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1978 BORN Adolf (1930-2016), important Czech painter, handwritten letter on heading paper with signature U:A4
cca 1940 FRIML Rudolf (1879-1972), important Czech composer and pianist, founder American musical theatre, signature on card with datací; signature on photograph, author světového format U:A5
1885-1897 ACTORS / "Central union Czech herectva" - document Joseph Štekra - director Štekrovy kočovné theatre company - jím filed, cancelled, with signatures lead "Union"; in addition letter first director National theatre F. A. Šuberta (used as 1883-1900) J. Muškovi, řediteli kladenského theatre; rare and historically valuable documents! U:A4
1918-1934 PLEČNIK Jože (1872-1957), architect světového format, proslul modern stavbami in Prague, Wien (Vienna) and Lublani; comp. of 12 Czechosl. and jugoslávských Ppc with his greetings and signatures, from "Prague period" (especially přestavba Prague Castle), rare set! U:A5
1937 STRAUSS III. Johann (1866-1939), important Austrian composer and conductor, grandson Joh. Strausse "Otce", autograph with date 4.XI.1937 on card with portrait; signs of age U:A5