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1861 Ferch.18(2x), 19(2x), cut square Franz Joseph in oval 2+2+3+3kr, CDS NEWEKLAU; very fine! U:A5
1861 Ferch.18, Franz Joseph I. 2 Kreuzer yellow; unused piece with new gum, certificate Kopřiva, cat. 110€ U:A5
1860 Ferch.21, Franz Joseph I. 10Kr light brown; unused piece with original gum, two light folds in corners, otherwise nice piece with certificate Kopřiva, cat. 525€, Michel 600€ U:A5
1860 cover of 5x havier (!) letter, with Franz Joseph in oval, 3x 15Kr+5Kr, Mi.22, 20, posting single circle cancel. EISENBERG 1/7 (Dolní Ruda), on reverse arrival BRÜNN 2/7; good condition, very nice postal imprints, cat. Ferchenbauer ca. 1.000€, ex Zajíček U:A5
1863 folded letter to Trieste with mixed franking of III. and 4th issue., Mi.21+26, CDS B.H. BRUCK a/M/ 27.8., on reverse arrival TRIESTE 29/8; in the middle horiz. fold, otherwise nice U:A5