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1918 SG.337by, overprint George V. 5C with overprint "ONE CENT", upper right corner block-of-6 with plate number with INVERTED AND REVERSED wmk Mult Crown CA; very fine and rare multiple, hinged only in margins, stamps mint never hinged, cat. * £960++, rare multiple U:DR
1935 SG.368-378, George V. 2c - 1R, complete set, nice quality U:A5
1935 SG.379g-381g, Jubilee George V. 6C-20C, all 3 stamps with DOT TO LEFT OF CHAPEL; very fine, cat. £680 U:A5
1897 PC 2c uprated with stamp 3c SG.245, addressed to Germany, CDS KANDY/ MR.15.97; good condition U:A5
1880-1950 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 18 used and unused p.stat, mainly issue Victoria, supplemented with set of single stamps Victoria - George VI., mainly cheap values and incomplete sets; on 5 pages in stockbook A4 U:Z