Public Auction 57 / Collections
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1849-1950 [COLLECTIONS] fine basic collection in album A4, from classic period, several complete sets, also several miniature sheets, occupied territories etc..; up to 1945 mainly * U:Z
1850-2000 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION in 4 albums A4, from first issue, also telegraph, railway, postage-due etc.., various quality + supplemented with 4 superb albums SAFE for period 1960-1990 U:K
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection on hingeless sheets, incl. miniature sheets printing sheets, PB etc..; overall nice quality, higher catalogue U:Z
1840-1950 [COLLECTIONS] POSTMARKS collection of more than 600 various entires alphabetically sorted according to postmarks of post offices in territory as: BRETTO, FIUME, RISANA, RAGUSA, CHIUSA, BOZEN, GORIZIA, PROSECCO, SAGRADO, TRIESTE etc., many entires as Registered, or Ex, FP, entires sent from abroad, prephilatelic letters, mainly entires from period of Austria Hungary; various quality, more than 3kg of material! U:K
1918-1949 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection in 8-sheet stockbook A4, from issue for Bosnia, i.a. Mi.12, A20I, 41, 64 and 65 with certificates Šips/Bilandžič, also blocks, inverted overprints, double prints etc., also postage-dues, souvenir sheets etc..; cat. according to owner ca. 3.000€ U:Z
1918 [COLLECTIONS] interesting specialized collection on ca. 50 pages, issue for Bosnia and S.H.S.., overprint issue, postage-due 1919, lithography, etc.., aimed on overprints, perf, shifts, plate variety etc.; ca. 1000 stamps, for specialist interesting U:Z
1944-1991 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete collection in full 30-sheets stockbook, Mi.451-2519, incl. miniature sheets etc.., missing only several cheap stamps; nice quality, cat. according to owner more than 4.000€ U:Z
1872-1945 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection in album Schaubek, mostly used stamps, incl. some sets, middle values etc..; in addition selection of hundreds of stamps from ca. Mi.53-490, incl. i.a. 446-449, 463-464, 474-478, postage-due etc. on 6 sheets from stockbook - many expertized color shades etc. and specialities; from estate, high catalogue value! U:Z
1920-1925 [COLLECTIONS] SHEETS / INFLATION / selection of inflation sheets and parts in folders, various issues, sheet margins, wmk etc..; various quality, interesting for specialist, high catalogue value U:Z
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] GDR - 2x collection (hinged) on pages in spring folder, incl. better miniature sheets and sets as Goethe and Debria, Mao etc.., part of stamps and miniature sheets spots - viewing of quality recommended - excluded from sum; also Zones, FRG and Berlin */used / MNH in 2 spring folders, part again spots, in addition 2x stockbook A4 with duplication; viewing of quality recommended U:K
1852-1960 [COLLECTIONS] NETHERLANDS / LUXEMBURG / spring folder Abria with semifinished used collection of Netherlands on hingeless sheets, from issue 1852; supplemented with selection of Luxembourg on 4 sheets in stockbook, i.a. several more interesting complete sets from 1930´s; mainly hinged or used U:Z
1918-1935 [COLLECTIONS] part of specialized collection ex. Nekvasil on free album sheets with descriptions, issues 1918-1935 with semi-specialisation, also postage-due, Gdańsk (Danzig), SO1920 (overprint) etc.., used also unused, in addition supplemented with parts of sheets issue 1919-1920; interesting U:Z
1919-1921 [COLLECTIONS] SMALL PACKETS / hundreds of packed stamps, issue 1919-1921, part also unused; thousands of stamps, almost 3kg of material U:K
1946 Mi.Klb.772-Klb.775, souvenir sheets Renner; superb, cat. 2400€; in addition extremely rare original gift sheet "Dr. Karl Renner Kleinbogen, September 1946", extraordinary offer! U:A4
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] great accumulation in 5 stockbooks + 1x spring folder, contains many complete sets of FP and Bosnia, also blocks of four, imperforated, PLATE PROOFS, types of perforation, postage-due etc.., unused also used, more often, a lot of of material, we recommend viewing! U:Z
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation in 16-pages stockbook A4, various issues, i.a. Landscape 1906 - perf, imperforated, also PLATE PROOFs, several blocks of four, issue Franz Joseph I., Charles, postage-due, revenues etc.. U:Z
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] collection on sheets Stiburek, from the first issue Coat of arms, various varieties perforation, also issue Landscape 1906, i.a. also imperforated, 1908, 1912, 1916, Charles 1917, also postage-due i.a. complete Mi.14-26 * etc.., supplemented with various blocks and sets FP and issues for abroad; higher catalogue, various quality U:Z
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps on sheets in spring folder, contains mainly complete sets, general Issues Franz Joseph I. and Charles, also issue for Italy, Romania, Serbia, then Bosnia, from issue Eagle 1879, sets Landscape, Franz Joseph I., Charles, Postage due stamps etc.., part on cut-squares U:Z
1850-1890 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / in 2 full stockbooks, strong first issue, lot of postmarks from Czech countries, various types etc.., also II.-VII. issues; suitable for specialist and to further elaboration, various quality, we advice viewing! U:Z
1950-1939 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection / accumulation in 8 various stockbooks and on several cards A4, from the first issue., types, postmark etc.., II.-VII. issues, also strong period 1890-1918 and partially also inter-war, also various complete sets of Bosnia, also Levante and Lombardy-Veneto; lot of of material, we advice viewing! U:Z
1760-1910 REGIONAL COLLECTION OF ENTIRES - POSTAL HISTORY IN MORAVIA/ exhibit entires with postmarks of Brno, Náměšť, Třebíč etc., all on album pages with descriptions, contains entires, covers of several imperial letters with seals, prephilatelic letters with postmarks from various period, receipts, p.stat, letters and Reg letters from period of the first issue, several Ppc of Náměšť and local post etc.., placed in 2 folders; mainly good quality, exhibit ex Oliva U:Z
1830-1916 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 60 entires in stockbook, mainly letters, from prephilatelic period, then I.-VII. issue, also 1x blue Mercure on newspapers etc..; various, mostly solid quality U:Z
1877-1990 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection on hingeless sheets in 2 spring folders, beginning and period 1920-1950 incomplete *, several better sets as Mi.100-104, 138-14, 175-179, 180-183 etc.., also several miniature sheets as Mi.Bl.4A and 4B (viewing of quality recommended - excluded from sum); various quality, high catalogue value U:Z
1866-1942 [COLLECTIONS] collection on very old sheets, incl. many better stamps and sets from period of "Duchy" from 1866, "Kingdom" 1880-1918 and German occupation (these on "schonfalz"); i.a. Mi.2, 3, 5, 6, 9(3), set Milan IV. etc.; cat. min. 1.500€ U:Z
1977-1984 [COLLECTIONS] Concierto Espaňa with rare souvenir sheets with additional-printing CONCIERTO EXTRAORDINARIO MADRID... + ESPAMER 77 BARCELONA with interesting black prints without numbers; higher catalogue U:Z
1900-1940 [COLLECTIONS] part of semifinished collection on sheets Stibůrek in spring folder, i.a. postage stamp and interwar sets as Mi.868-881, 885-890, 964-970, 1019-1028, miniature sheet Block No.1 etc.., also postage-dues, airmails, memorials; higher catalogue U:Z
1929-1991 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete semifinished collection on hingeless pages Schaubek in spring folder, contains i.a. Mi.17-20 on cut-square, Mi.45-50 (viewing of quality recommended *) + ditto on Reg letter to Czechoslovakia, then Mi.51-58 *, also several miniature sheets etc..; mainly hinged, various quality, higher catalogue U:Z
1880-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ESTATE of collector, contains semifinished collections of Albania, Monaco and U.N. and also USSR 1945-1960 (mainly *, part of the stamps spots - viewing of quality recommended) and also various duplication of whole world, placed in 3 spring stockbooks on hingeless sheets + 4x stockbook A4; various quality, also 1x empty spring folder Stanley Gibbons with original pages, placed in box U:K
1850-1990 [COLLECTIONS] NORWAY / DENMARK / SWEDEN small collection in stockbook A4, part of classic period, mainly used, complete and incomplete sets U:Z
1945-1965 [COLLECTIONS] HUNGARY general collection on pages in spring folder, incl. better miniature sheets, sets etc..; all hinged - various quality - viewing of quality recommended + POLAND - semifinished mainly incomplete collection after 1945 in spring folder on pages */used + AUSTRIA - ditto after 1945 with Bosnia and FP; various quality U:Z
1925-1980 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of unused stamps in stockbook A4, various sets, souvenir sheets, blocks, joined printings etc..; valid face-value U:Z
1876-1933 [COLLECTIONS] collection on/for old pages and 2 cards, Bhopal, Bhor, Soruth, Sirmoor, Bundi, Cochin, Charkhari, Bussahir, Travancore, Duttia, Dhar, Bijawar, Bamra; much unusual stamps and sets, several reprints, in overwhelming majority but originály, c.v.. ca. £2.000-£3.000, extraordinary offer, ticket with cenovým potenciálem! U:Z
1960-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection blocks, PB, Pa and printing sheet various issues in 5 folders on/for sheets and 3 cards A5, all sets, interesting motives etc.; mainly very nice quality, evidentně high catalogue value U:Z
1948-1980 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection on pages Schaubek in screw stockbook and spring folder, contains coupons, i.a. Mi.28-29, 41, also souvenir sheets etc.. 1935 [COLLECTIONS] OMNIBUS / Jubilee George V. 1935, complete set 250 stamps this issue; practically all **, c.v.. * £1.500, as mainly ** markedly more, hard zkompletovatelná issue, exceptional offer! U:Z
1900-1950 PERFINS comp. of stamps with perfins from around the world, ca. 500 pcs of, full smaller 8-sheet stockbook A5, contains also perfins Czechoslovakia U:Z
1880-1990 [COLLECTIONS] WHOLE WORLD thousands interesting stamp. of whole world also Czechoslovakia, placed on cards in box with lid, contains also forgeries; by estimation high catalogue value, vyvoláváme after/behind zlomkovou price! U:K
1900-1980 [COLLECTIONS] BALÍČKY / WHOLE WORLD / extraordinary accumulation packaged stamps (in paper bags) in/at filled IKEA box (!), contains various countries Europe also overseas, mainly cancel., part also unused, older also modern; thousands and thousands stamps, estate of dealer, through/over 10kg (!) of material! U:IK
1900-1940 [COLLECTIONS] BALÍČKY / EUROPE / OVERSEAS stovky parcels with stamps, various countries as Austria, Great Britain, Belgium, Romania, also Egypt, Canada, USA etc.., prevail issue 1900-1940 (!); thousands stamps, placed in smaller filled box, through/over 3.5kg of material U:K
1880-1990 [COLLECTIONS] POZŮSTALOST after/around významném businessman in 2 full IKEA boxes in/at line various stockbooks and album/-s, mainly duplication Europe and overseas, also addition Protectorate and CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., then part/-s various sheets, souvenir sheets etc..; various quality, cancel. also unused, through/over 44 kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:IK
1888 [COLLECTIONS] SCAHUBEK´S ILLUSTRIERTES BRIEFMARKEN ALBUM / Richard Senf 1888, beauty album European also world classic incl. USA and British Colonies for issue to year 1888, only very little occupied, lot of picture stamps; very good and in good condition condition U:Z
1960-1990 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of gift prints, commemorative sheets, entires, year various countries etc..; ex Ladislav Dvořáček, placed in smaller box U:K
1945- [COLLECTIONS] by estimation 500 pcs of various entires mainly addressed to Czechoslovakia, various destination as Israel, South America, also FDC GDR, Poland, Yugoslavia, San Marino etc.., various Reg, air-mail, censorship etc..; various quality, placed in smaller quite filled box U:K
1860-1960 [COLLECTIONS] POZŮSTALOST / CELISTVOSTI big estate after/around významném businessman in quite filled IKEA box, stovky entires detached/free also in/at šanonech, abroad also CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 and CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., i.a. FP Austria-Hungary, line better entires abroad (various quality) - Austria, Germany, also Protectorate etc..; suitable to other elaboration, through/over 28kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:IK
1980-2010 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of 4 motive small sbírek: Halleyova kometa / Letem světem / Way after/behind Eurem and Olympic Games (i.a. with kopiemi interesting entires from first Olympiads); placed in 4 superb ring folders U:Z
1997 HORKA, P.: Czechoslovak air post 1918-1939, issued Trojan; as new, incl. map/-s air-mail lines U:Z
[COLLECTIONS] Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, parts 1-5, 13-17, 20, in addition 3 pcs of guides Hradčany, issue Agriculture and Science 1920 and Perf Czechosl. stamps; very good condition U:K
1996-2011 [COLLECTIONS] selection of catalogues: Horka, Czechosl. air post 1918-1939 (1997); Mercure Revue, Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 (2002); Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia, Slovak Rep., Sudetenland (1995); Slovakia 1939-1945 (2000); Czech republic 1993-2011 (2011), Trojan Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic and MC (1996), Trojan - private added-print on/for p.stat 1945-1996; in good condition condition U:Z
1970-2012 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of literature and příruček: Karásek - Hradčany; ditto - Perf Czechosl. stamps; Novotný - Special manual for collector Czechosl. stamps; Hamr, Škaloud - Handbook for collector Hradčany; Agriculture and science 1920 (Žampach, Karásek, Pittermann), Olšina - Obloukové types 25h Hradčany + catalogue Pofis - Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 (2012); very good condition U:Z
1935 CZECHOSLOVAKIAN STAMPS, Hirsch-Franěk, today already classic Monograph Czechosl. stamps with lot of valuable information and picture, 435 sides; very good condition U:Z
2012 POFIS Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia 1939-1945; specialized catalogue, issue 2013, printing vyprodán, excellent condition U:Z
1930-1935 TRIBUNA FILATELISTŮ 1930-1935 in 3 bounded books; sound condition U:Z
2011 MICHEL - GROSSBRITANNIEN SPEZIAL 2012/2013 specialized catalogue Great Britain, color picture, also p.stat, stamp-booklet etc..; very good condition U:Z
2012 RUSSIA / ZEMSTVO - specialized catalogue Soloviev for stamps and post. history local post in Russia; skvělá manual, prices in eurech, rusko-anglický description U:Z
2015 STANLEY GIBBONS - Stamp Catalogue 2016, Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970; prestigious stamp catalogue of Commonwealth, format A4, very good condition + post. regulations for Velkou Britain from year 1967 I. and II. part U:Z
1997 SPAIN / FIRST POSTAGE STAMP OF SPAIN 1997 / auction catalogue Spanish classic legendary auction AFINSA in/at superb making, lot of celobarevných picture; skvělý reference zdroj, perfect condition U:Z
1987 GILDER MAIL / GLIDER MAIL, S. Short, American Air Mail Society, New Jersey, basic detail manual to větronové air-mail post, lot of picture popisů etc.., divided according to single countries; perfect condition U:Z
1991 TRANSCARPATHIAN UKRAINE / KÁRPÁTALJA POSTATÖRTÉNETE, B. Simády, basic work to post. history Transcarpathian Ukraine, lot of picture postmarks, entires, stamps etc..; Hungarian, perfect condition U:Z
[COLLECTIONS] BALÍČKY / HRADČANY-issue quite extraordinary estate parcels Hradčany (imperforated also perforated) after/around businessman, by estimation ca. 25.000 stamps, incl. values 75h, 500h etc.., supplemented with about/by ca. 100 pcs of dispatch-notes with issues Hradčany and other parcels other issues as Pigeon-issue, issue Agriculture and Science etc..; unsorted, adjusted in/at original bounded packets after/around ca. 50 pcs of, placed in middle box U:K
[COLLECTIONS] MACULATURE selection of 180 pcs of plate proofs in blocks of four, various values Hradčany issue, major-part in/at joined printing with other value or with other issues (for example. newspaper), several pcs also PLATE PROOF postage-due stamp.; on/for 23 album pages Stibůrek U:Z