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1895 SG.1-10, Hvězda and local motive ½C - $1, i.a. end **; complete set, in addition values ½C-8C in two shades, cat. for * £200 U:A5
1906 SG.11-22, complete overprint issue "Crown" issue Labuan, overprint BRUNEI and new face-values, 1C-1$; cat. £600 U:A5
1907-1910 SG.23-33, Brunei River 1C - $1; very fine set, cat. £200 U:A5
1908-1922 SG.34-47, River Brunei 1C - $5; very fine set, values 25C and 50C also shades, cat. £270 U:A5
1910 SG.48, Brunei River $25 black / red; rare very fine highest value, cat. £650 U:A5
1922 SG.51-59, overprint Bruni River 1C - $1, overprint MALAYA BORNEO EXPEDITION 1922; very fine set, cat. £200 U:A5
1924-1937 Mi.60-78, Brunei River 1C - $1; complete very fine long set, cat. £225 U:A5
1947-1951 SG.82a, Brunei River 5C, left at top RETOUCH of value card "5c"; cat. £70 U:A5
1895 Reg letter with 1. issue "Landscape with star" addressed to London, with SG.2-7, and on Labuan with additional franking 18c with black overprint SG.71, CDS BRUNEI, LABUAN, decorative REGISTERED, arrival red LONDON; nice quality, cat. shows only "SG.1-10 are rare used on cover", scarce letter, rare destination U:A5
1931 Reg letter to Union bank in Prague with multicolor franking issue 1924, SG.60, 61, 63, 65, 67, 70, 71, 73, 74, CDS BRUNEI/ 20.Aug.1931, transit SINGAPORE, BOLOGNA, GENOVA, VENICE and arrival PRAGUE/ 28.IX.31; light vertical fold, rare destination U:A5
1931 Reg letter to USA, franked with block of four of 6c, SG.70, CDS BRUNEI/ 20.Oct.1931, on reverse transit SINGAPORE and arrival HOYLOKE COLO/ 18.Dec.1931 U:A5
1946 Reg and airmail letter to Australia with multicolor franking with overprint BMA, Sarawak SG.136-140, North Borneo SG.328-332, on reverse without postmark SG.321, 322, 324, straight line postmark BRUNEI/ 27.Apr.1946, on reverse transit SINGAPORE and arrival HORSHAM/ 15.Ma.46; good condition U:A5
11895-1958 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 7 pages in stockbook A4, contains mainly incomplete sets, also middle and higher values $1 1908, $1 SPECIMEN, $1 1948 etc.., many blocks of four, shades, 1x Japanese occupation SG.J4 etc..; interesting U:Z
1939-1972 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 36 postwar letters addressed to Europe, USA and Singapure, from that 24x as Registered, multicolor frankings, 1x unused postal stationery cover, 3x FDC; good quality, rare destination U:O4