Public Auction 57 / Exclusive items
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1860 Sass.16a, Savoy Cross ½Tor light blue (azzurro chiaro) with cancel. ANNULATO; very fine piece with very fine margins, certificate Raybaudi, exp. Brunn and Bühler, cat. 6.000€, from old collection! U:DR
1861 PROVINCE NAPOLETANE - Sass.21h, Victor Emmanuel II. 5C red, ERROR - INVERTED CENTER (effigie capovolta), on small cut-square with CDS NAPOLI; rare stamp with certificates Enzo Diena and Alberto Diena, cat. 17.500€, extraordinary offe, scarce U:DR
1860 Sass.20b, strip-of-3 Coat of arms 20 CENT blue-grey, without gum; very fine and very attractive, exp. E. Diena, A. Diena, certificate Raybaudi, cat. * min. 120.000€, (*) min. 30.000€, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1941 KEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional issue Sass.83, overprint ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE..."ISOLA"..., on pair 20L; very fine, certificate Raybaudi, "date la sua rarità", cat. 9.000€, unique offer U:DR
1871 Mi.12c, copper print Franz Joseph I. 15 Kreuzer copper red "kupferrot", cancel. BUDAPEST; certificate Ferchenbauer - "PRACHSTÜCK", cat. 2.200€, one of rarest stamps of old Hungary U:DR
1850 Ferch.1H, str-of-3 Coat of arms 1 Kr, yellow ochre, hand-made paper, type Ib, on cut-square with cancel. WEIPERT, in addition interesting plate variety type "Blasen" on middle stamp lower, certificate Ferchenbauer. - KABINETTSTUCK, ex. Dr. Jerger, cat. 1.500€++ U:A5
1850 Ferch.1M III, Coat of arms 1 Kr citreous yellow, machine made paper, type III., with blue cancel. HIETZING 30/11; VF, exp. Matl U:A5
1850 Ferch.1M III, Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow with proof perf 18½ (!); luxury piece with original gum, according to our opinion **, certificate Ferchenbauer. - "nahezu postfrisches erlesenes PRACHTSTUCK!"; cat. for * 2.800€, ** 5.600€! U:DR
1850 Ferch.1MIII, 4M, cut square with Coat of arms 1+1+1+6Kr machine made paper, III. types, nice fresh color, CDS WSETIN 4/8; exp. by Ferchenbauer cat. 1.650€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.2M, strip-of-3 Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer grey-black, machine made paper, rare type IIIa, cancel. TRENCHIN 22/3; VF, exp. by Ferchenbauer., cat. 3.000€ (1.500€ for IIIb + 100% see Ferchenbauer. (2008) volume I page. 242) U:A5
1850 Ferch.4H, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer red-brown Ia type on hand-made paper WITH DUMB PMK PESTH; certificate Kopřiva, cat. Müller č.2116f - 2.100 points, very rare! U:A5
1850-1858 Ferch.4MIII+13Ia, Coat of arms 6 Kr type III and Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer type I on cut-square with CDS WIEN; very fine, rare SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA, certificate Ferchenbauer. "erlesenes Prachtstück", cat. 2.250€ U:A5
1850 letter with strip-of-3 Ferch.1H, Coat of arms 1Kr orange, hand-made paper type III., cancel. OSTRA 28.JUL; inside lapel missing, wide margins, exp. Puschmann, certificate Ferch.,"bildseitiges PRACHTSTUCK!", cat. 2.300€! U:A5
1858 Ferch.10II, Franz Joseph I. 2 Kr type II light yellow, with beautiful print of blue postmark MELNIK; very fine piece with certificate Ferchenbauer., cat. 1.500€, rare U:A5
1851-1856 Mi.6, Blue Mercury, strip-of-5 (!), IIIb. type with right margin, cancel. of newspaper expedition PRAG O.P.A. ZTGS. EXP 28/8; only bend in lowee left corner, very wide margins, cat. Ferchenbauer 1.700€, decorative multiple, ex Zajíček U:A5
