Public Auction 56 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992 / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-1992 - Collections

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200466 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  GENERAL / collection on pages in gl
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / collection on pages in glassine envelopes, contains i.a. 2-stamps. vertical and horiz. Košice-issue gutter, souvenir sheets Praga 1950, 1955, Bratislava 1952, without miniature sheet "linen", then air-mail, several black-prints and PB, i.a. II. art, sought set 50. and 60 years etc.., also Pof.A2597B unnumbered etc.., to on/for several jednotlivin complete; good quality, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
199665 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / almost complete collection
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / almost complete collection in 4 superb albums SAFE, contains souvenir sheets, i.a. Bratislava 1952, Prague 1950, souvenir sheets Prague 1955 cut, without miniature sheet "linen", then postage-due, air-mail etc.., in addition supplemented with about/by group of stamps with coupons; catalogue through/over 35.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
197595 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  GENERAL / big collection always 2 c
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / big collection always 2 complete sets stamp. and miniature sheets, supplemented with mild specialisation as coupons and gutter-pair, i.a. from 50. years St. Vojtěch, Košice-issue horiz. also vert. gutter, souvenir sheets Bratislava 1950 2x mint never hinged and 2x used, miniature sheet Praga 1962 2 pcs, from 70. - 80. years blk-of-10, PB, coupons, gutter-pair, incomplete black prints, mainly good quality, tabularly placed in 21 pcs stockbooks Pofis, c.v.. by estimation 80.000CZK; all placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
200978 - 1937-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  GENERAL / collection all miniature
1937-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / collection all miniature sheets and some PB, mainly **, i.a. Prague 1950, Bratislava 1952, Praga 1955 A+B, Zápotocký type II - berry, Praga 1960 A+B etc.., from types i.a. Remek - ear-phone perf also imperforated etc..; placed in 30-sheet stockbook A4, in addition supplemented with about/by PB ** / cancel. and several black-prints, členěno according to Michel Bl.1-96; c.v.. 12.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
198807 - 1945-1980 [COLLECTIONS]  GENERAL / incomplete collection on
1945-1980 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / incomplete collection on pages in 3 heavier šanonech in box; stamps mainly from 2. middle 50. years have at top yellowy gum (lepidlo proniklo through/over diofán to on/for stamp), after all dost of material good condition (for example. stamps with hledanými coupons from end 40. years), also with free several choice notebooks cancel. stamps, offered very cheaply
Starting price: CZK
197592 - 1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / selection of 46 pcs of com
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / selection of 46 pcs of complete volumes (without miniature sheet Praga 1962, without PB and blk-of-10, does not contain separate stamp. from miniature sheets), scattered in/at transparent covers or in/at envelopes after/around volumes; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
200867 - 1945 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE / MOSCOW-ISSUE  specialized
1945 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / MOSCOW-ISSUE specialized collection containing 166 catalogued plate flaws and TESTER, 250 plate variety according to přiložené trial, then omitted perforation hole, shifts perf and color shades; total 274 blocks, in/at full 16-sheet stockbook A4, all described
Starting price: CZK
198769 - 1945-1983 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE  collection in 32-str
1945-1983 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE collection in 32-stránkovém stockbook, contains i.a. Košice-issue according to shades, also gutter (2 also 4-stamps., horiz. also vertical), 15 fields Košice miniature sheet, incomplete group of other miniature sheets incl. better plates and types (all described), lot of catalogue flaws, mainly old currency and period 1978-1982, selection of sought coupons (for example. upper coupons and gutter-pair all issues to exhibition Praga 1968), selection of shades Newspaper 1945, PL1216 („Prádlo“), miniature sheet A967 type II in the back side damaged (počítán as used) etc..; cat. min. 25.000
Starting price: CZK
200872 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE /  4-BLOKY  collection
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / 4-BLOKY collection 800 pcs of mainly corner and marginal block-of-4, incl. more interesting complete sets 50. and 60. years, part with dates of print; very nice quality, placed in full 30-sheet stockbook A4
Starting price: CZK
200868 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE /  very nice specializ
