Public Auction 56 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939

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200955 - 1919-1947 JUDAICA  comp. 10 pcs of entires with Jewish theme
1919-1947 JUDAICA comp. 10 pcs of entires with Jewish theme, 5x mounted advertising Surtax label, 6x commemorative postmarks to Jewish kongresům and výročím; various condition, ex Zajíček
Starting price: CZK
194854 - 1933-1938 comp. 2 pcs of entires sent in/at V. postal rate P
1933-1938 comp. 2 pcs of entires sent in/at V. postal rate Prague pneumatic-tube post, 1x Printed matter (!) with Tyrš 60h, Pof.272, CDS TÚS (Technical Services) PRAGUE 8.IV.33, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 31 + 1x postcard franked by 2x 40H Comenius and Coat of arms 10h, Pof.300, 249, CDS PRAGUE 3/ 23.III.38, arrival PRAGUE 55; good condition, all attributes mailing delivered pneumatic-tube post incl. violet hinge / label
Starting price: CZK
200910 - 1937-1938 comp. 2 pcs of letters delivered Prague pneumatic-
1937-1938 comp. 2 pcs of letters delivered Prague pneumatic-tube post, 1x without supplement with T. G. Masaryk 1CZK with advertising MC PRAGUE 22/ 12.IV.37, 1x with Surtax 40h stamp. Comenius, CDS PRAGUE 8/ 12.VII.38, both incl. arrival cancel. and fialových labels; on reverse only hinged
Starting price: CZK
193976 - 1918 Hungarian blank form Távbeszélö - jegy / Telephone c
1918 Hungarian blank form Távbeszélö - jegy / Telephone confirmation, complete large blank form in red color, where fee was/were paid on face-side (!) Hungarian stamp. Charles 3x 20f and 1x 10f, Mi.215, 213, cancelled by postmark TAKCSÁNY/ 918 Dec.12. (Stakčín); good condition, exp. Hirš, rare usage complete big telephone blank forms, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
191124 - 1919 Hungarian blank form Távbeszélö - jegy / Telephone c
1919 Hungarian blank form Távbeszélö - jegy / Telephone confirmation, complete large blank form in/at white color on face-side fee paid stamp. Hradčany 30h yellow and 5h, Pof.12, 3, cancelled by postmark MARGITFALVA 919 Maj.12. (Margecany); small toned in margins 5h stamp., exp. Hirš, decorative piece rare blank form/-s, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
196315 - 1919 Hungarian express p.stat telegram Sürgös Távirat wit
1919 Hungarian express p.stat telegram Sürgös Távirat with printed stmp 2f issue 1917 with hnědočerveným overprint "TIZ" (deset) as parallel Czechosl. p.stat, uprated by. two-colour franking stamp. Hradčany str-of-3 100h brown and 2 pcs of 5h light green, Pof.20, 3 with CDS LIPTÓSZENTMIKLÓSZ 919 Mar.16., (Liptovský Svatý Mikuláš ); only light vertical fold and small tearing in margin, good condition, very rare to exhaustion- p.stat telegram dekorativně franked with. Hradcany-issue známkami!
