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Pof.99p, White numerals 10f red with perfin "G.St." in position "B", overprint type IV.; mint never hinged, certificate Vrba, exp. by Mrnak U:A5
Pof.100, White numerals 15f violet, upper left corner block-of-4 with control-numbers and joined overprint types I+III/ IV+II; VF, certificate Vrba and Karásek, exp. by Gilbert, rare multiple! U:DR
Pof.109, 35f brown, marginal block-of-6 with control-numbers, large shift of overprint, joined types; exp. by Karasek U:A5
Pof.111-115, 50f violet - 2 K brown, comp. of 8 bloks of four, always 2x from each value, i.a. 80f both marginal, 1x 1 Koruna and 2 K marginal, joined types, control-numbers; hinged, exp. by Karasek., nice set U:A4
Pof.116, 3 K violet / grey, block of four with lower margin with control-numbers, overprint types II+III/ I+I, 2x joined types; upper pair hinged, exp. Vrba, cat. 5.700CZK, blocks with control-numbers are rare U:A5
Pof.116, 3 K violet / grey, block of four, overprint types III+II/ II + I, 2x joined types; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, cat. 7.500CZK++, in block rare usage U:A5
Pof.125y, 2f red orange, horizontal pair with wmk Py (VI.), joined Opt types II + I, wide margins; lightly hinged, right light bend, certificate Vrba, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, cat. 18.200Kč U:A5
Pof.126Py, Black numerals 1f green / black, comb perforation 15, wmk Py - to the right, overprint type IV.; lightly hinged, well centered stamp and overprint, certificate Vrba, exp. by Mrnak., Fischmeister, Tribuna, cat. Pofis 20.000CZK, Mercure 35.000CZK U:A5
Pof.126Pz, Black numerals 1f green / black, combined perforation 15, wmk Pz, overprint type III.; MNH, well centered stamp also overprint, certificate Vrba, exp. Fischmeister, Tribuna, cat. Pofis 35.000CZK, Mercure 40.000CZK U:A5
Pof.129Px, Black numerals 12f green / black, combined perforation 15, wmk Px - leftwards, overprint type IV.; very nice piece with mint original gum, certificate Vrba and Gilbert, exp. by Mrnak., cat. 200.000Kč (!), very rare stamp! U:DR
Pof.130Pw, Black numerals 50f green / black, line perforation 11½ : 12, wmk Pw - vertical, overprint type III.; hinged, in upper left corner repaired tooth, certificate Vrba and Karásek, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, Vrba and old commercial marks Levec and Kratina, very rare and sought stamp, cat. 70.000CZK! U:DR
Pof.130Px, Black numerals 50f green / black with right margin with control-numbers and part of Opt, wmk Px - to the right, comb perforation 15, overprint type II.; mint never hinged, certificate Vrba, exp. by Gilbert and Vrba, cat. 23.000CZK, very fine U:A5
Pof.130Pz, Black numerals 50f green / black, wmk Pz, combined perforation 15, overprint type III.; hinged, certificate Vrba, exp. Fischmeister, Pitt, Vrba U:A5
UNISSUED Black numerals 6h green / black, wmk Py - to the right, combined perforation 15, overprint type IV.; mint never hinged, certificate and exp. Vrba U:A5
UNISSUED / Black numerals 20f green / black, BLOCK OF 4 (!), combined perforation 15, wmk - y to the right, overprint types II + IV/ I + I; mint never hinged without hinge, over two stamps vertical bend, certificate Vrba, exp. by Leseticky., decorative multiple, as block-of-4 very rare! U:DR
Pof.133, Red numerals 5f green / red, block of four with lower margin with control-numbers, overprint types II+II/ II + I; right lower underlaid perforation, hinged, exp. Vrba and old mark, decorative U:A5
Pof.133, Red numerals 5f green / red, block of four, joined overprints types III+IV/ II + I; lightly hinged, lower in the middle lightly underlaid perf, exp. by Karasek + old mark U:A5
Pof.139, Red numerals 30f green / red, block of four, all overprint type IV.; over left vertical pair of stamps light, from the front small bend, exp. by Karasek and old mark, cat. Pofis 6.000CZK, Mercure 10.000CZK U:A5
Pof.132, 134-138, Red numerals, set of 12 bloks of four, various values 2f, 6f, 10f, 12f, 15f and 20f, i.a. 2x 15f, also block of 8 10f with double perforation in margin, various joined Opt types, shifts etc.; part expertized, cat. only basic stamps min. 2.400CZK U:A4
