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1859 SG.31, two imperforated PLATE PROOFS for issue Beaver 5C orange, in definitive red "vermilion" and in orange color; perfect quality U:A5
1864 SG.44, 3 PLATE PROOF Victoria 2C imperforated, catalogue Unitrade 20TC, i-iii., on paper India and on carton, color - green, dark red pink and purple-red "claret"; perfect quality, rare set! U:A5
1857 SG.1, Heraldic Flowers 1P brown purple on "mesh paper"; very fine piece with wide margins, cat. £250 U:A5
1932 SG.213, pair of PLATE PROOF in black color, definitive gravure on paper with gum, imperforated PLATE PROOF in definitive color "maroon"for value 5C, also corner block-of-4 of this stamps and block of four in different color "violet" as SG.225; interesting and very fine set U:A5
1939 SG.274, 274a, pair Royal Visit 4CENTS / 5C, R printing error "CENTL" instead CENTS; cat. £50 ++ U:A5
1861-1866 Sc.63, 68(2x), 69, 71(2x), 72, 73(2x), 76, 77(2x), 78, set of 13 stamps from issue Presidents; perf 12; mostly fien, stamp 90C short teeth, exp Thier etc., cat. min. $2.480 U:A5
1869 Sc.119, "Landing of Columbus" brown / blue, type II; very nice piece, cat. (*) $1.250 U:A5
1870-1875 Sc.153-179, set of 14 stamps "Presidents" for example 7C Stanton and 24C W.Scott; interesting types of postmarks, blue, decorative etc., only as basic stamps cat. $410 U:A5
1873 Sc.157, Jackson 2C brown with postmark from Port Townsend, Wash. "Kicking Mule"; very fine "Fancy Cancel", exp. Starauschek U:A5
1893 Sc.243, Columbus $3 green; very fine piece with original gum, cat. $1.600, U:A5
1867 Essay "Loewenberg", Washington 3C, mirror print in green color on "india paper" in 4 various colors on "onion skin paper"; not used in USA, only several designs exists U:A5
1859 Mi.10a, INTER ISLAND 2C black / grey; without gum, right with minor fault, wide margins, cat. (*) 700€ U:A5
1859 Sc.16, Mi.10a, INTER ISLAND 2C black / grey, blue cancel.; wide margins, cat. $850, VF U:A5
1869-1896 Sc.29, 30-34, 35, 37-41, 42-46, 52-62, 64, 65-68, 70-73, 74-79, O1-O6; set of stamps and sets "Royal family" etc. from period after issue "Numerals"; mostly unused, some rarer - for example 1$ Provisioal Govt.; very nice set, cat. $1.170 U:A5
1951-1966 [COLLECTIONS] collection of U.N. on hingeless sheets, only without miniature sheet Mi.Bl.1, otherwise complete U:Z
1980-2000 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on album pages in folder, many blocks, PB, miniature sheets, special postmarks, FDC, also interesting motives etc.; large amount of material U:Z
1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / USA / CANADA in IKEA box in 11 stockbooks A4 + 1x folder, mainly used stamps, small part classic period, especially cheaper values, more often; various quality, more than 23kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:IK
1938 SG.150-161, George VI. "Landscape" 1C-5$; perfect quality, cat. £190 U:A5
1904 US ADMINISTRATION Sc.2, Colombian 5C blue with red PANAMA and violet CANAL ZONE; very nice piece, cat. $300 U:A5
1904 US ADMINISTRATION Sc.3, Colombian 10C yellow with red PANAMA and violet CANAL ZONE, on cut-square with grid pmk ZONE; perfect quality, certificates A.P.S. and P.F., cat. $240 ++ U:A5
1904 US ADMINISTRATION Sc.13, 13a, block of four 10C yellow, PANAMA / CANAL ZONE, left at top overprint CANAL in "antique", in addition omitted perf hole (in this issue very rare); extraordinary multiple in perfect quality, cat. $260++ U:A5
1904 US ADMINISTRATION Sc.14c, marginal block-of-4 - 8 Cents / 50 Centavos brown, overprint PANAMA brown-red, right marginal inscription "American Bank Note...", joined Opt types; cat. $180++ U:A5
1911 US ADMINISTRATION Sc.36a, marginal block-of-4 value 10C on 13 Centesimos grey, overprint "10 cts." INVERTED; cat. $1.400++, rare U:A5
