Public Auction 56 / Philately / Czech Republic

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200482 - 2002 Pof.715, Rozcestník, complete counter sheet with stamp
2002 Pof.715, Rozcestník, complete counter sheet with stamp. 2. variants (type) – author's name and year issue no next to themselves, as all dosavadních editions, but wrong below sebou and without zarovnání!! (see article in Philately 8/2016), V263 BAHNA 2016; printing mere 210 counter sheet, from that 100 with postmark!, prodáváno detached/free on/for postal office Strašice; c.v.. Pěnkava price doesn't report, exceptional nabídka
Starting price: CZK
199586 - 2012 Pof.723, Ležáky 10CZK, corner blk-of-6 with productio
2012 Pof.723, Ležáky 10CZK, corner blk-of-6 with production flaw pos. 47/1 * big white stain below 12 (2012) and light grey lichoběžník place šedého (this emblem isn't in catalogue Pofis stated); one of most sought ofsetových flaws, first-time in/at any auction, c.v.. very podceňuje
Starting price: CZK
199582 - 2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslas A, complete sheet, significantly
2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslas A, complete sheet, significantly oblique pin hole L-wards and slightly downward, by/on/at upper two lines pin hole R in the picture of stmp, c.v.. 15.480 CZK, exceptional offer for collector sheets, cheaply offered
Starting price: CZK
199644 - 3012 Pof.735-740 production flaw, World car E, 2 booklets, 1
3012 Pof.735-740 production flaw, World car E, 2 booklets, 1x darker stamps + double pin hole on all pane positions, 1x lighter stamps;
Starting price: CZK
198859 - 2013 Pof.PL764, Prague castle 25CZK, significant shift red c
2013 Pof.PL764, Prague castle 25CZK, significant shift red color crossways up (nejvíc on pos. 2 and 4, red rty in the middle nose, so-called. „klaunský nos“)
Starting price: CZK
198763 - 2013 Pof.A773-776, miniature sheet Karlštejnsko, dark and s
2013 Pof.A773-776, miniature sheet Karlštejnsko, dark and strong print black color (skidding print); for comparison including normal aršík
Starting price: CZK
199580 - 2014 selection of three sought catalogue ofsetových vad: Po
2014 selection of three sought catalogue ofsetových vad: Pof.797, Soči with production flaw 6/1 yellow circle on/for kombinéze (corner Pr), Pof.798, Paralympic Games 13CZK with production flaw 32/2 white circle below CZK (corner blk-of-10) and Pof.803, Kopal sVV47/1 - significant blue stain in face (corner Pr); in catalogue podceněno
Starting price: CZK
199652 - 2014 Pof.809 production flaw, Jů and Hele A, 1 complete boo
2014 Pof.809 production flaw, and Hele A, 1 complete booklet in dark green color (very rare) + stmp in standard color with production flaw 8/4 - blue circle in/at green area, catalogue defect
Starting price: CZK
199381 - 2014 Pof.809, Jů and Hele A, complete booklet, on/for cover
2014 Pof.809, and Hele A, complete booklet, on/for cover in addition thin/light print all stamps (without pin hole), production defect (attendants after/around termination print stamps zapomněla before/(in front of) print cover to clean machine); podobná curiosity still vznikla only in this TESTER case , quite exceptional offer, on request exp. labour
Starting price: CZK
199345 - 2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, 3x marginal strip-of
2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, 3x marginal strip-of-3 with production flaw 13/3 - significant rose round stain in L part/-s roofs at top, all three existující location; catalogue vada
Starting price: CZK
199352 - 2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, 3x L the bottom corn
2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, 3x L the bottom corner blk-of-6 with production flaw 37/3 - significant stain L from tree, all three existující location (is in contact with tree, nedotýká with tree and closely at L margin); catalogue defect
