Public Auction 56 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992 / Postal Stationery CZE 1945-1992

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199982 - 1977 PLATE PROOF CDV178, Exhibition Temafila 4,40Kčs, plate
1977 PLATE PROOF CDV178, Exhibition Temafila 4,40Kčs, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors on/for lightly browny paper, with thin/light background print; exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
199942 - 1975 PLATE PROOF  CDV168, Congress patologické fyziologie 4
1975 PLATE PROOF CDV168, Congress patologické fyziologie 4,40Kčs, comp. 11 pcs of plate proofs, 1x print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors + 9 pcs of fázových copy-print + plate proof - print gravure added-print on postcard in black color; quite rare offer, all 11 pcs of PLATE PROOF on/for strong white carton, 7 pcs of with signature of author J. Herčík
Starting price: CZK
199972 - 1980 PLATE PROOF  CDV194, 31. zasedáné Comecon 4,40Kčs, p
1980 PLATE PROOF CDV194, 31. zasedáné Comecon 4,40Kčs, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors with signature of author J. Herčík and 3 various faze print gravures + PLATE PROOF for additional printing on postcard, print complete gravure in/at definitive colors; all PLATE PROOF on/for white smooth paper, by/on/at PC rare set!
Starting price: CZK
200451 - 1945 CDV73 (3x), CDV73Pa, CDV74(2x), Košice-issue, comp. 6
1945 CDV73 (3x), CDV73Pa, CDV74(2x), Košice-issue, comp. 6 pcs of Un PC, i.a. 2x "Carte Postale" in various shades; as multiple interesting
Starting price: CZK
200411 - 1945 CDV73, Košice-issue 1,50 Koruna light green paper, sen
1945 CDV73, Košice-issue 1,50 Koruna light green paper, sent as Registered, uprated with stamp Košice-issue 2 Koruna as Pr, special postmark NÁVRAT PREZIDENTA REPUBLIKY plate variety VLASTI 3.IV.45; very fine
Starting price: CZK
200409 - 1945 CDV73Pa, Košice-issue 1,50 Koruna light yellow paper,
1945 CDV73Pa, Košice-issue 1,50 Koruna light yellow paper, uprated with stamp Košice-issue 2 Koruna, CDS LEVOČA/ 13.VIII.45; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
200410 - 1945 CDV73Pa, Košice-issue 1,50 Koruna light yellow paper,
1945 CDV73Pa, Košice-issue 1,50 Koruna light yellow paper, sent as Reg and Express, uprated with stamp Košice-issue 2 Koruna and 6 Koruna, CDS POST ÚRAD (off.) KOŠICE/ 25.IV.45, censorship; very fine
Starting price: CZK
200412 - 1945 CDV74, Košice-issue 1,50 Koruna light yellow paper, pr
1945 CDV74, Košice-issue 1,50 Koruna light yellow paper, provisional pmk VRANOV U. T: + CDV73 with CDS KOŠICE 17.XI.45
Starting price: CZK
200407 - 1945 CDV75A, Bratislava-issue 1,50 Koruna, comp. 8 pcs of Us
1945 CDV75A, Bratislava-issue 1,50 Koruna, comp. 8 pcs of Us PC, from that 4x as Registered, uprated with stamp Bratislava-issue, CDS BRATISLAVA, BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA (+ violet cancel. BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA TURČIANSKÝ S. MARTIN)
Starting price: CZK
200968 - 1945 CDV77, Tiso 70h with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO sent Ex-
1945 CDV77, Tiso 70h with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO sent Ex- to Prague, uprated with stamp Košice-issue 2 Koruna, CDS KOŠICE/ 22.XI. 45, on reverse arrival postmark PRAGUE; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
200639 - 1945-1946 CDV76, 83, PC Linden Leaves and Beneš with privat
1945-1946 CDV76, 83, PC Linden Leaves and Beneš with private added-print, 19 various, mainly Un with commemorative postmarks., total 26 pcs of; good condition, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
200634 - 1947 CDV87, Promotional picture PC - town, as ministerial pr
1947 CDV87, Promotional picture PC - town, as ministerial present, cover from silného carton with blue text "Věnuje Postmaster General" with 3 signatures; good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
200644 - 1948 PLATE PROOF CDV95/7, plate proof official added-print P
1948 PLATE PROOF CDV95/7, plate proof official added-print PRAGA 1950 in/at bulharštině on/for CDV76 - Linden Leaves; superb, rare plate proof!
Starting price: CZK
200405 - 1951 CDV103/1.-12. Labour Union Recreation + Traktory, CDV10
1951 CDV103/1.-12. Labour Union Recreation + Traktory, CDV102/1-4; two complete set, good quality, c.v.. 2.750Kč
Starting price: CZK
200404 - 1953 CDV119/1-2, 30 years of Czechoslovak Airlines, c.v.. 1.