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / very nice specialized collection catalogued plate flaws, plate variety, production flaw, types and joined types in 16-sheet stockbook A4, total over 180 items, often strips or blocks; all described and marked, cat. over 31.000Kč, interesting ticket
Starting price: CZK
198757 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE / collection in/at 32-
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / collection in/at 32-stránkovém stockbook, contains catalogue plate variety, production flaw and types, complete group of printing sheet and miniature sheets (Pof.A2210, A2327A and B, A2496 according to new distribution, A2604, A2632, A2704B imperforated, A2864-5A also B), other group of incomplete, also uncatalogued defects (own výzkum); all described, only catalogue item/-s above 18.300 CZK, other excluded from sum
Starting price: CZK
197062 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE / collection in stockb
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / collection in stockbook, contains catalogue also uncatalogued plate variety and production flaw (also own výzkum), complete group of Pof.A2273-2275 (incl. neoříznutého date on/for A2275) and A2294, complete set Švabinský Pof.TL2050-2051 according to plates, fields and shades, Pof.ZT644 grey-blue as Pr, various color shades etc..; only catalogue defects more than 12.500CZK, other excluded from sum
Starting price: CZK
1950 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / TESTER PRAGUE 1950, Pofis. A564, selection of 40 pcs of, part with identified types and plate (without guarantee), 9 pcs of cancel. or special postmark, also with 5 pcs of blk-of-10 (i.a. Butterflies 20h-40h), several miniature sheets, i.a. May type II., miniature sheet Paar variant B with plate variety "prsten"), also several more interesting shades on issue Castles, Novotný and Svoboda, in addition supplemented with about/by small krabičku with used stamps; suitable for specialist, several miniature sheets Prague 1950 * or minor faults, otherwise nice quality
Starting price: CZK
200869 - 1952-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE /  DATA TISKU  collect
1952-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / DATA TISKU collection more than 1.500 pcs of date print mainly in pairs, major-part with hand-made cancel. and with original gum; placed in full 20-sheet stockbook, excellent research material
Starting price: CZK
200871 - 1952-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE /  DATA TISKU  collect
1952-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / DATA TISKU collection more than 800 pcs of date print mainly in pairs or blocks of four; placed in full 12-sheet stockbook, excellent research material
Starting price: CZK
201334 - 1953-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE / DATA TISKU / collect
1953-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / DATA TISKU / collection stripe and blocks with dates of print in/at 16-stránkovém stockbook, contains several postage and postage-due, some catalogue plate variety and several complete složených sheets; total 94 date, cat. only single stamps 2.300CZK, with date much higher
Starting price: CZK
197855 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / DUPLICATION  accumul
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / DUPLICATION accumulation unused also cancel. stamps in 2 IKEA boxes, in/at stockbooks and on album sheets, cards also detached/free in/at little-boxes, contains mainly * or cancel., part also ** (mainly 70-90. years), then variously semifinished collection, several first day sheets and annual volumes 1989-1991 + supplemented with about/by addition Protectorate; lot of of material, various quality, total 42kg, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
198104 - 1945-1965 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION - 4-BLOKY / very inter
1945-1965 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION - 4-BLOKY / very interesting accumulation unused stamps in 10 full stockbooks A4 +1x A5 + detached/free in/at smaller box; contains mainly blocks of four - miniatures, plate number, dates of print etc.., also much bands with coupons, souvenir sheets etc.., interesting annual volumes 1945-1965, some set also more times; various (small part minor gum fault), mainly however nice quality, high catalogue value, with regard to/at 4-blokům big přidaná value, suitable to other elaboration and sale, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP, definitely it is worth seeing!
Starting price: CZK
198428 - 1945-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / stamp. and miniature
1945-1970 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / stamp. and miniature sheets CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 in/at 10 pcs of stockbooks, mainly sorted according to single catalogue numbers stamp., all min. 2x incl. miniature sheets, 50. years incl. coupons, much more times, only part PB, without blk-of-10; part various quality, estate of dealer, suitable on/for supplement folds!
