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1849 Mi.1a + 1b, Ceres 10C, 2 pcs, 1x yellow-brown and 1x olive-brown, good margins, black reticulated cancel.; cat. 900€ U:A5
1849 Mi.1, Ceres 10C brown-yellow, with rare red cancel. "Grille rouge", very nice piece, at top cut to margin, cat. Maury ca. 1.750€ U:A5
1849 Mi.2a, Ceres 15C green, very fine piece with cancel. "étoile"; cat. 1.200€, VF, without usual thins! U:A5
1849 Mi.5b, Ceres 1Fr brown-carmine; very fine piece with wide margins and cancel. "Grille", cat. 1.300€ U:A5
1853 Mi.12A, Napoleon III. 10C brown with private perf 7¼:7, star cancel.; cat. 300€ U:A5
1853 Mi.16A, Napoleon III. 80C carmine with private perf 7¼:7, numeral pmk.; left 1 short tooth, cat. 800€ U:A5
1866 Mi.32, Napoleon III. 5Fr grey-blue; very nice piece, VF, cat. 1.000€ U:A5
1876 Mi.56I, Allegory 1C green, type I.; VF, cat. 170€ U:A5
1886 Mi.81I, Allegory 50C carmine / pink, type I; cat. 250€ U:A5
1900 Mi.91I-95I, 92II, 94II, Mouchon (I) 10C - 30C, complete set, I. and II. types; cat. 428€ U:A5
1900 Mi.96-100, Merson 40C (both types paper x and y) - 5Fr, value 2Fr used; cat. 315€ U:A5
1902 Mi.102-106, Mouchon (II) 10C - 30C; complete set, cat. 420€ U:A5
1917 Mi.128-135, War Orphans; complete set, well centered, cat. 2.500€, sought U:A5
1925-1927 Mi.181, 183, 222, Merson 3Fr and 20Fr 1925/1926 + 3Fr 1927; cat. ** 580€ U:A5
1853 Mi.14, cselection of 5 plate proofs Napoleon III. 25C, "Épreuve" in various colors in shades of blue-grey; very fine set U:A5
1876 ESSAY Gaiffe, two designs for unissued edition CERES, 1C brown and 1C blue; very fine, see. Maury 2017 page 142 U:A5
1870 PAR BALLON MONTÉ - letter from belsieged Paris, GARIBALDI, mixed franking of CERES 10C + NAPOLEON 20C, cancellation "star" and CDS PARIS PB. DE LA MADELEINE 20 OCT. 70", to London; perf 10C lower left damaged before mounting; overall very nice letter with rare franking! U:A5
1870 PAR BALLON MONTÉ - baloon letter from besieged Paris, franked with Napoleon 10+20C, cancel. "3" and PARIS PB. DE LA MADELEINE 15 NOV. 70, sent to JERSEY and POSTE RESTANTE; exp. Holcombe, perfect quality and very rare destination! U:A5
1870 PAR BALLON MONTÉ - letter from besieged Paris, with Napoleon 30C brown, cancellation "star" and CDS PARIS R. ST. DOMQUE. ST GN 56 / 8 OCT." to London POSTE RESTANTE, with remark "UNSUFFICIENTLY ADDRESSED", very fine and rare letter! U:A5
1870 PAR BALLON MONTÉ - newspaper Gazette des Absents no. 8 from besieged Paris, sent as "Lettre Journal" by baloo LE GENERAL ULRICH franked with Ceres 10+20C, to Belgium and here redirected, CDS "PARIS PB. DE LA MADELEINE 17 NOV. 70", arrival NEUFVILLES and MONS; very fine quality! U:A5
1871 PAR BALLON MONTÉ - letter from besieged Paris, GÉNÉRAL FAIDHERBE, with Napoleon 30C, cancel. "35" and PARIS MINISTERE DES FINANCES 11 JANV 71, to Switzerland; very fine! U:A5
1923 Mi.152, Merson 1Fr with "Congres Philatelique de Bordaux 1923"; from old collection, cat. for ** 650€ U:A5
1925 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet International philatelic exhibition PARIS 1925, size 139x221mm, very fine piece without usual folds, cat. 3.000€, rare miniature sheet, often missing in collections U:A4
1925 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet International philatelic exhibition PARIS 1925, size 140x221mm; hinged out of stamps, light folds, cat. for MNH 3.000€, only MNH stamps 600€, rare miniature sheet, often missing in collections U:A4
1927 Mi.218-219, Exhibition Strasbourg 1927 5Fr + 10Fr, gutter pair from miniature sheet Mi.Bl.2; stamos MNH, hinged on coupon; cat. min. 600€ U:A5
1927 Mi.Bl.2, miniature sheet Strasbourg, size 109x140mm; mint never hinged, cat. 2.000€, often missing in collections U:A5
1927 Mi.Bl.2, miniature sheet Strasbourg, right size 111x140mm; small minor gum fault, otherwise very nice quality, cat. 2.000€, often missing in collections U:A5
1927-1931 interesting selection of chosen better values, i.a. 4x Mi.229; 2x set Mi.240-242; 4x Mi.248; 2x Mi.261 and 1x Mi.222; all hinged, cat. for MNH 2.900€ U:A5
1928 Mi.229, Surtax Caisse d´Amortissement 1,50Fr + 8,50Fr; cat. 140€, MNH, VF U:A5
1929 Mi.239, Merson 2Fr orange-red with overprint EXPOSITION PHILATIQUE LE HAVRE 1929; lightly hinged, owner's mark, cat. for ** 1.000€ U:A5
1930 Mi.248MH, Sinking Fund, booklet issue as block-of-4; very fine, cat. 900€, rare! U:A5
1930 Mi.255, Airmail 1.50Fr with perfin "E.I.P.A.", superb piece, MNH, cat. Yvert 875€, rare stamp U:A5
1930 Mi.261, Surtax Caisse d´Amortissement 1,50Fr + 3,50Fr, green; VF, cat. 240€ U:A5
1931 Mi.264-266, Surtax Caisse d´Amortissement 40C-1,50Fr; complete mint never hinged set, 50C and 1,50Fr marginal pieces, cat. 400€+, rare issue U:A5
1936 Mi.305-311, Airmailss 85C - 50Fr, complete set, 85C both shades; rare highest value 50Fr luxury marginal piece with, hinged on margin (!), other values lightly hinged; rare and sought set, cat. ca. 1.400€ U:A5
1936 Mi.321, Airmail 50Fr violet blue / red; marginal piece, MNH, VF, cat. 1.100€ U:A5
1936 Mi.321, Airmail 50Fr; MNH, VF, cat. 1.100€ U:A5
1936 Mi.326-327, Airmails 1,50Fr and 10Fr; complete set, 10Fr at top some faults, cat. 650€ U:A5
1937 Mi.344b, Jean Mermoz 3Fr violet grey + corner block-of-4 basic shade 3Fr violet; mint never hinged, cat. 186€+ U:A5
1937 Mi.Bl.3, miniature sheet PEXIP; size 149x220mm; very nice quality, MNH, cat. 650€ U:A4
1937 Mi.Bl.3, miniature sheet PEXIP; very nice quality, size 149x220mm, cat. 650€ U:A4
1937 Mi.359-360, National Museum; complete very fine set, cat. 250€ U:A5
1964 Mi.1480Klb, PB Philatec Paris, complete counter sheet; cat. 180€ U:A4
1918-1937 PARCEL STAMPS / interesting selection of mainly complete sets, i.a. Mi.16-19 **, 33-39 *, 20-32 *, 41-50 *, 51-57 *, 63-69 ** etc.; high catalogue value U:A5
1928-1929 PARCEL STAMPS / Mi.70-77, overprint 0.75Fr/50C - 2.35Fr/1.65Fr; mint never hinged, cat. 550€, rare offer U:A5
1942 WAR FORGERIES, cat. Maury No.2, Mercure 30C; printing sheet - block of 16, so-called. "Faux de l´Inteligence service"; hinged out of stamps, cat. as single MNH stamps 350€, extraordinary offer, complete printing sheets are very rare! U:A5
1881-1937 selection of 26 common p.stat, contains 20 post cards (some more often), 5 envelopes and 1 newspaper strip, from that 11 with additional frankings, 3 unused, usual quality U:A5
1849-1960 [COLLECTIONS] strong collection / accumulation in 9 stockbooks, from classic issues of Ceres and Napoleon, many interesting postmarks, colors, types etc., also issues Sower, Merson, War sets, also air-mails, postage-due; strong interwar period with many better items as Mi.303-304, 316, 327 etc., many stamps more, unused also used, also war after 1945 issues and sets, duplication etc.; from large estate, part with original descriptions, up to 1945 mainly * / used, high catalogue value, a lot of interesting material U:K