Public Auction 56 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939

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193551 - 1918 ISSUE 1916 money letter franked with. forerunner stamp
1918 ISSUE 1916 money letter franked with. forerunner stamp Coat of arms 60h blue, Mi.196, used by postmark PŘEPYCHY 16/11 18; good condition seal, good condition, exp. Hirš
Starting price: CZK
199450 - 1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / MALÝ FORMÁT  letter with mixed frank
1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / MALÝ FORMÁT letter with mixed franked. Hradčany stamp. 10h red and Austrian Crown 10h violet, CDS REICHENBERG 13.I.19; good condition
Starting price: CZK
193546 - 1918 ISSUE 1916  comp. 2 pcs of entires franked with. Austri
1918 ISSUE 1916 comp. 2 pcs of entires franked with. Austrian forerunner stamp. Coat of arms 40h, Mi.194, 1x double franaktura for Ex letter in/at I. postal rate with CDS SVIJANY - PODOLÍ 5.XI.18, on reverse arrival PRAGUE TGF 5.XI.18, sent by pneumatic tube mail (folds), 1x as Registered letter in/at I. postal rate together with stamp. Crown 6h, Mi.187 CDS ZBIROH 30.X.18; exp. Hirš,
Starting price: CZK
193723 - 1919 POSTAGE 1917 comp. 2 pcs of nevyplacených letters burd
1919 POSTAGE 1917 comp. 2 pcs of nevyplacených letters burdened by postage-due, fee paid postage-due provisional, 1x commercial letter franked with. 8 pcs of postage stmp Crown 5h, Mi.186, all with black overprint "T", cancelled by postmark NĚMECKÝ BROD 6/12 18, 1x letter where fee was/were paid smíšeno franking stamp. Crown 5h, Coat of arms 40h and Hradčany 5h, all with black overprint DOPLATIT (surtax), CDS PRAGUE 10/3 19, stamp. cancelled nationalized CDS DOLNÍ BEŘKOVICE 11.III.19; zachovalé,1x exp. Hirš, decorative entires with postage-due provisional, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
191370 - 1918-1919 POSTAGE DUE 1916/17  set of 5 larger parts of Aust
1918-1919 POSTAGE DUE 1916/17 set of 5 larger parts of Austrian and Czechosl. parcel cards with multiple frankings Coat of arms values 50h, 60h, 80h and 1 K, Charles 30h; good condition, nice clear postmarks, exp. by Karasek, Hirš
Starting price: CZK
201082 - 1918 POSTAGE STAMPS / MALÝ FORMÁT  Coat of arms 40h olive,
1918 POSTAGE STAMPS / MALÝ FORMÁT Coat of arms 40h olive, Mi.194, corner blk-of-15 with control-numbers and oblique hand-made overprint *PORTO*; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / MALÝ FORMÁT - PŮLENÁ FRANKATURA whole certificate of mailing where fee was/were paid half postage stmp Austrian stamp. 3h Crown with overprint "Porto" and transcription "5", cancelled by postmark TESCHEN 1/ 3.2.19; good condition, rare emergency franking
Starting price: CZK
1918-1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / MALÝ FORMÁT - PŮLENÁ FRANKATURA comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x postcard franked with. bisected stamp. 6h Crown and Express stamp 2h + whole stamp. 6h Koruuna, Mi.187, 219, CDS TELPLITZ-SCHÖNAU/ 24.XI.18 + half certificate of mailing, where fee was/were paid half postage stmp Austrian stamp. 3h Crown with overprint "Porto" and transcription "5", cancelled by postmark TESCHEN 1/ 1.2.19; good condition, rare emergency franking, ex Zajíček
Starting price: CZK
1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / MALÝ FORMÁT - PŮLENÉ FRANKATURY commercial PC franked with. úhlopříčně bisected stmp Charles 20h, Mi.222, nationalized CDS SKUTEČ 13/1 19; good condition
Starting price: CZK
