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1911 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Pěvecké association teachers Moravian, lithography; Un, sound condition U:A5
1925-1930 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), comp. 3 pcs of Ppc, 1x Russia Restituenda (Weill.160), 2x luneta from Municipal House in Prague; Un, good condition U:A5
1910-1970 [COLLECTIONS] TESTER + MOTIVE selection of 60 pcs of mainly art cards with reproductions Joseph Čapek (8x), Joseph Lada (21x), J. Hodek, D. Beranová, Anthony Procházka (5x), supplemented with 1x Old Nick on/for ski, 1x hockey-player; part worse quality, market price ca. 3.000CZK U:O5
1920? JUDAICA - Jewish market in town Kowel /founded r. 1518 Polish králem Sigmundem, today severozápadní Ukraine/; B/W photo postcard, sound condition U:A5
1904 Medailonek - ART NOUVEAU, 2 pcs of Art Nouveau Ppc with various medailonky with paste-in photos girl, long address, Us, French origin - firm PMM; good condition U:A5
1898 PALACKÝ Francis (1798-1876), postcard issued to/at 100. anniv of birth; long address, Us, text written Marií Brichtovou, later wife Zdeněk Nejedlého, interesting postcard also kontext U:A5
1920-1950 [COLLECTIONS] collection 250 pcs of Ppc important mainly Czech personalities as T. G. Masaryk, Beneš, Rašín, Destinnová, Jirásek, Nebal, Štefánik etc.., also Wilson, Stalin and oths., part also photo postcard; overall very good condition, interesting material to other elaboration, market price by estimation 12.000CZK, placed in filled little-box U:K
1900-1950 [COLLECTIONS] collection 152ks mainly portrait photo postcard screen and theatre of actors Czech also foreign origin, i.a. Burian, Baarová, Plachta, Pešek, Borský etc..; overall sound condition, small part also with signatures, market price by estimation 7.000CZK U:O4
1905-1906 ŽELEZNICE - comp. 2 pcs of B/W. Ppc, 1x general view of Dílny k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). state tracks in/at Lounec + 1x single-view postcard Railway accident on/for severozápadní railway between Novou Pakou and Bělohradem 4.6.1906; good condition U:A5
1910? RAILWAYS NEHODA - comp. 2 pcs of photo postcard with views vykolejených vagonů, both from one anonymního places, Un, good condition U:A5
1910 motorcycle with sajdkárou after/behind ride, photo postacard; Un, good condition, very nice documentation photo U:A5
1933 Car - Areo, by hand colored photo postcard, Un, on reverse date 5.3.33 U:A5
1908-1914 FIREFIGHTERS - 2 postcard, 1x contemporary photo fire-fighting corps according to imprint O. Bureš, photographer, Rokycany + Teplice, hasič with stříkačkou zalévá městskou zeleň; both Us, good condition U:A5
1925 Brit. civil aircraft De Haviland, photo postacard, according to text airport Vajnory by/on/at Bratislava of day 18/1 1925; Un, good condition, very nice documentation photo U:A5
1938-1940 comp. 6 pcs of various propagandistic Ppc, i.a. Zwei Volker and ein Kampf; Danzig ist Deutsch (German), then Reichsparteitag Nürnberg etc..; overall in good condition condition U:A5
1939 ZASEDÁNÍ ŘÍŠSKÉHO SNĚMU 1939 - B/W photo postcard, i.a. A. Hitler., Göring, Goebbels etc..; Hoffmann, München (Munich), sound condition U:A5
1945 KVĚTEN 1945/ comp. 7 pcs of various propagandistic Ppc; wrinkled corners, else preserved U:A5
1908 Christmas dvojdílné lepolero, Christmas stromek with presents and family, long address, Us, good condition U:A5
1900-1918 [COLLECTIONS] collection of Ppc with motive of Franc Joseph and imperial family, total 100 pcs of Ppc in/at one stockbook, Us also Un, part with long addresses, lithography; various quality U:Z
1910-1950 [COLLECTIONS] MOTIVE - Sokol, military, railway caricature, M. Aleš - lunety, seasons, popular song etc.., collection of ca. 100 pcs of Un also Us Ppc various žánrů, small/rare also large format; mainly good condition U:O5