Public Auction 55 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939

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196667 - 1918-1919 EXPRESS OBDÉLNÍK /  comp. 2 pcs of larger parts
1918-1919 EXPRESS OBDÉLNÍK / comp. 2 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes with fee after/behind delivery paid Spěšnými stamp. rectangle used as postage-due, 1x 2 pcs of and bisected (!) stamp. 2h violet with CDS CHOCEŇ/ 23.12.18 + 1x block of four 5h green (2 stamp. over margin + fold) with CDS SEDLEC NA DRÁZE FR. JOS./ 27.XII.18; exp. by Karasek., Hirš, rare nefilatelistický example of usage Express stamps as Postage-due stamps
Starting price: CZK
196735 - 1919 EXPRESS OBDÉLNÍK /  comp. 3 pcs of cuts and 1 pcs of
1919 EXPRESS OBDÉLNÍK / comp. 3 pcs of cuts and 1 pcs of cut-square with mixed frankings Austrian Express stamp. used as postage, values 2h (1x) and 5h, Mi.219, 220 with stamp. Hradčany, various CDS from February 1919; 2 pcs of exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
196671 - 1918 EXPRESS OBDÉLNÍK / more/larger part post. Hungarian d
1918 EXPRESS OBDÉLNÍK / more/larger part post. Hungarian dispatch-note, fee for delivery paid mixed franking Express stamp. rectangle 5h green with line perforation 11½;, Mi.220B with hand-made transcription "Portomarke" together with to exhaustion- Postage due stamp with overprint PORTO 15/36h violet, CDS MITTEL-LANGENAU/ 28.12.18; good condition, exp. Hirš, very rare nefilatelistický example of usage Express stamps as Postage due stmp!
Starting price: CZK
193621 - 1919 EXPRESS /  OBDÉLNÍK letter sent as Spěšný Printed
1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK letter sent as Spěšný Printed matter, open envelope franked with. parallel stamp. Express stamp 5h rectangle with line perforation 11½;, Mi.220B, CDS GABLONZ a.d. NEISSE/ 9.I.19; good condition, exp. by Karasek., decorative entire with rare tarifem and sought perf Express stamps!, c.v.. Hirš 10.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
191133 - 1919 NEWSPAPER STAMPS 1916  whole address newspaper wrapper
1919 NEWSPAPER STAMPS 1916 whole address newspaper wrapper official newspapers "Zentralblatt für die Eintragungen... Wien" franked with. Austrian newspaper stamp. Mercure 2h with overprint DEUTSCHÖSTERREICH, Mi.217 with arrival CDS REICHENBERG/ 2.VI.19; good condition, exp. by Karasek., rare cancellation stamp. other state on/for Czechosl. territory!
Starting price: CZK
190857 - 1919 NEWSPAPER STAMPS 1916 / postcard franked 1-násobnou fr
1919 NEWSPAPER STAMPS 1916 / postcard franked 1-násobnou franking Newspaper stamp 10h orange, Mi.215, nationalized MC PRAGUE 1/ 31.I.19; cut in lower margin, exp. Hirš
Starting price: CZK
196791 - 1918 POSTAGE-DUE VELKÉ ČÍSLICE /  postcard franked with.
