Pof.4Ms(2), 5h blue-green, SAME FACING 2-stamps unissued gutter, unfolded, upper stamp from plate 4, the bottom from plate 3, on stamp paper with gum; hinged, production folds in paper, right at top from front sides minor faults of paper; certificate Vrba, extremely rare vertical gutter!
Pof.128Pz, Black numerals 5f green / black with right sheet margin with control-numbers and part of Opt on edge (with incomplete offset), combined perforation 15, wmk Pz, overprint type II.; lightly hinged, well centered stamp and also overprint, certificate Vrba, exp. Fischmeister, cat. Pofis 40.000CZK, Mercure 45.500Kč, very nice and decorative piece!
Pof.129Px, Black numerals 12f green / black, combined perforation 15, wmk Px - leftwards, overprint type I.; at top partially repaired gum, nice piece, certificate Vrba and Philatelic Foundation NY, exp. by Mrnak., very rare stamp, cat. ca. 140.000CZK!
Pof.173B ST, 100h red as block-of-4, HORIZONTAL joined types II. + III. and as well also vertical, combined perforation 13¾; : 13½; CDS PODMOKLY 1/ 5.XI.24; fine, certificates Vrba and Karásek, exp. Tribuna, Hirsch, unique block with horiz. and also vert. joined types, ex. Karásek!
1926 drawing by pencil for stamp Pof.211, Orava 40h, size 83x99 mm, on yellow carton paper, at top also lower handwritten notes and lower signature K. Seizinger; exp. by Karasek
1926 partially colored drawing by pencil for stamp Pof.215, Karlštejn 2,50Kč, size 83x97 mm, on carton paper, handwritten notice and lower signature K. Seizinger; exp. by Karasek
1928 partially colored drawing by pencil for stamp Pof.237, Jubilee 1Kč, size 123x102 mm, on carton paper, right lower signature K. Seizinger; exp. by Karasek
1911 PIONEER FLIGHTS - KAŠPAR historical telegram from 1. Czech pilot and engineer Jan Kašpar addressed from Pardubice to editor newspaper "Národní politika" Kalva to Prague, interesting text, good condition, unique historical document
1913 PIONEER FLIGHTS - PÉGOUD set of 4 used picture postacard, flights of French pilot Adolphe Pégouet in Prague on 25. and 26. December 1913, CDS PRAGUE/ 1. - 3.I.14; good condition
1913 Austria-Hungary AIRFORCES - RUDOLF HOLEKA telegram with gratulation from Jan Kašpar sent to pilot Rudolf Holeka to Wiener Neustadt from 8/6 1913 for his flight from Prague to Wiener Neustadt"; very interesting, good condition, unique historical document
1913 Austria-Hungary AIRFORCES - RUDOLF HOLEKA telegram with gratulation from Jan Kašpar, baron Kraus and engineer Čihák sent to pilot Rudolf Holeka to Wiener Neustadt from 8/6 1913 for his flight; very interesting, good condition, unique historical document
1919 THE BEGINNING OF CZECHOSLOVAK AIRFORCES original photo postcard of German airplane Fokker D VII with crew, the plane arrived from Austria to Prague; good condition, only bumped corners
1926 first flight BRNO - PRAGUE, airmail letter to Prague, with Pof.L4 2x, 146, 148, posting red CDS BRNO 1/ 24.VI.26, supplemented with arrival CDS PRAGUE 31/ 25.V.26, pre-printed envelope to J. Šula; good condition, exp. Pittermann
1926 first flight PRAGUE - PARIS, Reg and airmail letter sent to France ba company CIDNA, with mixed franking Pof.L4-L6, 214, CDS PRAGUE - AIRPORT/ 10.VI.26, supplemented with red cachet, label; good condition, without attributes of airmail transport, exp. by Gilbert
1928 KOŠICE - PRAGUE, Reg, express and airmail letter sent from Slovakia to Prague, with Pof.L4-L6, 147 2x, posting framed pmk KOŠICE AIRPORT/ 15.III.28, on reverse arrival CDS PRAGUE 1/ 16.III.28, sender F. Šašek; envelope open from two sides
1929 first flight PRAGUE - ROTTERDAM, 2 airmail letters sent to Neatherlands, 1x first flight ČLS, with Pof.L4 2x, L5 3x, with mailing CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 2.IV.29, supplemented with red cachet 1. flight ROTTERDAM/ 3.IV.29, on reverse arrival ROTTERDAM/ 3.IV.1929 + 1x airmail letter with Pof.L5, 246, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 30.X.29 supplemented with violet cachet ROTTERDAM/ 30.X.29 and on reverse arrival CDS ROTTERDAM/ 30.X.1929; good condition
1929 first flight UZHHOROD - KOŠICE, Reg and airmail postcard to Košice sent by 1. flight Uzhhorod - Prague, with multicolor exact franking of 2,80Kč, posting airmail cancel. UZHHOROD AIRPORT/ 6.V.29 and CDS UZHHOROD/ 6.V.29; very fine
1929 first flight UZHHOROD - PRAGUE, Reg and airmail PC to Uruguaye 1. flight Uzhhorod - Prague, with Pof.L6, 187, 213 2x, 238, posting frame cancel. UZHHOROD AIRPORT/ 6.V.29, CDS UZHHOROD/ 6.V.29, transit PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 6.V.29 and on reverse arrival postmark MONTEVIDEO/ 25.V.29; good condition, rare destination for period of II. air-mail issue!