1863 Ferch.29a, Coat of arms 1,05 Kreuzer grey-brown; block of 83 stamps !!, with hand-made cancellation, partially mounted on carton, with description: "6. Emmission der Zeitungsmarken v J. 1863" and "84-1/83 Stück 15/4 1904"; cat. min. 9.000€, UNIQUE MULTIPLE, EX. WIENER POSTARCHIV U:DR
1946 Mi.Klb.772-Klb.775, souvenir sheets Renner; superb, cat. 2400€; in addition extremely rare original gift sheet "Dr. Karl Renner Kleinbogen, September 1946", extraordinary offer! U:A4
1850 Ferch.1H, Coat of arms 5Cts orange, 2x strip-of-3 on cut-square (!), decorative cancel. COMO 1/10; very fine, exp. Müller and Colla, cat. Ferchenbauer 2.600€ ++, scarce U:DR
1850 Ferch.4H III, Sass.8, Coat of arms 30Cts brown, hand-made paper type III.; very fine piece with original gum, exp. Diena, certificate G. Bühler, cat. Sassone 17.500€, rare! U:DR
1850 Ferch.5, Coat of arms 45Cts type I on hand-made paper, light blue, with red postmark PADUA 8.GIU, in addition machine offset; very fine, certificate Ferchenbauer "frisches Prachtstück!", cat. 1.250€ U:A5
1858 Newspaper stamp - Sass.2a, Coat of arms 1 Kr grey-black; very fine piece with original gum, exp. Herbert Bloch, cat. 16.000€, very rare stamp, missing also in big collections! U:DR
1908 LEVANT / Mi.53U-61U, ANK53U-61U; Jubilee Franz Joseph I. 10Pa-20Pia (1Pia both colors), marginal block-of-4, IMPERFORATED plate proofs, originates from "Bogenproben" ex. Wiener Postarchiv, issued without gum, very fine, cat. 4.200€ U:A5
1879 PLATE PROOF Ferch.1I, 3I, 5I, 6I, 8I, 9I, Coat of arms 1/2kr, 2 Kreuzer, 5 Kreuzer, 10Kreuzer (2 shades), 20kr and 25kr, imperforated plate proofs - LITHOGRAPHY, corner (!) blocks of four; very rare, ex. Wiener Postarchiv U:A5
1916 POSTAGE-DUE PLATE PROOF Ferch.P25, P26, imperforated plate proofs values 1 K and 3 K blue, block of four with 2 joined pairs; in the middle original sheet bend, otherwise very fine, certificate Mgr. Kopřiva, important Bosnian rarity; ex. Wiener Postarchiv! U:A5
1883 postcard from Vienna to Hawaii, with Coat of arms 5 Kreuzer red uprated with Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer 1883 on overseas porto 8Kr, CDS WAHRING 2/12 89, transit SAN FRANCISCO and arrival HONOLULU 10 JAN 1890, very fine and very rare destination! U:A5
1840-1841 SG.2, 7, PENNY BLACK and ONE PENNY RED, rare "Matched Pair", letters C-D, same plate 8 (!); very fine, cat. £715++ U:A5
1854 IMPRIMATUR SG.17, 1P red-brown, letters A-I, plate 37; wmk "Large Crown", piece with upper margin in perfect quality, fine color, only 21 imprimatur prints exist from this plate, cat. Gibbons Spec. "from £1.300"
1847 SG.60, Embossed 6P purple, on cut-square with BLUE cancellation type 1844 - '232' Cuckfield; perfect margins, fine color; rare, cat. for black pmk £1.200++ U:A5
1840 SG.3, PENNY BLACK frey-čblack, plate 1a, letters B-I, on letter in early period 22.6.1840 from Preston to Manchester; certificate BPA, cat. £1.400, extraordinary entire! U:A5
1841 SG.10, pair of 1P dark red-brown 1841, plate 17, letters BK-BL, on folded letter, cancelled dark blue Maltese cross; certificate Karl Louis BPP, very fine and rare letter, cat. only for single stamp. £1.700 U:A5
1857 SG.9a, BISECTED stamp Coat of arms 1Sh orange red on cut-square with cancel. "grid"; very fine, certificates Diena, H. Bloch and E. Müller, cat. for letter £17.000, cut square ca. £6.000, important rarity U:DR
1937 SG.257-267, PLATE PROOF for issue "Coronation, George VI.", set of 8 values 3C-48C, imperforated in definitive colors; very fine, rare prints ex. Perkins, Bacon & Co. archives, very attractive U:A5
