Public Auction 57 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Hradcany Issue - Trial Prints

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202677 -  PLATE PROOF  values 10h red, block of four with plate varie
PLATE PROOF values 10h red, block of four with plate variety clock in towers, pos. 91/1, full print same values also on reverse, on/for stronger paper without gum; exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
202901 -  PLATE PROOF  values 10h red Pof.5, in/at joined printing wi
PLATE PROOF values 10h red Pof.5, in/at joined printing with newspaper 2h Sokol green Pof.NV1, irregular multiblock on brownish paper without gum, through/over 1 stamp. 10h more/larger paper crease
Starting price: CZK
202456 -  PLATE PROOF  values 10h red, L the bottom corner blk-of-24,
PLATE PROOF values 10h red, L the bottom corner blk-of-24, plate 1, retouch clock on pos. 91, double impression with part of print values 1h brown; sought retouch on/for proof tiscích
Starting price: CZK
202890 -  PLATE PROOF  values 20h, plate proof in red color on chalky
PLATE PROOF values 20h, plate proof in red color on chalky paper for CDV, bar type II.; exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
202891 -  PLATE PROOF  values 20h, plate proof in brown color on chal
PLATE PROOF values 20h, plate proof in brown color on chalky paper for CDV, bar type II.; exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
202888 -  PLATE PROOF  values 20h, plate proof in/at rose color on ch
PLATE PROOF values 20h, plate proof in/at rose color on chalky paper for CDV, bar type II.; exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
202679 -  PLATE PROOF  values 75h, V. printing, plate proof in black
PLATE PROOF values 75h, V. printing, plate proof in black color on chalky paper, with different tvarem numeral(s) "7", double impression, neopracovaná plate; rare occurrence, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
202352 -  COUNTER SHEET / PLATE PROOF  plate proofs in/at whole sheet
COUNTER SHEET / PLATE PROOF plate proofs in/at whole sheets on common paper without gum, value 100h brown - complete 100 stamps sheet plate 1, double impression, value 5h light green - complete 100 stamps sheet, value 1h brown - incomplete 90 pcs of sheet (without right vertical line)
Starting price: CZK
202898 -  PLATE PROOF  values 1000h in definitive color on brownish p
PLATE PROOF values 1000h in definitive color on brownish paper without gum, with interesting mixed zoubkováním: upper stamp. line perforation + comb perforation 11½; : 13½; : 13¾; : 13½;, the bottom stamp. comb perforation 13¾; : 13½; and above upper stamp. small hints of perf 13¾;; definitely interesting!
Starting price: CZK
202678 -  trial print 1000h in black color, 2 pcs of, 1x on stamp pap
trial print 1000h in black color, 2 pcs of, 1x on stamp paper with gum, 1x on chalky paper - neopracovaná printing plate; exp. Vrba, Beneš
Starting price: CZK
199207 -  PLATE PROOF  selection of 22  pcs plate proofs in black col
PLATE PROOF selection of 22 pcs plate proofs in black color, missing values 20h and 30h V. printing, 75h and 300h, from that 12 pcs of on/for chalky, other on brownish paper without gum; all zk.Vrba
Starting price: CZK
201165 -  PLATE PROOF  selection of 37 pcs of plate proofs various va
PLATE PROOF selection of 37 pcs of plate proofs various values in black color, from that 23x on chalky paper (without value 300h), supplemented with 14 pcs of on/for ordinary browny paper; part hinged, PLATE PROOF on chalky paper exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
201807 - 1918 PLATE PROOF  selection of 42 pcs of plate proofs of the
1918 PLATE PROOF selection of 42 pcs of plate proofs of the value, 1h-1000h (without 500h - joined printing with 15h), mostly on color papers, incl. 10h green, 20h and 30h; supplemented with about/by 6 black-prints on chalky paper
Starting price: CZK
202885 -  PLATE PROOF  Pof.3Vz, 5h light green, UL corner blk-of-4 on
PLATE PROOF Pof.3Vz, 5h light green, UL corner blk-of-4 on brownish paper without gum with overprint VZOREC, plate 2, pos. 1-2/ 11-12, on pos. 1 and pos. 11 plate defects; exp. Vrba and mark Ekstein
Starting price: CZK
202886 -  PLATE PROOF  Pof.8Vz, 20h green, UR corner blk-of-4 on brow
PLATE PROOF Pof.8Vz, 20h green, UR corner blk-of-4 on brownish paper without gum with overprint VZOREC, on pos. 10 plate variety - white points before/(in front of) and after/behind "T" (POST); exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
203158 - 1918 PLATE PROOF  MACULATURE /  maculature plate proofs on s
1918 PLATE PROOF MACULATURE / maculature plate proofs on stock-sheet A4, contains i.a. almost complete set Hradčany 1h - 100h (i.a. without 500h) perf PLATE PROOF on common paper, then for example PLATE PROOF I. air-mail issue 24Kč/500h and 14Kč/200h etc..; as multiple interesting
Starting price: CZK
202791 -  [COLLECTIONS]  MACULATURE  selection of 180 pcs of plate pr
[COLLECTIONS] MACULATURE selection of 180 pcs of plate proofs in blocks of four, various values Hradčany issue, major-part in/at joined printing with other value or with other issues (for example. newspaper), several pcs also PLATE PROOF postage-due stamp.; on/for 23 album pages Stibůrek
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 57 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Hradcany Issue - Trial Prints - Information

18. 12. 1918  Hradčany - zkusmé tisky (ZT)

Vyskytuje se mnoho návrhů, zkusmých tisků poštovních známek emise Hradčany v různých barvách, na různých druzích papíru s lepem i bez lepu, část i s perforací. Lze rozlišit dvě základní skupiny zkusmých tisků (ZT):

První skupina zahrnuje zkusmé tisky, které byly zhotovené před začátkem tisku a sloužily k přípravě návrhu jednotlivých kreseb, hodnot, barev - výrobních postupů, nebo ke zjištění vad na tiskových deskách (TD) - obvykle v černé barvě.

Druhá skupina obsahuje zkusmé tisky zhotovené souběžně s tiskem známek, které sloužily ke zjištění stavu tiskových desek po jejich opravě či vyčištění.

Zkoušely se i různé varianty zoubkování.