Starting price: CZK
199351 - 2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, marginal block-of-4,
2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, marginal block-of-4, extremely dark violet shade (stronger violet name state); for comparison standard piece, for the first time in auction
Starting price: CZK
199348 - 2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, marginal block-of-4,
2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, marginal block-of-4, extremely dark blue shade; for comparison normal piece, for the first time in auction
Starting price: CZK
199349 - 2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, marginal block-of-4,
2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, marginal block-of-4, shifted perforation L-wards to picture secondary stamps, zasahuje last A name state and passes through/over right/genuine frame; the first doložený takový shift on this stamp
Starting price: CZK
199380 - 2015 Pof.833-836, S nimi přišla freedom A, complete bookle
2015 Pof.833-836, S nimi přišla freedom A, complete booklet, through/over pos. 1 and 2 by mistake strojově vyražená face through/over other hologram; kuriózní defect, c.v.. 1.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
199583 - 2015 Pof.867, Vlajka A, complete sheet with very světlou bl
2015 Pof.867, Vlajka A, complete sheet with very světlou blue and red color, nonstandard shade (exceptional usage in terms of basic print), also with for comparison common shade 3. reprint in/at corner str-of-5, production flaw on/for three pos. and on/for upper margin vertical violet lines in the middle pos., for collector sheets unrepeatable nabídka
Starting price: CZK
199639 - 2015 Pof.867, Vlajka A, horizontal pair with R margin with o
2015 Pof.867, Vlajka A, horizontal pair with R margin with omitted pin hole; first-time in/at aukcí, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
198856 - 2016 Pof.A885, Charles IV. 54CZK, comp. 3 pcs of with right
2016 Pof.A885, Charles IV. 54CZK, comp. 3 pcs of with right inscription „Quartus“, three significant color shades (eagle L at top yellow-brown, light brown, grey-brown; green L from very light after/around dark; face Carl significantly to žluta or to červena); interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
199389 - 2017 Pof.A925, Operace Anthropoid 46Kč, comp. 5 pcs of mini
2017 Pof.A925, Operace Anthropoid 46Kč, comp. 5 pcs of miniature sheets with significant shades numeral value – light brown, red-brown, brown, dark brown and 1x grey numeral value (very rare variant a significantly different shade, known only several pieces, was not in/at compilation of in/at Aukci 55); exceptional offer
Starting price: CZK
200483 - 2017 Pof.931-932, Engines, 2x complete booklet, from that 1x
2017 Pof.931-932, Engines, 2x complete booklet, from that 1x significantly dark color stamps (still unpublished, very low usage) and 1x normal color, but significantly lighter shade obalu
Starting price: CZK
198801 - 2017 Pof.935, Pneumatic tube post A, marginal block-of-4, si
2017 Pof.935, Pneumatic tube post A, marginal block-of-4, significantly darker color shades; for comparison common stmp, minimum usage
Starting price: CZK
199378 - 2017 Pof.A936, miniature sheet Zoologické garden II, 3 pcs
2017 Pof.A936, miniature sheet Zoologické garden II, 3 pcs of, very different color shades, zubr on pos. 1 light brown, grey-brown and hnědošedý; interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
200951 - 2017 Pof.A947/8 production flaw, miniature sheet Fight about
2017 Pof.A947/8 production flaw, miniature sheet Fight about/by Czech státnost 1917 with interesting production flaw - incomplete-printing stříbrného emblem / symbol R at top; only part of edition, interesting new discovery!