1929 BRATISLAVA - FRANKFURT, letter to Germany sent as airmail printing matter, with Pof.L4, L5, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 24.X.29, supplemented with violet cachet, transit pmk PRAGUE - AIRPORT/ 25.X.29, label "Inconn", sent back
1929 PRAGUE - BELGRADE + PRAGUE - HAMBURK,set of 2 Reg and airmail letters to Yugoslavia and Germany, with multicolor frankings and special postmarks "Svatováclavská výstava v Praze" 17.IX.29, resp. Philatelic Exhibition in Plzen 2.IX.29, redirected, sent back; good condition
1929 PRAGUE - CALCUTA address cut square "Vzorek bez ceny", sent airmail to India (!), franked with 2 airmail stamps 250h/400h, Pof.L6 2x, CDS PRAGUE 14/ 7.V.29, incomplete prints of postmarks; rare destination for
1929 UZHHOROD - SANTOS, pictorial PC CDV39/7 sent registered and as airmail to Brazil, richly uprated with stamp Pof.L6, 228, 242 2x, CDS UZHHOROD/ 29.XII.28, on reverse CDS SANTOS/ 12.JAN.1929; good condition, decorative, rare destination for period of II. airmail issue
1930 first flight PRAGUE - ZAGREB, letter sent as airmail printed matter, franked with airmail stamp Pof.L4 and postage stamps Pof.260, 250, 252, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 1.VII.30, red cachet, arrival trigonal airmail cancel. ZAGREB 2/ 1.VII.30 on face-side; good condition
1930 PRAGUE - AMSTERDAM + PRAGUE - CURICH, set of 2 uprated pictorial postcards Masaryk 50h, CDV40, sent airmail to Netherlands and Switzerland, posting red special postmark PRAGUE 1/ 7.III.30/ Masaryk, supplemented with CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 8.III.30 and transit pmk BERLIN C/ 8.3.30 and STRASBURG/ 8.3.30; good condition
1936 first flight PRAGUE - MOSCOW, set of 2 airmail entires sent to Rumania, line PRAGUE - KLUJ, 1 franked with i.a. airmail stamp Pof.L10 and 1 i.a. franked with issue Arras 2Kč blue with upper coupon, Pof.290KH, blue cancel. 1. flight from 2.IX.36, frame cachet and arrival postmark CLUJ/ 3.SEP.36; good condition, cat. Horka 4.000CZK
1936 PRAGUE - FRANKFURT, Reg and airmail sent I. part of international postcard Masaryk 1,20Kč, CDV34/I, uprated with stamp Pof.L10 and 301, exact postal rate of 4,70Kč, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 28.VIl.36 supplemented with violet frame cachet, air-mail cancel. PRAGUE 7/ 28.VII.36; good condition, decorative piece
1936 PRAGUE - SYDNEY, set of 2 airmail letters sent to Australia, 1x Reg and airmail, with Pof.L14, L12, L9 with mailing CDS PRAGUE 11/ 20.V.36, 1x airmail letter with mixed franking (1 stamp with torn off corner), CDS Postal Agency (!) BÍLSKO (CHOLINA), CDS CHOLINA/ 8.IX.36; viewing of quality recommended, unusual rare destination
1918 Pof.SK2, Scout stamp 20h red mounted on telegram with notification about war usury, to "Národní výbor Vršovice, posted in Sázava, cancelled by pmk POŠTA SKAUTŮ / PRAHA 8/XI 1918, on reverse oval and evidence postmark of "Národní výbor v Praze"; very good condition, only folds, stamp exp. by Gilbert., entire exp. by Karasek, (for genuiness see text in catalogue Pofis, page. 195, the date of origin of this telegram is still unclear)
1918 POSTAGE ISSUE 1916 money letter for amount 2.244K, bank envelope with additional-printing in front with Coat of arms 1 Koruna red and Charles 25h, on reverse stamp. Crown 10h, Mi.188, CDS DVŮR KRÁLOVÉ N. L. 20.XI.18; patina in envelope, part of seal, exp. Hirš, ex Pour