1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / MALÝ FORMÁT - SEŠITKOVÉ ISSUE / philatelically influenced letter franked with. i.a. Austrian stamp. from bklt issue Crown 5h with coupon L and St. Andrew's cross, Mi.186 K, mixed franking contains other stmp.: Crown 3h violet, Postage due stmp 5h small number with overprint FRANCO, Hradčany 3h and 5h, posting violet CDS BRNO 1/ 6.I.19; good condition, neprůkazná period origin entires
Starting price: CZK
200949 - 1919 POSTAGE STAMPS MALÝ FORMÁT / comp. 2 pcs of Reg lette
1919 POSTAGE STAMPS MALÝ FORMÁT / comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with mixed frankings, 1x Coat of arms 40h, Mi.194 and 5h Hradčany, CDS ZETTWING BHM./ 25.II.19, 1x folded blank form State tracks with 5-tuple franking Coat of arms 6h orange, Mi.187 and Hradčany 5h+10h, CDS ŠTĚTÍ 26/2 19; good condition, decorative, ex Zajíček
Starting price: CZK
196568 - 1917 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT  ANK.207 I, Coat of arm
1917 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT ANK.207 I, Coat of arms 10K light violet, close; mint never hinged, c.v.. 420€
Starting price: CZK
193567 - 1918 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT  money letter for amoun
1918 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT money letter for amount 20.000K, on/for printed matter envelope in front mounted stamp. Coat of arms 2 Koruna light blue, wide, Mi.204, on reverse other 2 pcs of this stamp. (from that 1x torn off corner), supplemented with stamp. Crown 5h, Coat of arms 1 Koruna (torn off corner) and Charles 20h, CDS SAAZ 3.X.18; partially rozpadlé seal, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
200779 - 1917 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT  Mi.206U I, Coat of arm
1917 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT Mi.206U I, Coat of arms 4 Koruna light green, close, grey paper, imperforated block of four; very fine, more/larger blocks are rare!
Starting price: CZK
192832 - 1918 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT 1916/17  cut from Germa
1918 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT 1916/17 cut from German parcel dispatch-note, where fee was/were paid parallel stamp. Coat of arms 4 Koruna dark and 2 Koruna light used as postage-due with hand-made transcription PORTO, Mi.202I, 204, CDS ZLIN ?/10 18; exp. Hirš, very rare occurrence stamp. Coat of arms in/at tmavých colors
Starting price: CZK
200780 - 1918 AIRMAIL STAMPS 1918 / Mi.225-227 / ANK-catalogue 225yB-
1918 AIRMAIL STAMPS 1918 / Mi.225-227 / ANK-catalogue 225yB-227yB, imperforated pairs, values 2 Koruna, 3 Koruna and 4 Koruna without overprint FLUGPOST; very fine, values 2 Koruna and 3 Koruna **, 4 Koruna (*), in/at pair rare!
Starting price: CZK
193599 - 1918 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK  commercial printed matter franked
1918 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK commercial printed matter franked with. Spěšnými stamp. 2h rectangle, from that 1x diagonally bisected, Mi.219, all in postage stmp function, CDS KRÁSNÁ HORA U NĚM. BRODU/ 13.XI.18; good condition
Starting price: CZK
200944 - 1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK  ordinary letter underpaid mixed f
1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK ordinary letter underpaid mixed franking parallel Express 2h rectangle as Pr with lower coupons, Mi.219A and Hradčany pairs 3h violet, nationalized CDS PRAGUE 1/ 27.II.19, burdened by surtax 20h, fee paid postage stmp Hradčany 20h with overprint "To pay", CDS VRANÉ N. V. 27/2 19; good condition, rare and decorative franking, ex Zajíček
Starting price: CZK
193592 - 1918-1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK  comp. 6 pcs of entires with