Starting price: CZK
199579 - 2017 Pof.A955, History poštovnictví, two pieces, 1x extrem
2017 Pof.A955, History poštovnictví, two pieces, 1x extremely light color (peak/plate L at top almost yellow, very light red; isn't obsažen in/at předcházejícím ticket) and 1x normal shade, but oblique, up shifted perf
Starting price: CZK
199578 - 2017 Pof.A955, History poštovnictví, three pieces miniatur
2017 Pof.A955, History poštovnictví, three pieces miniature sheet, 1x grey-blue, 1x grey-black (both common shades) and very rare dark color shade (dark red barva)
Starting price: CZK
201340 - 2018 Pof.A957, miniature sheet 25. anniv of Czech Republic,
2018 Pof.A957, miniature sheet 25. anniv of Czech Republic, comp. 4 pcs of miniature sheets with significant color shades mainly emblem / symbol on/for both pos., 1x production flaw red line above "1" in/at 1993, contains also very dark color shade grey, nice selection of
Starting price: CZK
199302 - 2013 PERSONALISED STAMP  comp. 4 pcs of, contains VZ TL0031,
2013 PERSONALISED STAMP comp. 4 pcs of, contains VZ TL0031, Adventní time + VZ TL0040, Crystal Caviar, 2 pcs of, from that 1x with signature authors + VZ TL0047, Zoo Dvůr Kings; complete counter sheet about/by 25 stmp; very fine
Starting price: CZK
201140 - 2013 PRIVATE STAMPS / VZ TL0021, 120 years Czech tenisu, com
2013 PRIVATE STAMPS / VZ TL0021, 120 years Czech tenisu, complete counter sheet about/by 25 stmp A, face-value 475CZK; very fine
Starting price: CZK
201337 - 2013-2014 PERSONALISED STAMP  VZ22 and VZ25, Postal saving b
2013-2014 PERSONALISED STAMP VZ22 and VZ25, Postal saving bank, 1x original print without year, 1x with doplněným year 2014 to picture of stmp
Starting price: CZK
199588 - 2016 PERSONALISED STAMP  VZ63, Historical post. štíty, com
2016 PERSONALISED STAMP VZ63, Historical post. štíty, complete counter sheet with production flaw pos. 1 „světle brown nůžky by/on/at 2 (2018)“, very rare production flaw (common is light brown „C“ on/for same in place)
Starting price: CZK
198812 - 2003 Pof.AT2, Zvíkov, comp. 5 pcs of officially unissued va
2003 Pof.AT2, Zvíkov, comp. 5 pcs of officially unissued values 35CZK, 37CZK, 40CZK, 53CZK, 54CZK, from normal transport in Ústí n./L. (January 2011), all with production flaw 12 - incomplete-printing UL nožičky character „H“ (HRAD); cat. only stamps without production flaw 7.500CZK, with this production flaw existují only three set, rare, collector sought!
Starting price: CZK
201219 - 1993 Pof.ZS5, HÚP (Economic Postcentral) PRAGUE - red; soug
1993 Pof.ZS5, HÚP (Economic Postcentral) PRAGUE - red; sought booklet, c.v.. 2.000CZK italic
Starting price: CZK
199594 - 1998-2015 [COLLECTIONS] selection of stamp booklets from y.
1998-2015 [COLLECTIONS] selection of stamp booklets from y. 1998-2015, much in 2 pcs.; face-value ca. 9.800Kč
Starting price: CZK
194780 - 1995-2010 selection of 36 pcs of commemorative prints Czech
1995-2010 selection of 36 pcs of commemorative prints Czech Post, contains i.a. PT6b, PT7, PT9a+b, PT11b, PT11 (3x), PT13b, 3x special commemorative print 14, 1x PT14b, PT16b, PT18b, PT20b, PT24, PPM5 and 7; all very fine, c.v.. more than 7.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
199628 - 1998 PT8b, Exhibition PRAGA 1955, unnumbered (!); printing m
1998 PT8b, Exhibition PRAGA 1955, unnumbered (!); printing mere 410ks, very fine, c.v.. 3.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
200705 - 1994 PTR1, EUROPA - Contemporary Art; sought, c.v.. 6.000CZK
1994 PTR1, EUROPA - Contemporary Art; sought, c.v.. 6.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
201143 - 1994-2014 PTR1-21, special prints Czech Post, complete set o
1994-2014 PTR1-21, special prints Czech Post, complete set of 21 pcs of 1994-2014, contains i.a. PTR1 EUROPA - Contemporary Art (6.000CZK), supplemented with 1 pcs of PT35; PTR2 with flaw, excluded from sum, c.v.. 14.580Kč
Starting price: CZK
192261 - 2001 MERKUR REVUE  G9, G9a(2x), G9c, comp. of 4 graphic shee
2001 MERKUR REVUE G9, G9a(2x), G9c, comp. of 4 graphic sheets J. Van der Straet, with number, with zero (2x) + format B unnumbered with signature Tvrdoň + MERKUR REVUE G4, G4a, G4b, comp. of 3 graphic sheets T. G. Masaryk, format A with number, unnumbered and with zero + MERKUR REVUE G11, G11a, comp. of 3 graphic sheets Herčík, with number, unnumbered and with zero format C; c.v.. 6.820Kč
Starting price: CZK
201315 - 2017 MAURITIUS V ČESKU - commemorative sheet issued on the
2017 MAURITIUS V ČESKU - commemorative sheet issued on the occasion of ceremonial křtu this post. stamps, with signatures of authors Jaromír Knotek and Kamil Knotek; very low number 28/200 - printing mere 200 pcs of, print Postal printing-works valuable matters, rare!