1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION in 9 albums A4 + 1x A5, contains Mexico, Nicaragua, Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, then also Cuba, Costarica, Dominican Republic etc., small part of classic period, mainly used stamps, various incomplete sets, single pieces, all more often; part also modern - various motives; placed in medium box U:K
1932 1932 ZEPPELIN / 7. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1932, letter addressed to Czechoslovakia, franked with airmail stamps 15+18+18c + Zeppelin stamp 18c, CDS BUENOS AIRES/ 27.SET.32 and transit pmk PRAGUE - AIRPORT/ 4.X.32 in front, confirmation MC F´HAFEN (BODENSEE)/ MIT LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN BEFÖRDERT/ 4.10.32 and arrival postmark ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM/ 4.X.32 on reverse; without cachet, viewing of quality recommended, Sie. 179 U:A5
1862 SG.122, 4C blue, local issue of postage stamp (Royal Gazette Georgetown), in the middle typical signature of Georgetown Postmaster Robert Mather; very fine, rich color, issued without gum, exp. Herbert Bloch, cat. £6.000, rare stamp! U:DR
1935 SG.302h, Jubilee George V. 2C with plate variety - "Dot by flagstaff"; favourite speciality, cat. £180 U:A5
1966 SG.391var, IMPERFORATED corner pair QE II. 12C black / brown, issue De La Rue 1961 with overprint GUYANA INDEPENDENCE 1966; luxury and rare PLATE PROOF ex. De La Rue archives U:A5
1865-1880 FORERUNNER SG.Z11, Z21, Z23, 4P orange plate 8, pair 6P grey plate 15, 9P "straw" issue 1862, all with cancel. C41 - GUAYAQUIL; perfect quality, cat. £505 U:A5
1858 Sc.4-6, comp. 5 pcs of "El Sol de Mayo" 120C blue, 180C green and light green, 240C dull vermilion and vermilion; very nice set, 1x exp. Thier and 1x Th. Champion, cat. $1.135 U:A5
1859-1860 Sc.7-16; selection of 25 "El Sol de Mayo", unused also used, strong and thin numerals, various colors and postmarks; mainly fine pieces, cat. min. $1.080 U:A5
1864-1866 Sc.18-23, 24-27; two complete sets Coat of arms, 06Cts - 12Cts and overprint 5/12Cts - 20/06Cts; 2x thin place, otherwise fine, incl. color shades, cat. $625 U:A5
1895 Sc.108-129, nominal complete set "Pictorials" 1C-3P as UNISSUED, as IMPERFORATED PAIRS; rare offer U:A5
1895 Sc.112, 113, 163; pair of "Locomotive" 5C green, ditto red and 2x pair "Bull" 5C blue, all WITH OMMITED HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL PERFORATION; very nice set from important specialized collection U:A5
1896 ESSAY - 2x refused design for Sc.130, President Suarez 1C, definitive gravure on stamp paper in red and brown color; very fine U:A5
1900 Sc.154, comp. of 2 PLATE PROOFS of stamps "Head of girl" 5C; in definitive blue color but IMPERF and in ORANGE instead blue; perfect quality, originates from important specialized collection U:A5
1927-1928 Mi.Klb.344-346, 382-384; PB sets Exhibition Montevideo and General Garzón; cat. 105€ U:A5
1866-1966 [COLLECTIONS] strong collection in old album Scott, almost complete incl. rare sets, Country motives 1894/95, issue 1923-1927, Airmails "Pegas" 1929-1935, 100 years of constitution 30, Airmails 1939, Artigas 1932 and many more, also postage-due, parcel and official; cat. 5.100€; fine collection U:Z
1965 Mi.Klb.992 and Klb.993-1002; Exhibition Montevideo blk-of-20 of 40C and set 10x 1 Peso in blk-of-10, in addition the same blocks as PLATE PROOFS in blue color; on 4 sheets from specialized collection U:Z
1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION in full IKEA box in 19 stockbooks, contains: Brazil, Argentine, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay etc., small part of classic period, mainly used, various issues, incomplete sets, especially cheaper values, all more often; various quality, a lot of material, over 26kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP! U:IK