Starting price: CZK
200896 -  CPŘ3, comp. 2 pcs of parallel Austrian PC Charles 8h with
CPŘ3, comp. 2 pcs of parallel Austrian PC Charles 8h with perf for typewriter and private additional-printing f. J. Petschek - Aussig, both uprated by. Spěšnými Czechosl. stamp. for I. and II. postal rate, 1x stamp. 2h with frame cancel. FALKENAU A. D. EGER/ 23.4.19, 1x uprated by. 2 Spěšnými 2h and 5h, CDS train post KOMOTAU - AUSIG/ 5.VII.19; only on reverse hints after sticking
Starting price: CZK
190790 - 1918 CPŘ3, Austrian parallel PC 8h Charles uprated by. Aust
1918 CPŘ3, Austrian parallel PC 8h Charles uprated by. Austrian express stamp. rectangle 2h red, Mi.219D, with výjimečnou line perforation 12½; : 11½; (!), as parallel stamp. used as postage stmp, CDS VLKOŠ - KANOVSKO 3/11 18; exp. Hirš, quite rare entire with rarest perf on/for express Austrian stamp, c.v.. Hirš shows 20.000CZK kurzivou, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
197901 - 1919 CPŘ3, PC 8H Charles addressed to to Bohemia, uprated b
1919 CPŘ3, PC 8H Charles addressed to to Bohemia, uprated by. Czechosl. newspaper stamp. Pof.NV1, used in Carinthia (!), well clear pmk GLÖDNITZ in violet color, on reverse hand-made 22.VII.19; non-philatelic - odesílatelka oznamuje bookshop in Varnsdordu change address; quite exceptional, exp. by Drazan
Starting price: CZK
193741 - 1919 CPŘ3, Austrian parallel PC 8h Charles sent without upr
1919 CPŘ3, Austrian parallel PC 8h Charles sent without uprating, surtax paid express stamp. 5h green rectangle with overprint "T" with line perforation 11½;, Mi.220B, CDS EGER 2.I.19, surtax with CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 4.I.19; good condition, exp. by Karasek., interesting postage-due provisional on/for express stmp with better perf, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
190786 - 1919 CPŘ3, parallel Austrian PC Charles 8h, uprated by. str
1919 CPŘ3, parallel Austrian PC Charles 8h, uprated by. str-of-4 Austrian Express stamp. 2h rectangle, Mi.219A, CDS MOHELNICE/ 8.X.19; good condition, exp. Hirš, rare multiple franking used after/around termination validity Austrian stamp., but post tolerated, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
182429 - 1919 CPŘ3Pa, Charles 8h with perf for typewriter, uprated.
1919 CPŘ3Pa, Charles 8h with perf for typewriter, uprated. Czechosl. stamps 2h special-delivery + 5h Hradčany, postal rate II, CDS AUSSIG/ 20.VI.19; good condition, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
182430 - 1919 CPŘ11b, Austrian bilingual mailing card Mi.TA63 as for
1919 CPŘ11b, Austrian bilingual mailing card Mi.TA63 as forerunner, nationalized CDS PARDUBICE 13/6 19; without fold, very fine
Starting price: CZK
189298 - 1919 CPŘ27, 1. + 2. part Hungarian double PC 5f +2f + 5f wi
1919 CPŘ27, 1. + 2. part Hungarian double PC 5f +2f + 5f with red additional-printing for Válečnou help Hadi segély..., both single parts uprated with stamp Hradčany 2x 1h, 3h and 5h, CDS POZSONY/ 919 Jul.28., both p.stat provided with oval official cancel. post POZSONY 1; exp. Hirš, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
201031 - 1919 CPŘ32, Hungarian PC 8f to Ilyvy, uprated with stamp Hr
1919 CPŘ32, Hungarian PC 8f to Ilyvy, uprated with stamp Hradčany 1h as Pr and 5h, CDS PRIVIGYE (Prievidza)/ 19.AUG.919
Starting price: CZK
201026 - 1919 CPŘ33  Hungarian PC Mi.P70 sent as Reg to Brno, uprate
1919 CPŘ33 Hungarian PC Mi.P70 sent as Reg to Brno, uprated with stamp Reaper 25f, Hungarian CDS NAGY TOPOLCSANY/ 919.FEB.28 (!), last day of validity Hungarian stamp., very fine
Starting price: CZK
201029 - 1919 comp. 5 pcs of Hungarian postcard, 3x CPŘ33, 1x part d
1919 comp. 5 pcs of Hungarian postcard, 3x CPŘ33, 1x part double 8f, 1x single 8f, uprated with stamp Hradčany, 1x special-delivery 2h, various CDS from y 1919
Starting price: CZK
191381 - 1918 whole money postal order 2f, V. issue 1914, for amount