1918 POSTAGE-DUE VELKÉ ČÍSLICE / postcard franked with. mixed franking Postage due stmp stamp. 4h Big numbers in postage stmp function and postage stmp Crown 2x 3h violet, Mi.P36 and 185, CDS LITOMYŠL/ 31.XII.18; Postage due stamp corner over margin, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
196782 - 1919 POSTAGE-DUE VELKÉ ČÍSLICE /  cut square from account
1919 POSTAGE-DUE VELKÉ ČÍSLICE / cut square from accounting sheet with mixed franking postage-due stamp. Big numbers 10K (!) violet, Mi.P46, to exhaustion- 50/42h, Mi.P63, Small numbers 5h, Mi.P47 and Czechosl. Postage due stmp 3x 10h, Pof.DL2, CDS BODENBACH 1/ 1.III.19, one day after validity was/were in terms of post offices tolerován; exp. by Karasek., unique usage parallel Postage due stamp 10K Big numbers, illustrated in/at Katalogu Hirš page. 43
Starting price: CZK
193672 - 1919 POSTAGE-DUE / VELKÉ ČÍSLICE / postcard franked mixed
1919 POSTAGE-DUE / VELKÉ ČÍSLICE / postcard franked mixed franking postage-due stamp. Big numbers 2h + 4h, Mi.P35, P36 and express stmp rectangle 2h as Pr, all in function postage stmp, CDS NEUGARTEN/ 21.II.19, sent to K. Rix; well preserved, exp. by Karasek., rare franking postage-due and express stamps used as postage, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
1918 POSTAGE-DUE MALÉ ČÍSLICE - PŮLENÁ FRANKATURA / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note sent from Budapest to Czechoslovakia, delivering fee was/were paid halving Postage due stamp 40h small number, Mi.P53, cancelled by postmark RAPICE/ 24.XII.18; good condition, exp. by Karasek., rare occurrence půlených frankings postage-due stamps
Starting price: CZK
196675 - 1918-1919 POSTAGE-DUE MALÉ ČÍSLICE /  comp. 8 pcs of larg
1918-1919 POSTAGE-DUE MALÉ ČÍSLICE / comp. 8 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes with fee after/behind delivery paid Doplatními stamp. values 5h, 10h, 15h and 20h, Mi.P47-P50, i.a. 1x 4-tuple franking 5h, combination 2x 5h + 10h, 5h + 15h, 1x 5h, 4x after/around 20h, various CDS; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš
Starting price: CZK
196789 - 1918-1919 POSTAGE-DUE MALÉ ČÍSLICE /  2 pcs of cut-square
1918-1919 POSTAGE-DUE MALÉ ČÍSLICE / 2 pcs of cut-squares from accounting sheets, 1x with str-of-3 stamp. 10K blue, Mi.P57, CDS PLZEŇ 1/ 16.XI.18, exp. Hirš + 1x mixed franking Postage-due stamps stamp. 5 Koruna blue, Mi.P56 and 4x to exhaustion- postage-due, CDS PRAGUE/ 18.I.19, rare usage highest values postage-due stamp., illustrated in catalogue Hirš page. 47
Starting price: CZK
196792 - 1919 POSTAGE-DUE MALÉ ČÍSLICE /  parcel dispatch card seg
1919 POSTAGE-DUE MALÉ ČÍSLICE / parcel dispatch card segment with mixed franking Austrian Postage due stmp stamp. 1 Koruna blue in funci postage stmp (!), Mi.P55 together with other Austrian stamp. Coat of arms 1 Koruna red and stamp. Hradčany 30h yellow, posting nationalized CDS ČÁSLAV/ 20.2.19, on reverse arrival postmark ŽIŽKOV 1/ 21.II.19; good condition, exp. Hirš, rare
Starting price: CZK
196787 - 1919 POSTAGE-DUE MALÉ ČÍSLICE /  cut from post. dispatch-
1919 POSTAGE-DUE MALÉ ČÍSLICE / cut from post. dispatch-note where delivering fee was/were paid halving (!) Postage due stmp stamp. 10h small number, Mi.P48, cancelled nationalized CDS IVANOVICE NA H./ 2.III.19, 2. day after validity was/were in terms of post offices tolerován; exp. by Karasek., rare usage bisected parallel Postage due stamp 10h, illustrated in/at Katalogu Hirš page. 47
Starting price: CZK
191477 - 1919 POSTAGE-DUE SMALL NUMERALS  larger cut-square from acco
1919 POSTAGE-DUE SMALL NUMERALS larger cut-square from accounting sheet, where taxes were paid by mixed franking of Austrian postage-due stamps 9x 1 K, Mi.P55 and stamps with Opt PORTO 15/36h violet and Express stamp 2x 5h used as postage-due, cancelled by postmark KARSBAD 4.2.19; good condition, exp. Hirš, rare franking, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
191479 - 1918 POSTAGE-DUE SMALL NUMERALS cut square from accounting s
