926-1936 [COLLECTIONS] set of stamps from Mi.1, i.a. complete set of Airmails 1934 and Fauna 1935; cat. 190€, also stamps ** included to sum as hinged U:O4
1959, 1963-1970 DPRK Mi.Bl.1, set of 4 used and one unused, in addition 44 various miniature sheets of South Korea in complete sets, Sport, Fauna etc..; cat. 626€ U:O4