1918-1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK comp. 6 pcs of entires with mixed frankings with Spěšnou stamp. 2h , Mi.219, 2x as express printed matter, 1x with line perforation 11½; in mixed franking with stamp. Hradčany, 1x in mixed franking with bisected stmp Charles 15h etc..; various quality, exp. by Karasek., Kvasnička, Hirš
Starting price: CZK
196733 - 1918 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK  parcel dispatch card segment with
1918 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK parcel dispatch card segment with fee after/behind delivery paid Spěšnými stamp. rectangle 2h red used as postage-due, 2 pcs of + bisected (!) stamp. with CDS CHOCEŇ 26/12 18, cut franked Cash with mailing CDS STARÉ BENÁTKY/ 20.XII.18; good condition, nice nefilatelistický example of usage Express stamps as Postage-due stamps, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
196736 - 1918-1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK /  comp. 4 pcs of cuts with m
1918-1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK / comp. 4 pcs of cuts with mixed franking Austrian Express stamp. used as postage stmp, values 2h (1x) and 5h (3x), Mi.219, 220 with postage stamp. Coat of arms, Charles, Crown, various CDS from end year 1918 to from February 1919; good condition. Karasek, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
193621 - 1919 EXPRESS /  OBDÉLNÍK letter sent as Spěšný Printed
1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK letter sent as Spěšný Printed matter, open envelope franked with. parallel stamp. Express stamp 5h rectangle with line perforation 11½;, Mi.220B, CDS GABLONZ a.d. NEISSE/ 9.I.19; good condition, exp. by Karasek., decorative entire with rare tarifem and sought perf Express stamps!, c.v.. Hirš 10.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
196664 - 1918-1919 POSTAGE-DUE / VÝPOTŘEBNÍ ISSUE / comp. 4 pcs of
1918-1919 POSTAGE-DUE / VÝPOTŘEBNÍ ISSUE / comp. 4 pcs of larger parts Hungarian dispatch notes where fee was/were paid Postage due stamps Výpotřebního issue, 3x 15/36h with Postage due stmp small number 5h, 1x 20/54h, Mi.P61, P62, various CDS; good condition, exp. Hirš, Karasek, Kvasnička
Starting price: CZK
196678 - 1919 SMÍŠENÉ FRANKATURY DOPLATNÍCH ZN. /  comp. 4 pcs of
1919 SMÍŠENÉ FRANKATURY DOPLATNÍCH ZN. / comp. 4 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes, where delivering fee are paid mixed franking parallel stamp. and Czechosl. Postage-due stamps, 2x 15h Small number + Postage due stmp Czechosl. 15h, 1x 5h Malé number + Postage due stmp Czechosl. 15h, 1x to exhaustion- 15/36h + Postage due stmp Czechosl. 5h, various CDS; good condition, exp. Hirš, Karasek, rare mixed franking Austrian and Czechosl. postage-due stamps on/for nefilatelistických dokladech
Starting price: CZK
193034 - 1918-1919 POSTAGE-DUE / MALÉ ČÍSLICE  comp. 4 pcs of cut-
1918-1919 POSTAGE-DUE / MALÉ ČÍSLICE comp. 4 pcs of cut-squares from postal blank forms with mounted forerunner and parallel Postage due stamps i.a. 1 Koruna and 5 Koruna, Mi.P55 (12x), 56, 48, 50 and 61,s CDS JIHLAVA 1/ 8.11.18, PRAGUE 13/ 21.1. and 24.1.19, KARLÍN/ 1.5.19; cancel. well readable
Starting price: CZK
191478 - 1919 POSTAGE-DUE SMALL NUMERALS  cut square from accounting
1919 POSTAGE-DUE SMALL NUMERALS cut square from accounting sheet, where taxes were paid by mixed franking of Austrian postage-due stamps 2x value 5 K, Mi.P56 and block of four stamps with Opt PORTO 50/42h brown, Mi.P63, cancelled by postmark VYSOKÉ MÝTO 7.1.19; good condition, exp. Hirš, rare franking, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
197744 - 1918 POSTAGE-DUE / PORTO  Mi.58, 1h grey with red overprint