1918 POSTAGE-DUE SMALL NUMERALS cut square from accounting sheet, taxes paid by mixed franking of Austrian postage-due stamp values 10K (!), Mi.P57 and pair of stamps with Opt PORTO 50/42h brown, Mi.P63, cancelled by postmark VYSOKÉ MÝTO 3/12 18; good condition, exp. Hirš, quite rare and rare franking, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
196695 - 1919 POSTAGE-DUE HNĚDÉ ČÍSLICE /  cut Austrian newspaper
1919 POSTAGE-DUE HNĚDÉ ČÍSLICE / cut Austrian newspaper order with additional-printed Postage due stmp stamp. 10h brown numeral(s), uprated with stamp Hradčany 20h blue-green, nationalized CDS TLUMAČOV/ 7.V.19, on reverse part arrival CDS TROPPAU ...19; good condition, exp. Hirš, cut from very rarely used Austrian p.stat, still known only 3 pcs of cuts (!), similar piece prodán in/at our A 52 after/behind 21.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
189596 - 1919 POSTAGE-DUE / VÝPOTŘEBNÍ ISSUE  comp. 4 pcs of large
1919 POSTAGE-DUE / VÝPOTŘEBNÍ ISSUE comp. 4 pcs of larger parts Austrian and Hungarian credit notes, delivering fee paid mixed franking Austrian to exhaustion- Postage due stamp with overprint PORTO 15h/2h, Mi.P59, and Austrian postage-due 5h, Mi.P47, Austrian express 5h, Mi.220, Czechosl. postage-due 5h, Pof.DL1 and Hradčany 5h, Pof.3, various postmark; good condition, all exp. by Karasek., Hirš, nice decorative combination doplatků from transitional period, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
196794 - 1919 POSTAGE-DUE VÝPOTŘEBNÍ ISSUE /  parcel dispatch card
1919 POSTAGE-DUE VÝPOTŘEBNÍ ISSUE / parcel dispatch card segment with mixed franking Austrian Postage due stmp stamp. to exhaustion- issue 20/54h orange, 4 pcs of, Mi.P62 together with stamp. Hradčany 30h yellow, posting nationalized CDS ČÁSLAV/ 17.2.19; good condition, exp. Hirš, rare
Starting price: CZK
193699 - 1918 POSTAGE-DUE VÝPOTŘEBNÍ ISSUE / comp. 2 pcs of cards
1918 POSTAGE-DUE VÝPOTŘEBNÍ ISSUE / comp. 2 pcs of cards with bisected Postage due stamps to exhaustion- issue in postage stmp function, 20/54h orange and 15/36h violet, Mi.P62, P61, 1x card franked halving 20/54h stamp. with CDS ADAMSFREIHEIT/ 13.XI.18, 1x advertising lithographic postcard (KiC Popoff Moscou) paid halving 15/36h stamp. and Austrian postage stmp Crown 3h, CDS PÍSEK/ 28.X.18; good condition, exp. Hirš
Starting price: CZK
196663 - 1918-1919 POSTAGE-DUE VÝPOTŘEBNÍ ISSUE / comp. 5 pcs of l
1918-1919 POSTAGE-DUE VÝPOTŘEBNÍ ISSUE / comp. 5 pcs of larger parts Hungarian and Austrian dispatch notes where fee was/were paid Postage due stamps to exhaustion- issue, 1x 1h + 15/36h, 2x 15/36h + Postage due stmp small number 5h, 1x 15/36h + postage stmp Crown 5h with transcription, 1x 20/54h, Mi.P58, P61, P62, various CDS; good condition, exp. Hirš, Karasek
Starting price: CZK
1918 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA RAKOUSKÝCH A UHERSKÝCH ZN. / larger part Austrian C.O.D. dispatch-note franked with. mixed franking Austrian stamp. Coat of arms 40h olive and Charles 15h + Hungarian stamp. Parliament 50f and Reaper 2f and 5f, CDS NAGYSZOMBAT (Trnava) 918 Okt.31., on reverse arrival JIČIN 4.XI.18; good condition, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
196678 - 1919 SMÍŠENÉ FRANKATURY DOPLATNÍCH ZN. /  comp. 4 pcs of
1919 SMÍŠENÉ FRANKATURY DOPLATNÍCH ZN. / comp. 4 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes, where delivering fee are paid mixed franking parallel stamp. and Czechosl. Postage-due stamps, 2x 15h Small number + Postage due stmp Czechosl. 15h, 1x 5h Malé number + Postage due stmp Czechosl. 15h, 1x to exhaustion- 15/36h + Postage due stmp Czechosl. 5h, various CDS; good condition, exp. Hirš, Karasek, rare mixed franking Austrian and Czechosl. postage-due stamps on/for nefilatelistických dokladech
Starting price: CZK
191243 - 1919 FISCAL KOLEK 10h, cut Austrian parcel dispatch-note wit