1939-1942 [COLLECTIONS] selection of over 50 entires from various countries of South and Central America as PERU, ECUADOR, GUATEMALA, COLOMBIA, PARAGUAY, COSTARICA, NICARAGUA etc, addressed mainly to Bohemia-Moravia, Switzerland or Germany, lot of Reg and airmails, multicolor frankings, censorship; various quality U:O5
1876 SG.18y, Victoria 6P blue-green with INVERTED and REVERSED wmk; cat. £500, rare U:A5
1879 PLATE PROOF for Victoria 1½P, print of gravure "PENNY HALFPENNY" on chalky carton 92x60mm, date Sep1 1879; rare, ex. De La Rue archives U:A5
1889 PLATE PROOF new experimental gravure for "COLONIAL DIE" - Victoria; print in black color on chalky carton 92x60mm with date 12 JUN. 89, corrected to 21 JUN. 89; very rare PLATE PROOF of refused gravure ex. De La Rue archives! U:A5
1920 PLATE PROOF for issue George V. 1921-1929, print of gravure without face value on chalky carton 92x60mm, BEFORE HARDENING and written date 17.1.20; rare plate proof ex. De La Rue archives U:A5
1935 SG.93g, Jubilee George V. 2½P with plate variety "Dot to left of the chapel"; cat. £225 U:A5
1938 PLATE PROOF for SG.98-107, George VI. "Landscape" 1/2P-5Sh, complete set 1938 (additional values 10Sh and £1 issued in 1948); in black color on smooth paper 145x245mm, with frame cancel. FILE and notice "approved , signature, 2.11."; ex. Waterlow archives! U:A4
1946 PLATE PROOF portrait of George VI., unfinished gravure without oval, then used for print of issue "Victory" SG.110-111 and other colonil issue; in black color on thin machine paper 34x45mm, contemporary hand-made numbering; ex. De la Rue, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1946 PLATE PROOF portrait of George VI., definitive gravure in oval, in minimalized variety used for print of issue "Victory" SG.110-111 and issues of other colonies; in black color on thin machine paper 37x50mm, contemporary hand-made numbering and signature "JACH"; ex. De la Rue, extraordinary offer U:A5
1952 PLATE PROOF portrait of Elizabeth II., for SG.120, 121 etc., definitive gravure on two blocks of thin paper without watermark and with gum, in colour grey-blue and red-brown, inscription FOR SKETCHES ONLY and BRADBURY, WILKINSON.....; very rare prints U:A5
1859 PLATE PROOF for SG.1 etc. "Chalon Head", gravure of center medallion - portrait of The Queen Victoria - in green color on folded sheet 85x100mm, right inscription "From J.H. Chapman, Cliftonville, Wheatlands Grove, Harrogate"; rare U:A5
1911-1919 SG.80y, Kingdom stairway 3Sh black / green with INVERTED and REVERSED wmk Mult Crown CA; certificate RPSL 1962, cat. £170 U:A5
1912-1919 SG.86a, George V. 6P bistre-brown with variety: Malformed "E"; cat. £130 U:A5
1920 SG.107x, George V. 1P carmine with REVERSED wmk "sideaways"; cat. £375 U:A5
1861 SG.28a, pair of Britannia 4P "vermillion", IMPERFORATED; very nice piece with original gum and certificate RPSL, cat. £1.500, rare; ex. Harris collection U:A5
1873 SG.59, Britannia 4P pink red, wmk "Large star", perf clean cut 14½ : 16; very nice piece with full original gum, £1.400 U:DR
1873 SG.63, Britannia 3P brown-purple; VF, part o.g., cat. £325, rare U:A5
1873 PLATE PROOF for SG.63, pair of Britannia 3P IMPERFORATED, plate proof in black color on stronger paper; perfect quality U:A5
1873 PLATE PROOF for SG.64, Britannia large format 5Sh, IMPERFORATED plate proof in black color, on stronger paper without gum; very fine print ex. Perkins Bacon U:A5
1873 PLATE PROOF for SG.64, Britannia large format 5Sh, IMPERFORATED plate proof in "maroon" instead definitive "dull rose", on stronger paper without gum; very fine and rare, ex. Perkins Bacon U:A5