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1935 SG.110h, Jubilee George V. 6P, DOT BY FLAGSTAFF; very fine, cat. £350 U:A5
1935 SG.111h, Jubilee George V. 1Sh, DOT BY FLAGSTAFF; very fine, cat. £450 U:A5
1897 SG.12a, Victoria 4P dull violet / orange with overprint VR SEXAGENARY, overprint DOUBLE; very nice piece with certificate BPA, cat. £1.300 U:A5
1935 SG.103l, Jubilee George V. 1P, KITE AND HORIZONTAL LOG; VF, cat. £320 U:A5
1935 SG.104l, Jubilee George V. 1½P, KITE AND HORIZONTAL LOG; very fine, cat. £170 U:A5
1935 SG.105l, Jubilee George V. 2½P, KITE AND HORIZONTAL LOG; very fine, cat. £200 U:A5
1935 SG.64l, Jubilee George V. 1Sh, KITE AND HORIZONTAL LOG; very fine, cat. £475 U:A5
1930 POSTAGE-DUE SG.D2, ST. LUCIA POSTAGE DUE black / yellow used on envelope sent to Government House with CDS CASTRIES 12FE.30; rare usage, catalogue £500, certificate RPSL, rare offer U:A5
1883-1884 SG.45, Victoria 1Sh orange / vermilion, wmk crown CA; fine rich color, without gum, cat. £150 U:A5
1935 SG.145l, Jubilee George V. 1Sh, KITE AND HORIZONTAL LOG; very fine, cat. £500 U:A5
1891 SG.31b, Victoria 2½; PENCE on/for 4P grey, DOUBLE OVERPRINT; very nice quality, with original gum and with certificate RPSL, cat. £3.500; rare printing error U:DR
1935 SG.239a, 242a, Jubilee George V. 2C and 24C, both EXTRA FLAGSTAFF; very fine, cat. £215 U:A5
1935 SG.239c, 242c, corner blocks of four with plate numbers Jubilee George V. 2C and 24C, left lower with LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR; cat. £500++ U:A5
1935 SG.242e, Jubilee George V. 24C, DOUBLE FLAGSTAFF; very fine, cat. £350, underprized! U:A5
1935 SG.187k,l, 188k-190, Jubilee George V. 1/2P(2x) - 1Sh, all with KITE AND VERTICAL (HORIZONTAL) LOG; very fine, cat. £665, complete set U:A5