1919 FISCAL KOLEK 10h, cut Austrian parcel dispatch-note with additionally printed fiscal revenue 10h brown issue 1899, uprated with Austrian stamp Coat of arms 1 Koruna, Mi.199, nationalized CDS ZÁBŘEH N. O./ 18.II.19; torn off corner stamp. before/(in front of) usage, exp. Hirš, cut from very rarely used parallel Austrian p.stat, still known only this single piece!, UNIKÁT, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
196769 - 1918 POLISH SPRÁVA TĚŠÍNSKA - EXPRESS  comp. 5 pcs of la
1918 POLISH SPRÁVA TĚŠÍNSKA - EXPRESS comp. 5 pcs of larger parts Austrian dispatch-notes i.a. franked by stmp rectangle 2h and 5h, Mi.219, 220 in postage stmp function, in mixed frankings with stamp. Crown, Coat of arms, Charles, 3x with stamp. 2h, 1x with stamp. 5h and 1x with both express stamp. (!), CDS ODERBERG, TESCHEN and FREISTADT December 1918; good condition
Starting price: CZK
1918 POLISH SPRÁVA TĚŠÍNSKA - POSTAGE STAMPS 1916/18 comp. 10 pcs of larger parts Austrian money dispatch-notes with various frankings stamp. Crown, Coat of arms, Charles (i.a. 20h light green), all CDS ODERBERG 1 / BOGUMIN December 1918; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš
Starting price: CZK
196614 - 1918 TURUL / comp. 2 pcs of big cut-squares from telegram fr
1918 TURUL / comp. 2 pcs of big cut-squares from telegram franked with. already invalidated stamp. Turul 6f olive and 50f violet, both always in blk-of-20, CDS KASSA 1918 Dec.22; good condition, quite unique franking!
Starting price: CZK
196611 - 1919 TURUL / larger part Hungarian post. dispatch-note with
1919 TURUL / larger part Hungarian post. dispatch-note with franked with. 2 pcs of stamp. Turul 5f green (two various shades) + Reaper 15f white numerals (!), CDS MALACZKA 21.Jan. 919; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hungarian post. administration povolovala usage already invalidated stamp. to spotřebování for want post offices, that's why their/its usage on/for postal parcel bills is possible and rare
Starting price: CZK
194045 - 1919 TURUL / larger part Hungarian post. dispatch-note with
1919 TURUL / larger part Hungarian post. dispatch-note with with Turul 5f green and Reaper 20f brown, CDS MALACZKA 21.Jan. 919; good condition, exp. Hirš, Hungarian post. administration povolovala usage already invalidated stamp. to spotřebování for want post offices, that's why their/its usage on/for postal parcel bills is possible and rare
Starting price: CZK
196613 - 1919 TURUL / larger part Hungarian post. dispatch-note i.a.
1919 TURUL / larger part Hungarian post. dispatch-note i.a. franked by stmp Turul 50f violet, CDS KASSA 919 Feb.27.; only upper margin dispatch-note with hints moisture, exp. by Karasek., Hungarian post. administration povolovala usage already invalidated stamp. to spotřebování for want post offices, that's why their/its usage on/for postal parcel bills is possible and rare
Starting price: CZK
191393 - 1918 VÁLEČNÉ / 2x larger part Hungarian post. dispatch-no
1918 VÁLEČNÉ / 2x larger part Hungarian post. dispatch-note, 1x franked with. 3-tuple franking stamp. War 10f+2f, Mi.183, CDS NEGYED 918 Dec.20. (Neded) + 1x franked with. double franking stamp. 15f+2f, Mi.184, CDS UJBARS 918 Dec.27. (Nový Tetkov); good condition, exp. by Karasek., rare multiple franking parallel Surtax stamps
Starting price: CZK
196636 - 1919 VÁLEČNÉ / comp. 5 pcs of larger parts various Hungar
1919 VÁLEČNÉ / comp. 5 pcs of larger parts various Hungarian orders franked with. i.a. surtax stmp issue War 1916, Mi.183-185, from that 40f 1x, other after/around 2 pcs of, various CDS; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš
Starting price: CZK
194055 - 1919 ŽENCI / BÍLÉ ČÍSLICE  comp. 2 pcs of larger parts
1919 ŽENCI / BÍLÉ ČÍSLICE comp. 2 pcs of larger parts Hungarian money dispatch-note i.a. franked by stmp Reaper 10f red and 15f violet - white numerals, Mi.186, 187, supplemented with stamp. Charles 20f and 10f, CDS HUNFALVA 919 John. 15. and EPERJES 919 Jan.24.; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš, rare franking, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
191387 - 1919 ŽENCI / BÍLÉ ČÍSLICE  larger part Hungarian post.