1918 whole money postal order 2f, V. issue 1914, for amount of 1.000K, franked with. forerunner Hungarian stamp. Parliament 1 Koruna and Charles 20f, Mi. 203, 215, CDS NYITRABÁNYA/ 918 Dec.5. (Handlová); only light fold, exp. Hirš, complete and decorative p.stat blank form, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
191379 - 1918 whole money postal order 2f, V. issue 1914, for amount
1918 whole money postal order 2f, V. issue 1914, for amount of 500K sent on/for FP 590, incl. připsané request about/by return nedodaných money, posted 1st day of Czechoslovakia (!), franked with Hungarian stmps Parliament 50f, War 10f+2f and Reaper 10f white numerals (!), Mi.183, 186, 200, CDS VÁGÚJHELY/ 918 Okt.28. (Nové Mesto above V.), redirected, sent back + official letter about/by return from 1/7 1919; zaslepené filling holes, fold only in the place cut, torn off corner stamp. Mi.183, exp. by Karasek., decorative entire from 1. of day Czechoslovakia!, ex Pour
Starting price: CZK
201033 - 1919 comp. 3 pcs of larger parts dispatch-notes, i.a. 2x CP
1919 comp. 3 pcs of larger parts dispatch-notes, i.a. 2x CPŘ57, uprated with stamp Hradčany 25h, resp. 20+10h, single circle CDS ALSÓ SZALÖK (Nižný Slavkov) and KORLÁTKÖ (Rozbehy) + 1x BREZÓ (Brezová p./B.); all small post
Starting price: CZK
198011 - 1919 CDV6, three-line overprint CZECHOSL/ R/ -10- on/for Aus
1919 CDV6, three-line overprint "CZECHOSL/ R/ -10-" on/for Austrian. PC 8H Charles, nationalized CDS JILEMNICE/ 18.I.19, commercial correspondence addressed to to Germany (!), very early usage; minor faults - PC R light browny, rare occurrence!, really used abroad at our place teprve second time in auction, from exhibit, exp. Dražan, in/at c.v.. price - , -
Starting price: CZK
182431 - 1919 CDV6, comp. 2 pcs of PC  Charles 10/8h with třířádk
1919 CDV6, comp. 2 pcs of PC Charles 10/8h with třířádkovým overprint "ČSR-10-", 1x Us with nationalized CDS TRHOVÉ SVINY/ 24.II.19 (slightly yellowy) + 1x Un only with text on reverse, cat. min. 10.000CZK, rare occurrence esp. Us PC!
Starting price: CZK
201027 - 1919 CDV10, Hradčany 10h sent Ex- to Vienna, uprated with s
1919 CDV10, Hradčany 10h sent Ex- to Vienna, uprated with stamp Hradčany 50h and 5h imperforated, CDS SEDLEC U KUTNÉ HORY/ 4.IX.19
Starting price: CZK
200234 - 1922 CDV24 plate variety, Liberated Republic 50h with plate
1922 CDV24 plate variety, Liberated Republic 50h with plate flaw "little-egg in waist", uprated. and to Germany, CDS OPAVA/ 12.V.22, commercial correspondence; very sound condition, exp. by Karasek., sought and rare plate flaw!
Starting price: CZK
200892 - 1934 CDV52/1, 15. Anniv. of Annexation Carpathian Ruthenia,
1934 CDV52/1, 15. Anniv. of Annexation Carpathian Ruthenia, Uzhhorod - cathedral, Us with mailing CDS ČOP/ 31.X.34; small tearing in L margin, very rare usage
Starting price: CZK
187079 - 1934 CDV52/1, T. G. Masaryk 50h, Uzhhorod - cathedral with s
1934 CDV52/1, T. G. Masaryk 50h, Uzhhorod - cathedral with special postmark PRAGUE/ II. DĚLNICKÁ OLYMPIC GAMES ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ; luxury condition, cat. 2.200CZK
Starting price: CZK
200891 - 1934 CDV52/6, 15. Anniv. of Annexation Carpathian Ruthenia,
1934 CDV52/6, 15. Anniv. of Annexation Carpathian Ruthenia, Repinné, Us with mailing CDS PRAGUE 14/ 28.VIII.34; light bend in UL corner, very rare usage
Starting price: CZK
200893 - 1935 CDV52/3, 15. Anniv. of Annexation Carpathian Ruthenia,
1935 CDV52/3, 15. Anniv. of Annexation Carpathian Ruthenia, Mukachevo castle - Palanok, Us with mailing CDS TELČ/ 18.II.35; good condition, very rare usage
Starting price: CZK
187077 - 1936 CDV62/2, T. G. Masaryk 50h, pictorial PC Velehrad with
1936 CDV62/2, T. G. Masaryk 50h, pictorial PC Velehrad with special postmark CHOMUTOV 1/ SPOLEK NĚM. FILATELISTŮ/ 11.X.36; c.v.. 1.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
200745 - 1919-1938 comp. 13 pcs of various p.stat PC, contains i.a. U
1919-1938 comp. 13 pcs of various p.stat PC, contains i.a. Us CDV issue Chainbreaker 50h green with sale price 60h without zero, Us CDV64, Un CDV62/2 Velehrad, Us CDV 45/1 Pardubice exhibition, then Us picture PC CDV69/24, 29, 45, 47, 94, 204 with band printing color, 205, 213; good condition
