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1784 CZECH LANDS / private nobiliary letter from Bechyně to Jihlava, by hand notice "DE BECHIN", then marked "PER NEUHAUS"; very fine U:A5
1816 CZECH LANDS / letter from military headquarters with unusual oval cancel. K.u.K.. WERBBEZIRKSCOMMANDO No.35 - marked porto "6 Kreuzer"; interesting U:A5
1819 CZECH LANDS / letter with framed pmk V.IOSEFSTADT (Josefov), 1. from this postal office, weight over 1 Loth - marked porto 18Kr; very fine, cat. 200P, rare letter U:A5
1832-1849 CZECH LANDS - comp. of 4 letters with cancel. TABOR, blue NEUHAUS, HAYD / VON MIES (to Pforzheim) and WINTERBERG (nota bene); chosen quality U:A5
1837-1849 CZECH LANDS / 3 letters with blue postmarks - money letter with two NEUHAUS, then WIGSTADTL and POHRLITZ; nice quality, catalogue Votoček. 320P U:A5
1842 CZECH LANDS / letter with blue cancel. CZECHTITZ, porto 12Kr paid recipient, notice "Porto zahlt die Parthey"; nice quality, catalogue Votoček. 240b U:A5
1853 militar letter from occupied Tuscan Bologna, from 21. Linien-Infaterie Regiment of count von Leiningen, with CDS FIELD-POST No.1 10/11, sent to Moravia, arrival STEINITZ 14/10; rare letter U:A5
1832-1848 [COLLECTIONS] CZECH LANDS 11 folded letters with postmarks as OLBERSDORF, ENGELSBERG, FREIWALDAU, JÄGENDORF, JAUERNIG, HOTZENPLOTZ etc.., all with descriptions from collection; nice postal imprints, good condition U:O4
1850 Ferch.1, Coat of arms 1 Kr citreous yellow, type III MP, with red Reg cancel. WIEN 25/10 1858; VF, certificate Ferchenbauer. "besonders frisches erlesenes Prachtstuck !", cat. 1.650€ ++ U:A5
1850 Ferch.1H, str-of-3 Coat of arms 1 Kr, yellow ochre, hand-made paper, type Ib, on cut-square with cancel. WEIPERT, in addition interesting plate variety type "Blasen" on middle stamp lower, certificate Ferchenbauer. - KABINETTSTUCK, ex. Dr. Jerger, cat. 1.500€++ U:A5
1850 Ferch.1HIa, Coat of arms 1kr Ia type, hand-made paper, color light brown-orange; very fine piece with cancel. ROKITNITZ, cat. 750€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.1M III, Coat of arms 1 Kr citreous yellow, machine made paper, type III., with blue cancel. HIETZING 30/11; VF, exp. Matl U:A5
1850 Ferch.1M III, Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow with proof perf 18½ (!); luxury piece with original gum, according to our opinion **, certificate Ferchenbauer. - "nahezu postfrisches erlesenes PRACHTSTUCK!"; cat. for * 2.800€, ** 5.600€! U:DR
1850 Ferch.1MIII, 4M, cut square with Coat of arms 1+1+1+6Kr machine made paper, III. types, nice fresh color, CDS WSETIN 4/8; exp. by Ferchenbauer cat. 1.650€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.2M III, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer black, machine made paper, IIIb type, with blue cancel. HIETZING 5/5; VF, fine color! U:A5
1850 Ferch.2M, strip-of-3 Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer grey-black, machine made paper, rare type IIIa, cancel. TRENCHIN 22/3; VF, exp. by Ferchenbauer., cat. 3.000€ (1.500€ for IIIb + 100% see Ferchenbauer. (2008) volume I page. 242) U:A5
1850 Ferch.2MIIIa, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer black, rarer type IIIa, with production horiz. paper crease in paper; very fine piece, exp. Dr. Ferchenbauer, cat. 900€++ U:A5
1850 Ferch.3H, 4H, Coat of arms 3+6Kr, hand-made paper III. types, on cut-square WITH BLUE PMK KRANICHSFELD; VF, certificate. Steiner, cat. min. 1.100€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.3H, 5h; Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer + 3 Kreuzer hand-made paper I. types, grey-blue and pink-red (unterlegte Mitte) on cut-square with cancel. BISTRITZ 11. JUNI; nice piece with certificate Dr. Ferchenbauer - "besonders attraktives, erlesenes Prachtstück!" U:A5
1850 Ferch.3M III, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer rosa, machine made paper IIIb type, 3x pair in form of block of 6, with cancel. STATION BRUNN 24/4; very fine and very attractive U:A5
1850 Ferch.3M III, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer rosa, machine made paper IIIa type, 2 pcs with blue cancel. W. NEUDORF 4/10; very fine, U:A5
1850 Ferch.3M, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer rosa machine made paper, type IIIb, on cut-square with blue cancel. MODLING 5/8; nice piece, certificate Rismondo, cat. 400€ ++ U:A5
