1945-46 comp. 9 pcs of Reg letters, all with various provisory R label incl. by hand drawn, from post BARTOŠOVICE, BĚCHOVICE, BUDIŠOV above B., FRÝVALDOV (2x), STARÁ ROLE, VELKÉ KARLOVICE, VELVARY and VINOŘ
1945-1946[COLLECTIONS] exhibit PROVISIONAL POSTMARKS Czechoslovakia 1945 - 1946, ca. 160 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks, part as Registered, Postage due, cuts dispatch-notes, a lot of cancel. from small post etc.. on/for 80 unbound pages in/at box, supplemented with duplication in/at one older stockbook - ca. 80 pcs of other entires
Pof.353-359, Košice-issue, selection of bloks of four with plate numbers (20K both folder, 9K both folder, 1x production flaw - significantly smudge color, decorative), also with set single corner pieces with plate number, to on/for 20K different color then by/on/at bloks of four!; very interesting selection of on sheet Lindner, good quality, cat. min. 4.790Kč
Pof.355, value 5 Koruna, two horiz. marginal pairs, various shades, both with production flaw 79, 80D - oblique light band through/over picture both stamps
Pof.354-356Ms(2), Mv(4), selection of vertical and horiz. 2-stamps gutter., i.a. 6 Koruna vertical, light blue, 6 Koruna horiz. dark blue, 2 Koruna two joined vertical etc..; very nice quality, c.v.. 2.650Kč, interesting selection of
Pof.354-356Ms(4) + 354-356Mv(4), values 2K-6K, complete set horiz. and vertical 4-stamp gutter., vertical gutter 5 Koruna grey-black, Pof.355a and 6 Koruna light blue, Pof.356b; all mint never hinged
Pof.354-356Mv4, Ms4, selection of horiz. and vertical 4-stamps. meziarší: 2 Koruna red and brown-red vertical also horiz.; 5 Koruna dark grey and grey-black vertical + dark grey horiz. + 6 Koruna blue vertical and horiz. + 6 Koruna light blue vertical (minor faults); overall very fine, incl. determination fields and plate, c.v.. 4.450Kč
Pof.354, 355a, 356a+bMv(4), comp. 5 pcs of horiz. 4-stamp gutters., value 5 Koruna in 2 shades grey-black and dark grey, value 6 Koruna in 2 shades light blue ( gum with minor gum fault) and dark blue; mint never hinged
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, combination 10/222 (according to Čtvrtečka), below "Š" (Košice) significant red (stain on převážné part/-s printing retouch – thin/light spots); mint never hinged
Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS with plate variety "broken paw", field 111 (according to Čtvrtečka), 2 pcs of, 1x significantly thin place inscription "Gajdzica" at value 6 Koruna and 1x this inscription quite normal (according to Čtvrtečka always alespoň light thin place); very interesting, cat. only common miniature sheets with plate variety 2.400CZK
1945 Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, smudged print red color (dark red, zalitá printing - komíny and buckle, strong inscriptions), other field then in/at minulé auction (8/111) according to Čtvrtečka); mint never hinged
1945 Reg letter with 5 Koruna from Košice miniature sheet Pof.A360/362, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 15.VIII.45, on reverse arrival PRAGUE/ 17.VIII.45; good condition
1945 comp. 9 pcs of cuts dispatch notes, 2 cut-squares and 3 entires, all franked with. Košice stamp. values 2 Koruna, 9K and 13 Koruna, most valuable item cut with 2 Koruna in/at red-brown color (!) with mailing CDS BUDKOVCE, then výstřužek with 4-stamps. vertical gutter 2 Koruna, Reg letter with vertical 2-stamps gutter 2 Koruna only with Czech CDS PRAGUE, various CDS as KEŽMAROK, BLOVINKY, HUMENNÉ etc..; cards with filling holes, very nice selection of košických entires
1945 Pof.371ST, Bratislava's 10Kčs, upper marginal block-of-12 with joined types, narrower zero on pos. 26, in addition plate variety - rozlitý cross on pos. 7 and 16; very nice quality
1945 Pof.371ST, Bratislava's 10Kčs, upper marginal block-of-15 with joined types, narrower zero on pos. 26, in addition plate variety - rozlitý cross on pos. 7 and 16; minor gum fault outside ST and pos. 7 and 16
1945 Pof.371ST, Bratislava's 10Kčs, upper corner blk-of-24 with joined types, narrower zero on pos. 26, in addition plate variety - rozlitý cross on pos. 7 and 16; marked and marked by Pofis
1945 Pof.383 production flaw, Moscow 20h brown, with significant shift horiz. perf downward to to picture of stmp (zdánlivě omitted perforation) + Pof.386 production flaw, 2Kčs blue, marginal piece with double perf in L margin counter sheet, minor faults - LR corner light dusky, exp. by Karasek
1945 Pof.385 VP, Moscow 1 Koruna red, vertical pair with upper margin, at top omitted perforation + Pof.386 VP, Moscow 2 Koruna blue, marginal piece, also with omitted perf at top; mint never hinged
1945 Pof.386VV, Moscow 2 Koruna blue, block of four with upper margin, at top omitted horiz. perf + 1x omitted perforation hole in vertical centre perf; nice quality
1945 Pof.387 production flaw, London-issue 5h blue-grey, L upper corner blk-of-6 with production flaw - stěrmodrošedé color through/over 3 marginal stamps and margin; decorative
1945 Pof.387-402, War Heroes, complete set corner blk-of-4 creating miniatures, all lower corner bloks of 4 with plate number 1A; total 64 pcs of bloks of four, mint never hinged
1945 Pof.387, London-issue 5h, block of four with wide R margin and vertical perf with one bočním perforation hole from of adjacent sheet, also with additionally mounted other block of four and vytvořeno false gutter; after/around detaching this block of four on request exp. by Arbeit
1945 Pof.388, 389, 397 plate mark, War Heroes, comp. 4 pcs of corner and marginal bloks of four and one block of 8, 20h 3x various plate mark, 10h plate mark "B", value 2CZK block of four with upper margin and plate mark oblique line and "C"; mint never hinged, only 10h minor gum fault, c.v.. 2.030Kč
1945 Pof.389, 390, 396, 397 production flaw, London-issue 20h, 25h, 1CZK, 1,50CZK and 2CZK, comp. 6 pcs of blocks and stripe with production perf errors/flaws, i.a. 1CZK as blk-of-4 with significant shifted perforation to picture of stmp., 20h corner blk-of-8 with folded paper, 2CZK lower corner blok of 4 with perf folded paper; mint never hinged
1945 Pof.393 plate mark, London-issue 50h, selection of 3k marginal bloks of four and one 16-bloku with various plate marks - inverted "V" through/over "C", crossed out "C" (c.v. -,-) and 2x "C" on pos. 7/2; mint never hinged
1945 Pof.396 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 1,50CZK, three blocks of four, 2x with upper neprozoubkovaným margin - L + right/genuine and 1x with LL block of four with perforated sheet margin with plate number IB, all inverted comb perforation; c.v.. 6.500CZK
1945 Pof.396 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 1,50Kčs, complete miniature from čtyř bloks of four, inverted comb perforation, the bottom with plate number "I A", upper with rozměřovacím cross; very fine, usage complete miniatures with inverted comb perforation is rare, c.v.. 6.000CZK
1945 Pof.396OHZ, London-issue 1,50CZK violet-red, two blocks of four, 1x with upper neprozoubkovaným and 1x with bottom perforated sheet margin - both with inverted comb perf; mint never hinged
1945 Pof.397, 396 production flaw, War Heroes - paper crease in paper, value 2CZK - marginal blk-of-10 with oblique paper crease (mint never hinged), supplemented with used stamp. 1,50Kř with vertical paper crease
1945 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.403-407, 1. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, complete 100 kusové sheets; only light fold in perforation, very good condition, every sheet zabalen to voskového paper, sought archovina!
1945 Pof.403 production flaw, 1. anniv of Slovak National Uprising 1,50 Koruna red, vertical pair with production flaw - significant vertical paper crease in paper over both stamps; on/for the bottom stamp. minor faults due to paper crease, on this issue quite rare occurrence, decorative!
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, comp. 9 pcs of miniature sheets, MS pos. 1-9, from that field 2 with special postmark, exp. Novotný, in addition field 1 without plate variety on stmp 4 Koruna and official covers Povereníctva; interesting selection of, nice quality, cat. min. 4.250Kč
1945 Pof.431-432, Kozina 2,40Kčs and 4Kčs, selection of variants of coupons VK-9 and VK-10 (vertical L + R marginal 14-pásy with horseshoes), VK-6 and VK-7 (horiz. marginal horseshoe) both values, placed in clamping pockets on free album sheets; very nice quality, c.v.. 4.440Kč