1953 CDV119/1-2, 30 years of Czechoslovak Airlines, c.v.. 1.200CZK
Starting price: CZK
200406 - 1955 CDV124/8, Spartakiad 1955 30h, on reverse with addition
1955 CDV124/8, Spartakiad 1955 30h, on reverse with additional-printing "Work Camp. Vaše mailing adresovaná:..."; interesting
Starting price: CZK
200403 - 1956 CDV129/1-4, Tourist Mark, complete set; c.v.. 700CZK
1956 CDV129/1-4, Tourist Mark, complete set; c.v.. 700CZK
Starting price: CZK
200648 - 1956 CDV130/1-16, Zoo Prague, complete set, without defects
1956 CDV130/1-16, Zoo Prague, complete set, without defects
Starting price: CZK
200646 - 1957 CDV134/1-8, Vrátná valley, complete set pictorial pos
1957 CDV134/1-8, Vrátná valley, complete set pictorial post cards; without defects
Starting price: CZK
200650 - 1960 CDV142/1-16, II. Spartakiad, complete set; very fine
1960 CDV142/1-16, II. Spartakiad, complete set; very fine
Starting price: CZK
200653 - 1967 CDV156/1-27 + CDV157/1-5, 2 park pictorial post cards B
1967 CDV156/1-27 + CDV157/1-5, 2 park pictorial post cards Beauty of Czechoslovakia III. + IV., complete set, very fine
Starting price: CZK
200450 - 1973 CDV164 production flaw, Prague II 30h, comp. of 2 Un PC
1973 CDV164 production flaw, Prague II 30h, comp. of 2 Un PC with production flaw - 1x double impression + ditto and in addition with significant shift cut; rare and decorative
Starting price: CZK
200448 - 1978 CDV166 production flaw, Prague 30h, Us PC with producti
1978 CDV166 production flaw, Prague 30h, Us PC with production flaw - quite omitted print blue color - text and picture of stmp; unusual, decorative
Starting price: CZK
200447 - 1980 CDV193, Bratislava 50h + CDV Prague 50h, comp. of 2 Un
1980 CDV193, Bratislava 50h + CDV Prague 50h, comp. of 2 Un p.stat with production flaw - expressive shift of cut; decorative
Starting price: CZK
200440 - 1989 CDV Prague 50h, Un PC with production flaw - wide viole
1989 CDV Prague 50h, Un PC with production flaw - wide violet horiz. band; unusual and interesting
Starting price: CZK
200442 - 1989-1992 CDV Prague 50h, comp. 15 pcs of PC from various ed
1989-1992 CDV Prague 50h, comp. 15 pcs of PC from various editions, i.a. contains color shades, printing defects etc..; as multiple interesting
Starting price: CZK
200438 - 1991 CDV230 production flaw, Prague 50h with production flaw
1991 CDV230 production flaw, Prague 50h with production flaw - quite omitted print violet color - without fialových lines and picture Hradčany; decorative
Starting price: CZK
200444 - 1993 CDV Prague 50h, Us with production flaw - almost comple
1993 CDV Prague 50h, Us with production flaw - almost complete incomplete-printing violet color silhouette Hradčany; interesting and decorative
Starting price: CZK
198132 - 1973-1992 selection of 25 pcs of PC with various private add
1973-1992 selection of 25 pcs of PC with various private added-print, from that 11 pcs of Un, 11 pcs of postally Us and 3 pcs of with commemorative postmarks from favor, major-part from 70. years, some interesting, 2 pcs of c.v.. Trojan neuvádí: č.1976/13-2 with inverted additional-printing (!), used and CDV240 with additional-printing Inc. Cartography Prague; from TESTER collection, usual quality
Starting price: CZK
200631 - 1945-1948 [COLLECTIONS] big collection of ca. 900 pcs of pos
1945-1948 [COLLECTIONS] big collection of ca. 900 pcs of postwar PC, contains 282ks Košice issue CDV73 (126 pcs of), 73Pa (99 pcs of), 74 (57 pcs of), then Bratislava-issue CDV75 - 212ks, small part Us, then cards Beneš (also double CDV) and Linden Leaves, supplemented with sadami pictorial post cards CDV87, 88, 89, 90, 91 and 92; all in good condition, c.v.. ca. 70.000CZK, hodnotný and ideální research material!