1919 money letter for 4.530Kč sent in the place, franked with i.a. Coat of arms 3 K light red, high size, then Coat of arms 60h and Charles 15h (subtype IIa) and 30h, CDS PRAGUE 1/?.XII.19; on reverse seal, minor faults, exp. by Karasek, Pittermann U:A5
1920 philatelically influenced Reg letter in the place with heading of "Československý cizinecký úřad", franked with Large numerals 4h, 6h, 14h, 25h and 50h, Pof.66-69 and 71, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 1/ 30.I.20; exp. by Gilbert, cat. for stamps on entire 28.300Kč U:A5
Pof.140-142, 125h-1000h, Masaryk, complete set incl. Pof.125 Ia, ultramarine type I., exp. by Gilbert.; value 500h production fold in paper + pair of Pof.142 with small gum faults U:A5
PLATE PROOF joined printing of values 10+20+25+5h in green color on stamp paper with gum; larger size, right at top fold in paper, illustrated in Monograph No.2, page 261, image 461, exp. Vrba U:A5
Pof.143B, 5h blue with lower margin with control-number and with omitted bottom horiz. perforation 13¾; mint never hinged, certificate Vrba, exp. by Mrnak., Gilbert, Vrba, cat. 18.000Kč+, decorative piece in very nice quality! U:A5
Pof.143N-149N, 5h blue - 25h green, complete set of IMPERFORATES, i.a. 20h orange types I + II, 25h green types I + II, also 2x 5h light and dark blue, 1x 5h blue with offset on gum, also shades of 10h green (3x), 10h brown (1x double impression) etc.; interesting selection, mainly hinged, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, Karasek, cat. * 8.130CZK U:A5
Pof.154B ST, horizontal pair of Chainbreaker 40h brown with joined types of leaves, on pos. 96/1 type II - 10 leaves, line perforation 13¾ (!), CDS VÍTKOVICE NA MORAVĚ. 4.IV.22; nice quality, certificates Vrba and Karásek, cat. Merkur-Revue 150.000CZK, very rare joined types, known only few examples, item for largest exhibits! U:DR
Pof.154B, 40h brown, type I - 9 linden leaves, line perforation 13¾; well centered marginal piece; exp. and marked Tribuna, Hirsch, Vrba, cat. 4.500Kč+ U:A5
Pof.151N-161N, set of 8 imperforated blocks of four, values 20h, 25h, 30h, 40h type II., 60h, 100h, 185h and 250h; only 1 stamp of value 25h stripped paper, otherwise VF, MNH, exp. by Mrnak., Karasek, cat. 9.500CZK U:A5
Pof.156N, 50h green, marginal IMPERFORATED block of four (!); at top hinged, certificate Vrba, exp. by Mrnak., very nice multiple, scarce U:A5
Pof.144TBa-157TBa, Pigeon-issue and issue Chainbreaker, complete set of opposite facing gutters as BLOCKS OF 4(!) = 2x complete set, from that 4 marginal; Pof.148TBa and 154TBb hinged, others mint never hinged, several pcs exp. Vrba, mark Karásek, in blocks of four very rare! U:A4
PLATE PROOF value 20h in violet color, imperforated block-of-4, definitive printing; mark Karasek U:A5
Pof.164A-169A, 100h - 600h, complete set in blocks of four, combined perforation 13¾;; i.a. 500h (dark color shade) and 600h mint never hinged U:A5
Pof.164N-169N, UNISSUED imperforated stamps 100h-600h, blocks of 4; hinged over upper pairs, exp. by Karasek, sought! U:A5
PLATE PROOF / gravure printing - joined printing of 4 values 100h, 200h, 300h and 400h in olive color on stamp paper with gum; exp. by Gilbert., VF U:A5
PLATE PROOF joined printing of 5 values (two same) - values 100, 200, 300 and 400h in blue color, without name of the author, on paper with gum, size 161x105mm; nice quality, exp. Vrba U:A5
Pof.173B ST, 100h red, vertical pair with joined types II. + III., combined perforation 13¾; : 13½; marked and exp. Vrba, cat. 6.000CZK U:A5
1923 Pof.176-177 plate number, Jubilee 50h green and 100h red,set of 5 corner blocks-of-4 with plate numbers: 50h plate number I and II with wmk P7 + 50h with plate number III and with P5 (corner piece) + 100h with plate number I with P7, plate number II with P5 and plate number III with P7; exp. by Gilbert., Vrba, Karasek, cat. 3.980Kč U:A5
1923 Pof.178-179, Jubilee 200h blue and 300h brown, lowe left corner block-of-4 with plate number I, 200h with wmk P8, 300h with P5; both exp. by Gilbert., Vrba, cat. 3.000CZK U:A5
1926 Pof.183-184 plate numbers, Festival 50h green, 3x corner block-of-4 with plate numbers: plate number I with wmk P5, plate number II with P7 and plate number III with P5 + ditto 100h red, plate number I with P5, plate number II with P5 and plate number III with P7; lightly hinged on upper pairs, exp. by Gilbert., Vrba, cat. 9.750Kč, sought! U:A5
