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1896 PLATE PROOF for SG.80, overprint LABUAN on plate proof North Borneo for SG.81 Coat of arms 25C green; very fine piece, ex. British North Borneo Company U:A5
1894 SG.94a, Victoria 3C/32C carmine, wmk CA, WITHOUT OVERPRINT "THREE CENTS"; only 60 pieces exists, cat. £4.500; very rare stamp U:DR
1892 SG.103a, Victoria 25c purple brown / green with Malformed "S"; left at top some minor gum fault, rare stamp, cat. £2.000 U:DR
1892 SG.27a, Brooke 3C, block of four with overprint ONE CENT, on 3 stamps overprint almost completely OMITTED; interesting and attractive speciality! U:A5
1895 PLATE PROOF for SG.28, block of four Brooke 2C, NIMPERFORATED plate proof - IMPRIMATURS in definitive red-brown color, perfect quality; ex. Perkins, Bacon & Co archives U:A5
1895 PLATE PROOF for SG.28, Brooke 2C, single with DOUBLE TRIAL PERFORATION in black color, pair with VARIOUS TYPES OF PERFORATION and pair of IMPERFORATED with large paper crease; rare U:A5
1895 PLATE PROOF for SG.28, selection of three blocks of four Brooke 2C, perforated plate proofs in green, violet and black color - definitive color for values 4C, 6C and 8C, very fine and rare set, ex. Perkins, Bacon & Co archives U:A5
1895 PLATE PROOF for SG.28, three blocks of four Brooke 2C, IMPERFORATED plate proofs in colour green, violet and black - definitive color for values 4C, 6C and 8C, very fine and rare set, ex. Perkins, Bacon & Co archives U:A5
1900 Reg letter with SG.32-35, Brooke 3C-12C with overprints 2 CENTS and 4 CENTS, CDS SARAWAK 15 MAY, arrival SINGAPORE MY 17; very fine and exact franking; cat. min. £850, ex. Milo D. Rowell Collection U:A5
1899 SG.115a, pair of 12C with provisional overprint 4 CENTS, in the middle OMITTED PERFORATION; VF, cat. £850 U:A5
1901-1906 SG.139c, Coat of arms 25C indigo with INVERTED OVERPRINT "BRITISH PROTECTORATE"; VF, exp. Herbert Bloch, cat. £750, rare U:A5
1916 SG.188, 188a, 12 Cents black / blue with overprint 10 CENTS, vertical marginal pair, on upper stamp INVERTED "S" in CENTS; on cut-square with CDS SANDAKAN; very nice quality, cat. only as single stamps £270 U:A5
1918 SG.221a, overprint 6c+2c RED CROSS with rare perf 14½ : 15; mint never hinged, at top short tooth, cat. *£225, ** £450 U:A5
1931 SG.295s-302s, Country Motives 3c - $5 with overprint SPECIMEN; complete set in perfect quality, rare, cat. £350 U:A5
1950 SG.356-370, George VI. - Motives; complete set U:A5
1961 SG.391-406, Elizabeth II. - Motives; complete set U:A5
1886 SG.F3b, postally fiscal stamp with overprint 10c/50c violet without dot after "Cents" and dot after "Revenue"; perfect piece, cat. £600 U:A5
1918-1960 [COLLECTIONS] selection of mainly incomplete sets, i.a. * SG.238-248, 295-301, 303, 306, 312, 313, 350-351, then used singles also parts of sets, i.a. SG.303-316 and others.; cat. ca. £750 U:O4
1995 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.Bl.37-46, fice complete sets of miniature sheets for exhibition Singapore´95; in addition 10 other from this issue, total 60 pcs, from that only 6 used; cat. 750€++ U:O4
cca 1955-1990 [COLLECTIONS] North and South Vietnam, many sets of various issues, i.a. older issues, imperforated, motives, souvenir sheets, parts of sheets and especially 14 rare PLATE PROOFS "de luxe sheets" of South Vietnam from 1960-197; in small box U:K