Starting price: CZK
200623 - 1974-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 884ks dopisnc, contain
1974-1992 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 884ks dopisnc, contains cards Bratislava + Prague issue 1974, CDV166, 167 - 331ks, private added-print, plate variety, varieties colors, ořezů etc.., supplemented with CDV Bratislava + Prague issue 1978 and on - total 263ks, again varieties colors, plate variety, shifts, production defects etc.. + supplemented with comp. 290 pcs of special PC, much more times; placed in 1 box, very good condition, hodnotný and ideální research material
Starting price: CZK
199924 - 1980 PLATE PROOF  Pof.COB63, G. Husák 1Kčs, plate proof -
1980 PLATE PROOF Pof.COB63, G. Husák 1Kčs, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in red color, original gravure from year 1979 on/for strong white carton with signature J. Herčík; interesting
Starting price: CZK
199959 - 1968 PLATE PROOF  COB26, Exhibition PRAGA 1968  60h, comp. 3
1968 PLATE PROOF COB26, Exhibition PRAGA 1968 60h, comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs - copy-print complete gravure, definitive making stamps else/yet without wedge [ ˇ ] above character C, 1x in/at original grey-blue color, 1x in red and 1x in brown color, all 3 PLATE PROOF on/for strong, almost white carton, 1 pcs of with signature of author J. Herčík; ojediný set!
Starting price: CZK
199925 - 1972 PLATE PROOF  COB26, Exhibition PÍSEK 60h, plate proof
1972 PLATE PROOF COB26, Exhibition PÍSEK 60h, plate proof - print original gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors, on yellowy paper without gum + plate proof - print complete gravure added-print for envelope, in red color on paper with thin/light pink background print; both PLATE PROOF exp. by Karasek., rare multiple!
Starting price: CZK
199933 - 1973 PLATE PROOF  COB27, Sitting Comecon 3,60Kčs, plate pro
1973 PLATE PROOF COB27, Sitting Comecon 3,60Kčs, plate proof - print complete gravure, 1x definitive making stamps in original colors with signature of author J. Herčík + 5 pcs of various fázových copy-print; rare set, all PLATE PROOF on stamp paper with gum!; exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
199971 - 1973 PLATE PROOF  COB28, Exhibition of Stamps ČSSR-SSSR 3,6
1973 PLATE PROOF COB28, Exhibition of Stamps ČSSR-SSSR 3,60Kčs, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors, with signature of author J. Herčík and 4 various faze print gravures for single color + PLATE PROOF for envelope postal stationery cover, print complete gravure in/at definitive colors; all 6 pcs of PLATE PROOF on stamp paper with gum!, quite rare
Starting price: CZK
199943 - 1974 PLATE PROOF COB31/36, National exhibition Brno 3,60Kčs
1974 PLATE PROOF COB31/36, National exhibition Brno 3,60Kčs, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors on lightly yellowy paper
Starting price: CZK
199977 - 1974 PLATE PROOF  COB38, Exhibition of Stamps ČSSR-NDR 3,60
1974 PLATE PROOF COB38, Exhibition of Stamps ČSSR-NDR 3,60Kčs, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in/at different green color on/for strong yellowy carton, exp. by Karasek + PLATE PROOF for envelope postal stationery cover, print complete gravure in/at definitive colors on/for white carton
Starting price: CZK
199938 - 1975 PLATE PROOF  COB44, Exhibition SOCFILEX  6Kčs, plate p
1975 PLATE PROOF COB44, Exhibition SOCFILEX 6Kčs, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors with signature of author J. Herčík + 3 various faze print gravures for single color + PLATE PROOF for additional printing on envelope postal stationery cover, print incomplete gravure in red color; rare set
Starting price: CZK
199962 - 1980 PLATE PROOF  COB65, 30. Anniv POFIS 6Kčs, plate proof
1980 PLATE PROOF COB65, 30. Anniv POFIS 6Kčs, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors with signature of author J. Herčík and 3 various faze print gravures for single color + PLATE PROOF for envelope postal stationery cover, print complete gravure in/at definitive colors; all PLATE PROOF on/for thin white carton, rare set
Starting price: CZK
199956 - 1983 PLATE PROOF  COB76X, Olympic Games carrier pigeons 6Kč
1983 PLATE PROOF COB76X, Olympic Games carrier pigeons 6Kčs, plate proof - print original complete gravure in black color, else/yet without through engraved chybného name state ČESKOSKOVENSKO and nominal value, on/for thin/light white carton + two-colour PLATE PROOF definitive gravure for postal stationery cover, on lightly yellowy paper; rare chance!, sought by specialists
Starting price: CZK