1893 Sc.230-245, Columbus 1c - 5$, complete set in good quality, part with original gum, however considered all as (*), cat. (*) ca. $4.600, * $9.500, rare complete set! U:DR
1853 NEW ORLEANS, local issue Menant & Co.'s Express, 2C dark red; certificates A. Rendon AIEP and BPP Basel, one of the rarest stamps of USA, cat. $15.000, known only 7 pieces (!), very scarce, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1946-1947 Ryukyu Islands - US occupation (1945-1972), Sc.3X1-3X24, Miyako District, 1 Sen - 1 Yen, nominal complete issue with overprint "sealˇ"of postmaster J. Tomiyama, 1 Yen is on cut-square and is very rare stamp; very fine set, cat. $3.600 U:DR
1947 Ryukyu Islands - US occupation (1945-1972), Sc.3X24, local issue Miyako District, Japanese 1 Yen "Mount Fuji" with overprint "seal" of postmaster J. Tomiyama; very fine, issued without gum, cat. $1.500, very rare stamp U:DR
1926 US ADMINISTRATION - Sc.86b, Roosevelt 5C with INVERTED OVERPRINT ZONE CANAL; very fine, cat. $950; very rare stamp U:A5
1919 SG.101a, Stairway 1P grey-black / dark carmine, marginal piece with DOUBLE overprint; very fine piece with original gum, certificate BPA London, cat. £2.000, very rare stamp! U:DR
1938 SG.121be, George VI. £1 light purple and black / light red, BROKEN LOWER RIGHT SCROLL; very fine, cat. £2.000, rare! U:DR
1848 SG.3, Mauritius POST PAID orange- vermilion, "earliest impression"; usual irregular and close margins, clear print of postmark, fine color; certificate A. Rendon AIEP, cat. £18.000; very rare stamp! U:DR
1848-1859 SG.10, Mauritius POST PAID bright orange "intermediate impression"; usual minor faults, wide margins, oval linear postmark, cat. £3.000++ U:DR
1848-1859 SG.10, Mauritius POST PAID "bright vermilion", intermediate impression, cancel. "14" Riviere du Rampart; wide margins, cat. £3.000, extraordinary quality, rare stamp! U:DR
1848-1859 SG.20, Blue Mauritius POST PAID "blue on grey paper", worn impression, rarer cancel. "3"; very nice piece with common slight thin place at upper margin, certificate BPA, cat. £1.700 U:DR
1915 MAFIA ISLAND - Brit. occupation SG.M3Cvar, pair 7½H with reddish violet overprint G.R. MAFIA, lower with signature "JDM"; very fine, rare stamp U:A5
1915 MAFIA ISLAND - Brit. occupation SG.M7A, German Ostafrika 45H with black overprint G.R. MAFIA; very fine piece with certificate RPSL, cat. for * £1.100 U:A5
1915 MAFIA ISLAND - Brit. occupation SG.M23, German revenue stamp Ostafrika 25 Pesa with overprint O.H.B.M.S. MAFIA, very fine piece with certificate Ceremuga, cat. £1.100 U:DR
1915 MAFIA ISLAND - Brit. occupation SG.M27, provisional overprint on German revenue stamp Ostafrika 24 Pesa - line G.R. POST MAFIA and circle O.H.B.M.S. MAFIA, line overprint INVERTED; very nice piece with certificate BPA, SG at least £2.800, scarce U:DR
1915 CAMEROONS EXPEDITIONARY FORCE SG.B12a, Emperor´s Yacht 3M, overprint C.E.F. 3S, printing error INVERTED "S"; perfect piece, signed, cat. £1.000, rare stamp! U:A5
1891 SG.51+51d, vertical pair Victoria 2C with overprint "1841 HONG KONG JUBILEE 1891", the bottom stamp shows "tall narrow K"; rare joined types, stamp SG.51d **, cat. * min. £1.775, as ** ca. £3.075, extraordinary offer! U:DR
POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT, Mi.205IIU, Coat of arms 3 Koruna light red, ŠIROKÁ, imperforated corner blk-of-4; in perfect quality, issued without gum, c.v.. (*) min. 6.000€, it is UNIKÁT, imperforate wide and light 3-koruny are in addition one from most precious PLATE PROOF of whole Austria! U:DR