1918 POSTAGE-DUE / PORTO Mi.58, 1h grey with red overprint PORTO, upper blk-of-50 and two the bottom blk-of-25 from one counter sheet, total 8 pcs of stamp. with plate variety overprint "thin letter O" on pos. 20, 38, 56, 63, 75, 76, 85 and 87; on/for plate A4
Starting price: CZK
1918 POSTAGE-DUE / VÝPOTŘEBNÍ ISSUE - DĚLENÉ STAMPS VE FUNKCI POSTAGE STAMPS PC Charles 8h uprated by. 1/4 (!) stamp. with overprint PORTO values 10/24h, Mi.P60, CDS ÚPICE/ 30.XII.18; light folds and wrinkled corners, after all exceptional entire with quite ojedinělým usage divided Postage due stamps used as postage stmp, obdobná entire with same mailing CDS is pictured see. Mo.1, str.39
Starting price: CZK
194002 - 1918 PAID IN CASH  comp. of 2 whole newspaper wrappers sent
1918 PAID IN CASH comp. of 2 whole newspaper wrappers sent as Printed matter, with cancel. FRANKO/ 3/ CASH, 1x machine with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 7.XII.18, 1x hand-made cancel. supplemented with hand-made CDS PRAGUE 1/ ?.XII.18; good condition
Starting price: CZK
196772 - 1918 POLISH SPRÁVA TĚŠÍNSKA - EXPRESS  comp. 5 pcs of la
1918 POLISH SPRÁVA TĚŠÍNSKA - EXPRESS comp. 5 pcs of larger parts Austrian dispatch-notes franked with. i.a. Spěšnými stamp. rectangle 2h and 5h, Mi.219, 220 in postage stmp function, in mixed frankings with stamp. Crown, Coat of arms, Charles, 4x with stamp. 2h, 1x with stamp. 5h, CDS ODERBERG and FREISTADT December 1918; good condition
Starting price: CZK
196612 - 1919 TURUL / larger part Hungarian post. dispatch-note with
1919 TURUL / larger part Hungarian post. dispatch-note with i.a. franked by stmp Turul 5f green, CDS BOBOT 9.Jan. 919 (fold in stamp.) supplemented with cut-square dispatch-note franked with. i.a. pair stamp. Turul 12f violet with CDS NAGYSOMBAT 919 Jan.13. and cut square from postal stationery covers with stamp. Turul 2f yellow, CDS KASSA 919 Apr.24.; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš
Starting price: CZK
194045 - 1919 TURUL / larger part Hungarian post. dispatch-note with
1919 TURUL / larger part Hungarian post. dispatch-note with with Turul 5f green and Reaper 20f brown, CDS MALACZKA 21.Jan. 919; good condition, exp. Hirš, Hungarian post. administration povolovala usage already invalidated stamp. to spotřebování for want post offices, that's why their/its usage on/for postal parcel bills is possible and rare
Starting price: CZK
193873 - 1919 WAR ISSUE comp. of 2 larger parts of Hungarian postal o
1919 WAR ISSUE comp. of 2 larger parts of Hungarian postal orders, franked with. i.a. War surtax stamp 40f (minor faults) and 15f, Mi.185, 184, CDS MALACZKA 21.Jan.919 and ÉRSEKÚJVÁR 919 Jan.30., delivering fee paid by postage stamps used as postage-due Charles 20h and Hradčany 5h; good condition, exp. by Karasek., ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
191393 - 1918 VÁLEČNÉ / 2x larger part Hungarian post. dispatch-no
1918 VÁLEČNÉ / 2x larger part Hungarian post. dispatch-note, 1x franked with. 3-tuple franking stamp. War 10f+2f, Mi.183, CDS NEGYED 918 Dec.20. (Neded) + 1x franked with. double franking stamp. 15f+2f, Mi.184, CDS UJBARS 918 Dec.27. (Nový Tetkov); good condition, exp. by Karasek., rare multiple franking parallel Surtax stamps
Starting price: CZK
196637 - 1918-1919 VÁLEČNÉ / comp. 6 pcs of larger parts various H
1918-1919 VÁLEČNÉ / comp. 6 pcs of larger parts various Hungarian orders franked with. i.a. surtax stmp issue War 1916, Mi.183-185, from that 40f 2x, various CDS; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš
Starting price: CZK
191387 - 1919 ŽENCI / BÍLÉ ČÍSLICE  larger part Hungarian post.