1918 ISSUE 1916 comp. 2 pcs of entires franked with. Austrian forerunner stamp. Coat of arms 40h, Mi.194, 1x double franaktura for Ex letter in/at I. postal rate with CDS SVIJANY - PODOLÍ 5.XI.18, on reverse arrival PRAGUE TGF 5.XI.18, sent by pneumatic tube mail (folds), 1x as Registered letter in/at I. postal rate together with stamp. Crown 6h, Mi.187 CDS ZBIROH 30.X.18; exp. Hirš,
1918-1919 POSTAGE / SMALL CAOT OF ARMS comp. 3 pcs of entires franked with Austrian stmp Crown 12h, Mi.189, 1x simple franking with CDS CHTĚBOŘ 12.XI.18, 1x letter franked with. pair with CDS DAUBA 26.XII.18 and 1x letter franked with. parallel stamp. in three-colour franking Crown 3h+6h+12h, Mi.185, 187, 189 with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 4.I.19; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš, rare franking rarely occurring stamp. Crown 12h, ex Pour
1918 ISSUE 1916 comp. of 4 Reg letters franked with Austrian forerunner stamp Coat of arms 50h green, Mi.195, from that 1x Registered and Express letter to Germany, with Mi.195, 186, on reverse 188 3x, 222, CDS KARLSBAD 10.XI.18, 2x single franking for heavier Reg letter, supplemented with 2x heavier Reg letter with Mi.195, 186; good condition, exp. Hirš, ex Pour
1918-1919 ISSUE 1916 comp. 5 pcs of entires with Crown 3h violet, Mi.185, 1x commercial PC with single franking franking as Printed matter, then Ppc with 4-tuple franking and 3x letter with mixed franking with stamp. Hradčany - early usage ofHradcany-issue stamp.; good condition, all exp. by Karasek., Hirš, selection of frankings with small výskytem, ex. Pour
1918-1919 ISSUE 1916 - HALF FRANKING set of 3 entires with diagonally bisected frankings, 1x Reg letter with halving Austrian stamp. Coat of arms 80h red, Mi.197, uprated wit stamp Hradčany 5h, CDS NERATOVICE 25.XII.18, supplemented with 2 letters with bisected stmp Coat of arms 40h and 50h, Mi.194, 195; exp. by Karasek., Hirš, ex Pour
1919 POSTAGE 1916 money letter (!) for 1.955Kč franked with parallel stamps Coat of arms 60h blue, Mi.196, 2 pcs on front and back side of Austrian printed matter envelopes, cancelled by postmarks GROTTAU 27.2.19, 1 day before end validity; good condition seal, good condition, exp. Hirš
1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / MALÝFORMÁT comp. 9 pcs of cut-squares with mixed frankings Austrian and Hradčany-issue stamp., i.a. Crown 3h, 6h. 12h, Newspaper stamp Merur L 10h orange in postage stmp function etc.. + 1x cut with mixed franking Hungarian Parliament 75h and Austrian Charles 15h (2x), various postmark from February 1919; good condition
1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / MALÝFORMÁT - SEŠITKOVÉ ISSUE / philatelically influenced letter franked with. i.a. Austrian stamp. from bklt issue Crown 5h with coupon L and St. Andrew's cross, Mi.186 K, mixed franking contains other stmp.: Crown 3h violet, Postage due stmp 5h small number with overprint FRANCO, Hradčany 3h and 5h, posting violet CDS BRNO 1/ 6.I.19; good condition, neprůkazná period origin entires
1918 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT Mi.203b, Coat of arms 10K dark violet, blk-of-9; on 2 stamp hinged, other **, big blocks this the highest values are very rare!
