1913 Mi.6x, pair of Turkish Toughra of Mohamed V. 20Pa red with OPPOSITE FACING RED OVERPRINTS Eagle and SHQIPENIA; very fine piece, certificate Holcombe, cat. 1.200€++, very rare
1913 Mi.10, Turkish Toughra of Mohamed V. 5Pia dark violet with overprint Eagle and SHQIPENIA; very fine piece, exp. Scheller, cat. 1.300€, rare stamp, issued only 650 pcs
1913 Mi.16, Turkish Toughra of Mohamed V. 20Pa red, with overprint Eagle and SHQIPENIA, in addition with other overprint "10" on new face-value; very fine piece on small cut-square, certificate Holcombe, cat. 1.200€ ++, rare stamp
1849-1950 [COLLECTIONS] fine basic collection in album A4, from classic period, several complete sets, also several miniature sheets, occupied territories etc..; up to 1945 mainly *
1850-2000 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION in 4 albums A4, from first issue, also telegraph, railway, postage-due etc.., various quality + supplemented with 4 superb albums SAFE for period 1960-1990
1851 Mi.2 II., 2S blue "RIGSBANK-SKILLING", Thiele; very wide margins, numeral pmk "1" supplemented with blue oval cancel. "infantry" Copenhagen post "F: 10 18/2 54 P:" (Fod Post), cat. 1.250€
1850 Mi.1, STRIP OF 4 FIRE RBS, brown with dumb postmark, 3/5 1852, to Hamburg, "per Slesvig via Kiel"; irregular margins, stamp at left at top slightly torn, very rare franking
1919 Reg letter sent from Talinn to Bratislava, franked with 8 stamps from issue 1919, i.a. 5M and 2M, Mi.12-13, CDS TALLINN 20.10.19; overall good condition
1849 Mi.3, Maury 3a, marginal block-of-4 Ceres 20C black on white paper; light bend lower left, otherwise very nice multiple, without gum, cat. Maury for (*) 1.625€
1849-1871 selection of 118 classical stamps, various values of issues Ceres REPUB.FRANC, Napoleon EMPIRE FRANC etc.; various quality, high catalogue value, placed on two-sided filled card A4
1869 Mi.32, pair (!) of Napoleon 5Fr blue-grey, cancel. "star"; very fine, only several short tooth lower, without usual thins, cat. Ceres 2.400€, rare pair!
1849 letter with Mi.2b, Maury 2c, Ceres 15C dark green (vert foncé), raz."étoile"; at top close, but full margins, fine color, small format letter, cat. min. 2.100€
1849 comp. of 7 letters with 1. issue, two with Ceres 20C black, four 25C blue, from that once used in Algeria (!) and one marginal piece, in addition letter with 40C orange (only stamp 600€), various postmarks, colors, papers etc.
1883 SYRIA official PC without printed stamp, Druckvermerk "Novembre 1875", franked with pair Allegory 5c green, Mi.59IIa, clear pmk BEYROUTH/ SYRIE/ 19.4.83 (on reverse hand-made MERSINA, Klein Asien), supplemented with oval cancel. "B M" and arrival CDS PRAG/ 1.5.83 on face-side; interesting destination
1889 SG.15a, 17a, 18a, 20a, 21a; Victoria 5C, 25C, 25C (blue), 50C and 75C; complete set of overprint values with printing error "5" WITH SHORT FOOT; very nice set, cat. £368, rare offer!
1943 PLATE PROOFS Mi.107-110, Croatian legion, selection of 35 plate proofs, single values in various colors on stamp paper with gum + 4 pcs in definitive colors with omitted vertical perf; mint never hinged, interesting
1856-1868 set of 9 letters, i.a. Sardinia with Sass.14C, Papal States 5, Napoli 3+6 exp. Sorani, Sardinia 13E+14E, MIXED FRANKING of Papal States 16+17+19+26 (!) and MIXED FRANKING Sardinia 13+14+ Italy Sass.2; various quality, part viewing of quality recommended, very high catalogue value!
1855 "CHOLERA LETTER" from Ferrara to Milan, franked with 4 stamps of Papal state Sass.3b Coat of arms 2Baj green, print "oleoso", postmark "Ferrara cross"; very fine, cat. 800€ + postmark
1852 Sass.1-4, Coat of arms 5C-25C, 3 cut-squares and one single, all WITH PART OF GUTTER or large margin; very fine and very attractive; cat. 575€ + 300%
1860 Sass.16a, Savoy Cross ½Tor light blue (azzurro chiaro) with cancel. ANNULATO; very fine piece with very fine margins, certificate Raybaudi, exp. Brunn and Bühler, cat. 6.000€, from old collection!
1861 PROVINCE NAPOLETANE - Sass.21h, Victor Emmanuel II. 5C red, ERROR - INVERTED CENTER (effigie capovolta), on small cut-square with CDS NAPOLI; rare stamp with certificates Enzo Diena and Alberto Diena, cat. 17.500€, extraordinary offe, scarce
1857 Sass.13f,13A, 13Aa, 13Ad, Victor Emmanuel II., 5C, 4 rare colours: verde smeraldo scuro (vyd.1855) and verde mirto, verde mirto chiaro (1857); 2x exp. Macoveanu, very fine, identified according to "Quarta emisione di Sardegna - Tavole cromatiche", all fine cancel. cat. 4.400€