1919 ŽENCI / BÍLÉ ČÍSLICE larger part Hungarian post. dispatch-note franked with. pair parallel stamp. Reaper 15f violet - white numerals, Mi.187, CDS EPERJES 919 Jan.27.; good condition, exp. Hirš, rare occurrence this franking
Starting price: CZK
196651 - 1918-1919 ŽENCI /  comp. 12 pcs of larger parts various Hun
1918-1919 ŽENCI / comp. 12 pcs of larger parts various Hungarian dispatch-notes franked with. mixed frankings Hungarian forerunner and parallel stamp. Reaper (2f, 3f, 6f 2x, 10f, 15f, 25f, 40f), various CDS, i.a. PÖSTYEN 918 Okt.29.; good condition, exp. Hirš, Karasek, interesting non-philatelic mixed franking from Slovak territory!, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
196653 - 1918-1919 ŽENCI /  comp. 8 pcs of larger parts various Hung
1918-1919 ŽENCI / comp. 8 pcs of larger parts various Hungarian dispatch-notes franked with. 1-násobnými frankings Hungarian forerunner and parallel stamp. Reaper (15f, 25f 3x, 35f 3x, 40f), various CDS; good condition, interesting non-philatelic simple franking from Slovak territory!, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
196655 - 1919 ŽENCI /  Hungarian p.stat dispatch-note 2f big format
1919 ŽENCI / Hungarian p.stat dispatch-note 2f big format franked with. from both sides 15-tuple franking stamp. Reaper 2f yellow, Mi.190, CDS LÖCSE (Levoča) 919 Jan.30.; light fold, exp. Hirš, interesting non-philatelic multiple franking from Slovak territory!, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
196634 - 1918-1919 PARLAMENT / comp. 8 pcs of larger parts various Hu
1918-1919 PARLAMENT / comp. 8 pcs of larger parts various Hungarian dispatch-notes all i.a. franked by stmp Parliament values 50f, 75f, 80f and 1 Koruna, Mi.200-203, from that 50f 1x 1-násobná franking, various CDS as LOSONCZ, BESZTERCZZEBANYA, IGLÓ, POZSONY, NAGYMEGYER etc..; only punch cancelled otvaory, exp. Hirš, Karasek
Starting price: CZK
191405 - 1919 KÖSTÁRSASÁG  larger part of Hungarian money dispatch
1919 KÖSTÁRSASÁG larger part of Hungarian money dispatch-note 2f, franked with mixed franking of Hungarian stamps Parliament 75f Mi.201 and Hungarian stamps with Opt KÖSTÁRSASÁG Charles 20f in strip-of-3, Mi.238, CDS ÉRSEKÚJVÁR 919 Jan.22., on reverse arrival POZSONY 919 Jan.23.; good condition, only cancellation punch in corner, exp. Hirš, rare, ex. Pour
Starting price: CZK
196657 - 1918-1919 POSTAGE STAMPS 1918 /  comp. 13 pcs of larger part
1918-1919 POSTAGE STAMPS 1918 / comp. 13 pcs of larger parts various Hungarian dispatch-notes franked with. 1-násobnými and mixed frankings Hungarian forerunner and parallel stamp. Charles (10f, 20f, 25f), Zita (40f), various CDS; good condition, interesting non-philatelic franking from Slovak territory!, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
191394 - 1919 POSTAGE STAMPS 1918 /  larger part Hungarian money disp
1919 POSTAGE STAMPS 1918 / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note 2f, franked with. mixed franking Hungarian parallel stamp. Zita 40f 3x and on reverse Reaper 5f 2x, Mi.217, 192, CDS DUNA SZERDAHELY/ 919 Jan.22.; punch cancelled in UL corner, exp. by Karasek., rare 3-tuple franking, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
196666 - 1919 ŽENCI + CHARLES /  2 pcs of larger parts Hungarian p.s
1919 ŽENCI + CHARLES / 2 pcs of larger parts Hungarian p.stat dispatch-note, with multiple parallel franking 1x small format with 7-násobnou franking stamp. Reaper 5f green, Mi.192, CDS RAJECZ 919 Jan.25., 1x larger format dispatch-note with 13-násobnou franking stamp. Charles 10f red, Mi.213, CDS TESTER [ÉRSEKÚJVÁR] 919 Jan.27., both dispatch-note with delivering fee paid Hradčany stamp. 10h red used as postage-due with CDS NYITRA; only skartovační holes, exp. Hirš
Starting price: CZK
196617 - 1919 SPĚŠNÁ 1916 / larger part Hungarian C.O.D. order wit
1919 SPĚŠNÁ 1916 / larger part Hungarian C.O.D. order with mixed franking Hungarian Express stamp. 2f used as postage stmp, Mi.180 and Hradčany 2x 20h blue-green, CDS SZLANICZ 919 Mar.25.; exp. by Kvasnicka., ex. Pour
Starting price: CZK
191471 - 1918-1919 POSTAGE-DUE ČERVENÉ ČÍSLICE  comp. 4 pcs of va
1918-1919 POSTAGE-DUE ČERVENÉ ČÍSLICE comp. 4 pcs of various larger parts money blank forms with fee paid Hungarian Postage due stamp 20f, Mi.P43, CDS JOKUT 918.Nov.28, PRIVIGYE 918 Dec.6., LIPTÓTEPLA Jun.6., GYETVA 919 Feb.22.; good condition, all exp. by Karasek., Hirš
Starting price: CZK
193851 - 1919 POSTAGE-DUE ČERVENÉ ČÍSLICE / comp. 2 pcs of larger