1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT comp. 2 pcs of cuts dispatch notes franked with. always pair parallel stamp. 2 Koruna and 3 Koruna granite, Mi.208, 209, in mixed frankings with stamp. Hradčany, nationalized CDS LOMNICE N. L./ 9.II.19 and BRNO 2/ 24.II.19; good condition, 1 pcs of exp. by Karasek., rare usage in mixed frankings with stamp. Hradčany
1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT comp. 5 pcs of cuts dispatch notes franked with. parallel stamp. 2 Koruna light close + wide, 3 Koruna close light + dark red and 4 Koruna close light, Mi.204Aa, 204Ba, 205A, 201A, 206A, always in mixed frankings with stamp. Hradčany - rare usage, various CDS from February 1919; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš
1918 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT 1916/17 cut from German parcel dispatch-note, where fee was/were paid parallel stamp. Coat of arms 4 Koruna dark and 2 Koruna light used as postage-due with hand-made transcription PORTO, Mi.202I, 204, CDS ZLIN ?/10 18; exp. Hirš, very rare occurrence stamp. Coat of arms in/at tmavých colors
1918-1919 POSTAGE STAMPS VE FUNKCI POSTAGE-DUE / comp. 6 pcs of larger parts of dispatch-note with delivering fee paid Výplatními stamp., 2x Crown 5h green with overprint PORTO, 1x with pair stamp. 10h Crown without přepisu, 2x mixed franking stamp. Crown 12h + 3h + Postage due stmp 5h Malé number and Charles 15h without přepisu + Postage due stmp 5h, 1x Charles 20h without přepisu; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš
1918 EXPRESS TROJÚHELNÍK / parcel dispatch card segment, delivery fee paid Spěšnou stamp. 5h green triangle (!), Mi.218 used as postage-due, CDS VELKÉ KUNČICE n. O./ 23.XII.18; torn off corner stamp. near/in/at posting, exp. Hirš, rare příklad usage already invalidated express stmp used as postage-due
1918 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK / larger part Austrian post. dispatch-note, delivery fee paid Spěšnou stamp. 5h green rectangle, Mi.220 with red transcription PORTO used as postage-due, cancelled by postmark BRUCH/ in BOHEMIA/ 20.XII.18; good condition, exp. Hirš, rare příklad usage express stmp used as postage-due
1919 EXPRESS TROJÚHELNÍK + OBDÉLNÍK / unpaid card with mailing nationalized CDS RYCHNOV N. K./ 16.I.19, burdened with postage-due, which/what was/were paid mixed franking Express stamp. triangle 5h green, pair with right coupon polovičního format (!), other same samostatnou stamp. 5h, Spěšnou rectangle 2h and postage stmp Crown 3h violet, Mi.218 3x, 219, 185, all with black overprint "T", nationalized CDS VELKÁ VES ČES. SEV. CDS. 17/1 19; good condition, exp. by Karasek., usage invalidated Austrian trojúhelníkových express stmp post used as stamp. postage-due, philatelically motivated entire
1918 EXPRESS OBDÉLNÍK Express letter sent by Prague pneumatic tube post, franked with. mixed franking forerunner stamp. Crown 5h, Charles 20h (2x), Charles 30h and Express stamp rectangle 5h, Mi.186, 222, 224, 220, CDS NOVÁ KDÝŇ/ 31.10.18, print numbered postmark pneumatic-tube post, on reverse PRAGUE TGF/ 1.XI.18, postal-charge 80h conforms I. postal rate; good condition, exp. by Karasek., decorative entire with multicolor franking forerunner stamps
1918 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK commercial printed matter franked with. Spěšnými stamp. 2h rectangle, from that 1x diagonally bisected, Mi.219, all in postage stmp function, CDS KRÁSNÁ HORA U NĚM. BRODU/ 13.XI.18; good condition
1918-1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK / comp. 2 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes with fee after/behind delivery, paid Spěšnými stamp. rectangle 2h brown-red, Mi.219A used as postage-due in mixed franking with postage stmp Crown 3h violet with CDS CHOCEŇ/ 20.12.18 and Hradčany 3h violet (!) with nationalized CDS PŘEROV N. L./ 22.I.19; good condition, exp. Hirš, Karasek, rare non-philatelic documents/attributes usage express stamps as postage-due, ex Pour
1918 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK official card sent as Printed matter franked with. pair Express stamp. 2h rectangle, Mi.219A, CDS PRAGUE 3/ 6.XII.18; good condition, exp. by Karasek., overfranked by 1h, after all very interesting forerunner and decorative franking