Public Auction 57 / Exclusive items

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200809 - 1860 Sass.16a, Savoy Cross ½Tor light blue (azzurro chi
1860 Sass.16a, Savoy Cross ½Tor light blue (azzurro chiaro) with cancel. ANNULATO; very fine piece with very fine margins, certificate Raybaudi, exp. Brunn and Bühler, cat. 6.000€, from old collection!
Starting price: CZK
201597 - 1861 PROVINCE NAPOLETANE - Sass.21h, Victor Emmanuel II. 5C
1861 PROVINCE NAPOLETANE - Sass.21h, Victor Emmanuel II. 5C red, ERROR - INVERTED CENTER (effigie capovolta), on small cut-square with CDS NAPOLI; rare stamp with certificates Enzo Diena and Alberto Diena, cat. 17.500€, extraordinary offe, scarce
Starting price: CZK
203206 - 1860 Sass.20b, strip-of-3 Coat of arms 20 CENT blue-grey, wi
1860 Sass.20b, strip-of-3 Coat of arms 20 CENT blue-grey, without gum; very fine and very attractive, exp. E. Diena, A. Diena, certificate Raybaudi, cat. * min. 120.000€, (*) min. 30.000€, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
203202 - 1941 KEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional
1941 KEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional issue Sass.83, overprint ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE..."ISOLA"..., on pair 20L; very fine, certificate Raybaudi, "date la sua rarità", cat. 9.000€, unique offer
Starting price: CZK
203081 - 1871 Mi.12c, copper print Franz Joseph I. 15 Kreuzer copper
1871 Mi.12c, copper print Franz Joseph I. 15 Kreuzer copper red "kupferrot", cancel. BUDAPEST; certificate Ferchenbauer - "PRACHSTÜCK", cat. 2.200€, one of rarest stamps of old Hungary
Starting price: CZK
201868 - 1850 Ferch.1H, str-of-3 Coat of arms 1 Kr, yellow ochre, han
1850 Ferch.1H, str-of-3 Coat of arms 1 Kr, yellow ochre, hand-made paper, type Ib, on cut-square with cancel. WEIPERT, in addition interesting plate variety type "Blasen" on middle stamp lower, certificate Ferchenbauer. - KABINETTSTUCK, ex. Dr. Jerger, cat. 1.500€++
Starting price: CZK
201849 - 1850 Ferch.1M III, Coat of arms 1 Kr citreous yellow, machin
1850 Ferch.1M III, Coat of arms 1 Kr citreous yellow, machine made paper, type III., with blue cancel. HIETZING 30/11; VF, exp. Matl
Starting price: CZK
201845 - 1850 Ferch.1M III, Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow with proof perf
1850 Ferch.1M III, Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow with proof perf 18½ (!); luxury piece with original gum, according to our opinion **, certificate Ferchenbauer. - "nahezu postfrisches erlesenes PRACHTSTUCK!"; cat. for * 2.800€, ** 5.600€!
Starting price: CZK
201736 - 1850 Ferch.1MIII, 4M, cut square with Coat of arms 1+1+1+6Kr
1850 Ferch.1MIII, 4M, cut square with Coat of arms 1+1+1+6Kr machine made paper, III. types, nice fresh color, CDS WSETIN 4/8; exp. by Ferchenbauer cat. 1.650€
Starting price: CZK
201864 - 1850 Ferch.2M, strip-of-3 Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer grey-black,
1850 Ferch.2M, strip-of-3 Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer grey-black, machine made paper, rare type IIIa, cancel. TRENCHIN 22/3; VF, exp. by Ferchenbauer., cat. 3.000€ (1.500€ for IIIb + 100% see Ferchenbauer. (2008) volume I page. 242)
Starting price: CZK
201604 - 1850 Ferch.4H, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer red-brown Ia type on h
1850 Ferch.4H, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer red-brown Ia type on hand-made paper WITH DUMB PMK PESTH; certificate Kopřiva, cat. Müller č.2116f - 2.100 points, very rare!
Starting price: CZK
203209 - 1850-1858 Ferch.4MIII+13Ia, Coat of arms 6 Kr type III and F
1850-1858 Ferch.4MIII+13Ia, Coat of arms 6 Kr type III and Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer type I on cut-square with CDS WIEN; very fine, rare SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA, certificate Ferchenbauer. "erlesenes Prachtstück", cat. 2.250€
Starting price: CZK
201854 - 1850 letter with strip-of-3 Ferch.1H, Coat of arms 1Kr orang
1850 letter with strip-of-3 Ferch.1H, Coat of arms 1Kr orange, hand-made paper type III., cancel. OSTRA 28.JUL; inside lapel missing, wide margins, exp. Puschmann, certificate Ferch.,"bildseitiges PRACHTSTUCK!", cat. 2.300€!