Starting price: CZK
200453 - 1936-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 22 pcs of Un picture s
1936-1939 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 22 pcs of Un picture stationeries, i.a. T. G. Masaryk 50h Přerov - Central-Moravian exhibition, CDV63/1-3; Velehrad CDV62/1-2 etc.. (small defects, spots), then supplemented with about/by FP cards 1938, PC with special postmark ŽILINA 1 / JUBILEJNÁ VÝSTAVA... and Let-lístkem to Saské Kamenice; as multiple interesting
Starting price: CZK
201063 - 1937 [COLLECTIONS]  CDV69  collection 160 pcs of picture sta
1937 [COLLECTIONS] CDV69 collection 160 pcs of picture stationeries from this set, any other one, i.a. contains No. 24B - Lázně Bělohrad , 53A - Libochovice, 302 - Uzhhorod, in addition supplemented with about/by 32 pcs of Us, from that part only with memorial cancel.; overall fine, c.v.. ca. 13.500CZK, placed in stockbook for Ppc
Starting price: CZK
201025 - 1920 CPL2C, mailing card for telegram Ornament 15h with Slov
1920 CPL2C, mailing card for telegram Ornament 15h with Slovak text, uprated by. str-of-3 Hradčany 10h, Pof.6A and 1x5h, Pof.4b, CDS BRATISLAVA 4/ 5.VI.20; light vert. fold, otherwise nice quality, rare occurrence
Starting price: CZK
200890 - 1923 CPV5b/I, I. part from order card issue Chainbreaker 30h
1923 CPV5b/I, I. part from order card issue Chainbreaker 30h violet, returned back, delivering fee are paid on face-side mixed franking postage-due stamp. Pof.DL2, DL16 2x, CDS ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE/ 11.VI.23; folded, in upper part hints after sticking, very small/rare and rare occurrence Us big p.stat!
Starting price: CZK
197927 - 1919 CPP1B, Hradčany, selling price 12h, Czech-German text,
1919 CPP1B, Hradčany, selling price 12h, Czech-German text, rough paper; sought by specialists, at our place teprve second time in auction, sound condition, c.v.. 2.400CZK
Starting price: CZK
199681 - 1925-45 selection of 21 pcs of dispatch notes, orders and bl
1925-45 selection of 21 pcs of dispatch notes, orders and blank forms, incl. international, various language variety + envelope official letter telegram; all Un, good condition
Starting price: CZK
200253 - 1924 telegramní form/blank with monogram franked with. and
1924 telegramní form/blank with monogram franked with. and sent as Registered, složení over-mounted with 2x pair stamp. issue Agriculture and Science 100h and issue Chainbreaker 30h, Pof.173, 153, CDS ŽĎÁR U SVIJAN - PODOLÍ/ 19.II.24; 1x stamp. 100h torn opening telegram, after all very rare mailing
Starting price: CZK
200888 - 1920-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 197 pcs of mainly pict
1920-1939 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 197 pcs of mainly picture Us PC, contains i.a. CDV40 11 pcs of, CDV60 12 pcs of, CDV63/1 Přerov exhibition, CDV61 29 pcs of, CDV69 31 pcs of, CDV72 3 pcs of etc..; mainly good condition, c.v.. ca. 4.700Kč, ex. Zajíček
Starting price: CZK
200987 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  GENERAL / semifinished collection o
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / semifinished collection on pages in spring folder, from issue Hradčany, overprint POŠTA ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ 1920, issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue, Kongrs, Festival, air-mail, postage-due, express, SO1920 (overprint) etc..; cat. according to owner 16.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
200989 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  GENERAL / semifinished collection o
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / semifinished collection on hingeless sheets in screw folder, from issue Hradčany, overprint POŠTA ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ 1920, issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue, air-mail, postage-due, express, SO1920 (overprint) etc..
