1945 Pof.413-428, Portraits, collection various editions, shades and sorts gum on/for all values issue, on/for four album sides, for example. all rare and sought shades values 30h, 50h, 60h, 80h (incl. both very light also both very tmavých shades), 1,20Kčs and 4Kčs; from important study collection, quite exceptional nabídka
1946-1957 Pof.A435II, miniature sheet May 4+6Kčs, 2 pcs - both type II., 1x size 88x91mm + Zápotocký 2Kčs - type II berry with special postmark; c.v.. 1.300CZK
1947 Pof.458-459, T. G. Masaryk 1,20Kčs - 4Kčs, complete set miniatures in/at corner blocks of 6 with coupons + value 4Kčs, blk-of-9 with plate variety 31/1 - oblique roll embossing coupon; very fine
1948 Pof.474, Abolition of Serfdom, complete 100 stamps sheet + miniature from bloks of four, in margin author's name + stmp with plate variety 86/1 (deformed K in/at inscription); sheet several times folded in perforation
1948-1953 PLATE FLAWS / selection of seven catalogue vad: Pof.474, corner blk-of-4 with name of author and with plate variety 86/1; Pof.543 with plate variety 9/1 and 41/1; Pof.545 with plate variety 17/1; Pof.679 with plate variety 32/1; Pof.729 with plate variety 44/1; cat. min. 830Kč
1948Pof.487 Ms(4), Gottwald 3Kčs, unissued perforated vertical 4-stamps marginal gutter; very fine, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. -,-; exceedingly rare, belongs to to every big collection CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., rare offer!
1948 Pof.487II. type, Gottwald 3Kčs, sedm different shades from various editions; obtížnězkompletovatelná selection of, in addition Pof.484, R corner blk-of-4 from reprint (on pos. 9 and 19 guide points significantly below small frame, basic print is have/has on/for frame)
1949 Pof.498ST - 499, Lenin 1,50Kčs and 5Kčs, selection of R and L vertical 15-pásů with coupons both values, value 1,50Kčs in addition with joined types II + I (c.v.. 900CZK); nice quality
1949 Pof.498ST - 499, Lenin 1,50Kčs and 5Kčs, selection of R and L vertical 15-pásů with coupons, value 1,50Kčs in addition with joined types II + I (c.v.. 900CZK); nice quality
1949 Pof.507a+b+c, Jirásek 8Kčs, comp. 3 pcs of bloks of four with lower margin counter sheet, in all 3 color odstínech: brownish grey, black-grey, grey-green; in blocks of four interesting
1949 PLATE PROOF Pof.514, Smetana, engraver předloha, without name state and without nominal value, format 95x72mm, Neotypie (gravure-print) in black color, on/for krémovém paper without gum; very fine
1949 PLATE PROOF Pof.514, Smetana, comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs - copy-print original gravure from year 1934 with y. 1884-1934 also with name state, but without nominal value, in/at definitive colors, 1x in/at blue-green color for value 1,50Kčs and 1x in/at grey-blue color for value 5Kčs; both PLATE PROOF on lightly yellowy paper
1949 PLATE PROOF Pof.514, Smetana, comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs - copy-print original gravure from year 1934 with y. 1884-1934 and with name state, else/yet without nominal value, in/at different barvách: 1x in vine red, 1x in/at grey-black and 1x in light green color; all PLATE PROOF on lightly yellowy paper without gum
1949 PLATE PROOF Pof.514, Smetana, plate proof - print original gravure from year 1934 in form miniature sheet, without name state and without nominal value, in black color on lightly yellowy paper, format 140x110mm; issued as insert to publication about/by rytciHeinzovi (1894-1942)
1949 PLATE PROOF Pof.514, Smetana, plate proof - print original gravure from year 1934, without name state and without nominal value, author B. Heinz (1894-1942), in/at grey-blue color on lightly yellowy paper
1949 PLATE PROOF Pof.514, Smetana, plate proof - print original gravure from year 1934, with name state, but without letopočtů 1884 - 1934 (!) and without nominal value, in/at grey-black color on lightly yellowy paper
1949 UNISSUED / 5. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, unissued stmp, without nominal value, blue color, imperforated 2x 25-kusový sheet with 10 vert. gutters on/for double size paper; in/at upper and the bottom part/-s paper pokrčen, one more/larger stain on, nepotištěné part/-s folds and tearing, after all much stamps and gutter good condition, nice document/attribut printing technique, offered very cheaply
1949 UNISSUED / 5. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, (10Kčs) blue imperforated, without nominal value, 3 vertical imperforated 4-stamp gutter in/at marginal str-of-3 (!); mint never hinged, small folds in paper, unusual!
1949 UNISSUED / 5. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, (10Kčs) blue imperforated, without nominal value, LL blk-of-9 with exceedingly big folded paper, with part of stamps printed on gum!; interesting
1949 UNISSUED / 5. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, unissued stmp, without nominal value, blue color, imperforated 2x 25 pcs of stamp. sheet with vert. gutters; very expressive paper crease, on reverse partial print on gummed side, interesting document used printing technique, exceptional!, very cheaply offered
1949COUNTER SHEET / UNISSUED / 5. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, 60 complete sets values 5Kčs - 50Kčs, every value in 2 complete 30-zn. counter sheet, stmp 10Kčs in/at 60 pcs of sheet, in the middle with gutter (6x), variously shifted and omitted perf; very interesting
1950 Pof.A564, 2 pcs of miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, both with commemorative postmarks with rozlišením and also b, combination C2/14 and E/5 (straight 9)
1950 Pof.A564, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, combination L/32 - sought 12. plate, in addition without plate variety on pos. 4 line from L upper corner; sought
1950Pof.A564, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, very rare combination O/26 from sought 15. folder; superb, from important collection, placed on sheet with description, exceptional offer!