Starting price: CZK
203210 - 1858 Ferch.10II, Franz Joseph I. 2 Kr type II light yellow,
1858 Ferch.10II, Franz Joseph I. 2 Kr type II light yellow, with beautiful print of blue postmark MELNIK; very fine piece with certificate Ferchenbauer., cat. 1.500€, rare
Starting price: CZK
198090 - 1851-1856 Mi.6, Blue Mercury, strip-of-5 (!), IIIb. type wit
1851-1856 Mi.6, Blue Mercury, strip-of-5 (!), IIIb. type with right margin, cancel. of newspaper expedition PRAG O.P.A. ZTGS. EXP 28/8; only bend in lowee left corner, very wide margins, cat. Ferchenbauer 1.700€, decorative multiple, ex Zajíček
Starting price: CZK
202346 - 1863 Ferch.29a, Coat of arms 1,05 Kreuzer grey-brown; block
1863 Ferch.29a, Coat of arms 1,05 Kreuzer grey-brown; block of 83 stamps !!, with hand-made cancellation, partially mounted on carton, with description: "6. Emmission der Zeitungsmarken v J. 1863" and "84-1/83 Stück 15/4 1904"; cat. min. 9.000€, UNIQUE MULTIPLE, EX. WIENER POSTARCHIV
Starting price: CZK
202345 - 1946 Mi.Klb.772-Klb.775, souvenir sheets Renner; superb, cat
1946 Mi.Klb.772-Klb.775, souvenir sheets Renner; superb, cat. 2400€; in addition extremely rare original gift sheet "Dr. Karl Renner Kleinbogen, September 1946", extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
201844 - 1850 Ferch.1H, Coat of arms 5Cts orange, 2x strip-of-3 on cu
1850 Ferch.1H, Coat of arms 5Cts orange, 2x strip-of-3 on cut-square (!), decorative cancel. COMO 1/10; very fine, exp. Müller and Colla, cat. Ferchenbauer 2.600€ ++, scarce
Starting price: CZK
201843 - 1850 Ferch.4H III, Sass.8, Coat of arms 30Cts brown, hand-ma
1850 Ferch.4H III, Sass.8, Coat of arms 30Cts brown, hand-made paper type III.; very fine piece with original gum, exp. Diena, certificate G. Bühler, cat. Sassone 17.500€, rare!
Starting price: CZK
201480 - 1850 Ferch.5, Coat of arms 45Cts type I on hand-made paper,
1850 Ferch.5, Coat of arms 45Cts type I on hand-made paper, light blue, with red postmark PADUA 8.GIU, in addition machine offset; very fine, certificate Ferchenbauer "frisches Prachtstück!", cat. 1.250€
Starting price: CZK
201862 - 1858 Newspaper stamp - Sass.2a, Coat of arms 1 Kr grey-black
1858 Newspaper stamp - Sass.2a, Coat of arms 1 Kr grey-black; very fine piece with original gum, exp. Herbert Bloch, cat. 16.000€, very rare stamp, missing also in big collections!
Starting price: CZK
202284 - 1908 LEVANT / Mi.53U-61U, ANK53U-61U; Jubilee Franz Joseph I
1908 LEVANT / Mi.53U-61U, ANK53U-61U; Jubilee Franz Joseph I. 10Pa-20Pia (1Pia both colors), marginal block-of-4, IMPERFORATED plate proofs, originates from "Bogenproben" ex. Wiener Postarchiv, issued without gum, very fine, cat. 4.200€
Starting price: CZK
201473 - 1879 PLATE PROOF  Ferch.1I, 3I, 5I, 6I, 8I, 9I, Coat of arms
1879 PLATE PROOF Ferch.1I, 3I, 5I, 6I, 8I, 9I, Coat of arms 1/2kr, 2 Kreuzer, 5 Kreuzer, 10Kreuzer (2 shades), 20kr and 25kr, imperforated plate proofs - LITHOGRAPHY, corner (!) blocks of four; very rare, ex. Wiener Postarchiv
Starting price: CZK
201472 - 1916 POSTAGE-DUE  PLATE PROOF  Ferch.P25, P26, imperforated
1916 POSTAGE-DUE PLATE PROOF Ferch.P25, P26, imperforated plate proofs values 1 K and 3 K blue, block of four with 2 joined pairs; in the middle original sheet bend, otherwise very fine, certificate Mgr. Kopřiva, important Bosnian rarity; ex. Wiener Postarchiv!
