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1900-1980 [COLLECTIONS] SYPANÉ STAMPS / zaplněná IKEA box with stovkami envelopes with scattered stamps, contains period Czechoslovakia I., i.a. issue Hradčany, Masaryk 1920, Postage due stmp, then CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 and smaller part various abroad; tříděno to envelopes, for example. according to stamp fields, postmarks, plate etc..; ex. RYVOLA (!), suitable for specialist, a lot of of material to research U:IK
1900-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ZBYTKOVÁ PARTIE / závěrečná part estate in 2 full Ikea boxes in/at stockbooks, spring folder etc.., contains collection Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, i.a. with complete overprint issues **, remaining comp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 i.a. with Londýnským miniature sheet, then mainly duplication zásobu used stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 from 1945, supplemented with about/by modern cancel. abroad and Slovakia after/around 1993; a lot of of material, through/over 45Kg, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:IK
1918-1980 [COLLECTIONS] REGISTERED LABELS collection in 4 šanonech in folders, Czechoslovakia I., bilingual BaM, provisional CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., also parts of sheets, supplemented with about/by various other, especially Slovak postal labels as DOUANE-CLO, INCONNU - NEZNÁMY, LIETADLOM-PAR AVIAN, EXPRES, NEPRIJATÉ-REFUSÉ etc..; in middle box U:K
1918-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION scattered clear stamps in/at smaller box, prevails CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 with better issues 50-60. years, part in blocks of four etc.., then cancel. collection CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 on pages, annual volumes 1989-1991, semifinished cancel. collection Czechoslovakia I., picture p.stat Beneš 1948, then line first day sheets CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 - CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., various entires etc..; all placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:IK
1920-1950 [COLLECTIONS] disparate comp. of stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA,, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., contains i.a. Czechoslovakia I.: Pof.86 - blk-of-15 **, Jubilee 1928 **, 500h SO 1920 with black overprint *; ČaM: corner block of four Newspaper stamps II. with plate number, ditto Official II. 1. printing, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 i.a. 2x Kosice MS etc..; mainly good quality, c.v.. ca. 2.000CZK, placed on cards A5 U:O4
1934-1980 [COLLECTIONS] remaining small selection miniature sheets CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., for example. souvenir sheets Praga 62, Zápotocký etc.. on 11 cards A5 + supplemented with about/by kartu A4 with several sets Switzerland as Mi.270-276, 297-305 etc.. U:K