Starting price: CZK
197609 - 1918-1946 [COLLECTIONS]  GENERAL / incomplete collection in/
1918-1946 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / incomplete collection in/at 1 stockbook, supplemented with duplication in 3 stockbooks and 1 older stockbook used stamp., basic collection contains practically all issue mainly mint never hinged, Hradčany, issue Agriculture and Science, Pigeon-issue, issue Chainbreaker, T. G. Masaryk, blue Štefánik, I.+II.+III. air issue, stamp. SO1920 (overprint) etc.., in/at duplication 1 stockbook with 70 pieces Novinového miniature sheet 1937 - determined types, i.a. 2x with plate variety without little lines, addition air-mail, newspaper and postage-due stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 etc..; c.v.. ca. 30.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
198427 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION  duplication stamp. CZ
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION duplication stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 in 4 stockbooks, supplemented with folders with albovými sheets with several small collections used stamp., 2 stockbooks sorted according to issues, other stockbooks with duplication, contains all issue from Hradčany after/around end 30. years; TESTER after/around businessman, suitable to other sale and on/for supplement fold
Starting price: CZK
200207 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / comp. of stamps on 2
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / comp. of stamps on 2 two-sided full pages in album A4, from issue Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 etc.., from more interesting items i.a. issue Chainbreaker 40h type I., line perforation 14; Hussite-issue 90h - imperforated blk-of-4 **/*, Zita 40h with inverted opt POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Congress 3 Koruna in/at corner block of four with coupons, Jubilee 1928 in blocks of four **/* etc.., forgeries stamp. Češskja Pocta etc..; cat. min. 2.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
200993 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / comp. of stamps in/a
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / comp. of stamps in/at 8-sheet album A4, from issue Hradčany, contains various production flaw, corner pieces with plate number and other matters of interest + supplemented with about/by Express, Newspaper stamps, Delivery stmp and postage-due on 8 cards A4 with pokusem about/by specialisation
Starting price: CZK
197713 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / in 3 albums + on pag
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / in 3 albums + on pages in 3 spring folder + scattered stamp. in/at little-boxes and envelopes + several small stockbooks; contains variously semifinished collection, cancel. / *, from issue Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, then for example. Congress, blue Štefánik, SO1920 (overprint), air-mail, postage-due, Scout etc.., also plate number, blocks of four, coupons etc.., supplemented with about/by several entires; various quality, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
199390 - 1919-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / stamps in two stockb
1919-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / stamps in two stockbooks (24- and 32-stránkový), mostly coupon stamps from 30. years, but also Legionaire, it contains e.g. various plate number and coupons, gutter in/at bands, shades, part reconstruction of plate 2 Hradčany 25h perforated (used); a lot of study of material, very cheaply offered, supplemented with gutters Protectorate (Linden Leaves)
Starting price: CZK
198102 - 1930-1938 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / smaller accumulation
1930-1938 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / smaller accumulation from period of 30. years in 2 stockbooks + in fold, contains mainly corner blocks of four with plate number, i.a. Arras, For Children-issue, Jubilejni T. G. Masaryk 1935, also Anthem-issue with plate number, Landscape, Airmail 1930 etc..; various, mostly however good quality
Starting price: CZK
201306 - 1918 [COLLECTIONS]  PLATE PROOF / MACULATURE  on 5 cards A4,
1918 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE PROOF / MACULATURE on 5 cards A4, Hradčany, Postage due stmp, black prints Postage due stmp - ornament, i.a. 2000h etc.., part in blocks
Starting price: CZK
