1913-1939[COLLECTIONS] interesting collection / accumulation in 8-sheet stockbook, contains many complete sets from 1913, some more often; higher catalogue
1849-1955[COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of mainly used stamps on sheets Schaubek in screw folder, from classic period, issue 1849, various complete sets as: Mi.104-106, 110-112, 235-243, 244-249, 270-275, 291-297, 366-372, 929-940 etc., so i.a. Mi.Klb.186, souvenir sheets Bl.2, 3-5 etc., also Official, railways; cat. min. 2.500€, it is worth seeing
1850-1952 [COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation in stockbook A4, contains part of classic period, many complete interwar sets, also telegraph, newspaper, postage-due etc.; in addition stockbook A4 with issues for Belgian Congo, from issue 1886, complete also incomplete sets, used and unused, various quality, higher catalogue
1879-1960[COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation in 2 large and 2 small stockbooks, from the first issue Coat of arms, various values, sets, used also unused, some more times, also parts of sheets etc..; various quality, higher catalogue
1945 GREENLAND Mi.17-25, overprint issue New York, overprint "DANMARK BEFRIET 5 MAJ 1945"; very fine complete rare set, mint never hinged, cat. total 900€, often missing in collections
1851-1863[COLLECTIONS] EXTRAORDINARY CLASSIC COLLECTION / ex. Jan Strnad, on 77 exhibit sheets with descriptions in 2 ring folders, contains classic issues Coat of arms 1851-1863, Mi.1-10, AFA 1-10, high specilaization on types, plates, postmarks, plate varieties, as well supplemented with many interesting entires etc.; with lot of rare and interesting items, i.a. letter from 5.5 1851, selection of plate varieties of Mi.1 (12 sheets), includes rarest 1IIIf chest brown also on letter, Mi.2 - all types 2b (10x), also letter with Mi.2a type 9; mixed franking Mi.3, 4 and 6 on cut-square, letter with Mi.6 etc.; collection have been compiled almost 50 years, major-part of better items with certificates of Danish experts and specialists, cat. ca. 70.000€, extraordinary offer!
1858 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection of NUMERAL POSTMARKS on stamps Coat of arms 4S brown, Mi.7, AFA 7, total 267 stamps with postmarks of 175 various post offices, all on 26 pages; chosen pieces with nice postmarks
1854-1865[COLLECTIONS] LETTERS / very interesting collection of 77 letters with frankings of Mi.7 or Mi.4, Coat of arms 4S, various also rarer numeral postmarks, all chosen pieces; market price ca. 15.000CZK, interesting offer from highly specialized collection of Denmark
1866-1945[COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in 8-sheet stockbook A4 + 2 cards A4, from issue 1866 and other classic issues, also period of republic from 1917 etc., many complete sets etc.; various quality, high catalogue value
1870 PAR BALLON MONTÉ - letter from belsieged Paris, GARIBALDI, mixed franking of CERES 10C + NAPOLEON 20C, cancellation "star" and CDS PARIS PB. DE LA MADELEINE 20 OCT. 70", to London; perf 10C lower left damaged before mounting; overall very nice letter with rare franking!
1870 PAR BALLON MONTÉ - baloon letter from besieged Paris, franked with Napoleon 10+20C, cancel. "3" and PARIS PB. DE LA MADELEINE 15 NOV. 70, sent to JERSEY and POSTE RESTANTE; exp. Holcombe, perfect quality and very rare destination!
1870 PAR BALLON MONTÉ - letter from besieged Paris, with Napoleon 30C brown, cancellation "star" and CDS PARIS R. ST. DOMQUE. ST GN 56 / 8 OCT." to London POSTE RESTANTE, with remark "UNSUFFICIENTLY ADDRESSED", very fine and rare letter!
1870 PAR BALLON MONTÉ - newspaper Gazette des Absents no. 8 from besieged Paris, sent as "Lettre Journal" by baloo LE GENERAL ULRICH franked with Ceres 10+20C, to Belgium and here redirected, CDS "PARIS PB. DE LA MADELEINE 17 NOV. 70", arrival NEUFVILLES and MONS; very fine quality!
1871 PAR BALLON MONTÉ - letter from besieged Paris, GÉNÉRAL FAIDHERBE, with Napoleon 30C, cancel. "35" and PARIS MINISTERE DES FINANCES 11 JANV 71, to Switzerland; very fine!
1925 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet International philatelic exhibition PARIS 1925, size 139x221mm, very fine piece without usual folds, cat. 3.000€, rare miniature sheet, often missing in collections
1925 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet International philatelic exhibition PARIS 1925, size 140x221mm; hinged out of stamps, light folds, cat. for MNH 3.000€, only MNH stamps 600€, rare miniature sheet, often missing in collections
1927 Mi.Bl.2, miniature sheet Strasbourg, right size 111x140mm; small minor gum fault, otherwise very nice quality, cat. 2.000€, often missing in collections
1942 WAR FORGERIES, cat. Maury No.2, Mercure 30C; printing sheet - block of 16, so-called. "Faux de l´Inteligence service"; hinged out of stamps, cat. as single MNH stamps 350€, extraordinary offer, complete printing sheets are very rare!
1849-1960[COLLECTIONS] strong collection / accumulation in 9 stockbooks, from classic issues of Ceres and Napoleon, many interesting postmarks, colors, types etc., also issues Sower, Merson, War sets, also air-mails, postage-due; strong interwar period with many better items as Mi.303-304, 316, 327 etc., many stamps more, unused also used, also war after 1945 issues and sets, duplication etc.; from large estate, part with original descriptions, up to 1945 mainly * / used, high catalogue value, a lot of interesting material
1935 SG.117a, Jubilee 1Sh slate / violet, lower left corner block-of-4, left upper stamp with "extra flagstaff"; hinged on the bottom pair, cat. min. £225, ** £450++, sought
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation in 8-sheet stockbook, single sets, many miniature sheets, printing sheets, coupons etc..; various quality, part viewing of quality recommended
1922 Provisional government / SG.17, 21 and 45, English George V. 2Sh/6p sepia-brown and 10Sh dull-grey blue, four-line overprint "Dollar Printing House" + 5Sh rose-carmine, overprint "Thom"; very fine, cat. £515
1922-1928 FREE STATE / SG.65-66, 87-88, GB George V. 2Sh/6P and 10Sh issue 1922-1923 and 5Sh and 10Sh issue 1927-1928, 3 lines overprint; very fine, cat. £545
1876-1939[COLLECTIONS] small collection in stockbook A4, from issue 1876, various also more interesting values, sets, used also unused, also interwar issues, postage-due etc.; higher catalogue, various quality
1860 Sass.16a, Savoy Cross ½Tor light blue (azzurro chiaro) with cancel. ANNULATO; very fine piece with very fine margins, certificate Raybaudi, exp. Brunn and Bühler, cat. 6.000€, from old collection!