Starting price: CZK
202285 - 1883 postcard from Vienna to Hawaii, with Coat of arms 5 Kre
1883 postcard from Vienna to Hawaii, with Coat of arms 5 Kreuzer red uprated with Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer 1883 on overseas porto 8Kr, CDS WAHRING 2/12 89, transit SAN FRANCISCO and arrival HONOLULU 10 JAN 1890, very fine and very rare destination!
Starting price: CZK
198150 - 1840-1841 SG.2, 7, PENNY BLACK and ONE PENNY RED, rare Match
1840-1841 SG.2, 7, PENNY BLACK and ONE PENNY RED, rare "Matched Pair", letters C-D, same plate 8 (!); very fine, cat. £715++
Starting price: CZK
187332 - 1854 IMPRIMATUR SG.17, 1P red-brown, letters A-I, plate 37;
1854 IMPRIMATUR SG.17, 1P red-brown, letters A-I, plate 37; wmk "Large Crown", piece with upper margin in perfect quality, fine color, only 21 imprimatur prints exist from this plate, cat. Gibbons Spec. "from £1.300"
Starting price: CZK
188862 - 1847 SG.60, Embossed 6P purple, on cut-square with BLUE canc
1847 SG.60, Embossed 6P purple, on cut-square with BLUE cancellation type 1844 - '232' Cuckfield; perfect margins, fine color; rare, cat. for black pmk £1.200++
Starting price: CZK
198146 - 1840 SG.3, PENNY BLACK frey-čblack, plate 1a, letters B-I,
1840 SG.3, PENNY BLACK frey-čblack, plate 1a, letters B-I, on letter in early period 22.6.1840 from Preston to Manchester; certificate BPA, cat. £1.400, extraordinary entire!
Starting price: CZK
202760 - 1841 SG.10, pair of 1P dark red-brown 1841, plate 17, letter
1841 SG.10, pair of 1P dark red-brown 1841, plate 17, letters BK-BL, on folded letter, cancelled dark blue Maltese cross; certificate Karl Louis BPP, very fine and rare letter, cat. only for single stamp. £1.700
Starting price: CZK
203200 - 1857 SG.9a, BISECTED stamp Coat of arms 1Sh orange red on cu
1857 SG.9a, BISECTED stamp Coat of arms 1Sh orange red on cut-square with cancel. "grid"; very fine, certificates Diena, H. Bloch and E. Müller, cat. for letter £17.000, cut square ca. £6.000, important rarity
Starting price: CZK
201469 - 1937 SG.257-267, PLATE PROOF for issue Coronation, George VI
1937 SG.257-267, PLATE PROOF for issue "Coronation, George VI.", set of 8 values 3C-48C, imperforated in definitive colors; very fine, rare prints ex. Perkins, Bacon & Co. archives, very attractive
Starting price: CZK
202844 - 1893 Sc.230-245, Columbus 1c - 5$, complete set in good qual
1893 Sc.230-245, Columbus 1c - 5$, complete set in good quality, part with original gum, however considered all as (*), cat. (*) ca. $4.600, * $9.500, rare complete set!
Starting price: CZK
198297 - 1853 NEW ORLEANS, local issue Menant & Co.'s Express, 2C dar
1853 NEW ORLEANS, local issue Menant & Co.'s Express, 2C dark red; certificates A. Rendon AIEP and BPP Basel, one of the rarest stamps of USA, cat. $15.000, known only 7 pieces (!), very scarce, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
201447 - 1946-1947 Ryukyu Islands - US occupation (1945-1972), Sc.3X1
1946-1947 Ryukyu Islands - US occupation (1945-1972), Sc.3X1-3X24, Miyako District, 1 Sen - 1 Yen, nominal complete issue with overprint "sealˇ"of postmaster J. Tomiyama, 1 Yen is on cut-square and is very rare stamp; very fine set, cat. $3.600
Starting price: CZK
201446 - 1947 Ryukyu Islands - US occupation (1945-1972), Sc.3X24, lo
1947 Ryukyu Islands - US occupation (1945-1972), Sc.3X24, local issue Miyako District, Japanese 1 Yen "Mount Fuji" with overprint "seal" of postmaster J. Tomiyama; very fine, issued without gum, cat. $1.500, very rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
201436 - 1926 US ADMINISTRATION - Sc.86b, Roosevelt 5C with INVERTED
1926 US ADMINISTRATION - Sc.86b, Roosevelt 5C with INVERTED OVERPRINT ZONE CANAL; very fine, cat. $950; very rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
203171 - 1919 SG.101a, Stairway 1P grey-black / dark carmine, margina
1919 SG.101a, Stairway 1P grey-black / dark carmine, marginal piece with DOUBLE overprint; very fine piece with original gum, certificate BPA London, cat. £2.000, very rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
198133 - 1938 SG.121be, George VI. £1 light purple and black / l
1938 SG.121be, George VI. £1 light purple and black / light red, BROKEN LOWER RIGHT SCROLL; very fine, cat. £2.000, rare!