1926 Pof.185 plate number, Festival 200h blue, lower corner block of 4 with plate number I, wmk P6; lightly hinged over upper pair, exp. by Gilbert., Vrba, cat. 3.750Kč, sought U:A5
1926 PLATE PROOF Pof.186, Festival 300h brown with trial printing of added-print in black color (issued with red additional-printing), wmk P7; mint never hinged, certificate and exp. Vrba, rare! U:A5
1926 Pof.186 plate number, Festival 300h brown, lower corner block of 4 with plate number I, wmk P5; lightly hinged over upper pair, exp. by Gilbert., Vrba, cat. 5.000CZK, sought U:A5
1925 Pof.189xA, Masaryk ravure-print 60h violet, lowe left corner block-of-4 with plate number 13/VI, parchment paper, combined perforation 13¾; : 13½; wmk P3; luxury multiple, certificate and exp. Vrba, cat. 13.000CZK, decorative U:A5
1925 Pof.190A, Gravure 1Kč red, type I., vertical wmk P2; small production gum skips, marked and exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, cat. 3.000CZK U:A5
1925 Pof.191A, Gravure 2Kč blue, type I., sought vertical wmk P3; chip of wood in paper and small production gum fault, marked and exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, cat. 4.500CZK U:A5
1925 Pof.191A, Gravure 2Kč blue, type I., vertical wmk P4; marked and exp. by Leseticky., Gilbert U:A5
1925 Pof.192A, Gravure 3Kč brown, high size, type I., wmk P4, line perforation 13¾; hinged, certificate Vrba, exp. by Mrnak U:A5
1925 Pof.194, Gravure 1Kč red, type II., wmk P5, marginal block-of-4; marked and exp. by Gilbert + old commercial mark, cat. 7.500Kč++ U:A5
Pof.195 P3, Masaryk Gravure 2Kč blue, type II with extremely rare vertical watermark P3; viewing of quality recommended - repaired perf and tearing left at top, after all scarce stamp, certificate Vrba, exp. by Karasek., cat. 80.000CZK! U:DR
1925 PLATE PROOF Gravure, print of original gravure without value tablet, brown color on card without gum; exp. by Karasek and Vrba, cat. 10.000CZK U:A5
1925 PLATE PROOF Gravure, print of original gravure without value tablet, in blue color on card without gum; exp. by Karasek and Vrba, cat. 10.000CZK U:A5
1926 Pof.216A, Castles 20h orange, coil stamps, without watermark, marginal block-of-4 with plate number 1 (!); luxury, certificate Vrba, cat. 36.000Kč, coil- stamps without watermark are very rare, here in addition with plate number, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1926 Pof.226xI, Prague, Tatras 3Kč red, set of 4 corner pieces with plate number 1, complete set of wmk P5-P8, all parchment paper!; exp. by Karasek U:A5
1926 Pof.229, Prague, Tatras 2Kč blue, without watermark, lower left corner block-of-4 with rare plate number 3; right upper stamp minor gum fault, mark Karasek, cat. 13.000CZK U:A5
Pof.231, Prague, Tatras 4Kč violet, without watermark, lower left corner block-of-4 with plate number 1; upper pair hinged., exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1928 pencil drawing for stamp Pof.241, Jubilee 3Kč, size 100x130 mm, on thin carton paper, at top also lower handwritten notes and right lower signature K. Seizinger; exp. by Karasek U:A5
1929-38 selection of various issues, mainly corner pieces and blocks with plate numbers as Pof.248-253, Pof.280, 280, 280a, 280a, Pof.216-224, Pof.Aa-223a, Pof.295KL-297KL + 295KL-297KL, 2x Pof.348-349KD, Pof.A347, also watermark types etc.; cat. min. 2.400CZK U:A4
1933 Pof.274Ms(2), issue Nitra 1Kč red, vertical 2-stamps same facing gutter, marginal piece with PLATE NUMBER 1A; superb mint piece, certificates Vrba and Beneš, catalogue price 800.000CZK by italic; this gutter belongs to the rarest items of Czechoslovakia and is unique, only another one gutter with plate number 1 recorded, great exhibit item! U:DR
1934 PLATE PROOF Pof.274, Nitra 1Kčs, plate proof - print of original gravure in green color used for value 50h of this issue, on white paper without gum; marked by Tribuna, Karasek U:A5
1937 PLATE PROOF Pof.A329/330, imperforated miniature sheet Bratislava 1937 with omitted print of red color, without print of value 1kč and Coat of arm; original gum, hinged, certificate Vrba, exp. by Karasek, rare occurrence! U:DR