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1935 SG.143c-146c, Jubilee George V. 1½P-1Sh, all with LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR; 1½P with light patina, 3P minor gum fault, 1Sh *, cat. £1.500, rare complete set U:A5
1938-1968 [COLLECTIONS] SPANISH GUINEA, collection from Mi.209, mainly complete, incl. sought motive sets, in addition FERNANDO POO; cat. ca. 200€ U:O4
1915 CAMEROONS EXPEDITIONARY FORCE SG.B12a, Emperor´s Yacht 3M, overprint C.E.F. 3S, printing error INVERTED "S"; perfect piece, signed, cat. £1.000, rare stamp! U:A5
1914 SG.1-12, George V. 1/2P-1£, contains various color shades; very fine, cat. min. £350 U:A5
1921 SG.15-29, George V. 1/2P-10Sh; very fine set, cat. £120 U:A5
1936 SG.34-45, George V. "Landscape" 1/2-1£; very fine, cat. £225 U:A5
1938 SG.46-59, incl. variants a,b,c; George VI. ½P - 5Sh, incl. 2Sh and 5Sh with perf 13:11½; very fine, cat. £260 U:A5
1953 SG.10-18, Elizabeth II. "local motives" 1/2P-1£;; complete and very fine set, all **, only 10Sh *, in addition all color types of 2P, cat. £99 U:A5
1893 SG.50var, Victoria OIL RIVERS 1Sh black, UNISSUED, very scarce corner piece! U:DR
1894 SG.51-56, Victoria 1/2P-1Sh, incl. shade 52a; very nice and complete set, included to sum as cheapest perf, cat. min. £150 U:A5
1902 SG.10-18, Edward VII. 1/2P-10Sh; complete and very fine set, cat. £100 U:A5
1912 SG.52, George V. £1 purple and black / red; very fine, cat. £110 U:A5
1859 SG.3a, Victoria 6P "reddisch violet", DOT BY "SIX", rare plate variety; very fine piece with nice cancel. B31, cat. £650 U:A5
1876 SG.16-22, Victoria 1/2P-1Sh wmk CC; very fine, cat. £500 U:A5
1884-1885 SG.27-37, Victoria 1/2P-1Sh wmk CA and 3x 6P in various colors with wmk CC; two complete issues, cat. £220 U:A5
1896-1897 SG.41-53, Victoria 1/2P-1£; very fine, stamp 1£ exp. Aimé Brun, cat. £450 U:A5
1897 SG.54, 56, Victoria 1P, 3P, 6P, 1Sh Stamp Duty violet / green, POSTAGE AND REVENUE and POSTAGE AND REVENUE 2½P in various types; very fine, cat. £195 U:A5
1897 SG.61, Victoria 6P Stamp Duty violet / green, overprint POSTAGE AND REVENUE 2½P; very fine piece, cat. £150 U:A5
1903 SG.73-85, Edward VII. 1/2P-1£, wmk CA; all **, 1£ * exp. Aimé Brun, cat. £625 U:A5
1921-1927 SG.131-146, George V. 1/2P-10Sh (minor faults), wmk "mult. script CA"; cat. £225 U:A5
1933 SG.168-180, set 1/2P-1£; important and rare set in perfect quality, cat. £1.100 U:A5
1935 SG.181a, 183a, Jubilee George V. 1P, 5P, both stamps with EXTRA FLAGSTAFF; very fine, cat. £260 U:A5
1935 SG.183b, Jubilee George V. 5P, SHORT EXTRA FLAGSTAFF; VF piece with certificate A. R. Halberstam; cat. * £600, for ** so £1.200 U:A5
1914 ANGLO-FRENCH OCCUPATION / SG.H3, H4, H7, H9, H17-H19, comp. of 7 stamps Emperor´s Yacht, overprint TOGO ANGLO-FRENCH OCCUIPATION, overprint type I 10Pf, 20Pf, 40Pf and 80Pf + type III values 20Pf, 25pf and 30Pf; part signed, cat. ca. £750 U:A5
1928 SG.103-112, George V. Christianburg 1/2P-5Sh; very fine, cat. £110 U:A5
1935 SG.113a, Jubilee George V. 1P, EXTRA FLAGSTAFF; very fine, cat. £140 U:A5
1935 SG.113e, Jubilee George V. 1P, DOUBLE FLAGSTAFF; very fine, cat. £550, rare! U:A5
1935 SG.115a, Jubilee George V. 6P, EXTRA FLAGSTAFF; very fine, cat. £250 U:A5
1935 SG.115c, Jubilee George V. 6P, LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR, very fine, cat. £350 U:A5
1935 SG.116a, Jubilee George V. 1Sh, EXTRA FLAGSTAFF; superb, cat. £400 U:A5
1935 SG.33k, Jubilee George V. 5P, corner piece, KITE AND VERTICAL LOG; very fine, mint never hinged, cat. * £400, ** £800 U:A5
1935 SG.13h, Jubilee George V. 3P, DOT BY FLAGSTAFF; very fine, cat. £450 U:A5
