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1859 SG29, 31, 34, 39, 42 ,44, complete set, value 10C marginal piece, R without perf; cat. SG £485 U:A5
1908 SG.188-195, 300. Anniv of Quebeck; complete mint never hinged set; cat. £550 U:A5
1945-1948 selection of 10 Reg and airmail letters with multicolor frankings sent to Czechoslovakia, all sent to J. Mrňák; good condition U:A5
1857-1864 SG.1, Heraldic Flowers 1P brown purple, "mesh paper"; full margins, cat. £250 U:A5
1860 SG.11, Triangle 3P green; full margins, cat. £110 U:A5
1938-1946 SG.257-267, 268-271, 292-294, selection of complete sets George VI.; nice quality, cat. £70 U:A5
1937 SG.264+264ec, Coronation 20C green, block of four, right bottom stamp shows "extra chimney"; mint never hinged, cat. £160++ U:A5
1939-1946 POSTAGE-DUE SG.D1a-D4a, D6a, Postage due stamps 1C-10C, perf 11 and 11:9; mint never hinged, cat. £65 U:A5
1857 SG.4, Heraldic Flowers 3P light pale blue, on blue paper; wide margins, cat. £150 U:A5
1847 Sc.2, Washington 10C black; very fine piece on cut-square with whole red "grid" postmark, cat. $1.150++ U:A5
1860 Sc.39, Washington 90C blue, perf 15; nice quality, especially perforation, new gum, certificate Phil. Foundation Expert Committee, cat. (*) $1.100 , * $3.000, rare highest value U:A5
1861 Sc.71, Franklin 30 ochre, perf 12; very fine piece on cut-square, cat. $300 U:A5
1861 Sc.72, Washington 90C blue, BLOCK OF 12 (!), with certificate Phil. Foundation Expert Committee, cat. for block of four $5.000, block-of-12 min. $15.000; this is 2nd largest multiple known, unique offer, from important collection, i.a. ex. Siegel "Rarities of the World 1990" (sold for $3.800), very scarce U:DR
1861 Sc.72, Washington 90C blue; very nice piece, certificate Phil. Foundation Expert Committee, cat. (*) $1.300, * $3.250 U:A5
1862 Sc.75, Jefferson 5C red-brown; very nice and well centered piece, new gum, certificate Phil. Foundation Expert Committee, cat. (*) $2.200, * $5.750, rare U:A5
1863 Sc.76, Jefferson 5C brown; nice quality, new gum, certificate Phil. Foundation Expert Committee, cat. (*) $525, * $1400 U:A5
1866 Sc.77, Lincoln 15C black; nice piece, new gum, exp. Roig, certificate Phil. Foundation Expert Committee, cat. (*) $1.750, * $4.500, rare U:A5
1862 Sc.78, Washington 24C lilac; nice quality, new gum, certificate Phil. Foundation Expert Committee, cat. (*) $950 , * $2.750 U:A5
1861-1866 Sc.98, Lincoln 15C black, GRILL "F" 9/13mm; new gum, cat. for (*) $1.600 U:A5
1883 Sc.158, Washington 3C green with whole "fancy cancel" SKULL AND CROSSBONES", certificate Westminster Stamp and Phil. Foundation; very rare postmark! U:A5
1926 Sc.630, miniature sheet Philatelic Exhibition New York; original gum, on 3 stamps minor faults, cat. * $350, ** $600, rare U:A5
1929 Sc.658-668, 1C - 10C, overprint KANS.; complete set in perfect quality, mint never hinged gum with typical horiz. bands, cat. $430 U:A5
1929 Sc.669-679, 1C - 10C, overprint NEBR.; complete set in perfect quality, mint never hinged gum with typical horiz. bands, cat. $530 U:A5
2000 Sc.3409-3413, (Mi.Bl.52-56) Space Exploration - joined printing, format 50x40cm, face-value 38,5$, cat. Scott $225, sought, in original tube U:X
1875 NEWSPAPER STAMPS Sc.PR5-7, Newspaper stamps 5c-25c; issued without gum, cat. $775 U:A5
1853 NEW ORLEANS, local issue Menant & Co.'s Express, 2C dark red; certificates A. Rendon AIEP and BPP Basel, one of the rarest stamps of USA, cat. $15.000, known only 7 pieces (!), very scarce, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1933 Zeppelin-letter with Sc.C18, Graf Zeppelin 50C, CDS MIAMI FLA OCT 23, confirmation cancel. and arrival CHICAGO OCT 26; very fine U:A5
1860-1945 [COLLECTIONS] interesting small collection in two stockbooks A4 and A5, contains various classic issues incl. better values, parts of sets Trans-Mississippi and Columbus, also newspaper, express, air-mails etc.., also issue for Hawaii etc..; various quality, we advice examination U:Z
1853-1897 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 2 sheets A4, included to sum to from issue "Personalities", i. e. Mi.12, Mi.19 etc., incl. better values, i.a. 2x Mi.55c; cat. min. 1600€ U:O4
1980-2000 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on album pages in folder, many blocks, PB, miniature sheets, special postmarks, FDC, also interesting motives etc.; large amount of material U:Z