1919 ŽENCI / BÍLÉ ČÍSLICE larger part Hungarian post. dispatch-note franked with. pair parallel stamp. Reaper 15f violet - white numerals, Mi.187, CDS EPERJES 919 Jan.27.; good condition, exp. Hirš, rare occurrence this franking
Starting price: CZK
191390 - 1918 ŽENCI / BÍLÉ ČÍSLICE  larger part Hungarian post.
1918 ŽENCI / BÍLÉ ČÍSLICE larger part Hungarian post. dispatch-note franked with. forerunner stamp. Reaper 10f red and 15f violet - white numerals + Reaper 15f violet - full number, Mi.186, 187, 195, posting single circle cancel ÉNYICZKE 918/ Nov/5; in L margin punch cancelled, exp. Hirš, quite rare franking rare forerunner Hungarian stamp. Reaper with white numerals combined with common stamp. with full numbers
Starting price: CZK
196650 - 1918-1919 ŽENCI /  comp. 14 pcs of larger parts various Hun
1918-1919 ŽENCI / comp. 14 pcs of larger parts various Hungarian dispatch-notes franked with. mixed frankings Hungarian forerunner and parallel stamp. Reaper (2f, 3f, 5f, 6f 2x, 10f, 15f, 25f, 35f, 40f 2x), various CDS; good condition, exp. Hirš, Karasek, interesting non-philatelic mixed franking from Slovak territory!
Starting price: CZK
196645 - 1918-1919 ŽENCI /  comp. 4 pcs of larger parts Austrian C.O
1918-1919 ŽENCI / comp. 4 pcs of larger parts Austrian C.O.D. dispatch-notes and 1 pcs of Austrian international C.O.D. dispatch-note, all with Reaper 5f, 15f, 25f, 35f and 40f, various CDS 2x BESZTERCZEBÁNYA from year 1919 and 3x from year 1918 NYGYSZOMBAT 918 Okt.30., IGLÓ 918 Okt.28. (!), MOSONSZENTJÁNOS; good condition, 3x exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
196652 - 1918-1919 ŽENCI /  comp. 7 pcs of larger parts various Hung
1918-1919 ŽENCI / comp. 7 pcs of larger parts various Hungarian dispatch-notes franked with. 1-násobnými frankings Hungarian forerunner and parallel stamp. Reaper (20f, 25f 3x, 35f 2x, 40f), various CDS; good condition, exp. Hirš, Karasek, interesting non-philatelic simple franking from Slovak territory!
Starting price: CZK
196654 - 1919 ŽENCI /  Hungarian p.stat dispatch-note 2f small forma
1919 ŽENCI / Hungarian p.stat dispatch-note 2f small format franked with. from both sides 10-násobnou franking stamp. Reaper 2f yellow, Mi.190, CDS GARAMSZENTKERESZT (Žiar above H.) 919 Feb.13.; only skartovační hole out of stmp., exp. Hirš, interesting non-philatelic multiple franking from Slovak territory!
Starting price: CZK
196627 - 1918 ŽENCI /  larger part Hungarian C.O.D. order incl. note
1918 ŽENCI / larger part Hungarian C.O.D. order incl. note on/for přiloženém blank form Delivery list for payment instructions, with Reaper 25f brown, CDS KOPCSÁNY 918 Okt.30., arrival postmark incl. postmark on/for Doručovce NAGYSZOMBAT 918 Nov.4.; only punch cancelled, exp. by Karasek., rare pair doplňujících with documents/attributes postal transport
Starting price: CZK
191474 - 1919 ŽENCI /  larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note wit
1919 ŽENCI / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note with Reaper 35f with CDS NEMESKOSZTOLÁNY 919 Jan.1., delivering fee paid postage stamp. used as postage-due, Reaper str-of-5 2f yellow, Mi.190, cancelled by postmark NYITRA 919 Jan.23.; only skartační hole out of stmp., exp. by Karasek., quite rare entire with usage postage stmp used as postage-due in/at multiple franking
Starting price: CZK
196630 - 1918-1919 KÖSTÁRSASÁG / comp. 3 pcs of various vetších
1918-1919 KÖSTÁRSASÁG / comp. 3 pcs of various vetších parts Hungarian dispatch-notes 2f, franked with. i.a. Hungarian stamp. with overprint KÖSTÁRSASÁG Charles 10f and 20f , Mi.236, 238, CDS NAGYLEK and BESZTEROZEBÁNYA; good condition only 1x punch cancelled in corner, exp. Hirš, interesting postal example of usage stamps foreign state on/for our territory!
