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1908 Mi.139-156, Jubilee 1908; complete set, hinged, minor faults, cat. ANK for * 500€ U:A5
1908 Mi.156w, Jubilee 10K; nice piece, lightly hinged, cat. 260€ U:A5
1910 Mi.161-177, Jubilee 1910, complete set, 3 cheap stamps short teeth, otherwise very fine; cat. ANK 1.260€ U:A5
1910 Mi.175-177, Jubilee 2 K, 3 K and 10K, CDS WIEN, cancel. from favor; end 10K at top short teeth, cat. 960€ U:A5
1910 Mi.175-177, Jubilee 2 K, 3 K and 10K; lightly hinged, cat. for * 540€ U:A5
Mi.217, Express stamp 2h violet, complete sheet of 100 with coupons, cancel. from favor WIEN/ 2.X.18; mint never hinged, cat. ANK 1.230€ U:A3v–
1917 Mi.220 C, Express stamp 5h green rectangle with rare line perforation 11½; : 12½;; VF, cat. ANK 1.000€, seldom offered U:A5
1901-1906 FRIEDLZÄHNUNGEN / selection of 19 stamps with private perforation 9¼;, 10½;, 9¼:12½, issue 1901-1906, various values, i.a. also 3x block of four; mainly mint never hinged, cat. Michel ca. 900€, interesting, rare U:A5
1895-1902 POSTAGE-DUE comp. of 2 mailing from abroad burdened by postage-due, insufficiently paid lithography Ppc from Italy, mounted postage due stamps in picture side 10Kr+1Kr+1Kr, Mi.P7, P1, cancell. red CDS PRAGUE 2/10 95, supplemented with letter from USA, on back side with Postage due stamp issue 1900, 40h+2x 20h+3x 10h, Mi.P32, P31, P28, cancelled by red CDS PRAGUE 25/12 02; good condition, decorative frankings U:A5
1909 insufficiently franked heavier letter, franked with 10h Franz Joseph, Mi.144 on reverse, CDS BISKUPITZ/ 16.5.09, burdened with postage-due 20h, 20x Mi.34, 2 pcs in front and 18 on the back side, cancelled by postmark PARDUBITZ 2/ 17.5.09; signs of usage, rare franking of postage-due stamps! U:A5
1913 selection of complete international post. dispatch-notes sent to Rumania and greater part C.O.D. post. dispatch-note with Jubilee issue 1908, i.a. 2 K, 1 K and 72h, Mi.154, 153, 152, CDS WIEN/ 31.XII.13 and VLADISLAU/ 3.VIII.13; good condition U:A5
1915 commercial Reg letter franked on reverse with marginal strips of War issue, Mi.181 with control-numbers, 1x strip-of-4 and 1x strip-of-3 with plate mark (!), CDS KÖNIGL. WEINBERGE/ 10.IX.15, arrival postmark PRAGUE 14/ 11.IX.; well preserved U:A5
1916 POSTAGE-DUE PROVISORY set of 3 entires, 1x unpaid letter, where fee was paid i.a. block of four of postage stamp 1h, Mi.139 with hand-made red transcription PORTO with CDS POLISH OSTRAVA/ 8.XII.16, supplemented with 2 cuts of post. dispatch-notes where delivering fee was paid by bisected postage stamp 2h, Mi.140 and postage-due 10h, Mi.P38; good condition U:A5
1917 bank money letter for 60.000K on printed matter envelope i.a. franked with Coat of arms 10K dark, Mi.203 and 190, 196, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 8.VI.17; envelope opened from 2 sides, cut seals, small tearing in corner, cat. by estimation 600€, rare usage U:A5
1918 LEMBERG - WIEN, airmail letter to Vienna franked with overprint airmail stamps Mi.225-227 + postage stamp Crown 3h and 12h, posting LEMBERG 1/ 5.VI.18 supplemented with airmail postmark FLUGPOST/ LEMBERG/ 5.VI.18, arrival FLUGPOST WIEN 1/ 5.VI.18 on reverse; good condition U:A5
1918 airmail letter WIEN - CRACOW with Charles 15h + airmail Flugpost 1,50 K - 4 K, grey paper, CDS WIEN 1/ FLUGPOST/ 8.IV. IV(h), arrival CRACOW/ 8.IV.18; very fine U:A5
1918 2 bank money letters on printed envelopes addressed to sugar factory in Most, both on 20.000K: 1x franked with 2 pcs of Coat of arms 3 K, Mi.205 in front + Mi.199 and 224 on reverse, CDS PRAGUE 7/ 25.9.18.; 1x franked with 3 pcs of Coat of arms 2 K, Mi.204 in front + Mi.195 on reverse, CDS PRAGUE 7/ 3. ? ; on reverse seal; good quality U:A5
1850-1925 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / in full Ikea box in 11 large stockbooks A4 + 8 stockbooks A5, contains mainly prewar issues of Franz Joseph I., Jubilee, Postage Coat of arms, Postage due stamps, pos officet abroad, inflation issues etc.., many better values, single stamps also sets more often; various quality, high catalogue value, over 21kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP! U:IK
1883-1918 [COLLECTIONS] interesting accumulation of issues 1883-1918 in full 8-sheet stockbook, complete also incomplete sets Franz Joseph I., Jubilee 1905 and 1908, Flugpost, Coat of arms large format etc.., incl. also better values; some singles more times, part also mint never hinged, high catalogue value U:Z
1889-1905 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 30 various used entires, for example 5x Reg letter, PC, postcard, 2x parcel card, multicolor frankings; usual quality, we advice examination U:O5
1890-1907 [COLLECTIONS] Issues 1890-1907, collection on 21 album pages, contains 15 entires and lot of cut-squares also with interesting thimple postmarks, 3 Reg p.stat PC, bisected franking etc..; various quality, originates from large collection, ex Zajíček U:Z
1908-1915 [COLLECTIONS] Issue 1908, 1910, 1915 and Postage due stamp, collection on 20 album sheets, contains 19 entires and lot of cut-squares, War issue, from postage-due cut square with block-of-50 100h stamp. etc..; various quality, originates from large collection, ex Zajíček U:Z