1978 PLATE PROOF CDV184, World Exhibition PRAGA 1978 4,40Kト行, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors + phase print in blue color; both PLATE PROOF lightly dusky and on reverse hints after sticking in collection
1978 PLATE PROOF CDV181, Day peace 4,40Kト行, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors with pink background print, on lightly yellowy paper paper; exp. by Karasek
1980 PLATE PROOF CDV194, 31. zasedテ。nテゥ Comecon 4,40Kト行, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors with signature of author Herト催ュk, on/for white smooth paper
1983 PLATE PROOF CDV197, Congress firemen 4,40Kト行, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors with pink background print, on lightly yellowy paper; exp. by Karasek
1986 PLATE PROOF CDV206, Slテゥvテ。renskテス congress 5Kト行, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors, exp. by Karasek and 2 faze print in red and blue color + PLATE PROOF for additional printing on postcard, print incomplete gravure in black color on/for very strong carton; viewing of quality recommended
1974 PLATE PROOF COB38, Exhibition of Stamps ト郡SR-NDR 3,60Kト行, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in/at different green color, on/for strong white carton; exp. by Karasek
1966 PLATE PROOF COB19, Exhibition specializovanテスch branches 60h, plate proof - print complete gravure in/at grey-black color, 2 pcs of, various shades, both on/for strong white carton, 1 pcs of with signature Herト催ュk + color trial print on/for new typewriter WIFAG in/at Tテ售 (Technical Services), in 1966 used as sample/specimen for this stamp!; interesting
1973 PLATE PROOF COB27, Sitting Comecon 3,60Kト行, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors with signature of author Herト催ュk, on/for strong white carton
1975 PLATE PROOF COB44, Exhibition SOCFILEX 6Kト行, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors + 1 phase print with thin/light background print; both PLATE PROOF on/for strong white carton with signature of author Herト催ュk, exp. by Karasek
1977 PLATE PROOF COB51, SOCFILEX ツエ77 6Kト行, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors on stamp paper with gum!, with signature of author Herト催ュk; exp. by Karasek
1977 PLATE PROOF COB51, SOCFILEX ツエ77 6Kト行, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors, else/yet without through engraved wedge [ ヒ ] above character C, on/for strong bテュlテュm carton, exp. by Karasek + two plate proofs - gravure for envelope postal stationery cover, 1x in original colors and 1x phase print, both on/for thin/light white carton; 2 pcs of with signature of author Herト催ュk, interesting
1980 PLATE PROOF COB65, 30. Anniv POFIS 6Kト行, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors on/for strong white carton with signature of author Herト催ュk; exp. by Karasek
1980 PLATE PROOF COB67, 60. Anniv Red law 6Kト行, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors on/for strong white carton, with signature of author J. Herト催ュk and 2 various faze print gravures for single color + PLATE PROOF for envelope postal stationery cover, print complete gravure in/at definitive colors, all on/for smooth white paper
1980 PLATE PROOF COB67, 60. Anniv Red law, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors on/for strong white carton, with signature of author Herト催ュk
1982 PLATE PROOF COB72, 275. Anniv ト祁UT 6Kト行, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors, with signature of author Herト催ュk and 3 various faze print gravures + PLATE PROOF for envelope postal stationery cover, print complete gravure in/at definitive colors; all PLATE PROOF on/for smooth white paper, interesting set!