1935 SG.13i, Jubilee George V. 3P, DASH BY TURRET; very fine, cat. £550 U:A5
1935 SG.13h, Jubilee George V. 6P, DOT BY FLAGSTAFF; very fine mint never hinged piece, cat. * £450, ** £900, sought speciality U:A5
1961 POSTAGE-DUE SG.D8+D8b, overprint 5c/2d violet, lowe left corner block-of-6, middle two stamps ERROR ST. EDWARD´S CROWN; very fine and rare multiple, cat. £750+, sought speciality U:A5
1898 SG.56a, Coat of arms 1Penny bricky / dark ultramarine without controll numbers on reverse, complete CDS BLANTYRE/ B.C.A.; very nice marginal piece, cat. £200++ U:A5
1898 SG.57a, 57ac, pair of Coat of arms 1P, perf 12 with controlling numbers on reverse, at left printing error TWO DIFFERENT CONTROL - "3" and "X", at right normal stamp with one control number - "2", superb pair with whole cancel. FORT JOHNSTON/ B.C.A., cat. min. £950 U:A5
1888 SG.10-19, Victoria 1P-10Sh, the first definitive issue for Bechuanaland (De La Rue); very fine set, cat. £885 U:A5
1888 SG.21, Victoria 5£ violet / black, sought highest value with fiscal cancellation; very fine piece, cat. £200, for CDS £1.700 U:A5
1888 SG.40-46, set Victoria 1/2P - 1Sh, overprints PROTECTORATE; very nice set, cat. £1.000 U:A5
1888 SG.51, Victoria 4P with RED OVERPRINT "4P" and with PROTECTORATE; very fine, cat. £150 U:A5
1935 SG.111a, Jubilee George V. 1P, EXTRA FLAGSTAFF; very fine, cat. £275 U:A5
1935 SG.111d, Jubilee George V. 1P, FLAGSTAFF ON RIGHT-HAND TURRET; very fine, cat. £650 U:A5
1935 SG.112a-114a, Jubilee George V. 2P-6P, all with EXTRA FLAGSTAFF; stamp 6P one short tooth, otherwise all very fine, cat. £520 U:A5
1935 SG.113c, block of four Jubilee George V. 3P, left at top LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR - in addition still uncatalogued plate variety "white stain on hradbě"; VF multiple, cat. £200 U:A5
1955 SG.143-153, Elizabeth II. "Baobab Tree" 1/2P-10Sh; very fine, mint never hinged, cat. £100 U:A5
1891 Mi.1, Yv.2, general colonial issue 15C with overprint CONGO FRANCAIS 5C; nice piece, exp. Brunn, cat. Michel 400€, Yvert 500€ U:A5
1891 Mi.3, general colonial issue 20C with overprint CONGO FRANCAIS 5C; very nice piece, exp. Thiaude, cat. Michel 1.400€, Yvert 1.800€, very rare stamp missing in collections U:A5
1855 SG.6, block-of-10 Hope 4P blue; 2 stamps cut to margin, otherwise very fine; scarce multiple U:A5
1855-1863 SG.6a, Allegory 4P blue; wide margins, cat. £90 U:A5
1861 SG.13a, "Hope" 1P carmine, WOODBLOCK, on "laid" paper; very nice piece with full margins, cat. £30.000, one of rarest stamp of South Africa! U:DR
1861 SG.13a, "Hope" 4P light blue, WOODBLOCK on "laid" paper; very fine used piece with wide margins and clear postmarks - CGH and part red CAPE TOWN / CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, cat. £2.000 U:DR
1863 SG.21, "Hope" 1Sh bright emerald; very nice piece with certificate Sismondo, cat. £650 U:A5
1884 SG.49w, 50w, Allegory 1P carmine red, 2P bistre, WMK "ANCHOR" INVERTED; very fine, cat. £550 U:A5
1900 MAFEKING SG.18, Baden-Powell 3P light blue, on cut-square with CDS MAFEKING; at top short teeth, cat. £475+ U:A5
1900 MAFEKING SG.17, Major Goodyear 1P light blue, CDS MAFEKING; nice piece, cat. £325 U:A5
1867 SG.25, Victoria 1Sh green, wmk CC; very fine marginal piece, cat. £250 U:A5
1904 OFFICIAL SG.O1-O6, Edward VII. 1/2P-1Sh OFFICIAL; very fine, cat. £375, rare set U:A5
1886 SG.13, 14, Nieuwe Republiek 2Sh and 2Sh6P, yellow paper, date 30 AUG 86 and 13 JAN 86; very fine, cat. £330 U:A5
1886 SG.16, 17, Nieuwe Republiek 5Sh and 5Sh6P, yellow paper, date JAN 86 and 7 MAR 86; very fine, cat. £355 U:A5