Public Auction 56 / Exclusive items

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1851-1863 [COLLECTIONS] EXTRAORDINARY CLASSIC COLLECTION / ex. Jan Strnad, on 77 exhibit sheets with descriptions in 2 ring folders, contains classic issues Coat of arms 1851-1863, Mi.1-10, AFA 1-10, high specilaization on types, plates, postmarks, plate varieties, as well supplemented with many interesting entires etc.; with lot of rare and interesting items, i.a. letter from 5.5 1851, selection of plate varieties of Mi.1 (12 sheets), includes rarest 1IIIf chest brown also on letter, Mi.2 - all types 2b (10x), also letter with Mi.2a type 9; mixed franking Mi.3, 4 and 6 on cut-square, letter with Mi.6 etc.; collection have been compiled almost 50 years, major-part of better items with certificates of Danish experts and specialists, cat. ca. 70.000€, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
199423 - 1925-1932 SG.108, George V. £5 violet / black; VF, cat.
1925-1932 SG.108, George V. £5 violet / black; VF, cat. £1.600, rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
199795 - 1859 Sass.18, GOVERNO PROVVISORIO 80C bistro oliva; very fin
1859 Sass.18, GOVERNO PROVVISORIO 80C bistro oliva; very fine piece with certificate E. Diena, cat. * 16.000€, (*) 5.000€; rare classic stamp, printing only 2.400, preserved about 200, seldom offered!
Starting price: CZK
198303 - 1851 Sass.4d+6d, Lion 1Cr and 4Cr on cut-square with rare ca
1851 Sass.4d+6d, Lion 1Cr and 4Cr on cut-square with rare cancel. of Austrian field post in occupied Florence - FELDPOST No.2; very fine piece with certificate Dr. Colla, then also exp. Bolaffi, Alberto Diena and especially Emilio Diena (1938), only postmark in cat. Sassone Annullamenti "R1" = 4.500€, extraordinary piece from old time!
Starting price: CZK
195568 - 1919 Mi.49b, Austrian Coat of arms 10K dark violet, with ove
1919 Mi.49b, Austrian Coat of arms 10K dark violet, with overprint POCZTA POLSKA, on cut-square with CDS KRAKOW 1 / 16.II.19; very fine, exp. Friedl (Otto) ca. 1930, Marbach ca. 1940, certificate Mikulski 1980, cat. 25.000€++; iconic stamp, one of rarest stamp of Europe, very scarce!
Starting price: CZK
198298 - 1860 letter with Mi.1, Coat of arms Za Lot Kop 10, from Wars
1860 letter with Mi.1, Coat of arms "Za Lot Kop 10", from Warsaw to Odessa, very fine postal imprints - round "1" and red CDS VARŠAVA 2/6; extraordinary quality!
Starting price: CZK
198004 - 1850 Ferchenbauer 3HI, 4HI; cut square with Coat of arms 3Kr
1850 Ferchenbauer 3HI, 4HI; cut square with Coat of arms 3Kr+6Kr I. types hand-made paper, with DUMB POSTMARK CRACOW; very fine, exp. E. Müller, certificate Dr. Ferchenbauer - "Prachstück", Mü.2100P; one from most precious postmarks, only seldom offered, scarce!
Starting price: CZK
198299 - 1850 letter with Ferch.1HIa, Coat of arms 1 Kr ochre + strip
1850 letter with Ferch.1HIa, Coat of arms 1 Kr ochre + strip-of-4 (!) Ferch.2HIa, Coat of arms 2 Kr black, G.BECSKEREK 28/7, arrival WIEN 31. JUL; very nice letter with certificate Dr. Ferchenbauer, cat. 6.000€, for franking of I. types and especially with strip-of-4 min. 12.000€, scarce!
