Public Auction 56 / Philately / Topical Stamps (Motive)

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201074 - 1932-1952 OLYMPIC GAMES /  comp. of 6 entires, contains i.a.
1932-1952 OLYMPIC GAMES / comp. of 6 entires, contains i.a. card with special postmark and stamp. to Winter Olympic Games in/at GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN 1936, postcard with Summer Olympic Games Berlin 1936, used letter envelope Olympia Helsinki 1940, envelope with special postmark XV. OLYMPIA HELSINKI, FDC to Winter Olympic Games LAKE PLACID 1932; interesting set
Starting price: CZK
201123 - 1950 [COLLECTIONS]  CHESS / HUNGARY / Šachový tournament B
1950 [COLLECTIONS] CHESS / HUNGARY / Šachový tournament Budapest 1950 / specialized exhibit on/for 48 pages to issue Mi.1092-1094, contains i.a. 2x complete imperforated set, various production flaw - double perf, printing defects, shifts perf, also blocks, then lot of entires - FDC, special envelope/-s, memorial cancel., R+Let-dopisy etc..; all detailně described, very interesting for specialist
Starting price: CZK
200924 - 1956-1974 [COLLECTIONS]  EUROPA / CEPT  very nice complete c
1956-1974 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPA / CEPT very nice complete collection on cards in spring folder, contains all good sets, printing sheets, souvenir sheets, joined printings of Yugoslavia etc.; very nice quality, cat. according to owner 3.700€
Starting price: CZK
197958 - 2007 [COLLECTIONS]  EUROPA / SCOUTING  very nice thematic co
2007 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPA / SCOUTING very nice thematic collection on pages in 3 spiral letter files on/for 144 listech: "100 years scouting" ex. Ivan Vápenka, sorted according to single countries and issue, supplemented with about/by FDC, souvenir sheets, stamp bklt, line more interesting issue i.a. Greenland, Guernsey, Jersey, Armenia, Kosovo etc..; interesting
Starting price: CZK
197838 - 1958-1978 [COLLECTIONS]  COSMOS/ USSR selection of 30 pcs of
1958-1978 [COLLECTIONS] COSMOS/ USSR selection of 30 pcs of Un envelopes, postal stationery covers, FDC and Ppc with added-print and cancel. with motive of exploitation space, issued to various flights/years as Sputnik, Luna, Voschod, Sojuz - Apollo, Intercosmos, postcard with kosmonauty Gagarin, Popovič, Šatalov, Remek etc..; interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
201310 - 1960-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  SHIPS / motive collection / selecti
1960-2000 [COLLECTIONS] SHIPS / motive collection / selection in/at full 16-sheet stockbook, various countries as Iceland, Tristan da Cunha, St. Vincent, USSR, Norway, etc.., also several miniature sheets and complete sets; cat. according to owner ca. 700€, in addition supplemented with about/by ca. 5 pcs of entires with ships - postcard, commemorative postmarks etc..
Starting price: CZK
197608 - 1896-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  OLYMPIC GAMES / collection of thema
1896-1990 [COLLECTIONS] OLYMPIC GAMES / collection of thematic stamps and entires (especially FDC) on pages in 2 spring folder, i.a. parts of sets Olympic Games Greece 1896 and 1906, commemorative sheet Olympic Games Amsterdam 1928 etc.., various FDC and postcard, part also with signatures Czechoslovak sportsmen, i.a. from Olympic Games Berlin 1936 etc..; supplemented with about/by 2 stockbooks with motives Olympic Games, fauna, cosmos etc..; various quality, interesting for specialist
Starting price: CZK
201307 - 1970-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  BIRDS / collection / selection in/a
1970-2000 [COLLECTIONS] BIRDS / collection / selection in/at full 8-sheet stockbook A4, various countries as Nikaragua, New Zealand, Pákistán etc..
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 56 / Philately / Topical Stamps (Motive) - Information

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