1982 PLATE PROOF COB74, Congress teachers Russian language 6Kト行, plate proof - print definitive gravure for envelope postal stationery cover + 7 pcs of various fテ。zovテスch copy-print on/for thin/light paper, major-part with blue background print
1982 PLATE PROOF COB74, Congress teachers Russian language 6Kト行, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors + phase master die only in red color + 2 various faze print in blue color for envelope postal stationery cover, from that 1 pcs of on both sides PLATE PROOF; on various sorts papers without gum
1982 PLATE PROOF COB75, Conference ITU in/at Nairobi 6Kト行, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps else/yet without wedge [ ヒ ] above character C, in original colors on/for strong white carton with signature of author J. Herト催ュk, exp. by Karasek + PLATE PROOF complete gravure for envelope postal stationery cover, in/at definitive colour making on/for smooth white paper
1982-1988 CSO1-6, complete set 6 pcs of nejstarナ。テュch Un off. envelopes, 4 pcs of (CSO1-3 and 6) inside with PF; nice quality, c.v.. 16.000CZK, interesting offer
1987 CSO5, World Exhibition PRAGA 1988, with special postmark PRAGUE 72/ PRAGA ツエ88/ 26.8.1988, incl. PF with additional-printing name/-s engineer. M. Ondrejka!, postally Un, sound condition, c.v.. 2.500CZK
1990 PLATE PROOF CSO8, Helsinkテゥ meeting, plate proof - master die else/yet without blue color on/for strong white carton, with signature of author Herト催ュk
1977 PLATE PROOF COB51, SOCFILEX ツエ77 6Kト行, plate proof - print complete gravure, definitive making stamps in original colors, else/yet without through engraved wedge [ ヒ ] above character C, on/for strong white carton with signature of author Herト催ュk
1971 J. Lukavskテス:realizovanテス design on/for ministerial novoroト稿nkuPF1972, multicolor drawing "a" collage, format 27x15cm + whole New Year card, 3-lingual text and engineer. Michael Onderka
1972 Vladimテュr Kovテ。ナ凖ュk:realizovanテス design on/for ministerial novoroト稿nku PF 1973, printing by Indian ink on/for strong white carton, format ca. 21x14,5cm, with signature of author on reverse supplemented with print 5-barevnテゥ New Year card/-s + unrealised design on/for ministerial novoroト稿nku PF 1973, printing by Indian ink on/for strong white carton, format ca. 24x18cm, with signature of author on reverse
1945-1988 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL collection of stamps (unused / used) on pages in/at 1x screw stockbook + 2x spring folder originate from abroad, incl. dobrテゥho period 50. and 60. years, supplemented with also about/by set better FDC etc..; a lot of of material
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / selection of 46 pcs of complete volumes (without miniature sheet Praga 1962, without PB and blk-of-10, does not contain separate stamp. from miniature sheets), scattered in/at transparent covers or in/at envelopes after/around volumes; sound condition
1945-1992[COLLECTIONS] GENERAL collection with duplication in 6 zテ。sobnテュch A4 + two boxes with envelopes with printing sheet and PB, from better items i.a. miniature sheet May type II., miniature sheet Bratislava 1952, also printing sheet Praga 1962, then several blk-of-10, issue Profession in blocks of four, also London MS, complete printing sheet I. art, air-mail, postage-due etc..; mainly good quality, high catalogue value, in addition supplemented with about/by several entires, FDC and commemorative sheets, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / collection on pages in glassine envelopes, contains i.a. 2-stamps. vertical and horiz. Koナ。ice-issue gutter, souvenir sheets Praga 1950, 1955, Bratislava 1952, without miniature sheet "linen", then air-mail, several black-prints and PB, i.a. II. art, sought set 50. and 60 years etc.., also Pof.A2597B unnumbered etc.., to on/for several jednotlivin complete; good quality, high catalogue value
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / semifinished specialized collection in album Lindner (also with kazetou) on/for 52 pages, contains mainly souvenir sheets according to types and fields (for example. complete Pof.A497, 930 according to types, A1308 I-XII), some types (842 ST in/at blk-of-10 aj.), plate variety, plate variety, plate number, color shades, different papers, big major-part **, obト溝s minor faults (included to sum after/behind 50 % kat.); several used items, all described, some stamps Londテスnskテスchzmト嬾ト嬾テ。 color after/around bad placing (excluded from sum), c.v.. above 57.000 CZK, it is worth seeing, cheaply offered
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / collection in/at 32-strテ。nkovテゥm stockbook, contains plate variety in big blocks, plate variety and production flaw, significant color shades (some nepublikovanテゥ), pair PLATE PROOF Pof.644 grey-blue, accidental errors on issues old currency (folded paper, stains), Pof.2647 imperforate PLATE PROOF (only HT) in/at blk-of-9, souvenir sheets with identified field or folders (Kosice MS with rings), some newer PB (for example. Mushrooms Pof.2909-2913), dagger on/for Moskevskテスch, several entires from monetary reform; all described, included to sum only catalogue item/-s (c.v.. above 21.500CZK), other matters of interest free
1945-1960 [COLLECTIONS] ZテヾOBA / in two full stockbooks A4, contains single issue and set after/behind danテゥholepナ。テュho period 50. and 60. years, often more times, also blocks of four etc.., also i.a. vertical 4-stamps Koナ。ice gutter, also i.a. 17x cancel. miniature sheet Bratislava etc..; part various quality, prevail however ** stamps, lot of of material, suitable to other elaboration
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ZテヾOBA / GENERAL COLLECTION 4x semifinished basic collection on pages on/for labels, part on hingeless pages, i.a. souvenir sheets, PB etc.., i.a. 2x Praga 1962, 1x complete I. art etc.., also with supplemented with about/by more interesting duplication 60. years in stockbook A4 and lot of stamps, miniature sheets and PB in paper bags in/at smaller filled box **; various quality, mainly *, suitable to other elaboration, placed in box, 15kg of material
1953-1990[COLLECTIONS] ZテヾOBA / big business supply of stamps mainly from 60. years, mix also other, i.a. lot of sets in/at much pcs. contains also i.a. 2x miniature sheet Bratislava 52, 3x blk-of-10 air-mail Spa 10Kト行, 3x Partisan MS etc..; all in/at new 32-sheet stockbook, c.v.. 80.000CZK
1962-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ZテヾOBA / printing sheets and miniature sheets (major major-part die-stamping from area) in 32-strテ。nkovテゥm full stockbook, attractive set in good quality, some souvenir sheets identified (also better variants); c.v.. 8.200Kト
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] PARTIE / of chosen stamps mainly with plate variety on 4 cards A4, contains i.a. Pof.716 with plate variety 20/1; 1828 with plate variety ST with plate variety and without 49/1; 1961 with plate variety 21; 2422 with plate variety 40/1; 2253 with plate variety 31/2 and 32/2; PL2369 with line perforation 13¾;, then i.a. 2x miniature sheet Prague 1950, 1x Bratislava 52 *, exile miniature sheet ** and cancel., several PB and new blk-of-10; c.v.. ca. 11.000CZK
1969-1974 [COLLECTIONS] COUNTER SHEET / selection of 28 pcs of ** complete sheets with coupons, Pof.1759, 1780-1782 (incl. plate variety 3/1), 1833, 1884-5, 2060 (incl. plate variety 1/1, 2x plate variety 3/2, 17/2), 2066, 2091-2; with once exception (1833) A also B, nト嫐dy other sheet, pナ凖ュpadnト 2 sheets other date (for example. 2091 basic print also surplus print 11. VI.!), by/on/at 2066 and 2091-2 in addition one counter sheet used exhibition cancel. (excluded from sum); c.v.. 3.390Kト
1964 [COLLECTIONS] 4-BLOKY / Pof.1353-1408, almost complete volume 1964 in blocks of four!, excepting 3 pcs of all corner, from that 20 pcs of with date of print, Pof.1372, 1375 and 1376 in addition with plate mark 21/1 (!), Pof.1372 and 1402 with production flaw + souvenir sheets Pof.A1393 and A1400 only 1x; missing 2 values 60h and 80h from issue Flowers, Pof.1377 and 1378, by/on/at block of four Pof.1379 povolenテ。 perf, in stockbook A4, c.v.. as single stamp. 1.520Kト + plate mark 420CZK, in blocks of four and with dates of print markedly more!
1966-1985 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE PROOFS comp. of more than 120 pcs of plate proofs - copy-print gravures for Czechosl. stamps, p.stat and FDC, contains complete gravure also faze print, incl. several duplication; various quality, in quite full stockbook A4