Starting price: CZK
200293 - 1851 folded letter addressed to Týn nad Vltavou, franked wi
1851 folded letter addressed to Týn nad Vltavou, franked with marginal strip-of-3 Mi.1, dark yellow, type Ia, HP, CDS FRAUENBERG/ 9.3., significant shade and very wide margins, on reverse arrival straight line postmark MOLDAUTHEIN/ 9.MAERZ and broken seal; very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
198187 - 1851 Ferch.6, blue Mercure 0,6Kr, type IIIb, on cut-square w
1851 Ferch.6, blue Mercure 0,6Kr, type IIIb, on cut-square with whole DUMB (!) cancel. POČÁTKY Votoček 6, supplemented with straight line postmark POTSCHATEK Vot.2; only left close margin, 3 sides wide margins, catalogue Votoček 5.000b, Müller 1.500 points, superb print of decorative and sought postmark, ex Zajíček, scarce
Starting price: CZK
198236 - 1877 page from exhibit of Pankrác Zajíček with newspaper
1877 page from exhibit of Pankrác Zajíček with newspaper revenue stamp issue 1877 Eagle 1 Kr blue, Ferch.5d, type I, contains folded complete front part of newspapers "Gablonzer Zeitung" with mounted revenue stamp (before print) in shade of blue color ULTRAMARIN, in addition with private perforation (stamp close cut), supplemented with other 2 stamps (used, from that 1x on cut-square) in same color - ULTRAMARIN + other 3 stamps in common shade - blue color, supplemented with descriptions and notices; cat. Ferchenbauer 25.500€ (!!!), very scarce, seldom offered!, ex Zajíček
Starting price: CZK
198235 - 1886 complete newspaper Egerer Zeitung (18.10.1886) with mou
1886 complete newspaper "Egerer Zeitung" (18.10.1886) with mounted newspaper revenue stamp (before print) issue 1877, Eagle 1 Kr, Ferch.5d, type I, in ultramarine color (!!); stamp at right close margin, cat. Ferchenbauer 18.000€, very rare color shade of newspaper stamp issue 1877, ex. Zajíček, scarce
Starting price: CZK
197987 - 1843 ZÜRICH Mi.1II, 4Rp Local Taxe, rarer HORIZONTAL UNDERP
1843 ZÜRICH Mi.1II, 4Rp Local Taxe, rarer HORIZONTAL UNDERPRINT, type I. - dot by "Taxe"; very nice piece, light oblique fold, wide margins, cat. 20.000€, very rare stamp, excellent presentable example, on request certificate Marchand or von der Weid
Starting price: CZK
199791 - 1865 SG.Spec.DP35a, PENNY BLACK - Royal Reprint, printed in
1865 SG.Spec.DP35a, PENNY BLACK - "Royal" Reprint, printed in small printing from "red plate" 66, letters E-E, with inverted wmk "Large Crown"; very fine piece, cat. £3.500; provenanace Charles Hamilton Collection!
Starting price: CZK
199792 - 1865 SG.Spec.DP35b - ONE PENNY RED,Royal Reprint, printed in
1865 SG.Spec.DP35b - ONE PENNY RED,"Royal" Reprint, printed in small printing from "red plate" 66, letters P-I, "Large Crown"; very fine piece, with close, but full margins, cat. £3.000; provenanace Charles Hamilton Collection
Starting price: CZK
200965 - 1882 SG.137, £5 orange, white paper with centrical thim
1882 SG.137, £5 orange, white paper with centrical thimble CDS BATH, wmk anchor; very nice quality, without thin places, cat. £4.750 + 75%
Starting price: CZK
197995 - 1847 Sc.2, Washington 10C black; very fine piece on cut-squa
1847 Sc.2, Washington 10C black; very fine piece on cut-square with whole red "grid" postmark, cat. $1.150++
Starting price: CZK
198130 - 1861 Sc.72, Washington 90C blue, BLOCK OF 12 (!), with certi
1861 Sc.72, Washington 90C blue, BLOCK OF 12 (!), with certificate Phil. Foundation Expert Committee, cat. for block of four $5.000, block-of-12 min. $15.000; this is 2nd largest multiple known, unique offer, from important collection, i.a. ex. Siegel "Rarities of the World 1990" (sold for $3.800), very scarce
Starting price: CZK
198297 - 1853 NEW ORLEANS, local issue Menant & Co.'s Express, 2C dar
1853 NEW ORLEANS, local issue Menant & Co.'s Express, 2C dark red; certificates A. Rendon AIEP and BPP Basel, one of the rarest stamps of USA, cat. $15.000, known only 7 pieces (!), very scarce, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
197989 - 1850 SG.4, Cotton Reel 8C green with round cut on cut-square
1850 SG.4, "Cotton Reel" 8C green with round cut on cut-square, signature postmaster E.D.W. (Wight), light CDS DEMERARA; very fine, exp. E. Diena, certificate F.E.C. - Herbert Bloch, cat. for "round cut" £16.000 (+ ca. 50% for cut square); scarce!
Starting price: CZK
197991 - 1862 SG.123ba, 4C blue, local issue (Royal Gazette Georgetow
1862 SG.123ba, 4C blue, local issue (Royal Gazette Georgetown), in the middle typical signature of posmaster Robert Mather; fresh color, issued without gum; "BR1TISH" instead "BRITISH"; certificate BPA, cat. £11.000; exclusive offer, scarce!