1919 POSTAGE-DUE ČERVENÉ ČÍSLICE / comp. 2 pcs of larger part/-s money dispatch-notes, where delivering fee was/were paid stamp. 10f, Mi.P40, 1x pair with CDS SZOMOLÁNY 919 Jul.21., 1x simple franking with CDS LIPTÓTEPLA 919 Jul.12.; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš, usage postage-due stamps after/around period their/its validity is common, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
197869 - 1918 Pof.RV1-21, Prague overprint I (Small Emblem) 3H - 10K,
1918 Pof.RV1-21, Prague overprint I (Small Emblem) 3H - 10K, complete set 21 pcs of; values 2K-10K common stamp. paper; all mint never hinged, major-part stamp. more times exp. various experts (Tribuna, Franěk, Lešetický, Gilbert, Mrňák, Vrba)
Starting price: CZK
197870 - 1918 Pof.RV22-42, Prague overprint II (large emblem) 3H - 10
1918 Pof.RV22-42, Prague overprint II (large emblem) 3H - 10K, complete set 21 pcs of, value 3 Koruna granite paper, 4 Koruna at top short tooth; all mint never hinged, major-part stamp. more times exp. various experts ( Tribuna, Franěk, Mrňák, Vrba)
Starting price: CZK
198437 - 1918 comp. 11 pcs of overprint revolutionary stamp., contain
1918 comp. 11 pcs of overprint revolutionary stamp., contains Prague overprint I + II, small/rare and large emblem, incomplete group of low values 3-20h, supplemented with 1 stamp. Skalice overprint, Reaper 4f (**); mainly hinged, all exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, Le, Vrba
Starting price: CZK
201068 - 1918 Prague overprint I and II (small/rare and large emblem)
1918 Prague overprint I and II (small/rare and large emblem), print 2 cancelled cliché in black color on/for white carton
Starting price: CZK
198314 - 1919 Pof.RV43-65 + RV71-84, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprin
1919 Pof.RV43-65 + RV71-84, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint) 3h-1K + postage-due 1h-50h, almost complete set /without newspaper zn./, all with overprint in red color, from that on/for 4 pcs of overprint inverted!; all exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
198316 - 1918 Pof.RV62-63, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), Expres
1918 Pof.RV62-63, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), Express rectangle 2h * and 5h **, inverted red Opt; exp. by Mrnak and commercial mark
Starting price: CZK
198315 - 1918 Pof.RV66-70, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), newspa
1918 Pof.RV66-70, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), newspaper 2h-30h, red Opt, complete set; exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
197873 - 1918 Pof.RV71a, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), black Op
1918 Pof.RV71a, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), black Opt on stmp Postage due stmp PORTO 1h with plate variety - thin "O"; exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
197871 - 1918 Pof.RV119-132, Skalice overprint, complete set, all min
1918 Pof.RV119-132, Skalice overprint, complete set, all mint never hinged; exp. 9 pcs of Mrňák, other Lešetický, Gilbert, Tribuna, Franěk
Starting price: CZK
193209 - 1918 Pof.RV133-157, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), co
1918 Pof.RV133-157, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), comp. 11 pcs of, from that 3x RV141, in addition postage-due 2f red numerals (c.v.. Pofis doesn't report) + RV121 and RV126, Skalice overprint 4f and 20f; exp. various experts (Tri, Franek, Mrňák, Karasek, Gilbert, Kraus), major-part 2x, c.v.. ca. 4.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
197872 - 1918 Pof.RV133-RV162, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint),
1918 Pof.RV133-RV162, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), complete set of 30 pcs of, incl. RV147 15f Charles with overprint "Köztarsaság"; chosen pieces, 17 pcs of exp. by Gilbert., other stamp. various experts (Tribuna, Franek, Mrňák, Pofis-m, Pofis-v), c.v.. 15.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
198318 - 1918 Pof.RV140-149, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), co
1918 Pof.RV140-149, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), comp. 9 pcs of postage stmp RV140, 141, 142, 145, 146 (2x), 148 (2x) and 149, from that 8 pcs of with margin and control-numbers; rare, exp. by Gilbert., Tri, Franek, Vrba, cat. min. 2.700CZK
Starting price: CZK
198317 - 1918 Pof.RV155 + 161, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint),
1918 Pof.RV155 + 161, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), 2f postage-due, vertical overprint + Parliament 80f; exp. by Gilbert and Vrba, both pieces marginal with control-numbers, interesting
Starting price: CZK