Starting price: CZK
196631 - 1919 KÖSTÁRSASÁG / comp. 3 pcs of various larger parts Hu
1919 KÖSTÁRSASÁG / comp. 3 pcs of various larger parts Hungarian dispatch-notes 2f, franked with. i.a. Hungarian stamp. with overprint KÖSTÁRSASÁG Charles 20f,Mi.238, from that 2x as Pr, CDS TESTER [ÉRSEKÚJVÁR] and BESZTEROZEBÁNYA; only punch cancelled in corner, exp. Hirš, Karasek, interesting postal example of usage stamps foreign state on/for our territory!
Starting price: CZK
191405 - 1919 KÖSTÁRSASÁG  larger part of Hungarian money dispatch
1919 KÖSTÁRSASÁG larger part of Hungarian money dispatch-note 2f, franked with mixed franking of Hungarian stamps Parliament 75f Mi.201 and Hungarian stamps with Opt KÖSTÁRSASÁG Charles 20f in strip-of-3, Mi.238, CDS ÉRSEKÚJVÁR 919 Jan.22., on reverse arrival POZSONY 919 Jan.23.; good condition, only cancellation punch in corner, exp. Hirš, rare, ex. Pour
Starting price: CZK
196324 - 1919 PARLAMENT / forerunner Hungarian telegraph form/blank A
1919 PARLAMENT / forerunner Hungarian telegraph form/blank Allami Távirat in red color, franked with. Hungarian parallel stamp. Parliament 50f 3x, Reaper 2f and 5f after/around 2 pcs of, Mi.200, 192, 190 with těžkým CDS LIPTÓSZENTMIKLÓSZ 919 Mar.4., (Liptovský Svatý Mikuláš ); 2x vertical fold and 2x torn off corner blank form/-s, rare entire
Starting price: CZK
196633 - 1918-1919 PARLAMENT / comp. 6 pcs of larger parts various Hu
1918-1919 PARLAMENT / comp. 6 pcs of larger parts various Hungarian dispatch-notes all i.a. franked by stmp Parliament values 50f, 75f, 80f and 1 Koruna, Mi.200-203, from that 50f 1x double franking and 75f 1-násobná franking, various CDS as GNÉZDA, APATKOLOS, IGLÓ, CSICSO, JASZO and TOLYOM BREZO; good condition, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
196658 - 1918-1919 POSTAGE STAMPS CHARLES, ZITA /  comp. 11 pcs of la
1918-1919 POSTAGE STAMPS CHARLES, ZITA / comp. 11 pcs of larger parts various Hungarian dispatch-notes franked with. 1-násobnými and mixed frankings Hungarian forerunner and parallel stamp. Charles (10f, 20f, 25f), Zita (40f 2x, 50f), various CDS; good condition, interesting non-philatelic franking from Slovak territory!
Starting price: CZK
196656 - 1918-1919 POSTAGE STAMPS CHARLES, ZITA / comp. 6 pcs of larg
1918-1919 POSTAGE STAMPS CHARLES, ZITA / comp. 6 pcs of larger parts various Hungarian dispatch-notes franked with. NÁSOBNÝMI frankings Hungarian forerunner and parallel stamp. Charles (10f / 3-tuple, 7-násobná, 11-tuple), (20f / 4 and 6-násobná), Zita (40f / double), various CDS; good condition, exp. Hirš, Karasek, interesting non-philatelic multiple franking from Slovak territory!
Starting price: CZK
196643 - 1919 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA  Hungarian p.stat dispatch-note f
1919 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA Hungarian p.stat dispatch-note franked with. mixed franking Austrian stamp. Charles 15h and Hungarian stamp. Charles 10f, Mi.221, 213, CDS NAGY TOPOLCSÁNY 919 Jan.3., on reverse arrival PRAGUE 6.I.19; good condition, exp. by Karasek., rare and rare mixed franking Austrian and Hungarian parallel stamps from Slovak territory!