Starting price: CZK
200486 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / complete sets in 24-
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / complete sets in 24-stránkovém stockbook and on one album sheet, some souvenir sheets and printing sheet, contains also zásobu Londýnských nachystanou, but nepoužitou to/at research purposes (only very zběžnou prohlídkou zaregistrovány various shifts perf, nepopsáno), also with on/for three inserted pages from other stockbook free material to other issues 1945; c.v.. 5.300Kč, cheaply offered
Starting price: CZK
197718 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / very interesting acc
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / very interesting accumulation in 6 albums A4, 1x A5 + detached/free in punched pockets, contains lot of bloks of four - miniatures, corner and marginal, with dates of print etc.., very contains a lot of 50. years, also bnd-of-20 and blocks London-issue, air-mail, newspaper, also part/-s archovin, also i.a. London MS and oths.; overall good quality, lot of of material for elaboration
Starting price: CZK
198823 - 1962-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / mainly small printin
1962-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / mainly small printing sheets (Art, Prague Castle, Bratislava's motives etc..) and souvenir sheets, especially die-stamping from area, almost all in/at complete sets; in addition interesting comp. of stamps from miniature sheets from year 1945, placed in 32-stránkovém stockbook, catalogue 9.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
197605 - 1970-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION /  mainly blocks - lar
1970-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / mainly blocks - large part marginal or corner with dates of print, also souvenir sheets and printing sheet, only small part cancel.; single annual volumes, originate from novinkáře from Slovakia, unexamined on/for plate variety etc.., placed detached/free in/at filled small box, ca. 1,5kg stamps, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
200661 - 1951-1982 [COLLECTIONS]  ROČNÍKY stamp. in blocks of four
1951-1982 [COLLECTIONS] ROČNÍKY stamp. in blocks of four on stock-sheets A4, contains 1951-1958, 1973-1982, part with margin with dates of print; c.v.. 16.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
197603 - 1964-2001 [COLLECTIONS]  SUVENÝRY ANKETY MF  accumulation s
1964-2001 [COLLECTIONS] SUVENÝRY ANKETY MF accumulation souvenirs MF to election most beautiful stamps year, total ca. 90 pcs of gravures, mainly after/around 4 pcs of from issue, contains i.a. 1x issue 1964 Pof.SU2, 4x SU3, 2x SU4, Czech Republic year/volume 1995 Pof.AČP2 etc..; placed in 1 straším stockbook, c.v.. ca. 6.400Kč
Starting price: CZK
200880 - 1948-1971 [COLLECTIONS]  collection - oceněný exhibit enti
1948-1971 [COLLECTIONS] collection - oceněný exhibit entires CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 noted vystavovatele Pankráce Zajíčka, contains in 9 boxes stovky detached/free ložených album sheets with stovkami entires from various period postwar Czechoslovakia, contains commercial also private correspondence with all issued issues with důrazem on/for special stamps and souvenir sheets good sets issues as Butterflies, Beetles, Animals, Birds, Praga 1962 etc.., R, Ex, CP, part on/for p.stat as CDV, postal stationery cover, Postage due stmp, Official, Airmail, Provizoria 1945, monetary reform 1953 etc..; part composes cut-squares or front sides letters, value tkví in/at lot of ca. 1.000 pcs of rarely franked letters, ex. Zajíček, placed in 2 boxes Ikea, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
201006 - 1946-1956 [COLLECTIONS]   CELISTVOSTI  selection of 35 pcs o
1946-1956 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI selection of 35 pcs of letters "old currency", chosen pieces as C.O.D., Delivery stamps, R, Ex, CP, machine print etc..; good quality, valuable selection
Starting price: CZK
197736 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  ZÁSOBA  various entires in/at fill
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ZÁSOBA various entires in/at filled middle box, total over 1.100ks, contains i.a. FDC (also better 50. years), then for example. 13 pcs of entires from monetary reform, also COB11 with special postmark, CSO4 and CSO5 (*), added-print, frankotypes, p.stat etc..; through/over 7kg of material
Starting price: CZK