Starting price: CZK
197731 - 1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS]  selection various commemorative pri
1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS] selection various commemorative prints and commemorative sheets, contains i.a. PTM3-PTM5a, 6-14, Mercure Revue special commemorative print B13, D21, then G3, G4, 4a etc..; high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
194753 - 1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS]  disparate selection commemorative p
1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS] disparate selection commemorative prints, commemorative sheets, souvenirs anket Czech Post etc.., contains i.a. Memorial sheets post Pal1x "President", PAL1, PAL2, then AČP 9-16, invitation-cards Postal museum PPM1, 5-6, 12; PT1-3, 12, then commemorative sheets to various exhibitions, entrance ticket on/for exhibition, several Ppc etc..; suitable to other elaboration, placed in small little-box
Starting price: CZK
200598 - 1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 30 pcs of commemorativ
1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 30 pcs of commemorative prints for Postal museum, contains PTM1, 2, 5a, 5b, 6-25 + 16 pcs of commemorative sheets Postal museum, PaL16a, 16b, 17, 18a, 18b, 19a, 21, 23, 24, 25a, 25b 32a, 32b, 33a 33b, 33c; very fine, total 46 pcs of, c.v.. 15.900Kč
Starting price: CZK
199393 - 1995-2005 [COLLECTIONS]  selection more than 30 pcs of pří
1995-2005 [COLLECTIONS] selection more than 30 pcs of příležitosných prints, publication 10 years Czech post. stamps, 13 pcs of envelopes with added-print postal stationery cover, park p.stat Ppc CPH4 and CPH5, from black-prints i.a. PT3b (2x), album Nemes with 3 special commemorative print, then for example. PT5b (3x), PT11b (2x), PT12, PT13b (3x), PT16b (3x), PT18b (3x) + Mercure Revue PTB25, special commemorative print B25a, special commemorative print B44, special commemorative print B56 and B56a; c.v.. more 14.000CZK, cheaply offered, suitable to other sale!
Starting price: CZK
201299 - 1996-2017 [COLLECTIONS]   selection of 24 commemorative prin
1996-2017 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 24 commemorative prints in stockbook Pofis, contains i.a. insert book/-s L. Pytlíčka, 2x insert Mercure Revue, 2x insert book/-s T. G. Masaryk 1923 I. Šárová, PTM5b Terezín + 2x facsimile miniature sheet, Pozvánky PM 2007-2017, commemorative sheet Euregie Chomutov; very fine
Starting price: CZK
199627 - 1993-2014 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of commemorative prints,
1993-2014 [COLLECTIONS] selection of commemorative prints, contains PT1-12 incl. variants (PT12 2x), then PT15, 17, 19, 22-32; c.v.. 8.800CZK, placed in superb spiral album Prinz
Starting price: CZK
201146 - 1994-2015 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 49 pcs of various comme
1994-2015 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 49 pcs of various commemorative prints, mainly special commemorative print Czech Post, but also Faksimile Terezinského miniature sheet, contains also 9 pcs of special commemorative print Mercure Revue from y. 2005-15; high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
199637 - 1993-2014 [COLLECTIONS]  PTM1 - 38, Special prints for Posta
1993-2014 [COLLECTIONS] PTM1 - 38, Special prints for Postal museum, KOMPLETNÍ selection of black-prints incl. sought variants PTM6a Jewish museum - green-gray; c.v.. 18.600Kč, in/at set rare
Starting price: CZK
197241 - 1960-1995 JEDNOTKY U.N. / comp. 5 pcs of entires from variou
1960-1995 JEDNOTKY U.N. / comp. 5 pcs of entires from various national units U.N., 2x Czech member UNPROFOR Zagreb, 2x Norwegian unit in/at Egypt EMERGENCY FORCE, 1x Swedish unit in/at Congo - SVENSKA FN BATALJONEN CONGO; good condition
Starting price: CZK
200194 - 1995 PLATE PROOF  for FDC Czech drawn humor, comp. 3 pcs of
1995 PLATE PROOF for FDC Czech drawn humor, comp. 3 pcs of copy-print definitive gravures in black color, all on/for strong white carton with signature of author P. Kovářík
Starting price: CZK
199590 - 2004-2015 [COLLECTIONS]   collection of FDC, CDV and CARTES
2004-2015 [COLLECTIONS] collection of FDC, CDV and CARTES MAX, annual volumes 2004 to 2015, supplemented with 3 pcs of off. envelopes CSO3, 4, 5, and memorial sheets Czech Post PAL1, 2, 4-9; without guarantee kompletnosti, catalogue by estimation 17.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
199699 - 1994 PLATE PROOF  Pof.48 and CSO1, 120 years International p
1994 PLATE PROOF Pof.48 and CSO1, 120 years International post. Union, comp. 10 pcs of proof copy-print gravure, 1x complete and stage prints single colors, all on carton with signature P. Kovářík; valuable set of all stage print stamps UPU and the first Czech official envelope/-s!