199970 - 1983 PLATE PROOF  COB77, 25 years TÚS (Technical Services)
1983 PLATE PROOF COB77, 25 years TÚS (Technical Services) 6Kčs, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors with signature of author J. Herčík and 4 various faze print gravures for single color + PLATE PROOF for envelope postal stationery cover, print complete gravure in/at definitive colors; all PLATE PROOF on/for smooth white carton, rare set
Starting price: CZK
201071 - 1956 COB9, COB11, 2. pětiletý plan 60h + Borovský 60h; tw
1956 COB9, COB11, 2. pětiletý plan 60h + Borovský 60h; two Un postal stationery covers, very fine, c.v.. 1.700CZK
Starting price: CZK
200317 - 1956 COB11, COB14A, Borovský 60h and Novotný 60h, size A;
1956 COB11, COB14A, Borovský 60h and Novotný 60h, size A; 2 postal stationery covers, sound condition, c.v.. 1.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
200312 - 1983 COB76X + COB76 + COB81, comp. of 3 postal stationery co
1983 COB76X + COB76 + COB81, comp. of 3 postal stationery covers 18. Olympic Games postal holubu 1983, sought printing error "ČESKOSKOVENSKO", with right inscription and issue II.; c.v.. 2.420Kč
Starting price: CZK
200617 - 1972-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 436ks postal stationer
1972-1990 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 436ks postal stationery covers, from that 232 pcs of special postal stationery cover, major-part issue more times, from that 30 pcs of with postmarks, contains also printing error "Českoskovensko", 2x Písek and several envelopes with varieties, supplemented with commercial reserve years. envelopes PRAGA 78, Un also with postmarks, part POFIS Bratislava; all in/at 1 box, high catalogue value, ideální research material incl. several valuable items
Starting price: CZK
200611 - 1968-1991 [COLLECTIONS]  COB24 - COB93, selection of 520ks p
1968-1991 [COLLECTIONS] COB24 - COB93, selection of 520ks postal stationery covers, contains issue Svoboda 60h, Husák 60h, Husák 1Kčs, Havel 1Kčs, part with private added-print, smaller part Us; all in good condition, ideální research material!
Starting price: CZK
200327 - 1983-1990 CSO1-CSO6, CSO8, comp. 7 pcs of Us off. envelopes;
1983-1990 CSO1-CSO6, CSO8, comp. 7 pcs of Us off. envelopes; nice quality, c.v.. 18.900Kč
Starting price: CZK
200324 - 1983-1991 CSO1-CSO5, CSO8(2x), CSO9, comp. 8 pcs of off. env
1983-1991 CSO1-CSO5, CSO8(2x), CSO9, comp. 8 pcs of off. envelopes, 3 pcs of incl. PF; nice quality, c.v.. 20.400Kč
Starting price: CZK
199205 - 1982-1991 CSO1-CSO9, complete set 9 pcs of Un off. envelopes
1982-1991 CSO1-CSO9, complete set 9 pcs of Un off. envelopes + CSO3a without watermark; total 10 pcs of, very fine, cat. over 27.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
201070 - 1962 CPH53/1-8, Max Švabinský, complete set of picture Ppc
1962 CPH53/1-8, Max Švabinský, complete set of picture Ppc; very fine
Starting price: CZK
200727 - 1945 CPA2.3, comp. 3 pcs of p.stat blank forms Hlinka 50h bl
1945 CPA2.3, comp. 3 pcs of p.stat blank forms Hlinka 50h black with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, 1x machine overprint in dark red color, 1x hand overprint in/at blue and red color; unfolded blank form/-s, without defects, c.v.. 6.720Kč
Starting price: CZK
200731 - 1945 CPV13.1 + CPV13.3, Hlinka 80h red with overprint ČESKO
1945 CPV13.1 + CPV13.3, Hlinka 80h red with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, CPV13.1 issue 1939 with red hand-made overprint, folded in perforation, CPV 13.3Aa, machine pin hole on reverse with black machine overprint, folded in/at pin hole; very fine, c.v.. 2.800CZK
Starting price: CZK
197391 - 1947 CPP  whole international dispatch note 5h to parcel sen
1947 CPP whole international dispatch note 5h to parcel sent by air mail to Belgium, deklarovaná price 8.250Kč, franked with. air stamp. Pof.L20 (8x in front and 10x on reverse), CDS ÚŠOVICE/ 2.XII.47, transit pmk BRUSSEL/ 6.XII. and CHARLEROI/ 8.XII.47; in the middle 1x vertical folded, otherwise nice quality
Starting price: CZK
197392 - 1965 CPP  whole international dispatch note to parcel sent t
1965 CPP whole international dispatch note to parcel sent to Belgium, with Pof.742 (4x), 1107 and 1182, CDS PACOV/ 22.V.65, vyclívací cachet, transit pmk HERBESTHAL/ 3.VI. and arrival BRUSSELS/ 4.VI.65 in front; 1x vertical folded, good condition
Starting price: CZK
199808 - 1948 CMO9a, international reply coupon with printed valuable
1948 CMO9a, international reply coupon with printed valuable 5Kčs, with by hand přepsanou on/for 6Kčs, Czech and French text, 1x CDS HORNÍ ROKYTNICE/ 27.X.48; unfolded, sound condition
Starting price: CZK