Starting price: CZK
198709 - 1848 SG.3, Mauritius POST PAID orange- vermilion, earliest i
1848 SG.3, Mauritius POST PAID orange- vermilion, "earliest impression"; usual irregular and close margins, clear print of postmark, fine color; certificate A. Rendon AIEP, cat. £18.000; very rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
201694 - 1848-1859 SG.10, Mauritius POST PAID bright orange intermedi
1848-1859 SG.10, Mauritius POST PAID bright orange "intermediate impression"; usual minor faults, wide margins, oval linear postmark, cat. £3.000++
Starting price: CZK
201416 - 1848-1859 SG.10, Mauritius POST PAID bright vermilion, inter
1848-1859 SG.10, Mauritius POST PAID "bright vermilion", intermediate impression, cancel. "14" Riviere du Rampart; wide margins, cat. £3.000, extraordinary quality, rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
201417 - 1848-1859 SG.20, Blue Mauritius POST PAID blue on grey paper
1848-1859 SG.20, Blue Mauritius POST PAID "blue on grey paper", worn impression, rarer cancel. "3"; very nice piece with common slight thin place at upper margin, certificate BPA, cat. £1.700
Starting price: CZK
201461 - 1915 MAFIA ISLAND - Brit. occupation SG.M3Cvar, pair 7½
1915 MAFIA ISLAND - Brit. occupation SG.M3Cvar, pair 7½H with reddish violet overprint G.R. MAFIA, lower with signature "JDM"; very fine, rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
201460 - 1915 MAFIA ISLAND - Brit. occupation SG.M7A, German Ostafrik
1915 MAFIA ISLAND - Brit. occupation SG.M7A, German Ostafrika 45H with black overprint G.R. MAFIA; very fine piece with certificate RPSL, cat. for * £1.100
Starting price: CZK
201465 - 1915 MAFIA ISLAND - Brit. occupation SG.M23, German revenue
1915 MAFIA ISLAND - Brit. occupation SG.M23, German revenue stamp Ostafrika 25 Pesa with overprint O.H.B.M.S. MAFIA, very fine piece with certificate Ceremuga, cat. £1.100
Starting price: CZK
201464 - 1915 MAFIA ISLAND - Brit. occupation SG.M27, provisional ove
1915 MAFIA ISLAND - Brit. occupation SG.M27, provisional overprint on German revenue stamp Ostafrika 24 Pesa - line G.R. POST MAFIA and circle O.H.B.M.S. MAFIA, line overprint INVERTED; very nice piece with certificate BPA, SG at least £2.800, scarce
Starting price: CZK
200785 - 1915 CAMEROONS EXPEDITIONARY FORCE SG.B12a, Emperor´s Yacht
1915 CAMEROONS EXPEDITIONARY FORCE SG.B12a, Emperor´s Yacht 3M, overprint C.E.F. 3S, printing error INVERTED "S"; perfect piece, signed, cat. £1.000, rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
200750 - 1891 SG.51+51d, vertical pair Victoria 2C with overprint 184
1891 SG.51+51d, vertical pair Victoria 2C with overprint "1841 HONG KONG JUBILEE 1891", the bottom stamp shows "tall narrow K"; rare joined types, stamp SG.51d **, cat. * min. £1.775, as ** ca. £3.075, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
203199 -  POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT, Mi.205IIU, Coat of arms 3
POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT, Mi.205IIU, Coat of arms 3 Koruna light red, ŠIROKÁ, imperforated corner blk-of-4; in perfect quality, issued without gum, c.v.. (*) min. 6.000€, it is UNIKÁT, imperforate wide and light 3-koruny are in addition one from most precious PLATE PROOF of whole Austria!
