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1774 CZECH LANDS / folded letter sent from Jihlava to Prague, by hand "V. IGLAU"; very sound condition, rare U:A5
1779, 1839 CZECH LANDS / 2 entires, 1x envelope sent as ex offo to Prague with unbroken seal, dated 1779, supplemented with postmaster notices + folded off. document with revenue stamp postmark 2G issue 1836 and controll imprinted stamp, dated 1839, addressed to Prague, supplemented with postmaster notices and large seal; good condition U:A4
1797 CZECH LANDS / folded letter sent from Klatovy to Červené Poříčí, by hand "DE KLATTAU"; perfect condition, rare U:A4
1821-1825 CZECH LANDS / 2 Reg letters with cancel. VON NACHOD and NACHOD, sent in the place and to Trutnov, notice among others "against abgabs rezepisse", NOTA BENE etc.., rates 4/4kr and 8/4kr, very fine U:A5
1824 CZECH LANDS / folded letter with oval decorated cancel. GR. AUGEST (Velký Újezd ), Vot.638/1.; nice prints, cover cut at right margin, good condition of seal, Vot.120b, ex Zajíček U:A5
1832-37 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Vienna, oval pmk WISCHAU (Vyškov, Vot.2649/2.=60b.), note by ruddle and on reverse broken seal + folded letter sent from Slavkov near Brno to Jaroměřic, framed pmk AUSTERLITZ (Vot.78/2.=50b.), note by ruddle; very good condition U:A5
1836 CZECH LANDS / folded letter with decorated straight line postmark VON GRASZLITZ , Vot.631/2., addressed to Vienna; good condition, rare, Vot.300b, ex Zajíček U:A5
1837 CZECH LANDS/ folded Reg letter to Buchlov, oval pmk K.u.K.. POSTAMT/ WISCHAU/ RECOMNANDIRT type C.217 (Vot.3107=180b.), on reverse whole preserved seal U:A5
1839 CZECH LANDS / folded letter with frame cancel. OELS (Olešnice), Vot.1692/1.; good condition, nice postal imprint, Vot.240b, ex Zajíček U:A5
1839-1849 CZECH LANDS / 3 letters with rare "franco" postmarks: UHRŽITZ FRANCO, red FRANCO OLMÜTZ and red PROSSNITZ FRANCO; very fine prints, UHRŽITZ FRANCO Müller 140P, the rest catalogue Votoček. 400P, total 540 points! U:A5
1840-1850 CZECH LANDS / 10 letters with red and blue cancel. LANDSKRON, TELTSCH, LUNDENBURG, PLANIAN, EIBENSCHUTZ, DATSCHITZ, JAROMERITZ, B. LEIPA + FRANCO, G. JENIKAU + FRANCO, LEITMERITZ (pink letter paper); some cancel. are rare, for example JAROMERITZ blue Vot.150P, LANDSKRON red 150P etc..; very nice quality U:O5
1842 CZECH LANDS / folded cover of letter sent from Opava to abroad, red cancel. TROPPAU/ 20.NOV. supplemented with cancel. FRANCO and GRENZE - Vot.2970 and postmaster notices; good condition, nice postal imprints, Vot.100b, ex Zajíček U:A5
1846 CZECH LANDS/ franked preprinted blank form addressed to Ždánice, oval pmk FRANCO/ WISCHAU type C.163 (Vot.2966=100b.), on reverse torn paper seal, nice quality U:A5
1847 CZECH LANDS / folded letter with red oval cancel. PROSSNITZ FRANCO, supplemented with date cancel. 27/3/ 1847 in black color, Vot.2962; good condition, nice postal imprint., Vot.140b, ex Zajíček U:A5
cca 1830 - 1848 CZECH LANDS / 8 money letters, cancel. GODING, ZWITTAU, BENESCHAU, PARDUBITZ, HOLITZ (attractive small format), 1x additional red "Franco"; nice seal etc.. U:O5
1741-1850 [COLLECTIONS] PREPHILATELIC LETTERS / CZECH LANDS / PRAGUE collection of prephilatelic letters sent from Prague, all adjusted with descriptions on 23 sheets, total 41 entires, mostly with various different postmarks, several official cancel., lot of various post. cancel. as VON PRAG, aPRAG in oval or in frame, V. PRAG/ FRANCO etc..; nice collection U:Z
1767-1850 [COLLECTIONS] PREPHILATELIC LETTERS / CZECH LANDS collection of prephilatelic letters with descriptions on more than 90 pages, total more than 180 entires, various interesting postmarks as V:MIES, HOHENMAUTH, COMMOTAU, POHRLITZ, RECOMANDIRT FULNEK, B.TEINITZ, HOROSEDEL, POLITSCHKA, FALKENAU, CHRUDIM, JESSENITZ, STÖKEN, V.SCHLAN, SUDOMIERŽITZ, BISTRITZ, V.HAYDA, ROKITZAN, ZDITZ, STEINSDORF, STŔZEDOKLUK, ZLABINGS etc..; mostly nice postal imprints, valuable lot, ex. Pankrác Zajíček U:K
1776-1850 [COLLECTIONS] PREPHILATELIC LETTERS / CZECH LANDS / SOUTH BOHEMIA collection of prephilatelic letters with post offices of South Bohemie, exhibit on 40 exhibition sheets with descriptions, contains 80 letters or receipts with nice pmk as TÁBOR, TÝN N. VLATVOU, VESELÍ N. L., SUDOMĚŘICE, MLADÁ VOŽICE, ČESKÝ KRUMLOV, ROUDNÁ, SOBĚSLAV, JINDŘICHŮV HRADEC, VODŃANY, ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE, ČIMELICE, BŘEZNICE, HORAŽ´DOVICE, KAPLICE etc.; ex Pankrác Zajíček U:Z