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1843 ZÜRICH Mi.1II, 4Rp Local Taxe, rarer HORIZONTAL UNDERPRINT, type I. - dot by "Taxe"; very nice piece, light oblique fold, wide margins, cat. 20.000€, very rare stamp, excellent presentable example, on request certificate Marchand or von der Weid U:DR
1845 GENEVA Mi.1HR, Coat of arms 5C green, right half of Doppelgenf with red cancel on small cut-square, supplemented with red CDS GENÈVE/ 8.SEPT.45; very fine piece with wide margins, from old collection, cat. Michel 8.000€, Schweizer Briefmarkenkatalog 2015 12.000CHF, nice quality, famous classic stamp! U:A5
1845 GENEVA Mi.3, "Small Eagle" 5C; left at top repaired corner, at top close margins, cat. 1.600€, rare stamp U:A5
1848 GENEVA / Mi.5, Coat of arms "Large Eagle" dark green on cut-square with red rosette pmk and CDS GENÈVE 29 MAI 49; exceedingly quality with certificate W. Abt, cat. 2.800€ + ca. 25%, very rare! U:A5
1854 Mi.18IIAysb, Sitting Helvetia 1Fr "Strubel" purple-grey, "Bern print", black silk thread, CDS ZURICH; very nice piece with superb wide margin, cat. 1.000€, rare stamp U:A5
1934 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet NABA; lightly hinged, cat. ** 800€ U:A5
1937-43 Mi.Bl.3, 4, 8, 9, 10, selection of 5 miniature sheets; very fine, cat. 320€ U:A4
1940 Mi.Bl.5, miniature sheet Pro Patria 5C-30C with CDS ROMANSHORN 1/ 1. VIII 40; cat. 700€ U:A5
1940 Mi.Bl.5, miniature sheet Pro Patria; right at top minor gum fault, cat. 450€ U:A5
1941 Mi.Bl.6, miniature sheet FOR JUVENTUTE 10+20C with CDS WALDENBURG/ 13.IV.42; very fine piece, cat. 450€ U:A5
1942 Mi.Bl.7, miniature sheet Pro Patria with cancel. SCHWEIZ AUTOMOBIL-POSTBUREAU, cancel. from favor; cat. 300€ U:A5
1945 Mi.Bl.11, miniature sheet Help for war victims, 2 pcs - 1x MNH + 1x with special postmark; used MS minor fault, cat. 470€ U:A5
1951 Mi.Bl.14, miniature sheet LUNABA; mint never hinged, cat. 260€ U:A5
1936 3 letters from flight 4. INT. FLUGMEETING IN ZÜRICH, with Mi.293b (carmine overprint), 291, 292, 233, 213z, 256; exact frankings 50C, CDS 1. SCHWEIZ. AUTOMOBILE POSTBUREAU/ 1.VIII 37, arrival SION/ 2.VIII 37 and flight cancel., cat. min. 280€ U:A5
1851 BUNDESPOST / GENF incomplete folded letter addressed to Champel, franked with imperforated stamp 5C grey-black/ brown-red, cat. Mi.2a (WAADT 5) with black Geneva grid pmk, fresh color and wide margins, supplemented with 1-circle CDS GENÈVE/ 10 AVRI 51; detailed description of the quality of this interesting entire - see certificate, stamp on reverse exp. Thier + certificate Till Neumann BPP from 2017, cat. Michel 3.000€, rare U:A5
1855-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation in 9 stockbooks, from classic period, mostly more often, issue Helvetia - perforation, postmarks, colors, shades etc.., also issue Tell, Pro Patria, Pro Juventute, many interwar miniature sheets, various sets and single values, used also mint; various quality, we advice examination, high catalogue value U:K