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] POSTMARKS ČESKOSLOVENSKÝCH POŠT (according to Votoček) / founded collection of pmk Czechosl. post in 42 šanonech in 4 full Ikea boxes, to/at každému postal office always sheet A4 in/at košilce, organised alphabetically, incl. Slovakia and Transcarpathian Ukraine, contains rather less collector's of material (ca. 10%), contains post offices stmp, postcard or entires, value spočívá in/at used stamp. issue Hradčany with nice pmk, often also single-circle from small post etc.. and also in/at several more interesting postcards; supplemented with small stockbook and scattered stamps mainly issue Hradčany; ideální base to building collection postal postmarks, offered after/behind symbolical price, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
197859 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  DUPLICATION /  accumulation in/at I
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / accumulation in/at IKEA box, mainly used stamps, part also unused, contains several rozpracovaných basic cancel. collections, scattered stamps etc..; various quality, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
200887 - 1918-1920 [COLLECTIONS]  collection cut-squares and cuts dis
1918-1920 [COLLECTIONS] collection cut-squares and cuts dispatch notes with,. Hradčany with postmarks Czechosl. post offices noted vystavovatele Pankráce Zajíčka, contains in/at 1 box on/for detached/free ložených 67 pcs of album sheets, stovky cuts with interesting cancel., forerunner cancel. in Bohemia also in Slovakia, from that 60 pcs of cut-squares with JEDNOKRUHOVÝMI postmarks, nationalized cancel., postmark train post, part forerunner and parallel Austrian and Hungarian franking, several cut-squares with stamp. SO1920 (overprint), 1x cut with mixed franking with perfins on all stamps., 6 album sheets with cut-squares Austrian stamp. with nice also thimple postmarks from y. 1875-1917 from Czech countries; interesting selection of, ex. Zajíček
Starting price: CZK
200883 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of entires CZECHOSLOVAKI
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] collection of entires CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 noted vystavovatele Pankráce Zajíčka, contains in 3 boxes on/for detached/free ložených album pages stovky entires from various period CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 (ca. 500 pcs of), commercial also private correspondence with all issued issues as Hradčany, issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue, T. G. Masaryk, 30. years, Postage due stmp, forerunner and parallel entires, R, Ex, Dobírky, mailing abroad, postal agency pmk, CDV etc.; part composes only cut-squares or front sides letters, placed in larger box, ex. Zajíček
Starting price: CZK
197794 - 1919-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of ca. 200 pcs of entire
1919-1939 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 200 pcs of entires originate from commercial also private correspondence, part commemorative postmarks., first day sheets, PC, forerunner also parallel, various franking, postmark field post, etc..; various quality, all in/at one box
Starting price: CZK
201017 - 1921-1938 [COLLECTIONS]  CELISTVOSTI  selection of 52 pcs of
1921-1938 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI selection of 52 pcs of chosen entires, contains i.a. 12 pcs of Reg and Express, 14 pcs of Reg or Ex, 3 pcs of mailing Deliver to addressee only, 5 pcs of C.O.D. + R, 1x Sample without value 40h, from that 6x abroad, 2x Doplatek; mainly very good quality, valuable selection of!
Starting price: CZK
197588 - 1925 Pof.195II P2, Gravure 2Kč blue, type II., line perfora
1925 Pof.195II P2, Gravure 2Kč blue, type II., line perforation 13¾; SCARCE HORIZONTAL WATERMARK P2; repaired tooth in upper perforation, some paper faults, new gum, ; certificates Karásek and Vrba (Vrba mentions that is not possible to derminate whether it is used or unused piece); stamps with vertical wmk are very rare!
Starting price: CZK
199330 - 1918 Pof.SK4, Scout stamp 20h red with black overprint Pří
1918 Pof.SK4, Scout stamp 20h red with black overprint "Příjezd presidenta Masaryka" mounted on telegram sent from České Budějovice, where president T. G. Masaryk spent night on 20. to 21. of December 1918 during his journey back to Prague (Czechoslovakia), cancelled by POŠTA SKAUTŮ / PRAHA 21/XII 1918, supplemented with straight line postmark Dopis od skauta/ Převzal; very good condition, only folds, certificate Vrba, stamp exp. by Gilbert., Pittermann, Beneš, entire exp. Pittermann; certificate Vrba only deals with genuiness of the Scout stamp, not the entire telegram - see text in catalogue Pofis, page 195; telegram from period of the beginning of the independent Czechoslovakia with genuine overprint Scout stamp, very rare
Starting price: CZK