Starting price: CZK
199107 - 1884-1887 SG.30a, Victoria 1Sh violet with rare plate variet
1884-1887 SG.30a, Victoria 1Sh violet with rare plate variety "top left triangle detached", wmk Crown CA; very nice piece, sought and very rare speciality, cat. £2.000
Starting price: CZK
198133 - 1938 SG.121be, George VI. £1 light purple and black / l
1938 SG.121be, George VI. £1 light purple and black / light red, BROKEN LOWER RIGHT SCROLL; very fine, cat. £2.000, rare!
Starting price: CZK
198115 - 1891 SG.31b, Victoria 2½; PENCE on/for 4P grey, DOUBLE
1891 SG.31b, Victoria 2½; PENCE on/for 4P grey, DOUBLE OVERPRINT; very nice quality, with original gum and with certificate RPSL, cat. £3.500; rare printing error
Starting price: CZK
197952 - 1922 SG.103, George V. £50 black / brown; very fine unu
1922 SG.103, George V. £50 black / brown; very fine unused piece with original gum, fine fresh colour, signed Bolaffi and Diena, extremely scarce, (catalogue value SG.2013 - £35.000, SG.2018 - £50.000, annual increase by 9%), exclusive and unrepeatable offer!
Starting price: CZK
197990 - 1922 SG.104s, George V. £75 purple / grey, SPECIMEN; ve
1922 SG.104s, George V. £75 purple / grey, SPECIMEN; very fine, fresh coler, cat. £4.000, very rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
195488 - 1848 SG.3 and SG.5, Red and Blue Maritius POST PAID on cut-s
1848 SG.3 and SG.5, Red and Blue Maritius POST PAID on cut-square with postmark "3" (Souillac), both from rarest "earliest impression"; certificate Brandon, cat. only as single stamps £44.000, cut to margins etc.. unique multicolor franking; very scarce!
Starting price: CZK
197998 - 1848-59 SG.11, pair of Mauritius POST PAID dull vermilion in
1848-59 SG.11, pair of Mauritius POST PAID "dull vermilion intermadiate impressions"; very fine pair ex. Phillip von Ferrara (!), with his owner's mark "trefoil", cat. as single stamps £6.000; prestigious piece, exhibited in MONACOPHIL 2017 - "Ferrari 1917-2017"; unrepeatable offer!
Starting price: CZK
197996 - 1848-59 SG.21, Blue Mauritius POST PAID, worn impression gre
1848-59 SG.21, Blue Mauritius POST PAID, "worn impression" grey-blue color, with whole bicircular "1" (MAHEBOURG); VF, exp. i.a. Thier, cat. £1.600++
Starting price: CZK
197994 - 1893 SG.50var, Victoria OIL RIVERS 1Sh black, UNISSUED, very
1893 SG.50var, Victoria OIL RIVERS 1Sh black, UNISSUED, very scarce corner piece!
Starting price: CZK
197988 - 1861 SG.13a, Hope 1P carmine, WOODBLOCK, on laid paper; very
1861 SG.13a, "Hope" 1P carmine, WOODBLOCK, on "laid" paper; very nice piece with full margins, cat. £30.000, one of rarest stamp of South Africa!
Starting price: CZK
197992 - 1861 SG.13a, Hope 4P light blue, WOODBLOCK on laid paper; ve
1861 SG.13a, "Hope" 4P light blue, WOODBLOCK on "laid" paper; very fine used piece with wide margins and clear postmarks - CGH and part red CAPE TOWN / CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, cat. £2.000
Starting price: CZK
197997 - 1876-77 SG.31c, issue Crown C.R., horizontal strip of 3 1P b
1876-77 SG.31c, issue "Crown C.R.", horizontal strip of 3 1P blue with local overprint V.R. (Goverment Print. Office, Sydney), HORIZONTAL PERFORATION OMITTED; very fine, original gum, cat. min. £1.400
Starting price: CZK
200750 - 1891 SG.51+51d, vertical pair Victoria 2C with overprint 184
1891 SG.51+51d, vertical pair Victoria 2C with overprint "1841 HONG KONG JUBILEE 1891", the bottom stamp shows "tall narrow K"; rare joined types, stamp SG.51d **, cat. * min. £1.775, as ** ca. £3.075, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
199803 - 1917 BRITISH OCCUPATION / BAGHDAD - SG.3, Turkish 10Pa light
1917 BRITISH OCCUPATION / BAGHDAD - SG.3, Turkish 10Pa "lighthouse in Istanbul" with provisional overprint 1/2 An BAGHDAD IN BRITISH OCCUPATION; very nice piece certificate RPS London, ex. Mohrmann, cat. £1.800, scarce!