1850 Ferchenbauer. 3MI, 5MIII; cut square with stamps Coat of arms 3Kr+9Kr, IIIb+IIIb types, machine made paper, 2x round cancel. RAKONITZ 18/4; only value 9 Kreuzer lower close margin, otherwise nice, mark F.Kaplan/ Prague U:A5
1850 Ferch.4H, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer red-brown Ia type on hand-made paper WITH DUMB PMK PESTH; certificate Kopřiva, cat. Müller č.2116f - 2.100 points, very rare! U:A5
1850 Ferch.4HP Ia, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer light red-brown, hand-made paper, type Ia, lower slightly cut to margin, otherwise full to wide margins; unused with small part original gum, minor fault - dark spot, certificate Kopřiva, cat. 450€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.4M, 4 stamps Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown type III., partially as "Treppenfrankatur", on cut-square with CDS CHRUDIM 20/8; very fine, cat. ca. 560€; next to the stamps in addition attractive cancel. REGISTERED. (600 MüP), certificate K. Huber U:A5
1850-1858 Ferch.4MIII+13Ia, Coat of arms 6 Kr type III and Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer type I on cut-square with CDS WIEN; very fine, rare SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA, certificate Ferchenbauer. "erlesenes Prachtstück", cat. 2.250€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.5M, Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer blue, machine made paper, type IIIb; very nice piece with original gum, original vertical fold in gum, cat. 1.250€ U:A5
1850 Ferchenbauer. 1-5, selection of 18 stamps, various types, papers, colors and postmarks, Coat of arms 1 Kr 2x - type III., Hp + Mp, 2 Kreuzer 3x - types Ia, Ib, IIIb, 3 Kreuzer 5x - type Ia+b, IIIa+b, 6 Kreuzer 3x - type Ia+c, III, 9 Kreuzer 5x - type I, IIb+c, IIIa+d; mainly nice pieces U:A5
1850 Ferchenbauer. 1-5, selection of 19 stamps Coat of arms, various types, papers, color shades and postmarks, Coat of arms 1 Kr 2x, 2 Kreuzer 3x, 3 Kreuzer 3x, 6 Kreuzer 5x and 9 Kreuzer 6x + supplemented with 2 St. Andrew's crosses in red color with gum, in blue color without gum; mainly nice pieces U:A5
1850 Ferch.1-5, complete set Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr (3 Kreuzer and 6 Kreuzer each 2x) on hand-made paper HP with wmk in the half area of stamp + complete set 1Kr-9Kr on carton paper + supplemented with 2 stamps 3 Kreuzer on laid paper; wide margins, chosen pieces U:A5
1850 Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms, complete set on silk paper, value 1 Kr type Ia, 2 Kreuzer type Ia U:A5
1850 Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms, comp. of 15 cut-squares with nice pmks, various types and papers, value 1 Kr yellow 2x, cancel. TRIESTE and MILETIN, 2 Kreuzer black 3x, 3 Kreuzer red 4x, 6 Kreuzer brown 3x and 9 Kreuzer blue 3x; selection of chosen pieces U:A5
1850 Mi.1,3-5, 10 stamps and 1x str-of-3 Coat of arms with print flaws, underlaid middle - 4x, plate defects and incomplete-printings - 6x and str-of-3 values 2 Kreuzer, 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer U:A5
1850 Mi.1,3-5, 4 stamps Coat of arms, 1 Kr with bothtwo-sided print, 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer with machine offset; 9 Kreuzer repaired corner U:A5
1850 Ferch.2-5, Coat of arms, selection of 4 stamps with production paper creases in paper, 2 Kreuzer black, 3 Kreuzer red, 6 Kreuzer brown and 9 Kreuzer blue U:A5
1881 Memorial print to 1. Exhibition of stamps in Vienna, ANK.1, Mi.1, block-of-16 "Coat of arms 1850" lower with "1881", in miniature sheet form, very rare print, ANK-catalogue -,- and Michel 300€ U:A5
1881 Memorial print to 1. Exhibition of stamps in Vienna, ANK.1var, Mi.1var, block-of-16 "Coat of arms 1850" lower with "1881", with gum and perforated; rare print, ANK-catalogue -,- also Michel -,- U:A5
1890 Memorial print to 1. International exhibition of stamps in Vienna, ANK.2var, Mi.2var, block-of-16 "Coat of arms 1850" lower with "1890", with gum and perforated, very rare, ANK-catalogue -,- also Mi. -,- U:A5
1884-1894 REPRINTS first issue, Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow and ochre, 2 Kreuzer black, 3 Kreuzer 2x, 6 Kreuzer light brown and 2x 9 Kreuzer blue, supplemented with 3 reprints of St. Andrew's cross in yellow, black and brown color U:A5
1850 letter with strip-of-3 Ferch.1H, Coat of arms 1Kr orange, hand-made paper type III., cancel. OSTRA 28.JUL; inside lapel missing, wide margins, exp. Puschmann, certificate Ferch.,"bildseitiges PRACHTSTUCK!", cat. 2.300€! U:A5
1850 letter with Ferch.3H, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer rosa, hand-made paper type I., cancel. Prag 22.Feb, through Písek and Nepomuk to Zelená Hora, postage-due 6 Kreuzer (3+3); very fine letter, cat. 250€ U:A5
1850 letter with Ferch.3H, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer pink-red, hand-made paper Ia type, at top with "BALKEN", cancel. BERAUN 8.OCT, to Brandýs (Bohemia), redirected to Lysá; interesting correspondence of counts of Windischgrätze, very fine, rare U:A5
1850 letter with Ferch.5H, Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer blue, hand-made paper type III, lower with "BALKEN", decorative cancel. BUDWEIS 28/12; very fine, cat. 500€ U:A5
1855 folded letter addressed to Krumlov with the first issue 1 Kr cadmium yellow + 2 Kreuzer black, both stamps marginal (!), type III., decorative CDS BUDWEIS 5/3, on reverse broken seal; very sound condition, decorative entires U:A5
1857 envelope sent as prepaid from France to Bohemia on count Haugwitz with postmaster notices by red raddle, CDS PARIS 30/Avril 57 and then as Registered to Austrian St. Polten, with 2x 6 Kreuzer, on front also back side, Mi4, HP, type III., CDS NAMIEST 7/5 and line pmk RECOM:, on reverse transit BRÜNN, WIEN and arrival ST. PÖLTEN 9/5, envelope opened from 3 sides for exhibit, ex Oliva U:A5
1850 letter with Ferch.4H, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, type Ia, hand-made paper, rare BLUE POHRLITZ 17.JUNI (1. month of usage), arrival WIEN 19/6; missing one inside lapel; very fine, wide margins, stamp in addition with plate variety "Ringerl" Ferch.PF71; exp. by Ferchenbauer, cat. 1.500€++ U:A5
1856 RETOUR RECEPISSE franked on front side with Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer, Mi.4, MP, type III., wide margins, over stamp round cancel. NAMIEST 17/4 also arrival straight line postmark WIEN/ 18.Apr.; cross light fold out of stamp, good condition U:A5
1858 reply receipt franked on front side bywith Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer, Mi.4, HP, type III., wide margins, over stamp single circle cancel. KOENIGSTADTL/ 17.9. also arrival framed pmk PRAG/ 20.9., blank form supplemented with straight line postmark KOENIGSTADTL; cross fold out of stamp, good condition U:A5
1850-1853 [COLLECTIONS] selection 60 folded letters with frankings of the first issue., Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer and 6 Kreuzer, various Czech postmark; various quality, part worse condition U:O4
1858 Ferch.10II, Franz Joseph I. 2 Kr type II light yellow, with beautiful print of blue postmark MELNIK; very fine piece with certificate Ferchenbauer., cat. 1.500€, rare U:A5
Ferch.11Ib, Franz Joseph I. 3 Kreuzer black type Ib, "BULLDOGGENKOPF", in addition with red frame cancel. WIEN; very fine stamp, Ferchenbauer. shows only with cancel. in black - 525€ U:A5
1858 Ferch.11Ib, Franz Joseph I. 3 Kreuzer black type Ib, "BULLDOGGENKOPF", in addition with red postmark; very fine and rare stamp, Ferchenbauer. shows only with cancel. in black - 525€ U:A5
1858 Ferch.11IIa, Franz Joseph I. 3 Kreuzer black, type II.; new gum, very nice piece, certificate Kopřiva, cat. (*) 600€, rare stamp! U:A5
1858 Ferch.10II, 13II-14II, selection of 9 stamps Franz Joseph I. with red and blue (only 10Kr) postmarks, i.a. 2 Kreuzer yellow with red WIEN and blue "firmenstampiglie"; very fine set, cat. min. 780€ U:A5
1858-1859 Ferch.10, 13-15, selection of stamps of The 2nd issue Franz Joseph, supplemented with stamps and cut-squares with red postmarks, types, color shades, 1x red St. Andrew's cross, issues fo Lonbardy and Veneto and several reprints U:A4
1858 letter with Franz Joseph I. 5Kr type II., CDS BREGENZ 29/12, to Konstanz - arrival CONSTANZ 30/12; rare 5 Kreuzer franking U:A5
1858 Ferch.10I, Franz Joseph 2 Kreuzer yellow, Type I., blank form sent as printed matter, framed pmk KOLIN 15/11 - 1. month of issue, stamp detached from sheet partially by cut at top and lower, usual byt early usage of first perf stamps; cat. Ferchenbauer 975€, ex Zajíček U:A5
1859 folded Reg letter with 15 Kreuzer in front and 10Kr on reverse, MI.15+14, red CDS RECOMMANDIRT/ WIEN/ 20.7.1859, on reverse arrival AGRAM/ 22.7.; good quality U:A5
1860-1864 Ferch.18-22, 25-28, 30-34, Franz Joseph in oval and Eagle, selection of basic sets of III., IV. and issue V., supplemented with stamps and cut-squares with red postmarks, issue for Lombardy and Veneto and several reprints U:A4