1951 PLATE PROOF NEPŘIJATÉHONÁVRHU on stmp The first pětiletý plan 1,50Kčs, comp. 3 pcs of proof copy-print gravure in violet color, 2x stage production gravure, 1x dokončená gravure, all on common paper without gum; exp. Karásek
1951 PLATE PROOF NEPŘIJATÉHONÁVRHU on/for stamp Miners' Day, Pof.614, těžní tower with value 4Kčs, master die in black color with šrafovaným orange background on yellow paper; exp. by Gilbert
1951 Pof.618 production flaw, Day of Czechosl. Army 3Kčs, with lower margin, incomplete-printing in lower part of stmp.; sought by specialists, at our place teprve second time in auction, in/at c.v.. Pofis underprized
1952-1953 PLATE FLAWS / Pof.627, Kollár 3Kčs with plate variety 3/1, in addition production flaw - red stain above value "3"; Pof.679, Aleš 1,50Kčs, corner blk-of-4 with plate variety 32/1; Pof.724, May Day 1,50Kčs, marginal Pr with plate variety 26/2 and Pof.729, Buildings 3Kčs with plate variety 44/1
1952 Pof.649 plate mark, Agriculture 2Kčs, block of four with R margin with plate mark - ½; asterisk next to right registry křížku; mint never hinged, as blk-of-4 sought by specialists, c.v.. 4.700Kč italic
1952-1953 PLATE FLAWS / Pof.651 with plate variety 40/1 „velká dot after/behind 3“, in addition in L perf hint of vynechaném perforation hole; Pof.701, type II and Pof.729 with plate variety 44/1
1952 Pof.654 plate variety, 9. May 5Kčs, comp. of 2 horiz. pairs with nekatalogizovanými plate variety - 1x oblouková line through cannon; 1x horiz. line above picture stamps; interesting, podobnost with plate variety 25/1
1952 Pof.A691/692, Bratislava 1952, two souvenir sheets, significant color shades blue and red color; nice difference, cat. only normálních miniature sheets 2.400CZK
1953 Pof.702, Museum 1,50Kčs, str-of-10 with date of print 12.II.53 and sheet number, surplus print in dark brown, place violet brown color (common piece for comparison including); very rare, from same zdroje as in/at Aukcích 54 and 55, last offered piece
1953-1955 Pof.757, Destinnová 30h, 3 pcs of, I. + II. + type III and Pof.840, 842, 843, Costumes I., values 60h, 1.60Kčs and 2Kčs, complete set II. types; mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 1.700CZK
1945-1948 selection of 21 pcs of entires, contains 1-zn., mixed and monochrome franking various issues, from that 5x Reg and 1x Ex-na C.O.D., some interesting, for example. 5 pcs of from y 1948 else/yet with vylomenými Bohemian and Moravian cancel.! (PRAGUE 3, 27, 30, 66 and rolled DOMAŽLICE); commercial also private correspondence, usual quality
1950[COLLECTIONS] Pof.A564, miniature sheet PRAGA 1950, quite extraordinary specialized collection 74 pcs of (!) miniature sheets (from that only 6 pcs of raz.), identified types and folder, any other one, i.a. type IV. K1/1; V. G/4; VIII. L/32; IX.G/13; IX. L/13; XIII. G/23, XIII. C1/21, C1/22, K1/22, K2/22 etc..; identified according to I. part Die-stamping from flat plates; overall very fine, on pages with descriptions, result dlouholetého collector's úsilí, we advice viewings, extraordinary offer!
1945-1953[COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI selection of 33 pcs of mainly entires sent as Reg and Express or Reg and C.O.D., multicolor frankings stamp. issues "old currency", multiple also mixed franking, good condition, from that 2x postal stationery cover Gottwald, etc..; good quality, valuable selection of
1954 Pof.770 plate variety, Gottwald 60h, block of four with plate variety 43/1 „vykřičník by/on/at L okraje“; very sought defect, catalogue very misvalues
1954 Pof.773DO, Gottwald and Stalin 60h blue, LL corner blk-of-4 with part of dates of print, significant imprint of transfer roll on/for L margin counter sheet; as blk-of-4 sought, c.v.. 1.000Kč+
1943-1962 Pof.A853/857A+B, A1268 A+B, selection of exhibition miniature sheets PRAGA 55 and PRAGA 62 with perf also without, supplemented with 2 pcs of exilovýchLondýnských miniature sheets (1x hinged) and complete sets from miniature sheet
1955 Pof.A853-857A and B, 3 pcs of miniature sheets Praga 1955, two perforated (combination CA and IB with stain on 2 „S“ name state on/for 30h) and one imperforated (combination B3K); c.v.. 1.020Kč