Starting price: CZK
199394 - 1998-2001 comp. 10 pcs of official obálek: 3x CSO4, CSO5, C
1998-2001 comp. 10 pcs of official obálek: 3x CSO4, CSO5, CSO6 + 1x CSO7; c.v.. 6.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
197242 - 1996-2017 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. 5 pcs of off. envelopes incl.
1996-2017 [COLLECTIONS] comp. 5 pcs of off. envelopes incl. New Year cards, from that 1x Un CSO4, Us CSO5 2x, CSO6, CSO12 incl. New Year card/-s PF
Starting price: CZK
199392 - 1993-2015 [COLLECTIONS]  accumulation several hundreds CDV,
1993-2015 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation several hundreds CDV, FDC, Maximum Card etc.. in/at filled smaller box, contains i.a. several better first FDC (FDC No.1 5x, No. 4, 9, 10 atd.), then for example. CDV 2 with added-print Postfila PM2-P5 8x (c.v.. 4.480Kč) etc..; interesting!, through/over 8.5kg of material
Starting price: CZK
193552 - 1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS]  GENERAL nice collection on sheets T
1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL nice collection on sheets Trojan in 4 covers, contains souvenir sheets, PB, also stamp bklt with bklt sheets etc., in addition supplemented with publication 10 years Czech post. stamps and Pexeso - Czech post. stamps; face-value according to owner more than 35.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
1993-2014 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / DESKOVÉ A VÝROBNÍ VADY / interesting selection chosen plate and production flaws on 4 pages in stockbook, major part determined and popsána; catalogue by estimation more than 10.000CZK, suitable to other elaboration or sale
Starting price: CZK
199391 - 1993-2015 [COLLECTIONS]  NOMINÁL / comp. of stamps Czech Re
1993-2015 [COLLECTIONS] NOMINÁL / comp. of stamps Czech Republic in/at small box, contains several printing sheet, PB etc.., supplemented with about/by almost complete volume 1993 on pages Trojan and publication 10 years Czech post. stamps; face-value 6.750Kč
Starting price: CZK
199597 - 1993-2015 [COLLECTIONS] ROČNÍKY ZN., ARŠÍKŮ A PB  selec
1993-2015 [COLLECTIONS] ROČNÍKY ZN., ARŠÍKŮ A PB selection of 5-ti year 2011-2015, supplemented with souvenir sheets and PB from other years, i.a. 1. miniature sheet Pof.A10 4x, PB Contemporary Art Pof.PL5, supplemented with bklt sheets from y. 1997 and on; detached/free placed in envelopes, face-value total more than 15.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
197738 - 1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS]  ZÁSOBA / almost 350 pcs of FDC (i.
1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS] ZÁSOBA / almost 350 pcs of FDC (i.a. Coat of arms 1993, Contemporary Art atd.), PC (part picture) and other entires, i.a. 17 pcs of Us letters, 5x balloon flights etc..; all in/at small box
Starting price: CZK
201330 - 2016-2018 [COLLECTIONS]  TESTER CORRESPONDENCE / in/at fille
2016-2018 [COLLECTIONS] TESTER CORRESPONDENCE / in/at filled IKEA box, prevails franking Czech Republic stamps, part also foreign, i.a. Denmark, Netherlands, Canada etc..; stovky entires, through/over 16kg!!, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK