1958 Pof.999A, Novotný 30h (WIFAG), set of all 4 known expressive color shades (with various gum), 2x corner blk-of-6 and 2x block of four with lower margin; very sought
1958 Pof.999B, Novotný 30h (Stickney), set of all čtyř known shades (1x three various corner blocks of four, 1x corner blk-of-4, 1x corner Pr, 1x corner str-of-5); exceptional offer
1959 Pof.1054 production flaw, Trade-union Congress 30h, omitted print in/at the bottom middle stamps due to nastaveného paper; mint never hinged, rare occurrence, sought by specialists, also with common stamp.
1960-1965DATATISKU / comp. of 13 date print from issues Castles and Towns (6x Castles and 7x Towns), i.a. bnd-of-10 Jindřichův Hradec 10h 1.X.67 (rarest printing this stamps), rare blk-of-16 Nitra 20h 4.XII.67 (hnědá/modrá) with part of KBZ (first edition postage with KBZ on edge) and corner blk-of-6 Košice 30h 8.IV.71 (light green, catalogue doesn't report); from annulled specialized collection, exceptional nabídka
1960 Pof.1102, Castles 10h, selection of čtyř editions in/at corner blocks of four with dates of print (1.II.60, 8.XI.60 with signature Housa, 11.X.61, 27.V.64); dotiskynesehnatelné, two from them at all first-time in/at any auction, unrepeatable offer
1960 Pof.1104, Castles 30h, selection of čtyř bloks of four and single stamps in margin with dates of print, three very significant color shades: 20.II.60, 28.X.60 with signature Jaroslav Šváb, 3.VIII.61 without watermark!! (the first, nečekaný find date this printing without průsvitky!!), 5.VIII.61 with wmk and 30.VIII.62, three from reprints at all first-time in/at any auction, unrepeatable offer for collector postage známek
1960 Pof.1106 production flaw, Castles 60h, omitted print in/at the bottom middle stamps due to nastaveného paper; mint never hinged, rare occurrence, sought by specialists, also with common stamp.
1960 Pof.1113 production flaw, Liberation of Czechoslovakia 60h, omitted print in/at the bottom middle stamps due to nastaveného paper; mint never hinged, rare occurrence, sought by specialists, also with common stamp.
1960 Pof.1117, III. congress Czechosl. Red Cross 30h, corner str-of-3 with plate variety 1/11 - oblique line from trupu bird; very sought plate variety, catalogue very misvalues
1962 Pof.1245, Cosmos 1Kčs, L marginal strip-of-3, significant shift yellow color R outside frame; still unpublished, last pieces from same zdroje as in/at Aukci 54 and 55
1962Pof.1254N, imperforated Ležáky 60h, vertical pair with upper margin counter sheet; missing in overwhelming majority collections!, as Pr here for the first time in auction, in/at c.v.. Pofis underprized
1962 Pof.A1268A, perforated souvenir sheets PRAGA 1962, set of all 4 types from I. and II. printing, in addition type III 2. printing without plate variety, total 9 pcs of; very nice quality, on pages, from important collection, cat. min. 2.580Kč, rare offer!
1964 Pof.1391 production flaw, 25. Anniv fight for Duklu 60h, used stamp. with production flaw - quite omitted red color (batt./guidon); for comparison normal piece, very interesting
1965 PLATE PROOF Pof.1466, Tizian 5Kčs, master die in brown color (shade tizian), on card 73x98mm (přibližně size miniature sheet Pof.A1466); signature J.Švengsbír, number print 103/160
1965 Pof.1482, Towns 20h, comp. 4 pcs of various editions (very different color, smooth and glrilled gum), all with katalogovou plate variety 1/84, from that 1x original plate variety and 3x repaired plate variety; cat. only plate variety nejběžnějších editions 550CZK, like that significantly rarer
1965 Pof.1483, Towns 30h (Košice), corner blk-of-18 with complete KBZ on edge, bright green color (printing from year 1968, last with glrilled gum); catalogue very misvalues, very rare also single stamp. this shade, between 7. and 8. row partly detached in perforation, stamps very good condition, quite exceptional offer, for comparison common stamp. basic print
1966 PLATE PROOF stamp. from miniature sheet Pof.A1508, 100. Anniv opera Bartered něvěsta 3Kčs, proof master die, definitive making in original colors on paper without gum; exp. by Karasek., plate proofs also stamps from miniature sheets are sought
1966 Pof.1564 production flaw 3 + production flaw 4, Towns III. - Telč 50h, fluorescing paper 1, 2 pcs of, 1x quite omitted oranžovo-hnědá color and significant shifted perforation to picture of stmp + 1x shifted print oranžovo-hnědé color and significant shifted perforation to picture of stmp.; mint never hinged
1966 Pof.1564 production flaw, Towns III. - Telč 50h, vertical marginal Pr, significant incomplete-printing black color in upper part on stmp with upper margin; mint never hinged, c.v.. Pofis doesn't report
1966 Pof.1567-1573, Game, selection of shades and shifts colors on all values on stock-sheet A4, by/on/at 80h contains ST I. + II. also II + I. type; cat. only normálních shades 640CZK, interesting selection of
1966 Pof.1568 plate variety, Game 40h with plate variety 45/4; fragment MC PRAGUE, in catalogue underprized, one of most sought plate variety on/for CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92
1966 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1570ST, Game 80h hare, complete 50 pcs of print sheet, 5x ST I+II+I and I. + II.; vertical several times folded and partially allowed in perforation, cat. min. 3.000CZK
1966 Pof.ST1570, Game 80h, blk-of-12 - 4x ST II + I + block of 6 with 3x ST I. + II. + value 2Kčs with shift green color; as multiple interesting, only ST c.v.. 1.250CZK
1967PLATE PROOF Pof.A1606, miniature sheet EXPO 67 in/at Montreal, imperforated proof print miniature sheet in all colors on paper without gum, with signature J. Herčík; plate proofs miniature sheets are rare and sought!
1967 PLATE PROOF Pof.1611, 1612, Prague 30h and 60h, master die in dark green color on/for carton 60x87mm and in/at definitive modrošedé on card 58x75mm; complete issue
1967PLATE PROOF Pof.A1613, miniature sheet Prague castle 5Kčs, plate proof in/at definitive colors without bottom added-print, on/for larger white paper without gum, signature J. Herčík; bend in corner and at top hints of otvorech from letter file/-s, rare and sought plate proof miniature sheet!
1967 PLATE PROOF print original gravure "Old New synagogue Prague (1268)" in dark brown color on/for thin/light carton paper; used in 1967 for stamp from issue Judaika, c.v.. Pof.1618
1967 PLATE PROOF Pof.1647, Art 60h, proof print complete gravure, definitive making in original colors, on/for white carton paper without gum with signature J. Herčík
1967 PLATE PROOF Pof.1651, Art - St. Bartoloměj and Thomas 1,60Kčs, proof print complete gravure, definitive making in original colors, on/for white carton paper without gum with signature J. Herčík
1968DATATISKU / Pof.1677-1678, 1808-1809, selection of postage stmp Svoboda with date printing: 30h 4.V.68, 16.XI.70 with production flaw significant incomplete-printing vertical rámečků, 60h surplus print from 22.V.68, 50h surplus print 21.X.69 in/at 15-bloku with KBZ and plate variety 2/82; 1Kčs, bnd-of-20 shade and) (25.IX.69) an der) (4.XI.69, double transfer), besides 1808 plate variety 2/90 (corner blk-of-4), Pof.1809a with plate variety 1/91 (block of four) and Pof.1809c, single roll embossing on pos. 2/9 and 2/30 (corner blk-of-6); interesting selection of