Pof.4Na joined bar types, 5h dark blue-green, block of four without perf with joined bar type, pos. 7, plate 4; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, c.v.. Pofis 4.000CZK, Mercure 22.000CZK, very nice shade, quite rare occurrence spojeného bar type in dark modrozeleném shade on/for 5h stamp as blk-of-4, ex Oliva U:A5
Pof.51b I, Coat of arms 10K light violet, ŽILKOVANÝ PAPER, high size (!), overprint type II.; repaired gum, Vrba certificate 2017, then certificates Karásek and Pittermann, one of rarest stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 at all, in addition in/at hledaném ÚZKÉM FORMÁTU, c.v.. Pofis 1.000.000CZK, Mercure 1.200.000Kč kurzivou, spring well uvádějí existenci maximálně 14 pieces values 10K, from that only ca. 5 pcs of in/at úzkém format!, suitable to greatest collections and exhibits, or as investment! U:DR
Pof.56, Triangle 5h green, horiz. 3-PÁSKA (!), combination types all overprint types II+I+III; superb intaktní piece, certificates Vrba and Karásek, exp. by Mrnak., exceedingly rare multiple - cat. Merkur-Revue for 2x types combination overprint 200.000Kč, decoration every špičkové collection and exhibit! U:DR
Pof.128Pz, Black numerals 5f green / black with right sheet margin with control-numbers and part of Opt on edge (with incomplete offset), combined perforation 15, wmk Pz, overprint type II.; lightly hinged, well centered stamp and also overprint, certificate Vrba, exp. Fischmeister, cat. Pofis 40.000CZK, Mercure 45.500Kč, very nice and decorative piece! U:DR
Pof.129Px, Black numerals 12f green / black, combined perforation 15, wmk Px - leftwards, overprint type I.; at top partially repaired gum, nice piece, certificate Vrba and Philatelic Foundation NY, exp. by Mrnak., very rare stamp, cat. ca. 140.000CZK! U:DR
Pof.145B, 10h dark green, corner 4-BLOK, line perforation 13¾;; lightly hinged only in upper margin, otherwise superb multiple, Vrba certificate, Karásek, exp. Fr, Karasek, Pithart, c.v.. ** 40.000CZK, rare and decorative block! U:DR
Pof.155A flaw print No.2, 50h red with printing flaw "figure without head", pos. 81/2; hinged, several short tooth, Vrba certificate + Karásek, exp. Vrba, Karasek, 2x commercial mark, cat. Merkur-Revue 50.000CZK, popular and very ceněná defect on issue Liberated Republic! U:DR
Pof.L2A Is, I. provisional air mail stmp. 24Kč/500h brown, line perforation 13¾;, spiral type I from joined types, pos. 32/2, part CDS PRAGUE; well centered stamp. also overprint, clear light postmark, exp. and marked Vrba, c.v.. Pofis 14.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue - , -, nice used and rare stamp I. spiral type on/for I. air-mail issue! U:A5
Pof.SO7 IIp, Hradčany 20h red without perf with lower margin with control-numbers, bar subtype (!), pos. 96, plate 1, overprint plate B/1b; minor gum fault, exp. by Mrnak., Le, mark Ekstein, c.v.. Pofis 70.000CZK, Mercure 120.000CZK, very rare stamp with bar subtype! U:DR
1939 Registered and Express letter to Germany, with Blue Štefánik 60h (first day issue !) and overprint Bratislava 10CZK (!) and Comenius 40h, Alb.1, 7 and 22, CDS BRATISLAVA 5 / 30.III.39, on reverse arrival postmark STUTGART/ 2.4.39; exp. Dr. Dub and Novotný, accurate rate 11CZK, entire pictured in catalogue Album 2007 on/for page. 27, Blue Štefánik with on letters TESTER only exceptionally; quite extraordinary and rare entire suitable to špičkových exhibits and collections! U:DR