Starting price: CZK
202662 -  Pof.4Na joined bar types, 5h dark blue-green, block of four
Pof.4Na joined bar types, 5h dark blue-green, block of four without perf with joined bar type, pos. 7, plate 4; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, c.v.. Pofis 4.000CZK, Mercure 22.000CZK, very nice shade, quite rare occurrence spojeného bar type in dark modrozeleném shade on/for 5h stamp as blk-of-4, ex Oliva
Starting price: CZK
200000 -  Pof.51b I, Coat of arms 10K light violet, ŽILKOVANÝ PAPER
Pof.51b I, Coat of arms 10K light violet, ŽILKOVANÝ PAPER, high size (!), overprint type II.; repaired gum, Vrba certificate 2017, then certificates Karásek and Pittermann, one of rarest stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 at all, in addition in/at hledaném ÚZKÉM FORMÁTU, c.v.. Pofis 1.000.000CZK, Mercure 1.200.000Kč kurzivou, spring well uvádějí existenci maximálně 14 pieces values 10K, from that only ca. 5 pcs of in/at úzkém format!, suitable to greatest collections and exhibits, or as investment!
Starting price: CZK
199999 -  Pof.56, Triangle 5h green, horiz. 3-PÁSKA (!), combination
Pof.56, Triangle 5h green, horiz. 3-PÁSKA (!), combination types all overprint types II+I+III; superb intaktní piece, certificates Vrba and Karásek, exp. by Mrnak., exceedingly rare multiple - cat. Merkur-Revue for 2x types combination overprint 200.000Kč, decoration every špičkové collection and exhibit!
Starting price: CZK
195366 -  Pof.128Pz, Black numerals 5f green / black with right sheet
Pof.128Pz, Black numerals 5f green / black with right sheet margin with control-numbers and part of Opt on edge (with incomplete offset), combined perforation 15, wmk Pz, overprint type II.; lightly hinged, well centered stamp and also overprint, certificate Vrba, exp. Fischmeister, cat. Pofis 40.000CZK, Mercure 45.500Kč, very nice and decorative piece!
Starting price: CZK
195412 -  Pof.129Px, Black numerals 12f green / black, combined perfo
Pof.129Px, Black numerals 12f green / black, combined perforation 15, wmk Px - leftwards, overprint type I.; at top partially repaired gum, nice piece, certificate Vrba and Philatelic Foundation NY, exp. by Mrnak., very rare stamp, cat. ca. 140.000CZK!
Starting price: CZK
200308 -  Pof.145B, 10h dark green, corner 4-BLOK, line perforation 1
Pof.145B, 10h dark green, corner 4-BLOK, line perforation 13¾;; lightly hinged only in upper margin, otherwise superb multiple, Vrba certificate, Karásek, exp. Fr, Karasek, Pithart, c.v.. ** 40.000CZK, rare and decorative block!
Starting price: CZK
200422 -  Pof.155A flaw print No.2, 50h red with printing flaw figure
Pof.155A flaw print No.2, 50h red with printing flaw "figure without head", pos. 81/2; hinged, several short tooth, Vrba certificate + Karásek, exp. Vrba, Karasek, 2x commercial mark, cat. Merkur-Revue 50.000CZK, popular and very ceněná defect on issue Liberated Republic!
Starting price: CZK
201553 -  Pof.L2A Is, I. provisional air mail stmp. 24Kč/500h brown,
Pof.L2A Is, I. provisional air mail stmp. 24Kč/500h brown, line perforation 13¾;, spiral type I from joined types, pos. 32/2, part CDS PRAGUE; well centered stamp. also overprint, clear light postmark, exp. and marked Vrba, c.v.. Pofis 14.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue - , -, nice used and rare stamp I. spiral type on/for I. air-mail issue!
Starting price: CZK
202959 -  Pof.SO7 IIp, Hradčany 20h red without perf with lower marg
Pof.SO7 IIp, Hradčany 20h red without perf with lower margin with control-numbers, bar subtype (!), pos. 96, plate 1, overprint plate B/1b; minor gum fault, exp. by Mrnak., Le, mark Ekstein, c.v.. Pofis 70.000CZK, Mercure 120.000CZK, very rare stamp with bar subtype!
Starting price: CZK
202493 - 1939 Registered and Express letter to Germany, with Blue Št
1939 Registered and Express letter to Germany, with Blue Štefánik 60h (first day issue !) and overprint Bratislava 10CZK (!) and Comenius 40h, Alb.1, 7 and 22, CDS BRATISLAVA 5 / 30.III.39, on reverse arrival postmark STUTGART/ 2.4.39; exp. Dr. Dub and Novotný, accurate rate 11CZK, entire pictured in catalogue Album 2007 on/for page. 27, Blue Štefánik with on letters TESTER only exceptionally; quite extraordinary and rare entire suitable to špičkových exhibits and collections!
Starting price: CZK