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1926 PRAGUE - VIENNA, 2 airmail card, 1x with Pof.L4, L5, addressed to Insbruck and 1x franked with Pof.L4 + 2x Masaryk 50h, addressed to Vienna, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 8.IX.26, both cards with arrival CDS WIEN/ FLUGPOST/ 8.IX.26; good condition, 1x exp. Pitt U:A5
1927 first flight BRNO - HLIVICE, Reg and airmail letter, with Pof.L4, L5, 150, 203, 226, CDS BRNO 1/ 9.V.27, arrival postmark GLEIWITZ/ 9.5.27 on front also back side; good condition U:A5
1927 first flight PRAGUE - BERLIN, card sent to Berlin, with Pof.L4 2x, 146, 148, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 21.III.27, supplemented with frame airmail cancel., arrival CDS BERLIN C2/ 21.3.27 and red framed pmk "Mit Luftpost befördert...Postamt BERLIN", sender Šula; good condition U:A5
1927 first flight PRAGUE - MNICHOV, PC Coat of arms 50h sent by 1. flight to Munich, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 19.IV.27, supplemented with red frame cancel. 1. flight and arrival MUNICH 19/Apr 27 + letter sent by Flight from Prague to Munich, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 2.V.27 with arrival red frame cancel. Mit Luftpost München; good condition U:A5
1927 first flight PRAGUE - VIENNA, set of 3 entires sent by 1. flight to Austria, 1x commercial letter franked with 5 stamps 60h T. G. Masaryk, Pof.207, 1x uprated postacard issue Chainbreaker 50h + 1x card 1. flight Berlin - Prague - Vienna, all with airmail cancel. PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 21.III.27 and red arrival CDS WIEN 1/ FLUGPOST/ 21.III.27; good condition U:A5
1928 first flight PRAGUE - ROTTERDAM, letter to Rotterdam as reg airmail printed matter, exact franking with Pof.L4-L6 CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 30.IV.28, supplemented with red cachet, on reverse arrival CDS ROTTERDAM/ 30.4.28; very fine U:A5
1929 first flight BRNO - UZHHOROD + BRATISLAVA - UZHHOROD + KOŠICE - UZHHOROD, set of 3 entires, 1x posting flight framed pmk BRNO AIRPORT/ 6.V.29 (postcard with surtax for Poste restante, broken corner), 1x card with mailing frame cancel. BRATISLAVA - AIRPORT/ 6.V.29 (card with surtax for Poste Restante), 1x front side of cover with frame cancel. KOŠICE AIRPORT/ 6.V.29 and black cachet 1. flight; various quality U:A5
1929 first flight UZHHOROD - PRAGUE, pictorial postcard CDV39/15 sent airmail to Turkey, uprated with stamp Pof.L4, 146, 187, 207, 253 posting frame cancel. UZHHOROD AIRPORT/ 6.V.29, transit pmk PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 6.V.29 and on reverse CDS STAMBOUL/ 8.5.29 and arrival GALATA/ 9.5.29; well preserved, rare destination U:A5
1929 first flight UZHHOROD - PRAGUE, Reg and airmail letter to Switzerland - 1. flight Uzhhorod - Prague, with Pof.L4, L5, 214, 215, 237, posting frame cancel. UZHHOROD AIRPORT/ 6.V.29, CDS UZHHOROD/ 6.V.29, transit PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 6.V.29 and on reverse arrival postmark BERNE/ 8.V.29 U:A5
1929 PRAGUE - MALMÖ, advertising Swedish card of flight Stockholm - Amsterdam, with multicolor franking of postage stamps, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 15.VII.29, arrival MALMÖ/ 16.7.29, redirected to Gräsberg, sent back U:A5