Public Auction 55 / Philately / America and Caribbean / Caribbean / Barbados

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196049 - 1861 SG.28a, pair of Britannia 4P vermillion, IMPERFORATED;
1861 SG.28a, pair of Britannia 4P "vermillion", IMPERFORATED; very nice piece with original gum and certificate RPSL, cat. £1.500, rare; ex. Harris collection
Starting price: CZK
195532 - 1873 SG.59, Britannia 4P pink red, wmk Large star, perf clea
1873 SG.59, Britannia 4P pink red, wmk "Large star", perf clean cut 14½ : 16; very nice piece with full original gum, £1.400
Starting price: CZK
196060 - 1873 SG.63, Britannia 3P brown-purple; VF, part o.g., cat. &
1873 SG.63, Britannia 3P brown-purple; VF, part o.g., cat. £325, rare
Starting price: CZK
196061 - 1873 PLATE PROOF for SG.63, pair of Britannia 3P IMPERFORATE
1873 PLATE PROOF for SG.63, pair of Britannia 3P IMPERFORATED, plate proof in black color on stronger paper; perfect quality
Starting price: CZK
196059 - 1873 PLATE PROOF for SG.64, Britannia large format 5Sh, IMPE
1873 PLATE PROOF for SG.64, Britannia large format 5Sh, IMPERFORATED plate proof in black color, on stronger paper without gum; very fine print ex. Perkins Bacon
Starting price: CZK
196058 - 1873 PLATE PROOF for SG.64, Britannia large format 5Sh, IMPE
1873 PLATE PROOF for SG.64, Britannia large format 5Sh, IMPERFORATED plate proof in "maroon" instead definitive "dull rose", on stronger paper without gum; very fine and rare, ex. Perkins Bacon
Starting price: CZK
196062 - 1874 PLATE PROOF for SG.65, pair Britannia 1/2P IMPERFORATED
1874 PLATE PROOF for SG.65, pair Britannia 1/2P IMPERFORATED, plate proof in black color on stronger paper; perfect quality
Starting price: CZK
196063 - 1875 PLATE PROOF  for SG.68, pair Britannia 4P IMPERFORATED,
1875 PLATE PROOF for SG.68, pair Britannia 4P IMPERFORATED, plate proof in black color on thin paper; perfect quality, De La Rue
Starting price: CZK
196064 - 1892 SG.104, Victoria 4P with local provisional overprint HA
1892 SG.104, Victoria 4P with local provisional overprint HALF PENNY (from West India Press), pair and single piece with LARGE SHIFTS OF OVPT; rare speciality
Starting price: CZK
196087 - 1892 PLATE PROOF for SG.105, 1 Farthing etc., print of finis
1892 PLATE PROOF for SG.105, 1 Farthing etc., print of finished gravure "Seal of the Colony" on chalky carton 92x60mm, BEFORE HARDENING and date 2.FEB.92; trare plate proof ex. De La Rue archives
Starting price: CZK
196088 - 1897 PLATE PROOF for SG.116, 1/4 P etc., Diamond Jubilee, pr
1897 PLATE PROOF for SG.116, 1/4 P etc., "Diamond Jubilee", print of finished gravure without face value on chalky carton 92x60mm, AFTER HARDENING and hand-made signature and date 24.AUG.97; ex. De La Rue archives
Starting price: CZK
196054 - 1918 PLATE PROOF for SG.199, Seal of colony 4P black / red,
1918 PLATE PROOF for SG.199, Seal of colony 4P black / red, IMPERFORATED plate proof in definitive colors, on stronger paper with wmk "Mult. Crown CA", ex. De la Rue
Starting price: CZK
196263 - 1920-1921 SG.209w, 210w, Allegory Victory 1Sh green and 2Sh
1920-1921 SG.209w, 210w, Allegory Victory 1Sh green and 2Sh brown, both stamps with wmk Crown to the left of CA; cat. £230
Starting price: CZK
196050 - 1920 SG.211, Victory 3Sh black / orange, very nice highest v
1920 SG.211, "Victory" 3Sh black / orange, very nice highest value with omitted print in left lower corner; fine speciality
Starting price: CZK
196283 - 1921-1924 SG.217x, Coat of arms ¼P brown, block of four
1921-1924 SG.217x, Coat of arms ¼P brown, block of four, INVERTED WMK; VF, cat. ca. £220
Starting price: CZK
196284 - 1921-1924 SG.220aw, Coat of arms colony 1P red, block of fou
1921-1924 SG.220aw, Coat of arms colony 1P red, block of four, INVERTED WMK; VF, cat. ca. £200
Starting price: CZK
193838 - 1938 SG.248-256a, Coat of arms 1/2-5Sh, according to colors
1938 SG.248-256a, Coat of arms 1/2-5Sh, according to colors and perf 13½x13 and 14; cat. £175
Starting price: CZK
195588 - 1938 SG.251ba, pair Coat of arms 2½P blue, right stamp
1938 SG.251ba, pair Coat of arms 2½P blue, right stamp MISSING "A" in WMK; at top traces of ink mark; stmp with WMK variety is MNH, cat. for * £1.000
Starting price: CZK
196289 - 1947 SG.264ec, overprint Coat of arms 1P/2P carmine, overpri
1947 SG.264ec, overprint Coat of arms 1P/2P carmine, overprint ONE PENNY, marginal block-of-8, second bottom left stamp with variety short "Y", CDS CHRISTCHURG; cat. ca. £375
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 55 / Philately / America and Caribbean / Caribbean / Barbados - Information

V této kategorii najdete poštovní známky, celistvosti a celiny s poštovní historií ostrova Barbadosu, který leží ve východní části Malých Antil, tzv. Návětrných ostrovech. Barbados se stal od poloviny 17. století anglickou kolonií.
První poštovní známky Barbadosu vyšly již v roce 1852 - byly jimi dnes ikonické a sběratelský velmi oblíbené tzv. Sedící Britannie (The seated Britannia stamps).