Starting price: CZK
199804 - 1917 BRITISH OCCUPATION / BAGHDAD - SG.12, 1Pia - issue for
1917 BRITISH OCCUPATION / BAGHDAD - SG.12, 1Pia - issue for post abroad, with provisional overprint 2 Ans BAGHDAD IN BRITISH OCCUPATION; very fine, zk.Stolow, cat. £1.400, rare
Starting price: CZK
198393 - 1945 Pof.381 production flaw, Moscow 5h violet, vertical str
1945 Pof.381 production flaw, Moscow 5h violet, vertical strip of 3 with lower margin counter sheet, with 1x omitted horiz. perf between stamps!; on/for middle stamp. from the front small small black dot in paper, otherwise superb, quite exceptional offer (!), here for the first time in auction, exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 12.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
198394 - 1945 Pof.383 production flaw, Moscow 20h brown, vertical pai
1945 Pof.383 production flaw, Moscow 20h brown, vertical pair with lower margin counter sheet, with 2x omitted horiz. perf, 1x between stamps and 1x in lower margin!; superb, quite exceptional offer (!), here for the first time in auction, c.v.. 10.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
199620 - 1945 PLATE PROOF  LONDON-ISSUE / comp. of 4 imperforated pla
1945 PLATE PROOF LONDON-ISSUE / comp. of 4 imperforated plate proofs values 2CZK, 1CZK and 50h, Pof.397, 395 and 393 in/at definitive colors on/for strong carton + value 50h in/at ODLIŠNÉ (!) light green color; below stamps various kódy and "Approved", R lower date 7.9. 44; exceedingly rare, quite rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
199618 - 1945 PLATE PROOF  LONDON-ISSUE / comp. of 2 imperforated pla
1945 PLATE PROOF LONDON-ISSUE / comp. of 2 imperforated plate proofs values 1,50CZK and 10h, Pof.396 and 388 in/at definitive colors on/for strong carton, value 1,50CZK ODLIŠNÁ (!) arrangement numeral value "1", R lower date 10.II. 44, L by pencil notice in English; very rare, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
199614 - 1945 PLATE PROOF  LONDON-ISSUE / comp. of 2 imperforated pla
1945 PLATE PROOF LONDON-ISSUE / comp. of 2 imperforated plate proofs values 2,50CZK and 25h, Pof.390 and 398 in/at definitive colors, mounted on strong carton, R lower date 12.12. 44, L by pencil notice in English; rare, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
199612 - 1945 PLATE PROOF  LONDON-ISSUE / comp. of 2 imperforated pla
1945 PLATE PROOF LONDON-ISSUE / comp. of 2 imperforated plate proofs values 3CZK and 30h, Pof.391 and 399 in/at definitive colors, mounted on strong carton, below stamps various kódy, R lower date 26.I. 45 cancel. "FILE"; rare, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
199616 - 1945 PLATE PROOF  LONDON-ISSUE / comp. of 3 imperforated pla
1945 PLATE PROOF LONDON-ISSUE / comp. of 3 imperforated plate proofs values 5CZK, 20h and 5h; Pof.387, 389 and 401 in/at definitive colors, mounted on strong carton, R lower date 2.10. 44, L by pencil notice in English; rare, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
199609 - 1945 PLATE PROOF  LONDON-ISSUE / comp. of 2 imperforated pla
1945 PLATE PROOF LONDON-ISSUE / comp. of 2 imperforated plate proofs values 10CZK and 60h, Pof.394 and 402 in/at definitive colors, mounted on strong carton, R lower date 20.I. 45 cancel. "FILE"; rare!