Starting price: CZK
196616 - 1919 SPĚŠNÁ 1916 / larger part Hungarian C.O.D. order wit
1919 SPĚŠNÁ 1916 / larger part Hungarian C.O.D. order with mixed franking Hungarian Express stamp. 2f used as postage stmp, Mi.180 and stamp. Reaper 5f green and on face-side str-of-3 stamp. Charles 10f red, CDS MODOR 919 Jan.24., arrival postmark POZSONY 919 Jan.25.; only punch cancelled out of stmp., exp. Hirš
Starting price: CZK
196620 - 1919 SPĚŠNÁ 1916 / larger part Hungarian C.O.D. order wit
1919 SPĚŠNÁ 1916 / larger part Hungarian C.O.D. order with Reaper 6f green-blue 7 pcs of, CDS GALANTA 919 Jan.30., delivering fee was/were paid 2 pcs of Hungarian Express stamp. 2f used as postage-due (!), Mi.180, cancelled by postmark SZAKOLCZ 919 Feb.4.; exp. Hirš, usage used as postage-due stamps is quite extraordinary!
Starting price: CZK
191471 - 1918-1919 POSTAGE-DUE ČERVENÉ ČÍSLICE  comp. 4 pcs of va
1918-1919 POSTAGE-DUE ČERVENÉ ČÍSLICE comp. 4 pcs of various larger parts money blank forms with fee paid Hungarian Postage due stamp 20f, Mi.P43, CDS JOKUT 918.Nov.28, PRIVIGYE 918 Dec.6., LIPTÓTEPLA Jun.6., GYETVA 919 Feb.22.; good condition, all exp. by Karasek., Hirš
Starting price: CZK
193862 - 1918-1919 POSTAGE-DUE ČERVENÉ ČÍSLICE / comp. 2 pcs of l
1918-1919 POSTAGE-DUE ČERVENÉ ČÍSLICE / comp. 2 pcs of larger part/-s money dispatch-notes, where delivering fee was/were paid stamp. 20f, Mi.P43, 1x larger part Hungarian důchodové (!) order with stamp. 20f and CDS JÓKÚT 918. Nov.29. - 2. day independence Czechoslovakia, 1x larger part C.O.D. dispatch-note with 20f with CDS LÉVA 919 Maj.19; good condition, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
195603 - 1918 Pof.RV1-21, Prague overprint I (Small Emblem) 3H-10K, c
1918 Pof.RV1-21, Prague overprint I (Small Emblem) 3H-10K, complete set 21 pcs of; values 2K-10K common stamp. paper, all mint never hinged, outside 1 pcs of exp. by Mrnak (14 pcs of), Gilbert, Franěk, Lešetický
Starting price: CZK
196367 - 1918 Pof.RV1-4, 6, 10 + RV20-21, Prague overprint I (Small E
1918 Pof.RV1-4, 6, 10 + RV20-21, Prague overprint I (Small Emblem), comp. 6 pcs of postage stmp + Express rectangle 2h and 5h; light hinged, exp. Vrba, Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
195759 - 1918 Prague overprint I (Small Emblem), cut square from Reg
1918 Prague overprint I (Small Emblem), cut square from Reg letter franked with. 5 pcs of stamp. with overprint, Pof.RV1, RV2, RV4, RV5 and RV6, hand-made rate, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 8.XI.18, sender National Committee/ Prague; exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
195605 - 1918 Pof.RV22-42, Prague overprint II (large emblem) 3H - 10
1918 Pof.RV22-42, Prague overprint II (large emblem) 3H - 10K, complete set 21 pcs of; values 2 Koruna and 3 Koruna granite paper, all mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert (12 pcs of) and Mrňák (3 pcs of), 3 pcs of commercial mark Šula
Starting price: CZK
195619 - 1918 Pof.RV41, Prague overprint II (large emblem), overprint
1918 Pof.RV41, Prague overprint II (large emblem), overprint on coupon values 2h, with St. Andrew's cross; exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
195620 -  Pof.RV42 blank coupon, Prague overprint II (large emblem),
Pof.RV42 blank coupon, Prague overprint II (large emblem), special-delivery 5h green with lower coupon, overprint on stmp also on coupon with St. Andrew's cross; specialties sought, marked by Tribuna., Hirsch, Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
195618 - 1918 Pof.RV43-57, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint) 3h-1K,
1918 Pof.RV43-57, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint) 3h-1K, 15 pcs of with overprint in red color; all mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK