Public Auction 56 / Collections

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198782 - 1913-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting collection / accumulati
1913-1939 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection / accumulation in 8-sheet stockbook, contains many complete sets from 1913, some more often; higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
197955 - 1849-1955 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice collection of mainly used
1849-1955 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of mainly used stamps on sheets Schaubek in screw folder, from classic period, issue 1849, various complete sets as: Mi.104-106, 110-112, 235-243, 244-249, 270-275, 291-297, 366-372, 929-940 etc., so i.a. Mi.Klb.186, souvenir sheets Bl.2, 3-5 etc., also Official, railways; cat. min. 2.500€, it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK
199101 - 1850-1952 [COLLECTIONS]  collection / accumulation in stockb
1850-1952 [COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation in stockbook A4, contains part of classic period, many complete interwar sets, also telegraph, newspaper, postage-due etc.; in addition stockbook A4 with issues for Belgian Congo, from issue 1886, complete also incomplete sets, used and unused, various quality, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
198834 - 1879-1960 [COLLECTIONS]  collection / accumulation in 2 larg
1879-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation in 2 large and 2 small stockbooks, from the first issue Coat of arms, various values, sets, used also unused, some more times, also parts of sheets etc..; various quality, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
1851-1863 [COLLECTIONS] EXTRAORDINARY CLASSIC COLLECTION / ex. Jan Strnad, on 77 exhibit sheets with descriptions in 2 ring folders, contains classic issues Coat of arms 1851-1863, Mi.1-10, AFA 1-10, high specilaization on types, plates, postmarks, plate varieties, as well supplemented with many interesting entires etc.; with lot of rare and interesting items, i.a. letter from 5.5 1851, selection of plate varieties of Mi.1 (12 sheets), includes rarest 1IIIf chest brown also on letter, Mi.2 - all types 2b (10x), also letter with Mi.2a type 9; mixed franking Mi.3, 4 and 6 on cut-square, letter with Mi.6 etc.; collection have been compiled almost 50 years, major-part of better items with certificates of Danish experts and specialists, cat. ca. 70.000€, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
201321 - 1858 [COLLECTIONS]  specialized collection of NUMERAL POSTMA
1858 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection of NUMERAL POSTMARKS on stamps Coat of arms 4S brown, Mi.7, AFA 7, total 267 stamps with postmarks of 175 various post offices, all on 26 pages; chosen pieces with nice postmarks
Starting price: CZK
201317 - 1850-1976 [COLLECTIONS]  various selection in 6-sheet stockb
1850-1976 [COLLECTIONS] various selection in 6-sheet stockbook, contains partly classical stamps, incl. better values, also modern period etc..; various quality, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
198780 - 1851-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection / accumulation in
1851-1945 [COLLECTIONS] small collection / accumulation in 8-sheet stockbook, from the first issue - i.a. 10x Mi.1, also for example Mi.14A etc..; many values also some sets more often, various quality, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
201328 - 1854-1865 [COLLECTIONS]  LETTERS / very interesting collecti
1854-1865 [COLLECTIONS] LETTERS / very interesting collection of 77 letters with frankings of Mi.7 or Mi.4, Coat of arms 4S, various also rarer numeral postmarks, all chosen pieces; market price ca. 15.000CZK, interesting offer from highly specialized collection of Denmark
Starting price: CZK
198750 - 1866-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting collection in 8-sheet s
1866-1945 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in 8-sheet stockbook A4 + 2 cards A4, from issue 1866 and other classic issues, also period of republic from 1917 etc., many complete sets etc.; various quality, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
199210 - 1849-1960 [COLLECTIONS]  strong collection / accumulation in
1849-1960 [COLLECTIONS] strong collection / accumulation in 9 stockbooks, from classic issues of Ceres and Napoleon, many interesting postmarks, colors, types etc., also issues Sower, Merson, War sets, also air-mails, postage-due; strong interwar period with many better items as Mi.303-304, 316, 327 etc., many stamps more, unused also used, also war after 1945 issues and sets, duplication etc.; from large estate, part with original descriptions, up to 1945 mainly * / used, high catalogue value, a lot of interesting material
Starting price: CZK
198784 - 1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  collection / accumulation in 8-shee
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation in 8-sheet stockbook, single sets, many miniature sheets, printing sheets, coupons etc..; various quality, part viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
198934 - 1876-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection in stockbook A4, f
1876-1939 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in stockbook A4, from issue 1876, various also more interesting values, sets, used also unused, also interwar issues, postage-due etc.; higher catalogue, various quality
Starting price: CZK
188645 - 1960-1983 [COLLECTIONS]  FDC / ICELAND, FEAR ISLANDS  comp.
1960-1983 [COLLECTIONS] FDC / ICELAND, FEAR ISLANDS comp. of ca. 300 FDCs; high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
199103 - 1860-1960 [COLLECTIONS]  very interesting collection / accum
1860-1960 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection / accumulation in full large 16-sheet stockbook + 2x card A4, contains a lot of material, many complete long sets as World Championship in football, Zeppelins, Mi.415-434, 494-513 and 514-519 etc.., mainly mint hinged and used, in addition supplemented with incomplete collection of Italy from 1954; high catalogue value!
Starting price: CZK
199139 - 1918-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  large accumulation / collection in
1918-1970 [COLLECTIONS] large accumulation / collection in 10 various stockbooks, contains lot of sets also singles from issue 1918, mostly more times, also for example imperforated Mi.159-161, various issues of King Alexander, inter-war - postwar period, i.a. 2x Mi.730 *, also various souvenir sheets as Mi.Bl.3 and 4, Postage due stamps etc.., mint also used; various quality, housed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
198927 - 1912-1978 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection / accumu
1912-1978 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection / accumulation in 16-sheet stockbook A4, from first issue 1912, various values more often, used also unused, many complete sets also highest values etc., in addition supplemented with semifinished collection 1960-1978 on hingeless sheets in spring folder; various quality, we advice examination, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
198781 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  BALTIC STATES  interesting basic co
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] BALTIC STATES interesting basic collection / accumulation of Latvia in stockbook A4, i.a. incl. some better values and interwar sets (air-mails, imperforated etc.), then ditto Lithuania in two stockbooks A4 + smaller stockbook A4 with selection of Estonia; various quality, some values more times, interesting
Starting price: CZK
195310 - 1852-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION /  extraordinary accumu
1852-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / extraordinary accumulation of used and also unused stamps, complete sets also miniature sheets, almost all more often, placed in 4 full stockbooks A4; contains classic issues from 1852, Coat of arms, William, Adolf, Mary Adelheid, i.a. Mi.Klb.121, lot of complete inter-war sets more often (mainly used and *), for example For Children, Mi.177-181,192-196, 208-212, 227-231, then also for example Mi.245-249, 252-256, 259-264, 284-289, 296-301, souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.2-6, also issues of occupied territories and many complete better postwar sets, supplemented with official and telegraph stamps, several stamp booklets etc.; estate after important collector, very high catalogue value, various quality, suitable to other elaboration and sale, we advice examination, interesting starting price!
Starting price: CZK
201120 - 1871-1989 [COLLECTIONS]  nice general very complete collecti
1871-1989 [COLLECTIONS] nice general very complete collection, used / * / ** on pages in 5 spring folders, early period incomplete, better complete interwar sets mint hinged, i.a. Mi.261-265, 403-410, 430-437, 478-479, miniature sheet Block No.1 MNH then postwar - souvenir sheets Roosevelt, Bridges, UPU 1950 - Bl.10-11 MNH, Klb.999 MNH, Bl.12-13 MNH, Bl.17 MNH, Bl.18A (!) ** etc.., also i.a. Postage due stamps, occupied territories (on 30 pages), in addition supplemented with about 2 stockbooks A5 with duplication; high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
200108 - 1925-1970 [COLLECTIONS] SG.D1-41, complete and specialized c
1925-1970 [COLLECTIONS] SG.D1-41, complete and specialized collection of postage-due stamps, on 11 old sheets, i.a. printing error SG.D5a OMITTED 2 in 1/2 in pair with normal stamp, mostly twice as mint and used, contains also undervalued and rare set as SG.D28-D31 etc.; cat. min. £1.450
Starting price: CZK
197951 - 1885-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION /  extraordinary accum
1885-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / extraordinary accumulation of unused and used stamps in 7 full stockbooks A4; contains classic issues from issue 1885 - Charles III., Albert I., then various interesting inter-war issues, lot of complete also incomplete sets, most of them more often, also souvenir sheets, printing sheets, gutters, joined printings etc., also air-mails, postage-due, stamp booklets etc.; up to 1945 mostly */**, postwar issues mainly **, high catalogue value, a lot of of material suitable for specialist or resale, various quality, placed in middle box, supplemented with empty spiral stockbooks with sheets of Monaco, we recommend viewing!
Starting price: CZK
199940 - 1921-1923 [COLLECTIONS]  INFLATION ISSUES / SHEETS  selectio
1921-1923 [COLLECTIONS] INFLATION ISSUES / SHEETS selection of 40 complete sheets, mainly from inflation period, contains i.a. Mi.323B 2 pcs, 279, 309, 318B, 327B, 334B etc.; cat. only single stamps ca. 3.700€
Starting price: CZK
199937 - 1921-1923 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 16 complete sheets wit
1921-1923 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 16 complete sheets with margins, postage stamps, inflation issue, 25-stamps sheets of Mi.140-150, postage-due Porto 50-stamps sheets Mi.1-4, 6-13, 24X, 25X; mint never hinged, housed in transparent covers, cat. 495€
Starting price: CZK
197440 - 1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice complete collection in 6
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] very nice complete collection in 6 stockbooks, contains best issues of 1950´s (often 2x, or MNH and used), i.a. miniature sheet Goethe **, Debria *, Mi.286-288 **, souvenir sheets Marx 1953 **, + used as Mi.242, 243-244, 248-249, 251-255, 261-270, 284-285 etc., also various joined printings for stamp bklt, coupons, MHB6 used etc.; very high catalogue value, according to owner over 12.000€
Starting price: CZK
199906 - 1860-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION /  in filled IKEA box
1860-1945 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / in filled IKEA box in 16 stockbooks A4, from German states, Deutsches Reich, colonies, occupied territories, Danzig, General Government, Saarland etc., many complete sets and better values, many more often; various quality, high catalogue value, a lot of material suitable to resale, we advice examination, 23kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
Starting price: CZK
197735 - 1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  general used collection 1870-1945 o
1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS] general used collection 1870-1945 on sheet Schaubek in spring folder, 1930´s used / mint, contains various values and issues from the first issue, without miniature sheets, Zeppelins etc..; in addition supplemented with about duplication in stockbook A4 + on stock-sheets A4, i.a. also GDR, Generalgovernement etc.., also ca. 30 common entires; various quality
Starting price: CZK
199102 - 1852-1960 [COLLECTIONS]  NETHERLANDS / LUXEMBURG /  spring f
1852-1960 [COLLECTIONS] NETHERLANDS / LUXEMBURG / spring folder Abria with semifinished used collection of Netherlands on hingeless sheets, from issue 1852; supplemented with selection of Luxembourg on 4 sheets in stockbook, i.a. several more interesting complete sets from 1930´s; mainly hinged or used
Starting price: CZK
198756 - 1855-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting collection (accumulatio
1855-1970 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection (accumulation) in 3 albums A4 + 3x A5, from classic issues - Coat of arms 1855, 1856 Oscar I., numeral issues etc.., single values more often, also inter-war and war issues, complete sets etc.; various quality, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
198947 - 1853-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  collection / accumulation in 4 stoc
1853-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation in 4 stockbooks A4, contains lot of interesting material, used also unused, classic issues from Maria II., also various issues Pedro V., Louis I. etc., part of set Prince Henry the Navigator and Anthony of Padua, inter-war issues, postage-dues etc.; various quality, high catalogue value, we advice viewing
Starting price: CZK
1741-1850 [COLLECTIONS] PREPHILATELIC LETTERS / CZECH LANDS / PRAGUE collection of prephilatelic letters sent from Prague, all adjusted with descriptions on 23 sheets, total 41 entires, mostly with various different postmarks, several official cancel., lot of various post. cancel. as VON PRAG, aPRAG in oval or in frame, V. PRAG/ FRANCO etc..; nice collection
Starting price: CZK
1767-1850 [COLLECTIONS] PREPHILATELIC LETTERS / CZECH LANDS collection of prephilatelic letters with descriptions on more than 90 pages, total more than 180 entires, various interesting postmarks as V:MIES, HOHENMAUTH, COMMOTAU, POHRLITZ, RECOMANDIRT FULNEK, B.TEINITZ, HOROSEDEL, POLITSCHKA, FALKENAU, CHRUDIM, JESSENITZ, STÖKEN, V.SCHLAN, SUDOMIERŽITZ, BISTRITZ, V.HAYDA, ROKITZAN, ZDITZ, STEINSDORF, STŔZEDOKLUK, ZLABINGS etc..; mostly nice postal imprints, valuable lot, ex. Pankrác Zajíček
Starting price: CZK
1776-1850 [COLLECTIONS] PREPHILATELIC LETTERS / CZECH LANDS / SOUTH BOHEMIA collection of prephilatelic letters with post offices of South Bohemie, exhibit on 40 exhibition sheets with descriptions, contains 80 letters or receipts with nice pmk as TÁBOR, TÝN N. VLATVOU, VESELÍ N. L., SUDOMĚŘICE, MLADÁ VOŽICE, ČESKÝ KRUMLOV, ROUDNÁ, SOBĚSLAV, JINDŘICHŮV HRADEC, VODŃANY, ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE, ČIMELICE, BŘEZNICE, HORAŽ´DOVICE, KAPLICE etc.; ex Pankrác Zajíček
Starting price: CZK
199169 - 1850- [COLLECTIONS]  specialized collection of the first iss
1850- [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection of the first issue Coat of arms housed in 16-sheet stockbook, divided according to single values, aimed on on types, postmarks etc.., contains also cut-squares and several entires; original adjustment with descriptions and valuation, interesting for specialist, it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK
198251 - 1850-1860 [COLLECTIONS]   1st + 2nd + 3rd issue, collection
1850-1860 [COLLECTIONS] 1st + 2nd + 3rd issue, collection of entires and cut-squares on 13 album sheets, contains total of 15 letters of all issues, various frankings, interesting postmarks on lot of cut-squares; various quality, originates from large collection of Austria, ex Zajíček
Starting price: CZK
199176 - 1867 [COLLECTIONS]  VI. ISSUE / specialized collection in 12
1867 [COLLECTIONS] VI. ISSUE / specialized collection in 12-sheet stockbook A4, devided according to the values, types, postmarks, part on cut-squares, also telegraph 1873 etc.; original adjustment with descriptions, interesting for specialist
Starting price: CZK
198253 - 1867 [COLLECTIONS]  VI. issue, collection of entires and cut
1867 [COLLECTIONS] VI. issue, collection of entires and cut-squares on 16 album sheets, contains total 15 letters, multicolor frankings, several Reg letters, franked receipt, interesting also thimple pmks on cut-squares; various quality, originates from large collection, ex Zajíček
Starting price: CZK
199908 - 1850-1925 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION  / in full Ikea box in
1850-1925 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / in full Ikea box in 11 large stockbooks A4 + 8 stockbooks A5, contains mainly prewar issues of Franz Joseph I., Jubilee, Postage Coat of arms, Postage due stamps, pos officet abroad, inflation issues etc.., many better values, single stamps also sets more often; various quality, high catalogue value, over 21kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
Starting price: CZK
199669 - 1883-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting accumulation of issues
1883-1918 [COLLECTIONS] interesting accumulation of issues 1883-1918 in full 8-sheet stockbook, complete also incomplete sets Franz Joseph I., Jubilee 1905 and 1908, Flugpost, Coat of arms large format etc.., incl. also better values; some singles more times, part also mint never hinged, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
198256 - 1890-1907 [COLLECTIONS]  Issues 1890-1907, collection on 21
1890-1907 [COLLECTIONS] Issues 1890-1907, collection on 21 album pages, contains 15 entires and lot of cut-squares also with interesting thimple postmarks, 3 Reg p.stat PC, bisected franking etc..; various quality, originates from large collection, ex Zajíček
Starting price: CZK
198255 - 1908-1915 [COLLECTIONS] Issue 1908, 1910, 1915 and Postage d
1908-1915 [COLLECTIONS] Issue 1908, 1910, 1915 and Postage due stamp, collection on 20 album sheets, contains 19 entires and lot of cut-squares, War issue, from postage-due cut square with block-of-50 100h stamp. etc..; various quality, originates from large collection, ex Zajíček
Starting price: CZK
198285 - 1841-1916 [COLLECTIONS]  NEWSPAPER STAMPS  large collection
1841-1916 [COLLECTIONS] NEWSPAPER STAMPS large collection of newspaper stamps, issues 1858, 1877, 1867-1880, 1899-1901, 1908, 1916 - exhibit, whole newspapers and cut squares, on 67 album pages, contains total more than 45 complete newspapers or title pages, supplemented with more than 130 pcs of cut-squares, interesting mixed issue of newspapers sent from abroad, types, colors, postmarks etc.; placed in 2 boxes on album sheets, wide and valuable exhibit of great collector Mr. Pankrác Zajíček
Starting price: CZK
199670 - 1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS]  LOCAL ISSUES / accumulation of loca
1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS] LOCAL ISSUES / accumulation of local issue on 8 pages in stockbook, issue for Tyrol, Burgenland, Salzburg etc., also Paketkontrollmarken etc.., mostly more times, interesting
Starting price: CZK
199668 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting accumulation of inter-w
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] interesting accumulation of inter-war issues in full 16-sheet stockbook A4, i.a. issue Composers, Landscapes, Airmails, Professions etc., mostly more times, incl. better highest values etc.; mainly hinged, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
199167 - 1850-1857 [COLLECTIONS]  I. ISSUE / specialized collection o
1850-1857 [COLLECTIONS] I. ISSUE / specialized collection of the first issue Coat of arms in 12-sheet stockbook, divided according to the values, aimed on types, postmarks etc.., contains also cut-squares, marginal pieces, pairs etc..; original adjustment with descriptions and valuation, it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK
201316 - 1850- [COLLECTIONS]  small selection of stamps and entires o
1850- [COLLECTIONS] small selection of stamps and entires on 4 pages in stockbook, from the first issue, all described; various quality, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
199151 - 1879-1901 [COLLECTIONS]  specialized collection of issues Ea
1879-1901 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection of issues Eagle 1879, 1900 and 1901 in large 20-sheet stockbooks, various issues and values, aimed on perforation, postmarks, shades etc.., used also unused, mostly more often; various quality, we advice examination, interesting for specialist
Starting price: CZK
199154 - 1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  very interesting collection / accum
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection / accumulation in full 16-sheet stockbook A4, from issue Eagle, contains lot of complete unused and used sets as Landscape, Franz Joseph. I., Charles I. etc.., also various types of perforation, imperforated incl. highest values, also postage-dues etc.., some more often; a lot of material
Starting price: CZK
199147 - 1906-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  collection / accumulation  in full
1906-1918 [COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation in full 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains lot of complete sets from issues Bosnia Landscape, Franz Joseph I., Charles I., overprint Landscape with slight specialisation, mostly more often, duplication; incl. highest values, mainly mint, interesting lot, suitable to resale
Starting price: CZK
201303 - 1820-1899 [COLLECTIONS] WIEN PARCEL POST  collection of 78 l
1820-1899 [COLLECTIONS] WIEN PARCEL POST collection of 78 larger parts of parcel cards and similar documents of parcel post with mounted or imprinted revenues of Kreuzer period with postmarks of all Viennese post, housed on free sheets with descriptions, contains several better entires as 7 pcs of freight letters for railroad with imprinted stamps, 1x larger part of dispatch-note with franking 6 stamps 12Kr, Mi.55, 1x dispatch-note with with perfin etc..
Starting price: CZK
198257 - 1861-1910 [COLLECTIONS]   collection of 46 p.stat on 19 albu
1861-1910 [COLLECTIONS] collection of 46 p.stat on 19 album sheets, postal stationery cover issue 1860, "Yellow! - 1x mountet over with stamp, other issues, letter-cards, newspaper wrappers, p.stat posting cards, nice postmarks etc..; various quality
Starting price: CZK
201154 - 1870-1920 [COLLECTIONS]  selection / collection of ca. 80 Au
1870-1920 [COLLECTIONS] selection / collection of ca. 80 Austrian PC also postal stationery covers, mainly unused p.stat on free album sheets supplemented with free stored pieces from various period; all in box on album pages
Starting price: CZK
197434 - 1870-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of p.stationeries in 3 f
1870-1918 [COLLECTIONS] collection of p.stationeries in 3 folders, contains i.a. more than 140 pcs of "yellows", mainly with CDS WIEN, PRAG, then several better cancel., various language types, several private prints atc., overall various quality; then other issues, newspaper wrappers, letter-cards, postcards for abroads etc., supplemented with folder with various common entires of Europe; various quality, overall interesting
Starting price: CZK
199155 - 1915-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  fine accumulation in 12-sheet stock
1915-1918 [COLLECTIONS] fine accumulation in 12-sheet stockbook A4, contains various sets of general issues, issue for Italy, Serbia, Romania etc.., often more times, also highest values, unused also used; various quality
Starting price: CZK
199152 - 1915-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  very interesting collection / accum
1915-1918 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection / accumulation in full 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains lot of complete mint also used sets, general issues, issue for Serbia, Romania, Italy etc., also postage-dues, many higher values, several blocks of four etc.., mostly more often; we advice examination
Starting price: CZK
197741 - 1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  ca. 300 FP cards, from that ca. 60
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] ca. 300 FP cards, from that ca. 60 P.O.W. mail, contains various postmarks, censorships, part also postcards, in addition supplemented with album of 50 f Ppc and photos of soldiers (2x military equipment) etc..; various, mostly good quality
Starting price: CZK
199198 - 1850-1890 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting selection in small
1850-1890 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting selection in small stockbook A5, chosen pieces, strong first issue., devided according to the values, types, postmarks etc.., also 2nd issue i.a. (*) 3 Kreuzer and 5 Kreuzer, St. Andrew's cross, newspapers, Lombardy-Veneto etc.; original adjustment with descriptions, from large estate, various quality, we advice examination, high catalogue value!
Starting price: CZK
199192 - 1850-1890 [COLLECTIONS]  CUT-SQUARES /  interesting collecti
1850-1890 [COLLECTIONS] CUT-SQUARES / interesting collection / accumulation of classic stamps on cut-squares in 8-sheet stockbook A4, from the first issue to end of Kreuzer currency, lot of cancel. from Czech lands, chosen pieces with nice prints; suitable for specialist!
Starting price: CZK
199180 - 1850-1890 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting selection of mainly unu
1850-1890 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of mainly unused stamps in small stockbook A5, contains i.a. newspaper blue Mercure, various values of The 2nd issue Franz Joseph I., newspaper 1858, values of III. - VI. issues, also Lombardy-Veneto etc..; various quality (some gum, faults, perf etc.), very high catalogue value, we advice examination
Starting price: CZK
199189 - 1850-1935 [COLLECTIONS]  very interesting collection / accum
1850-1935 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection / accumulation in 4 stockbooks A4, strong first issue, various postmarks (lot of from Czech countries), types, also II. - VII. issue ditto, newspaper, postage-due, also issues 1890-1918 also several inter-war issues, contains also Lombardy-Veneto, Levant; part of large estate, original adjustment with descriptions, many interesting items, suitable for specialist, we advice examination!
Starting price: CZK