Starting price: CZK
199610 - 1945 PLATE PROOF  LONDON-ISSUE / comp. of 2 imperforated pla
1945 PLATE PROOF LONDON-ISSUE / comp. of 2 imperforated plate proofs values 4CZK and 40h, Pof.392 and 400 in/at definitive colors, mounted on strong carton, below stamps various kódy, R lower date 27.I. 45 cancel. "FILE"; rare, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
199607 - 1945 PLATE PROOFS  LONDON-ISSUE / set of 8 black ú white pl
1945 PLATE PROOFS LONDON-ISSUE / set of 8 black ú white plate proofs with empty value cards, contains all 8 stamp designes of London issue, mounted on 5 strong cartons, on 4 pcs written notice in English; rare set, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
199601 - 1948 Pof.487 Ms(4), Gottwald 3Kčs, unissued perforated vert
1948 Pof.487 Ms(4), Gottwald 3Kčs, unissued perforated vertical 4-stamps marginal gutter; very fine, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. -,-; exceedingly rare, belongs to to every big collection CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
201308 - 1950 Pof.TL558/561, National exhibition PRAGUE 1950, complet
1950 Pof.TL558/561, National exhibition PRAGUE 1950, complete printing sheet with 12 stamps; mint never hinged, rare offer, cat. value 160.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
201112 -  Pof.2663N, Olympic Games Los Angeles 1Kčs, for political r
Pof.2663N, Olympic Games Los Angeles 1Kčs, for political reasons UNISSUED stamp. with inscription "Hry XXIII. Olympics/ Los Angeles/ 1984"; above-standard quality, rare stamp, c.v.. 17.000CZK italic
Starting price: CZK
168751 - 1949 Pof.VT1, stamp Gottwald 3Kčs as miniature sheet, with
1949 Pof.VT1, stamp Gottwald 3Kčs as miniature sheet, with signature "Neumann", used as postage stamp on official envelope of Post Office Department, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 20.III.49, very rare!
Starting price: CZK
201227 -  Pof.4Nb, 5h dark green, lower left corner block-of-4, all s
Pof.4Nb, 5h dark green, lower left corner block-of-4, all stamps spiral type I., plate 8; mint never hinged, certificate + exp. Vrba, superb corner block
Starting price: CZK
199173 -  Pof.7b, 15h red (earlier red-brown), pos. 82/ plate 1, wide
Pof.7b, 15h red (earlier red-brown), pos. 82/ plate 1, wide margins; mint never hinged, only small gum fault, certificate + exp Vrba, very nice deep shade
Starting price: CZK
198961 -  PLATE PROOF E. CHARLES / plate proofs values 10h red + 20h
PLATE PROOF E. CHARLES / plate proofs values 10h red + 20h olive, arrangement E. Charles, on chalky paper, the bottom corner (!) blocks of four, value 10h lightly lined heart, 20h white heart; in blocks of four rare, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
199166 -  Pof.28J, value 25h brown without added print, horiz. blk-of
Pof.28J, value 25h brown without added print, horiz. blk-of-12, 3. vertical line with mixed line perforation 11½:11½:11½+13¾;; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Mrnak., Vrba, cat. Merkur-Revue 20.000CZK, rare and rare perf in/at nice block!
Starting price: CZK
198517 -  Pof.49aI, Coat of arms 3 Koruna dark red, high size, overpr
Pof.49aI, Coat of arms 3 Koruna dark red, high size, overprint type I., fine centered piece; very lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. Le, Mahr, Vrba, cat. Merkur-Revue 35.000CZK, rare stamp with luxusně centrovaným overprint!
Starting price: CZK
200575 -  Pof.56, Triangle 5h green, overprint type II.; mint never h
Pof.56, Triangle 5h green, overprint type II.; mint never hinged gum, luxury piece, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, c.v.. 37.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
198526 -  Pof.58Aa blank coupon, Rectangle 5h green with unoverprinte
Pof.58Aa blank coupon, Rectangle 5h green with unoverprinted coupon, line perforation 12½;, green-black overprint type I.; lightly hinged only on/for coupon and short teeth L, Vrba certificate, cat. Merkur-Revue 25.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
200886 -  Pof.80, Small numerals 1 Koruna blue, blk-of-20 5x4 stamps
Pof.80, Small numerals 1 Koruna blue, blk-of-20 5x4 stamps (!), KOMPLETNÍ PŘETISKOVÁ DESKA, contains 9 stamp. I. type and 11 stamp. II. type; superb, exp. and Vrba certificate, original 80 pcs of sheets Austrian postage-due stamp. was/were nejprve rozděleny on/for blk-of-20 and consequently přetiskovány - more see Monograph 2, page. 100; only quite minimum usage in the market, very rare multiple, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
198852 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued value 2000h - wide numeral(s), MĚDIT
PLATE PROOF unissued value 2000h - wide numeral(s), MĚDITISK in brown color, in horiz. pair on paper without gum, in addition on reverse 1x inverted offset same PLATE PROOF in blue color; very rare plate proof, in addition as Pr, zk.Kar + Vrba certificate
Starting price: CZK
201235 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued value 2000h, large format 50x70mm, C.
PLATE PROOF unissued value 2000h, large format 50x70mm, C.C. in dark green color on white paper without gum, wide margins; very fine, exp. Vrba, quite rare occurrence for value 2000h
Starting price: CZK